31 research outputs found

    Germination of Tisuk (Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb.) Seed at Several Treatments of Lighting Period, Pre-germination and Storage

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    Tisuk (Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb.) is a potential fast growing species to cultivate in a forest community and forest plantation. This species has strong seed dormancy that causing  its germination becomes obstacle in seedling procurement. The aim of this research was to determine the response of tisuk seed germination on the several lighting periods, pre-germination treatment, and storage rooms by using 4 tisuk populations (Sumedang, Ciamis, Pemalang and Malang) in Java.  Randomized completely design was used to test the optimum lighting periods, pre-germination treatments, and storage rooms for tisuk seeds. The result showed that lighting periods was the only treatment which affected significantly the seedlot from Pemalang. Seed germination testing of tisuk in laboratory was preferred to use lighting period of 8 hours light and 16 hours dark. Tisuk seed is categorized as orthodox with strong dormancy level so the seed germination capacity and speed without pre-germination treatment were very low that is  ranged between  5.5 percent ─̶ 8.3 percent and 0.62 percent-etmal─̶ 0.91percent-etmal, respectively. Pre-germination treatment by soaking the seeds in  H2SO4 for 30 minutes was able to increase germination capacity and speed for all seedlots from 4 different populations with germination capacity and speed ranges of 62.5 percent ─̶ 71.3 percent and 7.58 percent-etmal ─̶ 9.75 percent-etmal, respectively. Tisuk seed of all the  populations were  deteriorating during storage and seed with the lower moisture content had better storability. The seed germination could be maintained better in Dry Cold Storage than in a refrigerator and ambient room

    Pengaruh Filtrat Cendawan Aspergillus SP. Dan Fusarium SP. Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria)

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    Fungi are one of the main causes of damage to seeds. Fungi can be a pathogen or saprophyte such as Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium sp. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of filtrate fungus Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp on seed viability and seedling growth performance of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria). The experiment design used was the Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with treatment: control, filtrate of Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp filtrate. Each treatment was repeated 4 times. Variables measured include germination, percent of live seed, height, diameters, biomass, root shoot ratio, and the index quality seeds. The results showed that the fungus Aspergillus sp filtrate and Fusarium sp significantly affect seed germination, life percent, height, diameter, NPA, IMB, and biomass of seedlings Sengon. The filtrate of fungus Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp may cause the decrease in seed viability and seedling vigor of Sengon

    Pengaruh Periode Konservasi dan Perlakuan Priming terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Kesambi (Sleichera Oleosa)

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    Setelah pemanenan, umumnya benih mengalami penyimpanan sementara (periode konservasi). Periode konservasi bertujuan untuk mengkondisikan benih mencapai potensi optimum sebelum mendapatkan penanganan lanjutan, misalnya memberikan perlakuan priming. Prinsip priming adalah mengaktifkan sumber daya internal dan sumber daya eksternal dalam memaksimumkan pertumbuhan kecambah melalui laju pengaturan penyerapan air oleh embrio. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh periode konservasi dan perlakuan priming terhadap kemampuan perkecambahan benih kesambi. Penelitian dianalisis dengan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial, faktor utama adalah periode konservasi (A) dan priming (B). Periode konservasi terdiri dari : 0, 4, 8 dan 12 minggu pada suhu kamar (t = 25o - 27oC, RH = 80 - 90%), sedangkan taraf priming adalah : tanpa priming (kontrol), hidrasi - dehidrasi dengan H2O, PEG 6000 (- 5 dan - 10 bar), KNO3 (- 5 dan - 10 bar) dan abu gosok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa priming-matriconditioning dengan abu gosok merupakan perlakuan terbaik meningkatkan kapasitas perkecambahan, sedangkan penggunaan PEG dan KNO3 berakibat buruk. Benih kesambi memiliki sifat pemasakan lanjutan (after ripening) sehingga membutuhkan penyimpanan sementara sebelum dikecambahkan

