35 research outputs found

    Menelisik Pencegahan Pernikahan Usia Anak di kota Surakarta

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    This study aims to understand and explain efforts to prevent child marriage in Surakarta city in the study of population sociology. The areas sampled were five “Kampong KB” (Family Planning Villages) spread over five subdistricts in the city of Surakarta. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 16 informants and structured interviews with 48 informants, consisting of Family Planning Instructors (PKB), Regional Family Planning Assistants (PPKBD), parents, teenagers and government officials. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction or the selection process, simplification, abstraction and transformation of raw data, then data presentation. Conclusions and verification are carried out continuously during the study. The results showed that in the effort to prevent the practice of child marriage in Surakarta city, there were several strategies implemented by various parties, namely Family Planning Instructors (PKB), Regional Family Planning Assistants (PPKBD) and government officials, so as to form a patterns of social interaction and evolutionary processes, also known as symbolic interactionism. The strategies that are carried out include taking a cultural approach, synergy of Activity Groups, enthusiasm for achievement, building interventions, commitment and consistency in running programs, maximizing the use of social media and orderly administration. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menjelaskan upaya pencegahan pernikahan usia anak di Kota Surakarta dalam kajian ilmu sosiologi kependudukan. Wilayah yang dijadikan sampel adalah lima Kampung KB (Kampung Keluarga Berencana) yang tersebar di lima Kecamatan di Kota Surakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan 16 informan dan wawancara terstruktur dengan 48 informan, yang terdiri dari Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB), Pembantu Pembina Keluarga Berencana Daerah (PPKBD), orangtua, remaja dan aparatur pemerintah. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yakni reduksi data atau proses pemilihan, penyederhanaan, abstraksi dan transformasi data mentah, kemudian penyajian data. Penarikan kesimpulan serta verifikasi data dilakukan terus menerus selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam upaya pencegahan pernikahan usia anak di Kota Surakarta terdapat beberapa strategi yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, yakni Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB), Pembantu Pembina Keluarga Berencana Daerah (PPKBD) dan aparatur pemerintah, sehingga terbentuk suatu pola interaksi sosial dan proses evolusioner atau yang dikenal dengan interaksionisme simbolik. Adapun strategi yang dilakukan diantaranya, melakukan pendekatan budaya, sinergisitas Kelompok Kegiatan (PokTan), semangat berprestasi, membangun intervensi, komitmen dan konsistensi menjalankan program, memaksimalkan penggunaan media sosial dan tertib administrasi

    Hukum dan Sosial dalam Hubungan Kemitraan Jasa Angkutan Aplikasi Daring

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    This study analyzes the partnership relationship between Online Application Transportation Service companies (JAAD) and drivers in legal sociology. The transportation service company is an association of several capital owners to create an application-based transportation business in the network (online). Its presence is not necessarily followed by the availability of adequate statutory instruments. As a result, quite complicated legal issues arise related to the weak legal protection of partners from the JAAD company. Weak legal protection can lead to social and legal precariatization of partners by citizenship. This is important considering that the partners of the In-network Application Transportation Services (JAAD) company, of whom there are millions, are citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who are under the auspices of the constitution. This study used a qualitative research method with a normative and comparative approach to a number of laws, government regulations, and ministerial regulations. In addition, the legal sociology approach was used to obtain qualitative data related to social and legal aspects of vulnerability and resistance. The results of the study showed that JAAD requires many people to earn income but the legal protection for JAAD’s corporate partners is weak, so they tend to be disadvantaged, exploited so that partners experience social, political and legal precariatization


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami dan menjelaskan peran yang dimainkan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dalam mencegah dan mengatasi kebiasaan merokok di kalangan siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumen, observasi, dan wawancara mendalam. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan kerangka teori sistem yang dikembangkan oleh Talcott Parsons. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Dipahami sebagai sebuah sistem, sekolah tersusun atas sub-sistem ekonomi, politik, dan sosial yang dijalankan oleh aktor dengan peran spesifik namun terkait satu sama lain; (2) Pada hierarki birokrasi negara, sekolah adalah pelaksana kebijakan yang disusun oleh birokrasi di atasnya; (3) Siswa perokok terbagi atas perokok aktif, meniru teman sebaya, coba-coba, dan untuk bergaya; (4) Peran sekolah dalam mengatasi perilaku merokok siswa dijalankan oleh kepala sekolah, wakasek kesiswaan, guru BK/Konselor, dan guru wali kelas. Masih ditemukan beberapa celah yang membuat siswa dapat merokok di dalam maupun di luar sekolah seperti penjagaan dan pengawasan terhadap siswa yang kurang maksimal, tidak adanya pemberian bimbingan yang berkelanjutan, kerjasama dengan orang tua yang kurang intens, dan masih terdapat beberapa guru yang merokok di sekolah

