68 research outputs found

    Volcanology and inflation structures of an extensive basaltic lava flow in the Payenia Volcanic Province, extra-Andean back arc of Argentina

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    El flujo de lava El Puesto se localiza en la Provincia Volcánica de Payenia (centro-oeste de Argentina), tiene una longitud de 70 km y se emplazó en el Pleistoceno medio (0,200±0,027 Ma). La colada muestra una estructura de flujos pahoehoe tipo “P” y exhibe numerosas estructuras de inflación como túmulos, dorsales de inflación y elevaciones de techo plano. Los pozos y las fracturas radiales o anulares de inflación son rasgos comunes asociados a estas estructuras. La colada El Puesto se movilizó sobre una pendiente suave (≈0,5 °) que favoreció la coalescencia lateral de lóbulos en el frente de la colada y el desarrollo de una corteza externa rígida que aisló térmicamente el núcleo de lava líquida. Los túneles de lava son frecuentes y el túnel de lava conocido como “Cueva de Halada”, situado en la porción media del flujo, es un excelente ejemplo de un túnel maestro drenado que se formó a partir del enfriamiento de la corteza externa alrededor de un flujo inflado estable. Los alineamientos de túmulos y las extensas dorsales de inflación revelan la existencia de túneles mayores sin drenar en el interior del flujo. Las estructuras de inflación pueden concentrarse en fajas alargadas que convergen hacia una única faja principal, lo que se interpreta como producto de una red anastomosada de vías internas de transporte del flujo dentro del cuerpo de lava principal. El desarrollo de estructuras de inflación y túneles de lava requieren de tasas de efusión moderadas a bajas. Se estimó una tasa promedio de suministro de lava de 1,8x10-4 m3 /s y un tiempo de inflación de aproximadamente 15 días para un túmulo típico de esta colada. Se infirió un suministro alto y sostenido de lava de baja viscosidad (η’=1550-483 Pa s) que inicialmente generó un flujo tabular de gran extensión areal. La reducción en las tasas de efusión permitió luego, el desarrollo de túneles a través de los cuales la lava se transportaba hacia los frentes distales, generando fenómenos de inflación localizada en todo el ámbito de la colada.The El Puesto lava flow is located in the Payenia Volcanic Province (central-western Argentina), has a length of 70 km and is Middle Pleistocene in age (0.200±0.027 Ma). The flow shows a P-type pahoehoe structure and exhibits several inflation structures, mainly tumuli and also inflation ridges and lava rises. Lava rise pits and radial or annular clefts are common features associated with inflation structures. The gentle slope on which the flow moved (≈0.5°) allowed the lateral coalescence of lobes at the flow front and the development of an external rigid crust that insulated the liquid core. Lava tunnels are frequent and the lava tunnel named “Cueva de Halada” which is located at its medium portion is the best example of a drainage master tube which formed from the cooling of the crust around a stable inflated flow. Tumuli alignments and long inflation ridges reveal the existence of larger tunnels within the flow. Inflation structures may occur in high concentration belts that converge on a single main belt which is assigned to an anastomosed network of internal flow pathways within the main lava body. The development of inflation structures and lava tunnels require low to moderate effusion rates. An average lava supply rate of 1.8x10-4 m3 /s and an inflation time of about 15 days were estimated for an average tumulus of this flow. A high and sustained supply of low viscosity lava (η’=1550-483 Pa s) was inferred that initially generated a sheet flow of great areal extension. The reduction in effusion rates could then allowed the development of tunnels that carried lava to the distal fronts, generating localized inflation phenomena throughout the lava flow.Fil: Bernardi, Mauro Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Bertotto, Gustavo Walter. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Ponce, Alexis Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Orihashi, Yuji. University Of Tokyo; JapónFil: Sumino, Hirochika. University Of Tokyo; Japó

    Volcanology and geochronology of very long Neogene-Quaternary basaltic flows from southeast Payenia, central-west Argentina

