33 research outputs found

    Studi Empirik Interaksi Strategis Pemerintah Daerah di Indonesia

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    One potential positive impact of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia is positive competition among subnational government to maximize the public welfare. The competition is reflected by spatial correlation of the expenditure per capita with its neighbouring subnational government.  Using the dataset in 2010 at district level and spatial econometrics approach, this study tests whether strategic interaction between region government expenditure is present. Our estimation results show positive strategic interaction among subnational government expenditure.  Furthermore, the highest interaction is for the expenditure in economic, indicating the competition is much more motivated by economic outcomes

    Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Kitinase Asal Bacillus Cereus 11 UJ

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    Kitinase merupakan enzim yang menghidrolisis polimer kitin menjadi oligomer kitin atau monomer Nasetilglukosamin.Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan isolasi dan karakterisasi kitinase untuk memperoleh informasiaktivitas optimum kitinase asal B. cereus 11 UJ. Isolasi enzim kasar kitinase dan purifikasi parsial dilakukan denganpengendapan amonium sulfat jenuh 70% dan dialisis menggunakan membran selofan, selanjutnya dikarakterisasiuntuk memperoleh aktivitas optimum pada berbagai kondisi pH, suhu, waktu inkubasi, ion logam serta penentuannilai Km dan Vmaks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemurnian kitinase dengan amonium sulfat 70% dan dialisismenunjukkan tingkat kemurnian masing-masing 2.40 kali dan 5.23 kali dibandingkan dengan ekstrak kasar enzim.Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa kitinase asal B. cereus isolat 11 UJ mempunyai pH optimum 8, suhuoptimum 37oC, dan waktu inkubasi optimum selama 120 menit. Kation Mn2+, Fe2+, dan Cu2+ dengan konsentrasi10 mM diketahui dapat berfungsi sebagai inhibitor. Kitinase mempunyai nilai Km sebesar 29.71 μg/mL dan Vmakssebesar 1.035 x 10-1 μg/mL detik

    Pengaruh Core Stability Exercise Dan William Flexion Exercise Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) Miogenik Di Rsud Sunan Kalijaga Demak

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    ABSTRACT BACHELOR OF PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA Thesis, October 31th 2017 61 pages YUDHISTIRA KARSA A.N / J120151131 “THE EFECTIVITY OF CORE STABILITY EXERCISE AND WILLIAMS FLEXION EXERCISE TO REDUCE PAIN IN PATIENTS WITH MIOGENIC LOW BACK PAIN COMPLAINTS AT SUNAN KALIJAGA REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT DEMAK” (Supervised by Wahyuni, S.Fis., M.Kes ) Background: One of the many events musculoskeletal disorders including the complaint or pain in the low back pain (NPB). Miogenic LBP is pain associated with how the bones, ligaments and back muscles work. The pain would be a problem if affects the way we live or interfere with daily activities in life. There are different modalities of physiotherapy intervention in handling LBP, one of which is "Back Exercise", among which Williams Flexion Exercise (WFE). In the process, there is a method known for its "Core stabiliy exercise" (CSE). CSE is a synergistic activation that includes the muscles of the core muscles of the trunk. Purpose: To determine the effect of CSE and WFE to reduced pain in patients with Miogenic LBP complaints and differences in the effect of both. Aims of Research: Getting the evidence of benefits and know the differences of CSE and WFE to reduce pain in patients with Miogenic LBP. Methods: The study is quasi-experimental with two groups approach the pre and post test experimental design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, as many as 14 respondents. The research instrument used VAS (Visual Analog Scale). The statistical test used was Pair sample t-test and Independent sample t-test. Results: Statistical test results, the group treated with CSE obtained p-value of 0.000. The treatment group with WFE obtained p-value of 0.000. Meanwhile, from the differences were obtained p-value 0.075. Conclusion: There is the effect of CSE and WFE to reduced pain in patients with Miogenic LBP complaints and there is no difference in the results of both. Keywords: Low Back Pain (LBP), Core Stability Exercise (CSE), Williams Flexion Exercise (WFE) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS

    Studi Dendrolgis Jenis-jenis Pohon Di Areal Kampus Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang

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    Study Dendrology of Trees Spesies in Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic. The research was conducted on field of Politani Kupang, in order to identify trees species located in Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang area. The research used Census method to collected materials on the field; Descriptive method to obtained special characteristics of plants, was held on the field and laboratory, and Identification to got trees name by compared the tree with its proponent literatures. The result showed that there were 36 species of trees from 14 families growing in Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang. Those were Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br.u, Bombax ceiba Linn, Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf., Cassia siamea Lamk., Casuarina equisetifolia Blanco, Terminalia, Macaranga tanarius Muell. Arg., Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sw., Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. Ex Bth., Acacia mangium Wiilld., Pterocarpus indicus Willd., Cassia fistula Linn., Pongamia pinnata Merr., Erythrina subumbrans Merr. Acacia famesiana Willd., Bauhinia monandra Kurz., Albizzia lebbek (L.) Benth., Dialium indum L., Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen jeunjing ), Adenanthera pavonina L., Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud., , Melia azedarach L.,Swietenia macrophylla King., Ficus benyamina L., Melaleuca leucadendron Linn., Santalum album L., Schleichera oleosa Merr., Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.