    Proses stigmatisasi pada pengikut penghayat kepercayaan pelajar Kawruh Jiwo di Kota Surakarta: Kajian teori Stigma Erving Goffmap

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    This research is about the stigmatization that occurs in adherents of the Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo Indigenous Religious in the city of Surakarta. Stigma is given by other religious groups because it is considered different from the way religious rituals are not like most people. This study aims to describe the form of social stigma and the way adherents of the Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo Indigenous Religious belief manage the stigma given by the people of Surakarta city within the framework of Erving Goffman's sigma theory. The research method used in this research is qualitative method with the type of case study research. Data were collected by observation methods, interviews and literature studies. Researchers found that society stigmatizes adherents of Pelajar Kawruh Jjiwo by being considered a freak, considered shamans who lead to negative things, doing meaningless activities and being considered a bad example. Adherents of the Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo Indigenous Religious carry out stigma management by actively participating in community activities and carrying out activities outside the area of residence.Penelitian ini mengenai stigmatisasi yang terjadi pada penganut penghayat kepercayaan Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo yang berada di kota Surakarta . Stigma diberikan oleh kelompok beragama yang lain karena dianggap berbeda dengan cara ritual keagamaan tidak seperti kebanyakan orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bentuk stigma social dan cara penganut penghayat kepercayaan Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo mengelola stigma yang diberikan oleh masyarakat kota Surakarta dalam kerangka teori sigma Erving Goffman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini  metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Peneliti menemukan masyarakat memberikan stigma pada penganut penghayat Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo dengan dianggap sebagai orang aneh, dianggap dukun yang mengarah hal negative, melakukan kegiatan yang tidak berarti dan dianggap satu contoh yang buruk. Penganut penghayat kepercayaan Pelajar Kawruh Jiwo melakukan pengelolaan stigma dengan ikut serta aktif dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan dan melakukan kegiatan diluar daerah tinggal

    Stereotypes Against Female Online Ojek Drivers in Surakarta

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    This study investigated the stereotypes of female online motorcycle taxi drivers, who pinned the stereotype of female online motorcycle taxi drivers, and why the stereotype of female online motorcycle taxi drivers in Surakarta emerged. This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Sources of data used were primary data sources and secondary data sources—the data collected by interviews and observations. The informant retrieval technique used was snowball sampling and purposive sampling. This study indicated that (1) The stereotype of online motorcycle taxi drivers arises from a sub-culture in a society where men are closely related to masculine characteristics while women are feminine. So, working as a driver in a society closely related to masculine people creates stereotypes for women. (2) In the process, the stereotype of female online motorcycle taxi drivers appeared in most of the people who interacted with them, such as customers, fellow online motorcycle taxi drivers, and their families. (3) The reason for the emergence of a stereotype among female motorcycle taxi drivers is that women's driving proficiency is not the same as men's. In general, women who drive on a man are considered less common in some societies. Especially if the female drivers still receive orders at night, some community members and fellow male drivers consider it to be precarious and endangering to women. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana stereotip driver ojek online perempuan, siapa yang menyematkan stereotip driver ojek online perempuan dan mengapa stereotip driver ojek online perempuan di Kota Surakarta muncul. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Stereotip pada driver ojek online muncul dari adanya sub budaya dalam masyarakat bahwa laki-laki erat dengan sifat maskulin sedangkan perempuan dengan sifat feminim. Sehingga, ranah pekerjaan sebagai driver yang di masyarakat erat dengan kaum maskulin membuat munculnya stereotip pada perempuan. (2) Dalam prosesnya stereotip terhadap driver ojek online perempuan muncul pada sebagian besar orang yang berinteraksi dengannya seperti customer, rekan sesama driver ojek online dan keluarga. (3) Alasan munculnya sebuah stereotip pada driver ojek perempuan berkaitan dengan kemahiran dalam mengemudi perempuan tidak sama dengan kaum laki-laki. Secara umum perempuan yang memboncengkan seorang laki-laki dianggap kurang lazim bagi sebagian masyarakat.Terlebih jika di malam haridriver perempuan yang masih gadis masih menerima orderan hal tersebut dianggap oleh sebagian masyarakat maupun dari teman sesama driver laki-laki sangat beresiko dan membahayakan diri perempuan