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    Las coladas de lava basáltica consideradas en este estudio, se encuentran localizadas en el sureste de la provincia volcánica de Payenia, Argentina, y presentan longitudes variables entre 40 y 181 km. Estas exhiben secciones transversales caracterizadas por cortezas vesiculares externas que envuelven un núcleo masivo portador de estructuras vesiculadas por lo que fueron definidas como flujos pahoehoe de tipo P. En base a su topografía superficial se establecieron 2 tipos de flujos: laminares y hummocky. Los primeros se emplazaron a través de inflación y coalescencia lateral de lóbulos en el frente del flujo, dando lugar a coladas de techos planos y gran amplitud lateral. Los segundos exhiben un microrelieve otorgado por estructuras de inflación local (e.g., túmulos). Se propone que las coladas se emplazaron inicialmente como flujos laminares bajo un régimen de altas tasas de efusión sobre pendientes de bajo ángulo (<1,5º) sometidas a un proceso de inflación generalizado. La reducción gradual del suministro lávico restringió la circulación de lava a una red interna de túneles que condujo a procesos de inflación localizados. Se plantea además que el notable desarrollo longitudinal de estas coladas es el resultado del transporte de lava a través de túneles en conjunto con muy bajos valores de viscosidad (9 a 38 Pa s) y tasas de enfriamiento. Nuevas edades K-Ar (unspiked) para algunas de las coladas de lavas estudiadas indican valores de 2,85±0,18 Ma (colada Pampa de Luanco), 0,862±0,056 Ma (colada basal de la Meseta Basáltica Valle del Colorado) y 0,200±0,027 Ma (colada El Puesto), que en conjunto con datos radimétricos previos permiten establecer un lapso de tiempo comprendido entre los ~5 Ma y ~0,2 Ma para la emisión de estos flujos lávicos.Volcanology and geochronology of very long Neogene-Quaternary basaltic flows from southeast Payenia, central-west Argentina. The basaltic lava flows located in the southeast of Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina, show lengths between 40 and 181 km. These flows have transversal sections characterized by external vesicular crusts that surround a massive core hosting vesiculated structures. These characteristics defined them as P-type pahoehoe flows. Based on their surface topography, 2 types of flows were determined: sheet flows and hummocky flows. The first were emplaced through inflation and lateral coalescence of lobes in the front of the flow, giving rise to flat roofs and large lateral width. The second ones exhibit a microrelief given by local inflation structures (e.g., tumuli). It is proposed that the lava flows were initially emplaced as sheet flows on low angle slopes (<1.5º), under a regime of high effusion rates which led to a generalized inflation process. The gradual reduction of the lava supply restricted the circulation of lava to an internal network of tunnels that led to localized inflation processes. It is further stated that the remarkable longitudinal development of these flows is the result of the lava delivery through tunnels together with very low viscosity values (9 to 38 Pa s) and low cooling rates. New K-Ar (unspiked) ages were obtained for some of the flows with values of 2.85±0.18 Ma (Pampa de Luanco flow), 0.862±0.056 Ma (basal flow of the Valle del Colorado Basaltic Plateau) and 0.200±0.027 Ma (El Puesto flow) while in conjunction with other previous radiometric data, a time lapse between ~5 Ma and ~0.2 Ma was established for the emission of these flows.Fil: Bernardi, Mauro Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Bertotto, Gustavo Walter. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Orihashi, Yuji. University of Tokyo; JapónFil: Sumino, Hirochika. University of Tokyo; JapónFil: Ponce, Alexis Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; Argentin

    Trans-vertebral Regional Cooling for Spinal Cord Protection during Thoracoabdominal Aortic Surgery : An Experimental Study

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    We developed a simple cooling method for spinal cord protection against ischemic injury during aortic surgery. The neuroprotective effects of our method were investigated using an animal study. Selective spinal hypothermia was produced by means of originally-designed cooling pads placed over the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebral column. Spinal cord ischemia was induced by cross-clamping the thoracic aorta for 60 min in beagle dogs. The neuroprotective effects were evaluated by a multi-modal study. The motor-evoked potentials of the spinal cord resulting from transcranial electric stimulation (MEPs) were recorded during both the ischemic and reperfusion periods. Hindlimb motor function was graded with the Tarlov score, and a histologic examination of the spinal cord injury was performed, at 24 hours after ischemia in animals undergoing hypothermia (hypothermia group: n = 7) or a sham (control group: n = 7). The spinal cord temperatures at the lower thoracic (T10) and lumbar (L3) levels decreased by -9.1°C per hour and -8.1°C per hour, respectively. The amplitude of the MEPs decreased during ischemia in both groups of animals, and significantly recovered during the early phase of aortic reperfusion in the hypothermia group. The Tarlov scores in the hypothermia and control groups were 3.3 ± 1.0 and 1.1 ± 1.5 (mean ± SD, p = 0.015), respectively. Histopathologic study revealed that ischemic injury of the lumbar cord was reduced in the animals undergoing hypothermia. Trans-vertebral regional cooling reduced ischemic spinal cord injury in a canine study. The current method is potentially feasible for clinical use, especially in view of its technical simplicity and few procedure-related complications

    A cold seep triggered by a hot ridge subduction

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    The Chile Triple Junction, where the hot active spreading centre of the Chile Rise system subducts beneath the South American plate, offers a unique opportunity to understand the influence of the anomalous thermal regime on an otherwise cold continental margin. Integrated analysis of various geophysical and geological datasets, such as bathymetry, heat flow measured directly by thermal probes and calculated from gas hydrate distribution limits, thermal conductivities, and piston cores, have improved the knowledge about the hydrogeological system. In addition, rock dredging has evidenced the volcanism associated with ridge subduction. Here, we argue that the localized high heat flow over the toe of the accretionary prism results from fluid advection promoted by pressure-driven discharge (i.e., dewatering/discharge caused by horizontal compression of accreted sediments) as reported previously. However, by computing the new heat flow values with legacy data in the study area, we raise the assumption that these anomalous heat flow values are also promoted by the eastern flank of the currently subducting Chile Rise. Part of the rift axis is located just below the toe of the wedge, where active deformation and vigorous fluid advection are most intense, enhanced by the proximity of the young volcanic chain. Our results provide valuable information to current and future studies related to hydrothermal circulation, seismicity, volcanism, gas hydrate stability, and fluid venting in this natural laboratory

