169 research outputs found

    Разгрузочно-сегрегационная установка песчаникового бута с энергонезависимым приводом комплектующего оборудования

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    For the road industry, it is quite important to reduce costs and energy consumption, as well as energy recovery in process plants. To solve this problem at one of the stages of the industrial process, which is production of road metal, an important material for road construction, it is proposed to develop autonomous power unit based on recuperation of the kinetic energy of dump trucks, namely a unloading and screening unit of crushing and screening plant with non-volatile drive of auxiliary equipment.A non-volatile unloading and screening unit separates the feedstock at the primary stage of production in a non-volatile operating mode, using recovery of the kinetic energy of trucks been unloaded. After loading rubble sandstone into the receiving hopper, the unit activates the process of material segregation into coarse and fine fractions. The respective fractions are fed to the appropriate feeders for subsequent technological processing. The advantage of the unit is the autonomy of the vibrator and feeders’ drives, which helps to raise the efficiency of the process of unloading and separation of the rubble sandstone and reduce energy costs for production of the finished product.The evaluation of the functional capabilities of the non-volatile hydraulic drive of the unloading and screening unit was carried out for hydraulic motors of the screening and conveying equipment. The apron feeder of KM PP-2–10–60B type providing a continuous and uniform supply of feedstock was assumed as the basic equipment, and the volume of working fluid in the hydraulic accumulator supplied by hydraulic jacks was calculated. The results showed that two hydraulic jacks with the specified parameters can provide the required flow and allowed determining the amount of energy stored in the accumulator during feedstock loading. The calculated power of the hydraulic motor allows its use in the feeder. The economic efficiency of the installation with an autonomous drive is estimated considering the mode of operation, the number of shifts and the tariff for electricity.Для автодорожной отрасли важны снижение себестоимости и энергопотребления, а также рекуперация энергии в технологических установках. Для решения этой проблемы в одном из производственных звеньев отрасли – производстве щебня, который является важным строительным материалом в автодорожной отрасли, – предлагается создание автономных энергетических установок, основанных на рекуперации кинетической энергии автосамосвалов, а именно разгрузочно-сегрегационной установки ДСК с энергонезависимым приводом комплектующего оборудования.Энергонезависимая разгрузочно-сегрегационная установка осуществляет разделение исходного сырья на начальной стадии производства при энергонезависимом режиме эксплуатации, используя рекуперацию кинетической энергии разгружаемых автомобилей. После загрузки песчаникового бута в приёмный бункер, установка активизирует процесс сегрегации материала на крупную и мелкую фракции. Полученные фракции подаются на соответствующие питатели для последующей технологической переработки. Преимуществом установки является автономность приводов вибратора и питателей, что способствует росту эффективности процесса разгрузки и сегрегации песчаникового бута, снижению энергозатрат на производство готового продукта.Оценка функциональных возможностей энергонезависимого гидропривода разгрузочно-сегрегационной установки выполнена для гидромоторов сегрегационного и транспортирующего оборудования. В качестве базового оборудования принят пластинчатый питатель КМ ПП-2–10–60Б, который способен обеспечить непрерывную и равномерную подачу исходного сырья. Рассчитан объём рабочей жидкости в гидроаккумуляторе, подача которой обеспечивается гидродомкратами. Результаты показали, что два гидродомкрата с заданными параметрами способны обеспечить необходимую подачу. Количество энергии, накапливаемой в гидроаккумуляторе при загрузке материала, определено. Рассчитанная мощность гидромотора позволяет его использование в питателе. Оценена экономическая эффективность установки с автономным приводом, учитывая режим работы, количество смен и тариф на электроэнергию