    Pengaruh Cendawan Aspergillus SP. Dan Fusarium SP. Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Swietenia Macrophylla

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh infeksi cendawan Fusarium sp. dan Aspergillus sp. terhadap viabilitas benih, pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter bibit S. macrophylla umur 1 bulan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan: kontrol, inokulasi Aspergillus sp. dan inokulasi Fusarium sp. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Parameter yang diukur meliputi daya kecambah, pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter bibit umur 1 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi Fusarium sp. dan Aspergillus sp. menurunkan viabilitas benih S. macrophylla hingga mencapai 36,75% untuk Fusarium sp. dan 15,75% untuk Aspergillus sp. Inokulasi cendawan Fusarium sp. dan Aspergillus sp. berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter bibit S. macrophylla umur 1 bulan

    Karakteristik Tapak, Benih Dan Bibit 11 Populasi Jabon Putih (Anthocepalus Cadamba Miq.)

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    White jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) is a potential fast-growing tree species which naturally distributed in most of Indonesia islands. The study aims to assess the characteristic of site and morphophysiological variation of seeds and seedlings of white jabon. The seeds were collected from 11 natural populations, i.e. Sumatera (3 populations), Java (2 populations), Nusa Kambangan (1 population), Kalimantan (2 populations), Sulawesi (2 populations), and Sumbawa (1 population). The research revealed that white jabon naturally grows at elevations ranging from 23–628 m asl, pH 4.4–6.7 and in the low to high soil fertility condition. Significant differences were found for all fruits, seeds and seedling characters except for radicle length. The fruit morphological characters showed significant positive correlations with several seedling growth characters. Seed length was positively correlated with mean time of germination and radicle length. Most of the seed and seedling characters were not significant correlation with geo-climate variables of the populations. Percentage of genotypic coefficient of variance for all of the parameters was higher than percentage of environmental coefficient of variation

    Pengaruh Ruang Simpan, Media Simpan dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Viabilitas Propagul Rhizophora mucronata

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    The potention of mangrove forests in Indonesia has been decreasing. Therefore, rehabilitation is necessary in order to maintain sustainability of forest ecosystems. One of the efforts is the replanting of mangrove forest. The success of planting depends on the availability of seed. Seeds can not be obtained any time if needed so that storage seed is necessary for seed viability can be maintained within a certain time period until the time of planting arrives. The problem has been arise because of   Rhizophora mucronata is a recalcitrant seed, which is at certain moisture content that relatively high, the propagule tend to be easy to germinate and if the moisture content is low, the propagule will be die or loss of their viability. This study aims to investigate the influence of storage media, storage room and time of storage on propagules viability of R. mucronata and to compare between  the germination from the rapid test (cutting test) and the germination from the direct test.This study used a factorial experiment with completely randomized design (CRD) factorial 5x2x2 with 3 replicates. The details of the factors are: factor A (time of storage) consists of A0 (0 weeks), A1 (1 week), A2 (2 weeks), A3 (3 weeks), and A4 (4 weeks); factor B (storage room) consists of B1 (AC room) and B2 (living room); and factor C (storage media) consists of C1 (sawdust) and C2 (coconut husk).The data collected is the result of cutting test from propagule, the percentage of rooted propagule (PB), moisture content (MC), germination (DB), germination value (NP), the growth rates (KT), shoot and root ratio (NPA). Based on these results, the influence of interaction between storage time, storage room and storage media caused significant differences on germination propagule R. mucronata. The influence of interaction between storage time and storage room caused significant differences to the percent of rooted from propagule R. mucronata. The influence of storage time and storage media caused significant differences in seedling roots to shoot ratio of R. mucronata. In this study, coconut husk media storage that is placed in the air conditioner room capable to maintaining the viability of propagule R. mucronata until the time of storage for 4 weeks. The result of estimation methods viability propagule R. mucronata with cutting test is relatively similar with the directly propagul germination test results