542 research outputs found

    Homological blocks with simple Lie algebras and Witten--Reshetikhin--Turaev invariants

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    In this article, for any Seifert fibered homology 3-sphere, we introduce homological blocks with simple Lie algebra and prove that its radial limits are identified with the Witten--Reshetikhin--Turaev invariants. To prove it, we develop an asymptotic formula and a vanishing result of asymptotic coefficients.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Gomorrhe 1913-1915

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    On sait que Proust était passionnément dreyfusard et qu’il a largement incorporé, entre 1897 et 1899, l’Affaire en cours dans son roman inachevé Jean Santeuil. L’écrivain n’avait pourtant pas trouvé un point de vue cohérent pour affronter le sujet de l’antisémitisme. Il n’en est pas de même dans la Recherche, où la voix des antirévisionnistes est représentée à travers divers personnages fictifs. Or, à côté d’une telle écriture explicite et polyphonique, Proust semble avoir inventé une autre manière d’aborder le discours antisémite et sa propre identité juive. Métaphorique et allégorique, cette autre écriture de l’affaire Dreyfus, qui commence à émerger vers 1899, culmine avec la description de Gomorrhe dans le cycle d’Albertine. À travers une relecture du Cahier 54, édité en 2008, on propose de mettre en évidence cet aspect méconnu de l’écriture historiographique proustienne, à savoir la transposition critique du discours antidreyfusard et antisémite vers le début de la Grande Guerre.It is well known that Proust was an ardent Dreyfus supporter and that, between 1897 and 1899, he largely incorporated the ongoing Affair in his unfinished novel Jean Santeuil. However, he had not yet found a coherent point of view on the question of antisemitism. In À la recherche however, the anti-Dreyfus party is explicitly voiced through several fictional characters. It seems though that, as early as 1899, Proust found yet another way to tackle the anti-Semite discourse and his Jewish identity, that is, through metaphor and allegory. This yet unknown type of Proust’s historiographic style culminates with the description of Gomorrah in the Albertine cycle. The article describes it through a re-reading of Cahier 54 (Brepols, 2008), so as to enlighten the transposition of antisemitic and anti-Dreyfus discourses at the beginning of the Great War.Es sabido que Proust era apasionadamente dreyfusard y que incorporó profusamente, entre 1897 y 1899, el proceso en curso, en su novela inconclusa Jean Santeuil. Sin embargo, el escritor no había encontrado un punto de vista coherente para afrontar el tema del antisemitismo. No ocurre lo mismo con En busca del tiempo perdido, en donde la voz de los antirrevisionistas aparece representada a través de diversos personajes ficticios. Ahora bien, paralelamente a esa escritura explícita y polifónica, Proust parece haber inventado otra manera de abordar el discurso antisemita y su propia identidad judía. Metafórica y alegórica, esta otra escritura del proceso Dreyfus, que comienza a emerger hacia 1899, culmina con la descripción de Gomorra en el ciclo Albertine. A través de una relectura del Cuaderno 54, editado en 