    Carrier transport theory for twisted bilayer graphene in the metallic regime

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    The mechanisms responsible for the strongly correlated insulating and superconducting phases in twisted bilayer graphene are still debated. The authors provide a theory for phonon-dominated transport that explains several experimental observations, and contrast it with the Planckian dissipation mechanism. Understanding the normal-metal state transport in twisted bilayer graphene near magic angle is of fundamental importance as it provides insights into the mechanisms responsible for the observed strongly correlated insulating and superconducting phases. Here we provide a rigorous theory for phonon-dominated transport in twisted bilayer graphene describing its unusual signatures in the resistivity (including the variation with electron density, temperature, and twist angle) showing good quantitative agreement with recent experiments. We contrast this with the alternative Planckian dissipation mechanism that we show is incompatible with available experimental data. An accurate treatment of the electron-phonon scattering requires us to go well beyond the usual treatment, including both intraband and interband processes, considering the finite-temperature dynamical screening of the electron-phonon matrix element, and going beyond the linear Dirac dispersion. In addition to explaining the observations in currently available experimental data, we make concrete predictions that can be tested in ongoing experiments

    Karakteristik Curd Berbahan Dasar Ekstrak Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata) dengan Whey Tahu Kedelai (Glycine max) sebagai Bahan Penggumpal. Curd Characteristic Based on Green Bean Extract (Vigna Radiata) With Soy Tofu’s Whey (Glycine Max) as Clotting Material

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    Sifat gelasi protein melalui penambahan koagulan merupakan suatu proses yang dikenal sebagai koagulasi protein. Koagulan dalam hal ini, memberikan peran yang dominan terhadap karakteristik curd yang dihasilkan. Perbedaan dalam penggunaan jenis koagulan dengan konsentrasi tertentu akan memberikan variasi pembentukan curd, baik dalam hal kekerasan, mouthfeel, maupun komponen proteinnya. Pada tingkat molekuler, perubahan tekstur dapat diduga karena adanya perubahan komposisi protein dalam curd. Salah satu koagulan yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah whey yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan tahu itu sendiri yang biasa disebut dengan whey tahu kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama dua bulan yaitu dari bulan Maret - April 2017 di Laboratorium Kimia dan Gizi Pangan Universitas Diponegoro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui total rendemen, kadar air, kadar protein, serta teksur curd dari sari kacang hijau dengan menggunakan whey kedelai sebagai koagulan. Desain percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) sebanyak 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan dengan penambahan asam sitrat 1% serta variasi penambahan 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8% whey kedelai sebagai koagulan. Data hasil pengujian total rendemen, kadar air, kadar protein, serta teksur akan diuji dengan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Apabila terdapat pengaruh perlakuan, akan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Wilayah Ganda Duncan. Penggunaan whey tahu kedelai sebagai koagulan menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap total rendemen, kadar air, kadar protein, serta tekstur dari tekstur curd ekstrak kacang hijau. Perlakuan terbaik pada penelitian ini adalah pada perlakuan P1 yaitu penambahan 2% whey kedelai sebagai koagulan. Perlakuan P1 dapat dikatakan sebagai perlakuan terbaik karena memiliki hasil uji yang paling optimal dengan total rendemen terbanyak, kadar air yang sedikit, kadar protein yang paling tinggi, serta tekstur kekerasan yang paling tinggi. Proses penggumpalan ekstrak sari kacang hijau ini merupakan proses penggumpalan protein yang terkandung didalamnya dengan memperhatikan pH, suhu, serta waktu untuk dapat menambahkan koagulan whey kacang kedelai

    Interaksi Genotipe X Lingkungan Untuk Hasil Gabah Padi Sawah

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    Grain yield of rice is determined by genotype (G), environment (E), and interaction between genotype x environment (G x E). Variety can achieve its maximum yield potential if it is grown in suitable environments. This study was aimed to determine the adaptability and the yield stability of rice genotypes grown in different environments. Sixteen rice genotypes were tested using RBD in 16 sites during the wet season of 2010/2011, and dry season of 2011. The tested rice lines were developed for resistance to pest and diseases. The experiment unit was 4 m x 5 m of plot, plants were fertilized with urea, SP36, and KCl at rates of 250 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha, and 100 kg/ha, respectively. Variable observed was grain yield per plot. Combined analyses of variance showed that there was no lines yielded higher than did check variety Conde. The AMMI analysis showed that the largest variation was contributed by the environment factors (76.49%), genotype x environment interactions (17.55%), and the smallest was contributed by the genotypes (5.97%). Data exploration using boxplot method indicated that the low contribution of the genotype x environment interaction variance in this study was due to the high degree of similarity of yield potentials among the genotypes, and due to high similarity of environmental conditions of the sites.Based on the analysis of AMMI 2, lines B12743 - MR-18-2-3-8, IPB107-F-82-2-1, and Conde was each classified as widely adapted genotypes, while G8, IPB107-F-27-6-1, and BIO111-2-BC-PIR-3714, each was considered as genotype having a specific adaptation