135 research outputs found

    Kepercayaan Diri Dan Prestasi Atlet Tae Kwon Do Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepercayaan diri denganprestasi atlet Tae Kwon Do DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta). Dugaan awal yang diajukandalam penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara kepercayaan diri dengan prestasi atlet TaeKwon Do DIY. Semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri semakin tinggi pula prestasi yang dicapai.Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet Tae Kwon Do yang menempati juara satu, dua, dantiga dalam kejuaraan daerah Tae Kwon Do DIY yang diadakan di Auditorium UPN Yogyakarta.Skala yang digunakan adalah skala kepercayaan diri berdasarkan aspek yang dikemukukan olehKumara (1987). Prestasi Tae Kwon Do dilihat dari data hasil kejuaraan.Metode analisis data dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan fasilitas program SPSSversi 11 for windows. Teknik analisis menggunakan chi-square yang menunjukkan koefisien chisquare23,847 dengan p = 0,002 (p < 0,01) yang artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antarakepercayaan diri dengan prestasi atlet Tae Kwon Do DIY. Jadi hipotesis penelitian diterima

    Agile Project Management: Implementattion of Agile Working System in Bank Daya Usaha Sharia

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    Bank Daya Usaha Sharia as one of player in banking industry, experiencing with intense competition along with digitalization trend in banking industry so that competitor not only came from other bank but also come from internet and telecommunication industry. Bank Daya Usaha Sharia internally have treat which is slow to access or penetrate the market so that selected agile project management as working system because the methodology or approach already proven. Research questions related to condition Bank Daya Usaha Sharia are which working unit can implementation agile project management, what kind of agile methodology that is relevance and how agile project management can be implemented or what kind of factor influenced. Based on those questions, this research have objective to find out which working unit can implemented agile project management with relevance agile methodology and find out factors influenced that implementation. This research using qualitative research approach through interview, interview has conducted for eight (8) respondents, which is employee at Bank Daya Usaha Sharia at many level of position from department head, division head and director. With this interview, expected discover information about type project, project characteristic, project strategy and factors influenced in implementation agile project management. To determine type of project and project characteristic, use an approach Project Characteristic Quadrants by Goal and Solution Uncertainty, while to determine project strategy using approach Project Management Strategies Based on Complexity and Uncertainty. This research only conducted for four (4) working unit, among others Human Capital, Internal Audit, Business Risk &amp; Development and Business Planning. Based on interview result and analysis, there are conclusions, such as working unit that possible implemented Agile Project Management are Human Capital, Business Risk &amp; Development and Business Planning with Agile Methodology SCRUM, while Internal Audit more appropriate to implemented traditional project management. Thirteen (13) factors influenced in Agile Project Management implementation such as requirement, goals, solutions, team members, collaborative, directions, adapt to change, empowerment, agile mindset and organization drive. While reason why Bank Daya Usaha Sharia selected Agile Project Management as working system and implemented at current are competition, investment and best practice

    Optimasi Rancang Bangun Alat Pemeras Sari Buah Jeruk dengan Menggunakan Motor Berdaya 132 Watt

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    Guna mendukung UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) dan memberikan kemudahan pada setiap orang yang akan membuat sari buah jeruk dimana alat yang sejenis telah ada tetapi belum menggunakan motor sehingga dapat menghemat waktu dan tenaga maka dirancang alat berkapasitas dengan hasil optimal dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara kebutuhan pemakai serta metode perhitungan terhadap modeling rancang bangun dengan sistem perputaran sebagai pemerasnya dan cara kerjanya digerakkan oleh motor listrik yang mana dayanya ditransmisikan ke pencekam buah jeruk yang berfungsi agar perputaran terpusat pada keseluruhan dinding buah jeruk. Adapun output yang didapat dari 25 buah jeruk 320 ml/menit dengan diameter buah jeruk 65 mm, sedangkan untuk 32 buah jeruk dengan diameter buah jeruk 70 mm didapat 250 ml/menit dengan daya motor listrik 132 watt, dengan putaran 1500 Rpm

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Simulasi Penggunaan Kamera Dslr Berbasis Multimedia