2008, se trata de poner en evidencia este aspecto desconocido de la escritura historiográfica proustiana, a saber : la transposición crítica del discurso antidreyfusard y antisemita en los comienzos de la Gran Guerra.Es ist bekannt, dass Proust ein leidenschaftlicher Anhänger von Dreyfus war und dass er zwischen 1897 und 1899 die laufende Affäre weitgehend in seinen unvollendeten Roman Jean Santeuil integriert hat. Zu jenem Zeitpunkt hatte er allerdings noch keine kohärente Einstellung bezüglich der Frage des Antisemitismus gefunden. In Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit hingegen kommt die antirevisionistische Partei durch diverse fiktive Charakteren zu Wort. Neben dieser expliziten und polyphonen Schreibweise scheint Proust jedoch noch eine andere Form gefunden zu haben, den antisemitischen Diskurs und seine eigene jüdische Identität anzugehen. Diese andere, metaphorische und allegorische Schreibweise über die Affäre Dreyfus, die sich ab 1899 abzuzeichnen beginnt, erreicht ihren Höhepunkt mit der Beschreibung von Gomorrhe im Zyklus von Albertine. Durch eine erneute Lektüre des 2008 veröffentlichten Hefts 54 hat der vorliegende Beitrag zum Ziel, diesen noch unbeachteten Aspekt von Prousts historiographischem Schreiben, nämlich die kritische Verlagerung des antisemitischen und anti-Dreyfus Diskurses zu Beginn des Großen Krieges darzustellen.è noto che Proust fu un fervente dreyfusard e che assorbì, fra il 1897 e il 1899, lo svolgimento dell’Affaire nel suo romanzo incompiuto Jean Santeuil. Tuttavia, lo scrittore non aveva ancora trovato un punto di vista coerente per trattare il tema dell’antisemitismo. Non così nella Recherche, in cui la voce della corrente anti-dreyfusarda viene rappresentata attraverso svariati personaggi immaginari. Ma, accanto a tale scrittura esplicita e polifonica, Proust sembra aver inventato un altro approccio al discorso antisemita e alla propria identità ebraica. Metaforica e allegorica, questa seconda rilettura dell’Affaire, che debutta intorno al 1899, culmina con la descrizione di Gomorrhe nel ciclo di Albertine. Attraverso un’analisi del Quaderno 54, pubblicato nel 2008, il saggio mette in evidenza questo aspetto poco conosciuto della scrittura storiografica di Proust, ovvero la trasposizione critica del discorso anti-dreyfusardo e antisemita prima dello scoppio della Grande Guerra.Sabe-se que Proust era apaixonadamente “dreyfusard” e que incorporou, entre 1897 e 1899, o “affaire” no seu romance inacabado Jean Santeuil. O escritor ainda não tinha encontrado um ponto de vista coerente para abordar o tema do anti-semitismo. Não é esse o caso na Recherche, onde a voz dos anti-revisionistas está representada por diversas personagens fictícias. No entanto, ao lado dessa escrita explícita e polifónica, Proust parece ter inventado uma outra maneira de abordar o discurso anti-semita e sua própria identidade judaica. Metafórica e alegórica, essa outra escrita do caso Dreyfus, que começa a emergir por 1899, culmina com a descrição de Gomorra no ciclo de Albertine. Através da releitura do caderno 54, publicado em 2008, destaca-se esse aspecto pouco conhecido da escrita historiográfica proustiana, ou seja, a transposição crítica do discurso anti-dreyfusard e anti-semita nos inícios da Grande Guerra

