17 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Bakteri Resisten Merkuri Pada Urine, Feses Dan Kalkulus Gigi Pada Individu Di Kecamatan Malalayang, Manado, Sulawesi Utara

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    : Consumption of shells, fishes and some sea mammals is one of the main track in which people get contaminated by mercury. Mercury is neurotoxin and is very harmful for human body. Mercury accumulation in human body resulted in bacteria adapting and its being resistance to mercury. Objective: To detect the existence of bacteria that can live in the environmental condition contaminated by mercury and to identify mercury resistance bacteria on urine, feces and dental calculus of individual in district Malalayang, Manado, North Sulawesi. Method: This research employs explorative descriptive research design. The sample of the study is the mercury resistance bacteria on urine, feces, and dental calculus in district Malalayang, Manado, North Sulawesi. The study is begun conducted in October and end in December 2013. The study is begun done by isolating mercury resistance bacteria on Broth Nutrient containing HgCl2 and Phenylmercury, continued by morphology testing, physiology testing and biochemistry testing in Biotechnology Laboratory of MIPA faculty of Sam Ratulangi University. Result: There are mercury resistance bacteria on urine, feces and dental calculus taken from individual in district Malalayang. There are 3 genus of Bacteria founded, which are E. Coli, Staphylococcus and Bacillus sp. In this study, the highest level of bacteria resistance on mercury conducted on HgCl2 concentration of 10 ppm, 20 ppm and 40 ppm is on concentration of 40 ppm. On Phenylmercury with concentration of 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20 ppm is on concentration of 20 ppm

    Gender Stereotypes in the Ironical Female Detective Novels.

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    Darbs ir veltīts dzimtes stereotipu pētījumam ironiskajos sieviešu detektīvu tekstos. Autors veic tipisko varoņa-izmeklētāja, varoņa-noziedznieka, kā arī viņu palīgu un otrā plāna varoņu salīdzinājumu analīzi trijos tekstos: „Naduvnaja ženšina Kazanovi” Darja Doncova, „Otpusk na tot svet” Anna un Sergejs Litvinovi un „Bešenaja” Aleksandrs Buškovs. Īpaša uzmanība tiek pievērsta varoņu stereotipisko īpašību izvēlei un to nozīmei teksta uzbūvē. Pētījums var ieinteresēt filologus, kuri nodarbojas ar līdzīgu problemātiku, kā arī visus lasītājus, kas interesējas par doto jautājumu.The bachelor paper is devoted to the research of the gender stereotypes in the texts of ironical female detective novels. The author carries out the comparative analysis of the typical images of a character of an inspector, a character of a villain, as well as of their assistants and minor characters in three different texts: «Naduvnaya zhenshina Kazanovi» by Darya Dontsova, «Otpusk na tot svet» by Anna and Sergey Litvinovy and «Beshenaya» by Alexander Bushkov. The special attention is paid to the origin of the stereotypical qualities of the characters and their role in the creation of the text. The present research can be interesting to philologists who are engaged into the similar studies, and also to all types of readers interested in the discussed issue

    Gender Stereotypes in the Historical Detective Novels.

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    Darbs ir veltīts dzimtes stereotipu pētījumam vēsturiskajos detektīvu Borisa Akunina un Elenas Horvatovas tekstos. Autors veic salīdzinošu tipisko vīriešu un sieviešu dzimtes varoņu analīzi četros dažādos tekstos, kuru autori attiecās pie pretējām dzimumu grupām: Borisa Akunina „Altin-Tolobas” un „Pelagia i belij buljdog”, Elenas Horvatovas „Sezon dolgov” un „Zagovor diletantov”. Īpaša uzmanība tiek pievērsta varoņu stereotipisko īpašību izvēlei un to nozīmei teksta uzbūvē. Pētījums var ieinteresēt filologus, kuri nodarbojas ar līdzīgu problemātiku, kā arī visus lasītājus, kas interesējas par doto jautājumu.The master paper is devoted to research the gender stereotypes in the texts of Boris Akunin and Helen Horvathova historical detective novels. The author carries out the comparative analysis of the typical images of a man and woman heroesin four different texts which authors refer to the opposite gender groups: “Altyn-Tolobas” and “Pelagia i belyj buldog” by Boris Akunin, “Sezon dolgov” and “Zagovor diletantov” by Helena Horvathova. The special attention is paid to the origin of the stereotypical qualities ofthe characters and their role in the creation of the text. The present research can be interesting to philologists who are engaged into the similar studies, and also to all types of readers interested in the discussed issue

