110 research outputs found

    First observation of proton reflection from bent crystals

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    We recently suggested using short bent crystals as primary collimators in a two stage cleaning system for hadron colliders, with the aim of providing larger impact parameters in the secondary bulk absorber, through coherent beam-halo deflection [1]. Tests with crystals a few mm long, performed with 70 GeV proton beams at IEHP in Protvino, showed a channeling efficiency exceeding 85 %. We also observed disturbing phenomena such as dechannelling at large impact angle, insufficient bending induced by volume capture inside the crystal, multiple scattering of non-channeled protons and, for the first time, a proton flux reflected by the crystalline planes. Indeed, protons with a tangent path to the curved planes somewhere inside the crystal itself are deflected in the opposite direction with respect to the channeled particles, with an angle almost twice as large as the critical angle. This effect, up to now only predicted by computer simulations [2], produces a flux of particles in the wrong direction with respect to the absorber, which may hamper the collimation efficiency if neglected

    Gut Microbiota and its Metabolites in Pathogenesis of NAFLD

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    Aim: to provide information on the results of recent scientific research in the field of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) metabolomic profiling.Key points. Metabolites of microbial origin are important biological molecules involved in many specific reactions of the human body. This literature review presents the results of recent studies in the field of metabolomics in patients with NAFLD. A more detailed understanding of the role of individual metabolites or their combinations in the NAFLD pathogenesis will allow us to determine the vector of further diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for this nosology. The research results of the probiotics effect on the levels of certain metabolites are currently being discussed.Conclusion. New research data in the field of studying the human metabolomic profile are presented. The results allow us to summarize the effects of microbial agents and their metabolites in the formation of changes in the liver parenchyma in the context of NAFLD. Changes in the level of endogenous ethanol, secondary bile acids, aromatic amino acids, branched chain amino acids, etc. have been described. Correlation between metabolites and certain bacterial strains has been established. A correlation between the ratio of bacteria types and clinical/laboratory parameters was noted in patients taking prebiotics

    Morphological features of autoimmune gastritis

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    Aim of investigation. To estimate presence of classical morphological signs of autoimmune gastritis (AIH) in patients with high titer of antiparietal cells antibodies.Material and methods. Overall 15 patients (3 men and 12 women, 28 to 72 years old) have been included in original study. Clinical symptoms in the study group varied and included both severe В12-deficient anemia and normal levels of pepsinogen I, gastrin-17 and cyanocobalamine. In 4 patients Helicobacter pylori infection has been detected. According to guidelines of the Russian Society of Pathologists in all cases multiple biopsies have been taken at esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Biopsy specimens were processed by the standard technique, sections were stained by hematoxyline and eosine.Results. Classical signs of AIH i.e. atrophy of mucosa of body of the stomach and intestinal metaplasia were not revealed. The signs of feeble inflammation in body of the stomach were found in 6 patients. In 4 cases biopsy specimens had no inflammatory or atrophic changes. Pseudo-hypertrophy of parietal cells was the unique morphological feature found out in these cases. At all patients involvement of antral region of the stomach was marked. Atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia was diagnosed in 4 patients. In 3 cases non-metaplastic variant of patchy atrophic gastritis was present, the rest revealed superficial gastritis with signs of activity in 4 cases. No Н. рylori was found out morphologically.Conclusion. In our investigation in patients with AIG no metaplastic atrophic lesions was found in body of the stomach, while metaplastic atrophy had patchy pattern. The pseudo-hypertrophy of parietal cells as well as dilation of main glands lumen can be the earliest and unique sign found in biopsy specimens. Involvement of antral region was revealed in all patients, in 4 cases it has been related to presence of H. pylori infection at the moment of investigation. Thus, the diagnosis of AIG was based mainly on elevated level antiparietal cells antibodies at blood serum test

    Assessment of propensities to dependent behavior among the young population of the Sverdlovsk region

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of the results of an anonymous survey of adolescents (15-17 years old) and young people (18-21 years old) about the predisposition to addiction syndrome of different types. Information was obtained on the greatest propensity to addictions in age and sex groups, and risk groups for the development of love, food, alcohol, tobacco, and electronic device addiction were identified.В статье представлен сравнительный анализ результатов анонимного анкетирования подростков (15-17 лет) и молодых людей (18-21 лет) о предрасположенности к синдрому зависимости разных типов. Получена информация о наибольшей склонности зависимостям в возрастно-половых группах, выявлены группы риска по развитию любовной, пищевой, алкогольной, табачной и зависимости от электронных устройств

    The UA9 experimental layout

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    The UA9 experimental equipment was installed in the CERN-SPS in March '09 with the aim of investigating crystal assisted collimation in coasting mode. Its basic layout comprises silicon bent crystals acting as primary collimators mounted inside two vacuum vessels. A movable 60 cm long block of tungsten located downstream at about 90 degrees phase advance intercepts the deflected beam. Scintillators, Gas Electron Multiplier chambers and other beam loss monitors measure nuclear loss rates induced by the interaction of the beam halo in the crystal. Roman pots are installed in the path of the deflected particles and are equipped with a Medipix detector to reconstruct the transverse distribution of the impinging beam. Finally UA9 takes advantage of an LHC-collimator prototype installed close to the Roman pot to help in setting the beam conditions and to analyze the efficiency to deflect the beam. This paper describes in details the hardware installed to study the crystal collimation during 2010.Comment: 15pages, 11 figure, submitted to JINS

    Results of long-term follow-up of patients with chronic gastritis after <i>H. pylori</i> eradication

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    The aim of publication. To analyze approach for long-term management of patients with chronic gastritis after H. pylori eradication for stomach cancer prevention by the example of clinical cases.Key points. The management approach of patients with chronic gastritis after eradication of H. pylori is presented by the example of patients with various risk of development of stomach cancer. In one and half year after successful eradication therapy in 57 year-old female patient mild atrophy and intestinal metaplasia of antrum without atrophy and intestinal metaplasia of corpus of the stomach was confirmed. At absence of other risk factors for cancer development further endoscopic follow-up is not required. Monitoring of 62 year-old male patient after successful eradication for 5 years has shown stable morphological pattern without progression of premalignant lesions. Taking into account both severe atrophy and intestinal metaplasia of antral region and mild atrophy of body of the stomach, as well as positive family history, esophagogastroscopy with biopsy is recommended once per year to this patient.Conclusion. Prognosis and management approach of patients after eradication of H. pylori infection are determined by chronic gastritis in relation to severity of atrophy and intestinal metaplasia of antral region and corpus of the stomach, along with other risk factors for cancer development e.g. positive family history