    The Recent Overview and Prospects of Nuclear Power Policy and Industrial Strategies in the UK, Italy and Sweden

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    European countries that had moved away from nuclear energy or frozen the construction of new nuclear power plants have begun to return to the construction due to their pursuit of low-carbon electricity sources, energy security and requirements for replacements for existing nuclear plants. Particularly, we should pay attention to developments in the UK that vowed to launch the construction of new nuclear power plants in its 2007 Energy White Paper, and in Italy and Sweden that have begun to reconsider their legal ban on new nuclear plants. These countries launched nuclear power generation development comparatively in the early stage in the world, and built solid nuclear industry infrastructure, however after that, suspended the construction of new nuclear power plants for energy-related or economic reasons. In view of recent conditions, however, they are trying to reintroduce nuclear energy or expand nuclear energy use. Given these points, the three countries are viewed as symbols of Europes return to nuclear energy.nuclear energy, nuclear power, regulation, energy security, carbon emissions

    Ophthalmic Features in Prader-Willi Syndrome Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Purpose:To investigate and compare features of diabetic retinopathy(DR)in patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome(PWS)and those without PWS.Methods:Overall, 33 PWS patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)secondary to PWS(65 eyes) and 55 age-matched patients with T2DM(109 eyes)without congenital heredity diseases were reviewed. Medical records of 65 eyes with PWS(PWS group:mean age 24.7±5.9 years)and 109 eyes without PWS (control group:mean age 22.9±6.2 years)were acquired and compared from January 2000 to November 2018. Best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA)was determined and DR scores were assigned.Results:BCVA was significantly low in PWS group compared with the controls(P<0.001). Pseudophakia was frequently observed in patients in the PWS group(P=0.024). No significant differences were found with respect to cataract(P=0.065)and DR score(P=0.77)between patients in the PWS and control groups. Investigations into the possible causes of the low BCVA in the PWS group found no significant difference regarding strabismus(P=0.065). However, significant differences were found between both groups with respect to amblyopia(P<0.01). Visual acuity examinations were incomplete in some patients with PWS because of their inability to concentrate(P<0.01).Conclusions:There was no correlation between DR progression and PWS. Lower BCVA in PWS patients was likely owing to amblyopia and incomplete visual acuity examination owing to inability of patients with PWS to concentrate

    Term delivery choriocarcinoma patient with brain and lung metastases successfully treated by etoposide, methotrexate, actomycin D, cyclophosphamide and vincristine (EMA-CO) chemotherapy.

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    It is well known that antecedent term delivery and metastasis to sites other than the lungs and vagina are high risk factors for patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Here we report on a patient with choriocarcinoma who presented with brain and lung metastases after term delivery and was treated by EMA-CO chemotherapy. A 31-year-old woman delivered a healthy infant at term. Frequent episodes of hemoptysis occurred beginning 3 weeks after the delivery. On admission to our hospital, she had lesions in the uterus, lungs and brain as well as motor aphasia and hemiplagia. The pretreatment beta-hCG level was 21,000 ng/ml and the WHO score was 16 (high-risk group). The EMA-CO regimen was administrated as first-line chemotherapy and the patient achieved complete remission after 7 courses. Treatment was terminated after 11 courses and maintained with etoposide (25 mg/day) for 6 months. The patient has remained in complete remission for more than 16 years without other adjuvant therapies. We believe that EMA-CO can currently be considered the regimen of first choice for most high-risk patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia in view of its effectiveness and excellent tolerability.</p

    Só mais cinco minutinhos : razões para o prolongamento da conclusão do curso pelo estudante de Publicidade e Propaganda da Universidade Federal do Paraná

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    Orientador: Fábio HansenMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design. Curso de Graduação em Publicidade e PropagandaO objetivo geral dessa pesquisa é o desvendar as principais razões para o atraso na integralização curricular dos estudantes de Publicidade e Propaganda da UFPR. A fim de buscar semelhanças e diferenças entre o objeto de estudo e o que já foi pesquisado, utilizou-se um referencial teórico que compreenda a juventude e a geração Y; assim como autores que discorrem sobre a formação acadêmica, o estudante, o docente e o mercado publicitário. A abordagem metodológica foi de caráter empírico e os técnicas de produção de dados foram entrevistas semi-abertas e grupo focal. Como resultados principais observa-se: o atraso reside na falta de pressão do mercado ou da família para finalizar a graduação; na desmotivação do discente, apoiados pela deficiência do ensino publicitário

    Ski jumping flight skill analysis based on high-speed video image

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    AbstractMages of the initial 40 m part of a flight of 120-m ski jumping were recorded by a fixed high-speed video camera in Hakuba Ski Jumping Stadium. The time variations of the forward leaning angle and the ski angle of attack were measured from the video image and the aerodynamic forces were calculated from kinematic data. Some correlations were investigated between the reduced jumping distance Dr, which is an initial speed corrected flight distance, and some key angles and the initial transition time, as well as those between Dr and the aerodynamic force coefficients. Jumping performance is compared between advanced jumpers and beginner jumpers

    The meaning of life for an elderly man living alone : a narrative approach

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    Aim: To improve nursing care for the elderly in order to allow them to live independently. This study has used the narrative of an elderly man to learn about what has given his life meaning.Method: Fifteen key concepts were extracted from interviews using the narrative approach.Results and Conclusions: Mr. A, now near the end of his life, has found meaning in living his life, not only for himself, but also for those around him. The elderly support their own physical and mental health,and adjust to day-to-day life. Nursing care for the elderly should watch for and support these self-supporting efforts