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    Perkembangan dunia fotografi saat ini sudah mulai mengarah ke level yang berbeda dalam pendekatannya kepada manusia. Berbagai perangkat fotografi yang mendukung untuk tersampaiknnya kepada manusia sudah semakin canggih. Sarana untuk mempelajari kamera selalu berkembang setiap waktu. Kamera merupakan salah satu alat fotografi yang banyak diminati. Bagi pemula yang ingin belajar tentang fotografi banyak kendala yang dihadapi, yaitu terbatasnya waktu dan biaya untuk mengikuti sekolah atau seminar tentang fotgrafi, kurangnya pemahaman pemula mengenai pengaturan dasar kamera DSLR, seperti iso, aperture dan shutter speed dan kurangnya pemahaman tentang fungsi menu pada kamera DSLR tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut perlu adanya suatu aplikasi yang dapat membantu pemula dalam belajar dasar-dasar penggunaan kamera DSLR yang mudah dipahami dan dijalankan oleh pemula yang ingin belajar fotografi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah rancang bangun aplikasi simulasi penggunaan kamera DSLR berbasis multimedia. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature, metode interview atau wawancara. Aplikasi ini dibangun menggunakan metode Waterfall yaitu analisis, perancangan sistem, implementasi sistem dan pengujian sistem. Pada pengujian sistem menggunakan metode black box test dan alpha test. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, maka dihasilkan sebuah aplikasi multimedia sebagai media pembelajaran tentang dasar-dasar penggunaan kamera DSLR bagi pemula yang ingin belajar tentang fotografi. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba tersebut dapat dismpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu pemula yang ingin belajar fotografi tanpa harus memiliki kamera DSLR terlebih dahulu

    Factors Associated with the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Health Center Islands Selatpanjang Meranti

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    Incidence og dengue in the region of the district health center island Selatpanjang Meranti as 129 cases. Of 2 and 6 rural villages, urban villages, especially the city Selatpanjang RW 09 and RW 10 and RW particular village east Selatpanjang 01 and RW 02 includes areas with the highest cases of health centers in the region of Selatpanjang. The purpose of the study to determine the factors associated with the incidence of dengue in Selatpanjang Meranti Islands. Quantitative research conducted with cross-sectional research design. The sample in the study of 167 respondents. The sampling technique using simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires and direct observation. Test statistics with chi square test at 95% confidence level. The results showed no relationship between respondents knowledge of dengue, the presence of aedes aegypti larvae in containers, the shelter is closed on the availability of water and frequency of draining water reservoirs daily use with the incidence of dengue in the district health center island Meranti Selatpanjang 2012. While the habit of hanging clothes no association with the incidence of dengue in the district health center island Selatpanjang Meranti of 2012. It is expected that further intensify the health center larva periodic inspection activities, as well as for the community to pay more attention to the activities and the implementation of PSN plus 3M-DBD independently and regularl

    Characteristics of Solar Still with Heat Exchangers on The Cover Glass

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    Drinking water is one of the main needs of human life. Water sources do not always have the feasibility to drink. Distillation is one way to obtain potable water. Distillation can influence on drinking water quality. Low performance is a major problem in distillation. One way to improve performance is by increasing the input water temperature. One way to increase the input water temperature by utilizing heat energy on the cover glass. This study aims to improve the performance of solar energy water distillation and input water temperature by a heat exchanger. This research method is experimental. The measured variables are absorber temperature in the distillation model (T1), glass temperature (T2), ambient temperature (Ta), amount of distilled water produced (m) and heat energy coming from solar energy (G). This research uses variations, namely with a white or black heat exchanger and without heat exchanger. Water quality tested using 4 parameters such as microbiology, inorganic chemistry, physical and chemical. Based on this study, the best results produced by a black heat exchanger using a water flow rate of 2 l/h which produce distillation water 422 ml (480 ml/(m2.h)) and efficiency value of 79.74%. While the best results using white heat exchanger is using 0.7 l / hour water flow rate which produces distillation water of 497 ml/(m2.h) and efficiency value of 82.63%, Distilled water has increased in quality even though it has not met the standards No. 492 of 2010Keywords: distillation, solar energy, glass cover, water quality, efficienc

    The Impact of Interethnic Marital Relation on the Dynamics of Interdependence: a Phenomenological Finding From Javanese and Chinese Couples in Indonesia

