378 research outputs found

    Antiproton-Hydrogen annihilation at sub-kelvin temperatures

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    The main properties of the interaction of ultra low-energy antiprotons (E106% E\le10^{-6} a.u.) with atomic hydrogen are established. They include the elastic and inelastic cross sections and Protonium (Pn) formation spectrum. The inverse Auger process (Pn+eH+pˉPn+e \to H+\bar{p}) is taken into account in the framework of an unitary coupled-channels model. The annihilation cross-section is found to be several times smaller than the predictions made by the black sphere absorption models. A family of pˉH\bar{p}H nearthreshold metastable states is predicited. The dependence of Protonium formation probability on the position of such nearthreshold S-matrix singularities is analysed. An estimation for the HHˉH\bar{H} annihilation cross section is obtained.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 22 pages, 9 figure

    Socio-psychological risks of different generations in the digitalisation of society

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    Due to the development of digital technologies and the accelerated digitalisation of society, problems of a socio-psychological nature are emerging. The essence, characteristic features and reaction of each generation to modern trends are considered. The risk factors of global digitalisation for all generations of modern society are identified. The ways of minimising the consequences of socio-psychological risks for each generation of modern society are proposed. The main trends of accelerated digitalisation of society and their impact on the socio-psychological aspects of personality, the structure of cognitive processes and its cognitive components are considered. The essence of each of the five generations is analysed, starting from the older generation of Baby boomers and ending with the new generation of Alpha, their distinctive features, risk factors and value orientations. The authors propose possible ways to minimise the consequences of socio-psychological risks for each generation. The purpose and objective of the study: using the example of the considered five generations to show the socio-psychological risks to which modern society is exposed and to determine ways to minimise them. Research methods: comparative and socio-cultural analysis. Research tools – the theory of generations. As a result of the conducted research, socio-psychological problems were identified and options for their minimisation with the help of scientific knowledge achievements were proposed. Organisational, economic and socio-psychological mechanisms make it possible to reduce risks with the intensive development of the digitalisation of society and maintain a harmonious relationship between different generations

    О направлениях развития государственно-частного партнерства в пенитенциарной сфере

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    The subject. The production sector of the Russian penitentiary system requires development and modernization in order to increase the level of convicts’ employment, to ensure the growth of their labor productivity, which is ultimately aimed at increasing the level of correctional impact of socially useful labour. In modern conditions of market economy development, low efficiency of state production organizations economic activity on competitive markets, as well as the lack of budget funds for the modernization of production assets, the most promising form of organization of penitentiary institutions production activities is public-private partnership. The aim of the article is to develop scientifically based provisions that define the most promising areas for the development of Russian legislation, which will significantly improve the practice of implementing public-private partnership projects in the production sector of the penitentiary system. The methodology. In the course of the study, a complex of general scientific and special methods of scientific search was used, including scientific abstraction, a systematic approach, a dialectical method of cognition, as well as comparative legal and structural-system methods of research. The information base of the study is represented by scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists-penitentiaries, statistical data, regulations, as well as data on legal practice in the field under study. The main results, scope of application. The prerequisites for promising changes in the legislation that determine the need for a significant modernization of the production sector of the penitentiary system are identified. The expansion of the practice of implementing production projects with the involvement of private business initiatives in penitentiary institutions makes it possible to strengthen the corrective impact of socially useful labour, to improve convicts’ food and clothing provision, as well as the communal living conditions of their detention. Conclusion. The article substantiates the need to develop a concept of interaction between the penitentiary system and the business community in order to improve the efficiency of convicts’ employment and their correction, within the framework of which the most relevant directions and stages of the development of public-private partnership should be determined in the future.Выявлены предпосылки перспективных изменений в законодательстве, определяющие потребность существенной модернизации производственного сектора пенитенциарной системы. Расширение практики реализации производственных проектов с привлечением частной предпринимательской инициативы в пенитенциарных учреждениях позволяет  усилить корректирующее воздействие общественно-полезного труда, улучшить продовольственное и вещевое обеспечение осужденных, а также коммунально-бытовые условия их содержания. Обоснована необходимость разработки концепции взаимодействия пенитенциарной системы с бизнес-сообществом с целью повышения эффективности трудоустройства осужденных и их исправления, в рамках которой далее следует определить наиболее актуальные направления и этапы развития государственно-частного партнерства

    Low-energy Antiproton Interaction with Helium

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    An ab initio potential for the interaction of the neutral helium atom with antiprotons and protons is calculated using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Using this potential, the annihilation cross section for antiprotons in the energy range 0.01 microvolt to 1 eV is calculated.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Singular potentials and annihilation