    Tindakan Sosial pada Pekerja Freelance: Studi Mahasiswa Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

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    The increasing growth of creative economy actors has also encouraged high interest in jobs in the creative industry as freelance workers. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The phenomenological approach aims to describe the social actions that occur in freelance workers at ISI Surakarta. This qualitative research uses the purposive sampling technique and data collection using in-depth interviews and portfolio observation. Data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's analysis techniques, namely interactive data analysis and Max Weber's social action theory. Students who work freelance do so consciously with careful consideration of the consequences obtained from freelance work. Freelance work has also become a genetic and cultural heritage of ISI students themselves. The facts found in the field show that freelance work in the ISI Surakarta environment belongs to social acts of instrumental and traditional rationality


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    This research aims at determining the supporting factors which cause the wife to maintain the marriage after divorce and how the wife's role strategy in maintaining the family to minimize the amount of divorce in Surakarta. Divorce is seen as a failure of the husband and wife to keep the marriage together. This issue comes from their different awareness and acceptance of their duties and responsibilities within the family. This research applied a qualitative case study method. The result shows that several factors encourage the wife to maintain the marriage after divorce: getting to know each other's friends, getting her parents' blessing, knowing some husband's behaviors that she likes, and having children. The strategies used by the wife in maintaining the family to minimize divorce are: to apply self-awareness to relieve ego, create open communication between husband and children, have a separate home from parents, and implement religious and moral principles in the family

    Learning loss experience and control motive by Zillennial generation in Indonesia

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    The development of the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia affected particularly education sector in Indonesia significantly when learning loss occurs. The majority of students forced to attend online learning during the pandemic era are Generation Z (Gen Z). Gen Z is viewed as a digital natives group that can adapt quickly to online learning, but independent online learning situations make Gen Z vulnerable to experiencing learning loss. It will be interesting to find out the process of controlling learning loss done by Gen Z as digital natives. This research used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The main informant consisted of 32 students selected purposively with the criteria of those born in 2000-2008. Few in-depth interviews were conducted offline and the majority of them are conducted online. The finding of research shows particularly that the experience of Zillennial generation group (cohort) with online learning before the pandemic (Because-motives) and during the pandemic can equip them to control learning loss they feel conscious (In-order-to-motive). Another finding leads to the creation of three Gen Z Typications in online learning during the pandemic time including inconsistent, proactive, learning independence, and desperation Typication. Generation Z group exists as one generation consciously experiencing loss of learning during pandemic incidence.

    Strategi Eksistensi Toko Kelontong di Jalan Kartika Jebres Surakarta Menghadapi Tekanan Modernisasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi eksistensi toko kelontong di Jalan Kartika Jebres Surakarta dalam menghadapi tekanan modernisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengambilan informan yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam keberjalanan toko kelontong, para pemilik toko berinteraksi dengan konsumen maupun agen distributor. Dalam interaksinya, terdapat unsur-unsur yang ada pada modal sosial yakni dengan adanya sebuah relasi jaringan yang terbentuk oleh interaksi intens antara pemilik toko dengan konsumen dan agen distributor sehingga timbul rasa kepercayaan antara satu dengan yang lain. Dalam interaksinya juga terdapat nilai-nilai informal seperti salam sapa, ramah senyum yang secara sadar maupun tidak sadar akan masuk ke dalam nilai dan norma kesopanan dalam menghargai lawan bicara. Kata Kunci : Strategi, Pemilik Toko Kelontong, Modal Sosia

    Presentasi Diri Pelatih Marching Band (Studi Dramaturgi pada Marching Band Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)

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    Marching Band is the art of playing musical instruments combined with structured formation movements so that it becomes a complete performance. Being a Marching Band trainer, especially in the Marching Band UNS (MB UNS), is the same as being a teacher. The coach will form a new personality for himself when he wants to train his players. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors that cause the MB UNS trainers to form their self-presentation while in the field as well as the concepts of the front stage and back stage of the MB UNS trainers in forming their self-presentation during practice. This study used a qualitative method with a case study research design applying the dramaturgical theory perspective of Erving Goffman. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the factors that led to the formation of the self-presentation of MB UNS coaches were experience, personal reasons, and professional demands. The front stage form of the MB UNS trainers tended to be firm and disciplined, while their back stage form became more friendly