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    Javanese and Chinese Indonesians (Tionghoa) ethnicity both emphasize the importance of social harmony in their relations. Does it exist in intermarriage of these two ethnics? The present study describes the existence of interdependence and its dynamics in the marital relation between Chinese Indonesian women and Javanese men by applying qualitative method with phenomenology approach on 24 married couples in Solo and Yogyakarta. The result shows that interdependence manifestation in interethnic marriage includes identity establishment, the use of power, and the utilization of resources. Identity establishment consists of fused identity, layered identity, attributed identity, and value-focused identity. The use of power exists in variations of hierarchy, domination, and versatile. The utilization of resource shows the variations of communal-sharing, transaction, and domination. Interdependence dynamics between husband and wife manifest in interpersonal level which emphasizes the role of trust and distrust, intrapersonal level which is expressed in affection toward spouse, transcendetal level which is voiced in the role of trust toward transcendental agents, and intergroup level which is pointed to role of meta-relational model of extended famil


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate Na-montmorillonite (Na-MMT) intercalated medium molecular weight (MMW) chitosan as an oral drug delivery vehicle for In Vitro release of theophylline sustained release tablet. Methods: Montmorillonite (MMT) clay were synthesized into Na-MMT and treated with chitosan. Combination becomes synthesis of Na-montmorillonite intercalated MMW chitosan. Parameters tested including MMT characterization as well as already intercalated using XRD, FTIR and SEM. Tablets were prepared using the wet granulation method. The physical properties evaluation was conducted on granules and tablets. Dissolution test used apparatus II USP model with 100 rpm of speed rotation for 6 hours and phosphate buffer pH 7.2 as a medium. Absorbance of the sample was measured on a spectrophotometer. Results: XRD spectra results showed 15.43 Ã… MMT basal spacing. Na-MMT was synthesized and distance between the layers value was 15.225 Ã…, this was because the smaller size of impurity cations than Na+ cation. After intercalation with chitosan, distance between layers became wider to 15.94Ã…. Characterization results with FTIR spectra on MMT intercalated MMW chitosan exposed similarities with Na-MMT, small shift was occurred. This indicated that intercalation with chitosan did not change the structure of Alumina silicate MMT. However, the physical properties of the granule were not affected by any difference of components formula. Tablets physical properties still meet the reference requirements. Tablets with dissolution efficiency has different values with different composition formulas. Conclusion: Characteristics of the MMT, Na-MMT, Na-MMT intercalated MMW chitosan did not change much. The intercalation process of Na-MMT with chitosan further accelerates drug release compared to MMT and exhibited a prolonged release as compared to the pure drug without MMT

    Kajian Model Matematis Koefisien Perpindahan Massa Pada Ekstraksi Inaktivasi Enzim Gaultherase Untuk Produksi Gaultherin Dari Gandapura

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    Gandapura merupakan spesies tanaman yang mengandung total salisilat dengan konsentrasi sangat tinggi. Sebagian besar salisilat yang terdapat pada tanaman gandapura berada dalam bentuk aktif yang disebut gaultherin, merupakan konjugasi metil salisilat dengan disakarida. Ketika jaringan tumbuhan tersebut rusak atau terkoyak, gaultherin akan terhidrolisa secara enzimatis oleh enzim gaultherase menjadi metil salisilat dan terlepas. Gaultherin memiliki sifat-sifat yang menjadikannya sebagai kandidat terbaik natural aspirin, anti kanker, anti inflamatory dan cardiopulmonary. Aktivitas gaultherase diyakini dapat terhambat dengan penambahan senyawa polar. Oleh karenanya, perlu menela'ah produksi gaultherin dari tanaman gandapura melalui teknologi bioekstraksi inaktivasi enzim gaultherase dengan pelarut polar. Pelarut polar ini akan berfungsi ganda, yaitu inaktivasi enzim sekaligus mengekstrak gaultherin. Bioekstraksi ini memiliki keunggulan, karena dapat meringkas tiga tahapan proses sekaligus, yaitu proses inaktivasi enzim gaultherase, proses ekstraksi, dan proses dehidrasi osmosis. Namun demikian, keberhasilan proses ini masih bergantung pada laju perpindahan gaultherin ke fasa etanol. Oleh karenanya, perlu menela'ah penyusunan model empirik perpindahan massa solut ke fasa pelarut proses inaktivasi enzim gaultherin. Kata Kunci: perpindahan massa, inaktivasi, gaultherase, gaultherin, gandapura
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