    Discovery of New Hydrothermal Activity and Chemosynthetic Fauna on the Central Indian Ridge at 18°–20°S

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    Indian Ocean hydrothermal vents are believed to represent a novel biogeographic province, and are host to many novel genera and families of animals, potentially indigenous to Indian Ocean hydrothermal systems. In particular, since its discovery in 2001, much attention has been paid to a so-called ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod because of its unique iron-sulfide-coated dermal sclerites and the chemosynthetic symbioses in its various tissues. Despite increasing interest in the faunal assemblages at Indian Ocean hydrothermal vents, only two hydrothermal vent fields have been investigated in the Indian Ocean. Here we report two newly discovered hydrothermal vent fields, the Dodo and Solitaire fields, which are located in the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) segments 16 and 15, respectively. Chemosynthetic faunal communities at the Dodo field are emaciated in size and composition. In contrast, at the Solitaire field, we observed faunal communities that potentially contained almost all genera found at CIR hydrothermal environments to date, and even identified previously unreported taxa. Moreover, a new morphotype of ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod has been found at the Solitaire field. The newly discovered ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod has similar morphological and anatomical features to the previously reported type that inhabits the Kairei field, and both types of ‘scaly-foot’ gastropods genetically belong to the same species according to analyses of their COI gene and nuclear SSU rRNA gene sequences. However, the new morphotype completely lacks an iron-sulfide coating on the sclerites, which had been believed to be a novel feature restricted to ‘scaly-foot’ gastropods. Our new findings at the two newly discovered hydrothermal vent sites provide important insights into the biodiversity and biogeography of vent-endemic ecosystems in the Indian Ocean

    Efficacy and safety of single-dose ivermectin in mild-to-moderate COVID-19: the double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled CORVETTE-01 trial

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    BackgroundTo investigate whether ivermectin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 proliferation in patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 using time to a negative COVID-19 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.MethodsCORVETTE-01 was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study (August 2020–October 2021) conducted in Japan. Overall, 248 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 using RT-PCR were assessed for eligibility. A single oral dose of ivermectin (200  μg/kg) or placebo was administered under fasting. The primary outcome was time to a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid, assessed using stratified log-rank test and Cox regression models.ResultsOverall, 112 and 109 patients were randomized to ivermectin and placebo, respectively; 106 patients from each group were included in the full analysis set (male [%], mean age: 68.9%, 47.9 years [ivermectin]; 62.3%, 47.5 years [placebo]). No significant difference was observed in the occurrence of negative RT-PCR tests between the groups (hazard ratio, 0.96; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.70–1.32; p = 0.785). Median (95% CI) time to a negative RT-PCR test was 14.0 (13.0–16.0) and 14.0 (12.0–16.0) days for ivermectin and placebo, respectively; 82.1% and 84% of patients achieved negative RT-PCR tests, respectively.ConclusionIn patients with COVID-19, single-dose ivermectin was ineffective in decreasing the time to a negative RT-PCR test.Clinical Trial RegistrationClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04703205

    XRF analysis of major and trace elements for silicate rocks using low dilution ratio fused glass

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    An X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) method to determine 10 major and 18 trace elements in silicate rocks has been investigated. The analysis is carried out on fused glass beads, containing one part rock powder, two parts of lithium metaborate/tetraborate flux and 0.3 parts of lithium n itrate by weight. Calibration lines were established using international silicate rock reference materials. The low dilution fused glass technique effectively eliminates particle size effect, and allows accurate determination of both major and trace elements from single glass beads. Analyses of standard rocks agree well with the recommended values of Imai et al.(1995) for GSJ reference materials, and with those of Potts et al.(1992) for USGS standards

    XRF analysis of major and trace elements for silicate rocks using low dilution ratio fused glass

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    Crustal growth history of the Korean Peninsula: Constraints from detrital zircon ages in modern river sediments

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    U-Pb analyses were carried out on detrital zircon grains from major river-mouth sediments draining South Korea to infer provenance characteristics and the crustal growth history of the southern Korean Peninsula, using a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS). The Korean Peninsula is located in the East Asian continental margin and mainly comprises three Precambrian massifs and two metamorphic belts in between them. We obtained 515 concordant to slightly discordant zircon ages ranging from ca. 3566 to ca. 48 Ma. Regardless of river-mouth location, predominance of Mesozoic (249–79 Ma) and Paleoproterozoic (2491–1691 Ma) ages with subordinate Archean ages indicates that the zircon ages reflect present exposures of plutonic/metamorphic rocks in the drainage basins of the South Korean rivers and the crustal growth of the southern Korean Peninsula was focused in these two periods. Comparison of detrital zircon-age data between the North and South Korean river sediments reveals that the Paleoproterozoic zircon age distributions of both regions are nearly identical, while the Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic ages exist and the Mesozoic ages are dominant in southern Korean Peninsula. This result suggests that Precambrian terrains in Korea record the similar pre-Mesozoic magmatic history and that the influence of Mesozoic magmatism was mainly focused in South Korea