1,519 research outputs found

    Determination of the Fragmentation Parameters of the Multi-charge Component of Primary Cosmic Rays

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    Determination of fragmentation parameters of multicharge component of primary cosmic ray

    On the upper limit of antinuclei content in cosmic rays

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    Upper limit of antinuclei content in cosmic ray

    First investigation of noble gases in the Dengli H3,8 chondrite

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    The Dengli (H3,8) meteorite, which weighs 243.5 g, is a find from the Karakum desert. It is a complex microbreccia containing unusual clasts which are more typical for regolithic breccias than for H-chondrites. Based on comparisons of Xe and Kr content and isotopic composition, the Dengli does not differ significantly from other H-chondrites. Its exposure age is 7.6 Ma. That is in agreement with common data for the exposure age (6.2 + 0.2 Ma) of 350 H-chondrites. Dengli's K/Ar age (4.01 Ga) coincides with the same ages of many other H-chondrites. Thus the Dengli is not regolithic breccia, and it probably formed during accretion of its parent body

    Content of biologically active substances in sweet cherry fruits at different stages of fruit development in the conditions of the living mulch

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    Received: August 19th, 2022 ; Accepted: October 7th, 2022 ; Published: October 19th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected]Сontent of soluble solids, sugars, titrated acids, ascorbate, glutathione, phenolic substances, anthocyanins, total reducing activity of fruits tissues in sweet cherry fruits studied at different stages of fruit development during 2018 and 2019 in an organic sweet cherry orchard (Prunus avium L. / Prunus mahaleb) in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The aim of the research was to determine how the living much conditions (compared to bare fallow) affect the content of biologically active substances in sweet cherry fruits at different stages of ripening. It was determined that the fruits of sweet cherry accumulated significantly more ascorbate, phenolic substances and anthocyanins in the conditions of living mulch (compared to the fruits of the trees on bare fallow). So, at the stage of picking ripeness, the content of ascorbate in sweet cherry fruits in the conditions of living mulch was 29 and 22% more compared to bare fallow (respectively, in 2018 and 2019), phenolic substances - by 47 and 23%, anthocyanins - by 36 and 26%. The revealed regularities can be explained by stressful conditions of competition with natural herbs, which activate the synthesis of anti-stress, antioxidant biologically active substances in plant tissues (including fruits). Since it is the antioxidants of the fruits that have a physiological value for humans, it can be stated that the fruits grown in the conditions of living mulch have a higher therapeutic and preventive value than the fruits grown on bare fallow

    Organizing Public Procurement in Ukraine and the European Union Countries

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    The article is concerned with the topical issues of improving the competitiveness of the national economy by improving the procedure of public procurement. The article is aimed at identifying the features of organization of public procurement in Ukraine and comparing it with the organization of these procedures in the countries of the European Union, which would reveal shortcomings of the Ukrainian model of public procurement, and developing recommendations as to overcoming them and approximation to the standards of the European Union. The mechanism of organization of procurement procedures in accordance with the EU directives has been determined, the analysis of both centralized and decentralized models of public procurement in the EU countries has been carried out. A comparative characterization of organizing the domestic electronic system of public procurement and the Georgian and European ones was carried out. The stages of procurement in the EU organizational model, which are absent in the Ukrainian model and require implementation to improve the efficiency of public procurement procedures, are defined

    The transformation of popular culture in information conditions

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    У статті розглянуто питання особливостей трансформаційних змін масової культури в умовах інформатизації суспільства. Показано, що сьогодні масова культура характеризується перехідним станом, піддаючись трансформації під впливом сучасних процесів культурного розвитку; відбувається зміни ціннісного змісту масової культури.Проаналізовано зв’язок між розвитком і змінами сучасної масової культури з мас­медіа. Зміни останніх років, що пов’язані з розвитком засобів масової комунікації, зокрема глобальної мережі Інтернет, безпосередньо торкнулися динаміки форм, видів та функцій масової культури. Автори статті відзначають важливу роль інформації, що передається засобами масової комунікації, які задають стандарти її сприйняття.Показано важливість дослідження масової культури як соціального феномена, що пояснюється стрімкими змінами, які відбуваються в структурі масової культури та її новими проявами в умовах інформаційного суспільства. В умовах інформатизації суспільства стає можливим швидкий, зручний доступ до різних «продуктів» масової культури. З`являються нові унікальні технічні засоби, що відкривають індивіду можливості знайомства з творами мистецтва, традиціями, цінностями інших культур, перебувати у постійній міжкультурній взаємодії, незважаючи на просторові та часові межі.The article considers the questions of special aspects of transformational changes of popular culture in terms of information society. It is shown that popular culture today is characterized as a transition position, undergoing transformation under the influence of actual processes of cultural development; they change value content of popular culture.The connection between development and changes of contemporary popular culture and media is analyzed. Changes in recent years associated with the development of the media, including the Internet, directly touched dynamics of forms, kinds and functions of popular culture. The authors noted the important role of information transferred by the media, which setting standards its perception.Shown the importance of research of the popular culture as a social phenomenon, due to fast changes taking place in the structure of the popular culture and its new signs in the information society. In terms of informatization of society it is possible to fast, convenient access to a variety of «products» of popular culture. Appear unique new the technical means opening individual possibilities discover art, traditions, values other cultures, to be in a constant intercultural interaction, despite the spatial and temporal boundaries

    Influence of AC electric field on the charge generation in albumin solution in a flow-based AFM-fishing system

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    The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Agreement No. 14.613.21.0063, universal identifier RFMEFI61317X0063