38 research outputs found

    Clinical Forensic Examination on Mass Violence’s Victim With Head and Ocular Injury (A Case Report)

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    Introduction: Clinical forensic medicine is a branch of medicine that applies medicine to uphold justice in the case of living victims. In accordance with this understanding, the handling of cases of living victims, especially victims of crime, must involve doctors in the field of forensics, in addition to doctors in other fields according to their competence. With so many cases of violent crime, a doctor must be able to provide a report on the results of the examination to the legal apparatus to assist in the judicial process. Case: A man, aged 44 years, found bruises on right eyelid, left eye, left cheek, left and right scalp; blisters on the left and right eye membranes; a cut wound on the right eye membrane and the left eyelid; bleeding under the thick membrane of the brain and swelling of the brain. Discussion: Injuries can occur as a result of violence perpetrated by criminal offenses, such as cases of theft by violence, murder, traffic accidents or ill-treatment. The doctor must be able to mention that the wound examined is caused by sharp violence, blunt force, electrical trauma, thermal trauma, chemical trauma, or other causes of trauma. Determination of the magnitude of the effect of injury to the victim, related to criminal sanctions that will be imposed on the perpetrators of criminal acts. The head is an organ that is often the target of violent blunt crimes. The brain and the surrounding layers are easily susceptible to trauma, resulting in death compared to other body parts. The wound is in accordance with Criminal Code article 90 concerning serious injuries, which results in injuries that do not give any hope of healing at all

    Paternity Test Through Kinship Analysis as Forensic Identification Technique

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    Paternity tests is often faced with the unavailability of information from the father, mother, or child as a comparison in forensic DNA examination process. Therefore, comparisons with information from close family lines are needed, for example from the victim's siblings or the perpetrator if there are no comparisons from parents or siblings. This study was conducted by the Human Genetic Study Group of Airlangga University in its campus from January to April 2020. The aim of the study was to analyze the use of kinship analysis in paternity test through STR CODIS examination on siblings. This was an observational laboratory study with a temporary design. DNA sample extraction level and purity results were measured with the mean DNA sample level of 675±5.35ng/µL, while the purity values ranged from 1.05 to 1.86. The paternity test principle is based on comparison process between the parents’ alleles with the child’s alleles. However, if the parents’ alleles are not available, the siblings’ alleles can be used as a comparison for identification purpose, which is known as kinship analysis. Statistically, full siblings have a 2 alleles accuracy probability of [0.25] 25%, which was the same as not having the same allele or 0 allele, while 1 allele accuracy reached 50%. All CODIS STR loci had the highest percentage of 2 allele sharing. Therefore, it is recommended to use sibling or kinship analysis if both parents are absent


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    Phalanx distal pattern is a curve appeared and formed an unchangeable pattern unless it is caused by a severe trauma. Phalanx distal patterns are classified into 9, namely, Plain Arch, Tentarch, Ulnar loop, and Accidental. In order to find out suspect’s identity, Indonesia Autometic Print Identification System (INAFIS) used 3 stages, which one of them is to determine pattern variation. Phalanx distal fingerprint on human can be utilized as to identify a person, whereas no one has resembled phalanx distal fingerprint even on twins. In this research, the researcher analyzed tendentious pattern variation of phalanx distal pattern on kleptomaniac in police resort office Jember. Generally, phalanx distal fingerprint pattern found on kleptomaniac tendentiously has unique pattern plain arch as the third most apparent pattern beside unlar loop and whorl, meanwhile it was found radial loop on non-patient as the third most apparent beside unlar loop and whorl which generally was phalanx distal fingerprint


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    Toksikologi merupakan cabang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang racun, yang semakin maju seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kasus keracunan memang jarang terjadi, namun perlu mendapat perhatian khususnya oleh dokter forensik. Keracunan yang jarang terjadi dalam praktek forensik diantaranya adalah keracunan gas hidrogen sulfida (H2S).  H2S adalah gas yang tidak berwarna, bau menyengat seperti telur busuk, mudah terbakar dan bersifat eksplosif. H2S  banyak ditemukan di peternakan dan pabrik. Pernah dilaporkan peningkatan kasus bunuh diri menggunakan gas H2S terjadi di Amerika Serikat. Pada tingkat rendah gas H2S hanya mengiritasi konjuntiva, sklera dan saluran nafas bagian atas, sedangkan pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi (1000-2000 ppm) dapat menyebabkan kematian yang cepat. Studi tinjauan pustaka ini menunjukkan temuan yang tidak spesifik dari otopsi kasus keracunan H2S, diantaranya perubahan warna menjadi kehijauan pada gray matter otak. Dari hasil uji toksikologi pada keracunan gas H2S, didapatkan kadar tiosulfat yang tinggi dalam darah

    Nuclei DNA Damage Due to Extreme High-Temperature Exposure during Forensic Identification Examination