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    For purpose of clinical and morphological characterization of typhoid fever with fatal outcome was perform analysis of medical documentation as well as postmortem studies of internal tissues in 36men aged 21 to 34 years with severe body weight loss and in the conditions of combat stress in period from 1983 to 1985. The results of the study find a number of clinical and pathomorphological features of typhoid fever in patients with body weight deficiency that were in extreme conditions. Focal changes of the central nervous system were detected. The defeat of the respiratory system was characterized from the first days of the disease by bronchitis, and in the subsequent development of pneumonia, plevritis and empyema of the pleura. Majority of patients had symptoms of cardiovascular and renal failure. In died in the first week of the disease and in 2/3 parts – in a later period were combined with the symptoms of infectious-toxic encephalopathy and severe acute respiratory failure. All died had postmortem dystrophic changes of cardiomyocytes, and in patients had fatal outcome in 2–5 weeks – also focal or diffuse myocarditis. In a third of the patients who died, the disease was complicated by intestinal perforations. In a number of cases, peritonitis was a consequence of necrosis of mesenteric lymph nodes. In all patients with a fatal outcome, hemorrhagic (thrombohemorrhagic) syndrome was diagnosed. A significant proportion of patients posthumously detected signs of sepsis and other complications, many of which could be the cause of death.С целью клинической и морфологической характеристики брюшного тифа с летальным исходом у людей с гипотрофией организма, находившихся в экстремальных условиях, проведен анализ медицинской документации, а также посмертных исследований тканей внутренних органов у 36 мужчин в возрасте 21–34 лет, страдавших выраженным дефицитом массы тела и находившихся сравнительно продолжительное время в условиях связанного с боевыми действиями стресса в период с 1983 по 1985 г. Результаты проведенного исследования позволили установить ряд клинических и патоморфологических особенностей брюшного тифа у пациентов с дефицитом массы тела, находившихся в экстремальных условиях. Выявлялись очаговые изменения центральной нервной системы. Поражение органов дыхания характеризовалось с первых дней болезни бронхитом, а в последующем – развитием пневмонии, плеврита и эмпиемы плевры. У большинства больных наблюдались симптомы сердечно-сосудистой и почечной недостаточности. У умерших на первой неделе болезни и у 2/3 больных – в более поздний период они сочетались с симптомами инфекционно-токсической энцефалопатии и резко выраженной острой дыхательной недостаточности. У всех умерших посмертно выявлены дистрофические изменения кардиомиоцитов, а с летальным исходом на 2–5-й неделях – также очаговый или диффузный миокардит. У трети умерших больных заболевание осложнялось кишечными перфорациями. В ряде случаев перитонит был следствием некроза мезентериальных лимфоузлов. У всех пациентов с летальным исходом посмертно диагностирован геморрагический (тромбогеморрагический) синдром, который почти всегда был резко выраженным и относительной часто служил непосредственной причиной смерти. У значительной части больных посмертно обнаружены признаки сепсиса и других осложнений, многие из которых могли быть самостоятельно причиной летального исхода

    First results of the Kourovka Planet Search: discovery of transiting exoplanet candidates in the first three target fields

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    We present the first results of our search for transiting exoplanet candidates as part of the Kourovka Planet Search (KPS) project. The primary objective of the project is to search for new hot Jupiters which transit their host stars, mainly in the Galactic plane, in the RcR_c magnitude range of 11 to 14 mag. Our observations were performed with the telescope of the MASTER robotic network, installed at the Kourovka astronomical observatory of the Ural Federal University (Russia), and the Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph, installed at the private Acton Sky Portal Observatory (USA). As test observations, we observed three celestial fields of size 2×22\times2 deg2^2 during the period from 2012 to 2015. As a result, we discovered four transiting exoplanet candidates among the 39000 stars of the input catalogue. In this paper, we provide the description of the project and analyse additional photometric, spectral, and speckle interferometric observations of the discovered transiting exoplanet candidates. Three of the four transiting exoplanet candidates are most likely astrophysical false positives, while the nature of the fourth (most promising) candidate remains to be ascertained. Also, we propose an alternative observing strategy that could increase the project's exoplanet haul.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures; Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 201

    Spectral luminescence properties of indotricarbocyanine dye in biological tissues

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    We have established that the shape and position of the maximum in the fluorescence spectrum of an indotricarbocyanine dye in tumor and normal tissues in vivo change over time after intravenous injection of the dye. Based on analysis of the spectral properties of the dye in vivo and in blood plasma, the dependence of the properties on the time since injection has shown that in the living body, the environment of the dye molecule changes as the photosensitizer goes from the skin into the tissue. We have established that in tissues in vivo, the dye molecules are localized in a region with low dielectric constant of the medium. We have shown that the change in the ratio of the concentrations of the different forms of hemoglobin in the blood has an effect on the absorption and shape of the fluorescence spectrum of the dye in tissues in vivo