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    We discuss the regularization of attractive singular potentials αs/rs-\alpha _{s}/r^{s}, s2s\geq 2 by infinitesimal imaginary addition to interaction constant αs=αs±i0\alpha_{s}=\alpha_{s}\pm i0. Such a procedure enables unique definition of scattering observables and is equal to an absorption (creation) of particles in the origin. It is shown, that suggested regularization is an analytical continuation of the scattering amplitudes of repulsive singular potential in interaction constant αs\alpha_{s}. The nearthreshold properties of regularized in a mentioned way singular potential are examined. We obtain expressions for the scattering lengths, which turn to be complex even for infinitesimal imaginary part of interaction constant. The problem of perturbation of nearthreshold states of regular potential by a singular one is treated, the expressions for level shifts and widths are obtained. We show, that the physical sense of suggested regularization is that the scattering observables are insensitive to any details of the short range modification of singular potential, if there exists sufficiently strong inelastic short range interaction. In this case the scattering observables are determined by solutions of Schrodinger equation with regularized potential (αs±i0)/rs-(\alpha_{s}\pm i0)/r^{s}. We point out that the developed formalism can be applied for the description of systems with short range annihilation, in particular low energy nucleon-antinucleon scattering.Comment: 10 page


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    In the given research results of inspection of children with a HIV-infection are analyzed at perinatal ways. 550 children from a birth till 10 years are surveyed. The neurological status of patients, the data immunological and virologic inspection of plasma and cerebrospinal fluid is studied. It is spent neuroimaging and psychometric testing. It is shown that defeat of nervous system is HIV-infection display at children’s age. A HIV-induced defeat of the central and peripheral nervous system is presented, first of all, to specific HIV-encephalitis with sharp and sub acute a current. Are revealed clinical and immunological correlations at various stages of infectious process, influence antiretroviral therapies on dynamics of neurological infringements is analyzed.В данном исследовании проанализированы результаты обследования детей с ВИЧ-инфекцией при перинатальном пути инфицирования. Обследовано 550 детей от рождения до 10 лет. Изучен неврологический статус пациентов, данные иммунологического и вирусологического обследования плазмы и ликвора. Проведена нейровизуализация и психометрическое тестирование. Показано, что поражение нервной системы является патогномоничным проявлением ВИЧ-инфекции в детском возрасте. ВИЧ-индуцированное поражение центральной и периферической нервной системы представлено, прежде всего, специфическим ВИЧ-энцефалитом с острым и подострым течением. Выявлены клинико-иммунологические корреляции на различных стадиях инфекционного процесса, проанализировано влияние антиретровирусной терапии на динамику неврологических нарушений

    Antiproton-deuteron annihilation at low energies

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    Recent experimental studies of the antiproton-deuteron system at low energies have shown that the imaginary part of the antiproton-deuteron scattering length is smaller than the antiproton-proton one. Two- and three-body systems with strong annihilation are investigated and a mechanism explaining this unexpected relation between the imaginary parts of the scattering lengths is proposed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in The European Physical Journal

    Charm production nearby threshold in pA-interactions at 70 GeV

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    The results of the SERP-E-184 experiment at the U-70 accelerator (IHEP, Protvino) are presented. Interactions of the 70 GeV proton beam with C, Si and Pb targets were studied to detect decays of charmed D0D^0, D0\overline D^0, D+D^+, DD^- mesons and Λc+\Lambda _c^+ baryon near their production threshold. Measurements of lifetimes and masses are shown a good agreement with PDG data. The inclusive cross sections of charm production and their A-dependencies were obtained. The yields of these particles are compared with the theoretical predictions and the data of other experiments. The measured cross section of the total open charm production (σtot(cc)\sigma _{\mathrm {tot}}(c\overline c) = 7.1 ±\pm 2.3(stat) ±\pm 1.4(syst) μ\mu b/nucleon) at the collision c.m. energy s\sqrt {s} = 11.8 GeV is well above the QCD model predictions. The contributions of different species of charmed particles to the total cross section of the open charm production in proton-nucleus interactions vary with energy.Comment: 4 pages, 6 pages, 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, US

    Casimir interaction between a dielectric nanosphere and a metallic plane

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    We study the Casimir interaction between a dielectric nanosphere and a metallic plane, using the multiple scattering theory. Exact results are obtained with the dielectric described by a Sellmeier model and the metal by a Drude model. Asymptotic forms are discussed for small spheres, large or small distances. The well-known Casimir-Polder formula is recovered at the limit of vanishingly small spheres, while an expression better behaved at small distances is found for any finite value of the radius. The exact results are of particular interest for the study of quantum states of nanospheres in the vicinity of surfaces.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    GRANIT project: a trap for gravitational quantum states of UCN

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    Previous studies of gravitationally bound states of ultracold neutrons showed the quantization of energy levels, and confirmed quantum mechanical predictions for the average size of the two lowest energy states wave functions. Improvements in position-like measurements can increase the accuracy by an order of magnitude only. We therefore develop another approach, consisting in accurate measurements of the energy levels. The GRANIT experiment is devoted to the study of resonant transitions between quantum states induced by an oscillating perturbation. According to Heisenberg's uncertainty relations, the accuracy of measurement of the energy levels is limited by the time available to perform the transitions. Thus, trapping quantum states will be necessary, and each source of losses has to be controlled in order to maximize the lifetime of the states. We discuss the general principles of transitions between quantum states, and consider the main systematical losses of neutrons in a trap.Comment: presented in ISINN 15 seminar, Dubn