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    Accurate personal identification is important in investigations because an error in the identification process may bring fatal consequences during trial. The most common identification process is the Deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA] analysis. Degraded DNA sample due to extremely high-temperature exposure may limit DNA analysis. This study aimed to analyze DNA damage patterns caused by an extremely high temperature using STR (short tandem repeat) CODIS marker. This study was conducted at the Forensic and Medicolegal Department, Laboratorium Balai Besar Kesehatan Surabaya, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Human Genetic Study Group of Universitas Airlangga, and Faculty of Science and Technology of Universitas Brawijaya Malang from July until October 2009. Results of PCR visualization using STR CODIS for costae demonstrated that the THO1 detection (+) in 1,2500C - 40’: 25% and the TPOX detection (+) in 1,0000C - 30’: 50% whereas the results from molar teeth showed that the THOI locus detection (+) in 1,2500C - 30’: 25% and TPOX in 1,0000C - 40’: 50%. Results for PCR visualization using mini-STR CODIS for the costae presented that the mini-THOI in 1,2500C - 20’: 50% (+) while for the molar tooth the mini-THOI in 1,2500C - 30’ : 25% (+) and mini-TPOX in 1,0000C - 40’ : 50% (+). All loci were detected on costae and second molar teeth samples of the control group. Thus, extreme high-temperature exposure significantly decreased the DNA level of second costae and second molar tooth. Sequence patterns of STR loci successfully detected were TPOX, THO1, and CSF1PO.Kerusakan DNA Inti Karena Paparan Suhu Tinggi Selama Proses Identifikasi ForensikIdentifikasi melalui DNA secara tepat penting dalam penyelidikan karena kesalahan akan berakibat fatal selama proses persidangan. Salah satu keterbatasan adalah DNA yang terdegradasi karena paparan suhu yang sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola kerusakan DNA akibat suhu sangat tinggi menggunakan penanda CODIS STR (short tandem repeat). Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Kedokteran Forensik, Laboratorium Kemenkes, Human Genetic Study Group, dan Universitas Brawijaya Malang pada periode Juli sampai Oktober 2009. Visualisasi PCR menggunakan STR CODIS untuk costae adalah sebagai berikut: deteksi THO1 (+) pada 12500C - 40’: 25%, deteksi TPOX (+) pada 10000C - 30’: 50%, sedangkan hasil dari gigi molar adalah sebagai berikut: THOI locus detection (+) di 12500C - 30’: 25% dan TPOX di 10000C - 40’: 50%. Hasil visualisasi PCR menggunakan mini-STR CODIS untuk costae adalah sebagai berikut: mini-THOI pada 12500C - 20’: 50% (+) dan untuk gigi molar: mini-THOI pada 12500C-30': 25% (+ ) dan mini-TPOX di 10000C - 40’ : 50%  (+). Semua lokus terdeteksi pada kelompok kontrol pada sampel costae dan gigi molar kedua. Kesimpulannya, paparan suhu tinggi yang ekstrim secara signifikan menurunkan tingkat DNA kosta dan gigi molar kedua.


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    Buku ini diterbitkan dengan maksud untuk memberikan pemahaman pada mahasiswa S1 Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Gigi terkait dengan mata kuliah ilmu Forensik, di mana analisis Molekuler Forensik termasuk di dalamnya sebagai materi tambahan di mata kuliah Ilmu Forensik. Sebagai penunjang pemehaman terhadap mata kuliah tersebut, buku ini dibuat sesederhana mungkin sesuai untuk mahasiswa S1 dalam memahami ilmu biologi molekuler di bidang forensik ini, meski tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk digunakan oleh mahasiswa s2 sebagai materi pengenalan di bidang forensik molekuler

    Sibling Indices as Comparisons in Personal Identification Process through Short Tandem Repeats [STR] Loci CSF1PO, THOI, TPOX, vWA of Maduranese Ethnic in Surabaya

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    Sibling indices can be used as a comparison through alleles Short Tandem Repeats [STR] loci. This is an observational study among Maduranese with 4 STR loci (CSF1PO, THOI, TPOX, vWA) obtained from their blood samples. The percentage of alleles shared: 82.5% [33 times] with 2 allele sharing, 12.5% [5 times] with 1 allele sharing, and 5 % [2 times] with 0 sharing alleles. Sibling indices (SI) calculation results: 65% of sibling indices pairs have SI greater than 100 and 15% of them were between 10-100 (strong and very strong). Sibling indices interpretation is supported; therefore, the claimed sibling indices relationships were indeed true among Maduranese ethnic group in Surabaya


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    Toksikologi merupakan cabang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang racun, yang semakin maju seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kasus keracunan memang jarang terjadi, namun perlu mendapat perhatian khususnya oleh dokter forensik. Keracunan yang jarang terjadi dalam praktek forensik diantaranya adalah keracunan gas hidrogen sulfida (H2S).  H2S adalah gas yang tidak berwarna, bau menyengat seperti telur busuk, mudah terbakar dan bersifat eksplosif. H2S  banyak ditemukan di peternakan dan pabrik. Pernah dilaporkan peningkatan kasus bunuh diri menggunakan gas H2S terjadi di Amerika Serikat. Pada tingkat rendah gas H2S hanya mengiritasi konjuntiva, sklera dan saluran nafas bagian atas, sedangkan pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi (1000-2000 ppm) dapat menyebabkan kematian yang cepat. Studi tinjauan pustaka ini menunjukkan temuan yang tidak spesifik dari otopsi kasus keracunan H2S, diantaranya perubahan warna menjadi kehijauan pada gray matter otak. Dari hasil uji toksikologi pada keracunan gas H2S, didapatkan kadar tiosulfat yang tinggi dalam darah