    Considering cognitive styles when teaching the language to representatives of different cultures

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    The study is devoted to the consideration of the possibilities of taking cognitive styles into account when teaching a foreign language to representatives of different cultures. In modern foreign teaching practice, the cognitive style is a fundamental variable of individual differences in the degree of mastery of the material, as well as in the degree of adequate understanding of the teacher’s explanations. The study aims to analyze the process of the cognitive functioning of an individual in connection with their behavior and subsequent changes in a certain situation and identify cognitive styles that are directly related to the expression of individual character traits and their relationship with all human properties. As the main method, the authors of the work use an integrated approach that combines the method of psychological observation, cognitive-centered and educational-centered, the questionnaire method, and other empirical methods, using appropriate models and necessary research tools. The results of the study based on the experiment carried out by the authors among foreign students reveal a set of basic cognitive styles with clearly defined characteristics. Knowledge of this system will allow teachers to increase the effectiveness of the learning process and show the most effective methods for introducing and presenting new material in the classroom. The cognitive style allows students from different cultures to be classified according to their preferred way of receiving information (perception or intuitive perception) and their preferred way of processing information and then making decisions (thinking or feeling)

    The Effect of Leaf Plasticity on the Isolation of Apoplastic Fluid from Leaves of Tartary Buckwheat Plants Grown <i>In Vivo</i> and <i>In Vitro</i>

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    Vacuum infiltration–centrifugation (VIC) is the most reproducible technique for the isolation of apoplast washing fluid (AWF) from leaves, but its effectiveness depends on the infiltration–centrifugation conditions and the anatomical and physiological peculiarities of leaves. This study aimed to elaborate an optimal procedure for AWF isolation from the leaves of Tartary buckwheat grown in in vivo and in vitro conditions and reveal the leaf anatomical and physiological traits that could contribute to the effectiveness of AWF isolation. Here, it was demonstrated that leaves of buckwheat plants grown in vitro could be easier infiltrated, were less sensitive to higher forces of centrifugation (900× g and 1500× g), and produced more AWF yield and apoplastic protein content than in vivo leaves at the same forces of centrifugation (600× g and 900× g). The extensive study of the morphological, anatomical, and ultrastructural characteristics of buckwheat leaves grown in different conditions revealed that in vitro leaves exhibited significant plasticity in a number of interconnected morphological, anatomical, and physiological features, generally driven by high RH and low lighting; some of them, such as the reduced thickness and increased permeability of the cuticle of the epidermal cells, large intercellular spaces, increase in the size of stomata and in the area of stomatal pores, higher stomata index, drop in density, and area of calcium oxalate druses, are beneficial to the effectiveness of VIC. The size of stomata pores, which were almost twice as large in in vitro leaves as those in in vivo ones, was the main factor contributing to the isolation of AWF free of chlorophyll contamination. The opening of stomata pores by artificially created humid conditions reduced damage to the in vivo leaves and improved the VIC of them. For Fagopyrum species, this is the first study to develop a VIC technique for AWF isolation from leaves