    Influence of photon energy on the efficiency of photochemotherapy

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    It is found that when indotricarbocyanine dye in HeLa cells is exposed to photons with different energies the efficiency of cell damage is wavelength independent provided the photosensitizer absorbs the same number of photons per unit time. In vivo animal experiments with two strains of tumor show that when the wavelength of the irradiating light is increased (668, 740, and 780 nm) and the number of photons absorbed per unit time per unit volume of the tumors is held constant, the damage depth increases by a factor of 1.5 and 3, respectively. The observed changes are related both to differences in the in vivo tissue optical transmission with increasing wavelength and an increased local concentration of oxygen owing to photodissociation of oxy-hemoglobin

    Influence of photon energy on the efficiency of photochemotherapy

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    It is found that when indotricarbocyanine dye in HeLa cells is exposed to photons with different energies the efficiency of cell damage is wavelength independent provided the photosensitizer absorbs the same number of photons per unit time. In vivo animal experiments with two strains of tumor show that when the wavelength of the irradiating light is increased (668, 740, and 780 nm) and the number of photons absorbed per unit time per unit volume of the tumors is held constant, the damage depth increases by a factor of 1.5 and 3, respectively. The observed changes are related both to differences in the in vivo tissue optical transmission with increasing wavelength and an increased local concentration of oxygen owing to photodissociation of oxy-hemoglobin

    On the Number of Zeros of Abelian Integrals: A Constructive Solution of the Infinitesimal Hilbert Sixteenth Problem

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    We prove that the number of limit cycles generated by a small non-conservative perturbation of a Hamiltonian polynomial vector field on the plane, is bounded by a double exponential of the degree of the fields. This solves the long-standing tangential Hilbert 16th problem. The proof uses only the fact that Abelian integrals of a given degree are horizontal sections of a regular flat meromorphic connection (Gauss-Manin connection) with a quasiunipotent monodromy group.Comment: Final revisio

    Spin physics with antiprotons

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    New possibilities arising from the availability at GSI of antiproton beams, possibly polarised, are discussed. The investigation of the nucleon structure can be boosted by accessing in Drell-Yan processes experimental asymmetries related to cross-sections in which the parton distribution functions (PDF) only appear, without any contribution from fragmentation functions; such processes are not affected by the chiral suppression of the transversity function h1(x)h_1(x). Spin asymmetries in hyperon production and Single Spin Asymmetries are discussed as well, together with further items like electric and magnetic nucleonic form factors and open charm production. Counting rates estimations are provided for each physical case. The sketch of a possible experimental apparatus is proposed.Comment: Presented for the proceedings of ASI "Spin and Symmetry", Prague, July 5-10, 2004, to be published in Czech. J. Phys. 55 (2005

    Interrelations between viral load and cellular immunity in patients with COVID-19 of varying severity

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    Assessment of viral load levels in various biological samples taken from the respiratory tract can be an indicator of an ongoing process of active viral replication and may be used to monitor severe respiratory viral infections. The study of the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 viral load and immunological laboratory parameters is an important step in the search for clinical markers of COVID-19.The aim of this research was to quantify viral load in patients with COVID-19 and to identify the relation-ship between viral load and changes in the parameters of the cellular component of the immune system.A laboratory examination was carried out on 74 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, they were divided into 3 groups based on the severity of the disease: mild, moderate, severe. Total viral load in clinical samples was determined by the number of SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies per 100 copies of the reference RNaseP gene.     A comprehensive assessment of the cellular component of the immune system was performed using flow cytometry and direct monoclonal antibodies, and the IL-6, and C-reactive protein concentrations were determined.We revealed a relationship between the development of serious clinical conditions in the patients with COVID-19, and the levels of viral load. High levels of viral RNA in biological samples correlate with main indicators of the T cell component of the immune system associated with disease severity. In a subgroup of patients with an extremely high viral load, strong positive correlations were found between the relative numbers of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+), activated T lymphocytes (CD3+HLA-DR+), as well as absolute and relative numbers of activated B lymphocytes and NK cells (CD3-CD25+).Laboratory monitoring of the cellular component of the immune system, along with the assessment of viral loads, should improve  early assessment of clinical condition in the patients with COVID-19. Changes   in expression levels of activation markers on immune cells can be potentially viewed as indicators of recovery during COVID-19