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Changes in the Brain of Children Cured of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    This study was aimed to systematize magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) presentation of toxic leukoencephalopathy, to find the correlation between method of central nervous system (CNS) leukemia prevention and changes on MRI, to find relationship between existence leukoencephalopathy on imaging and neurocognitive deficits in pediatric patients after anti-leukemic therapy. Brain MRI data of 48 children, who underwent a therapy course according to the ALL-MB intermediate risk protocol, was evaluated. In accordance with two arms of this protocol, they received either radiation therapy, or additional intrathecal administration of chemotherapeutic agents as a prevention of CNS leukemia. Also, neurocognitive tests were performed. According to the results of the performed investigation, 10 (50%) out of 20 children, who received cranial irradiation and 18 (66.6%) out of 27 patients, who received only intrathecal therapy demonstrated abnormal brain changes (leukoencephalopathy) according to MRI data. Leukoencephalopathy was mostly presented by diffuse zones and localized predominantly in the frontal and temporal lobes. There was no correlation between method of CNS prevention and the existence of leukoencephalopathy on MRI. The analysis of our data did not show significant differences in brain damage and severity of cognitive impairment depending on the type of prevention of CNS leukemia. Moreover, in this study no statistical correlation was found between leukoencephalopathy on MRI and neurocognitive impairment according to clinical tests data. Further long-term prospective studies and examinations should be performed to assess late neurotoxic effects

    Association between Polymorphisms in CFH, ARMS2, CFI, and C3 Genes and Response to Anti-VEGF Treatment in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly. The gold standard of nAMD treatment is intravitreal injections of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors. Genetic factors may influence the response to anti-VEGF therapy and result in a high degree of response variability. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of the polymorphisms in genes related to the complement system (rs2285714-CFI, rs10490924-ARMS2, rs2230199-C3, rs800292-CFH, and rs6677604-CFH) with nAMD its clinical features and optical coherent tomography (OCT) biomarkers of treatment response to anti-VEGF therapy. Genotyping by allele-specific PCR was performed in 193 AMD patients and 147 age-matched controls. A prospective study of the dynamics of changes in OCT biomarkers during aflibercept treatment included 110 treatment-naive patients. Allele T rs10490924 was associated with the increased risk of nAMD. For both rs800292 and rs6677604, carriage of the A allele was protective and decreased the nAMD risk. Associations of rs2230199 with central retinal thickness (CRT) and intraretinal cysts were revealed. The height of pigment epithelium detachment and the height of neuroretinal detachment were significantly higher in carriers of the minor allele of rs2285714, both at baseline and during treatment. The reduction of CRT was associated with higher CRT at baseline and the presence of the T allele of rs2285714. By the end of one-year follow-up the patients homozygous for the minor allele rs2285714 had significantly higher odds of the presence of anastomoses and loops and active neovascular membrane. Furthermore, minor allele carriers had decreased levels of complement factor I level in aqueous humor but not in the plasma, which may be due to the influence of rs2285714 on tissue-specific splicing. Our results suggest that the severity of AMD macular lesions is associated with rs2285714 and rs2230199 polymorphisms, which could be explained by their high regulatory potential. Patients with the minor allele of rs2285714 respond worse to antiangiogenic therapy

    Detection of C. trachomatis in the Serum of the Patients with Urogenital Chlamydiosis

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    Extragenital chlamydial complications may be associated with systemic spread of infection, but haematogenous route for C. trachomatis dissemination has not been clearly demonstrated. Here we report that serum specimens obtained from patients with chlamydiosis contain elementary bodies of C. trachomatis shown by culture and immunogold electron microscopy. We have found that 31 of the 52 patients had serum precipitates which were infective to McCoy cells. Immunostaining revealed very small inclusions resembling those reported during persistent C. trachomatis infection in vitro. DNA specimens from 49 (out of 52) patients with chlamydiosis gave positive PCR readings. The viability of the pathogen present in the sera was confirmed by chlamydial RNA detection in the cell monolayer inoculated by the serum precipitates. By using DNA isolation protocol from 1 mL of serum and quantitative TaqMan PCR, it was estimated that bacterial load in patients’ sera was 2×102–103 GE/mL. These findings for the first time demonstrated that C. trachomatis can be disseminated directly by the plasma, independently from blood cell, which may represent a new possible pathway of the chronic infection development. Therefore, new methodological approaches for detection of C. trachomatis in the serum of patients with complicated and chronic chlamydiosis could be important in the diagnosis of the infection regardless of its anatomical localization