2,825 research outputs found

    Motion Caused by Magnetic Field in Lobachevsky Space

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    We study motion of a relativistic particle in the 3-dimensional Lobachevsky space in the presence of an external magnetic field which is analogous to a constant uniform magnetic field in the Euclidean space. Three integrals of motion are found and equations of motion are solved exactly in the special cylindrical coordinates. Motion on surface of the cylinder of constant radius is considered in detail.Comment: 4 page

    Classical Particle in Presence of Magnetic Field, Hyperbolic Lobachevsky and Spherical Riemann Models

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    Motion of a classical particle in 3-dimensional Lobachevsky and Riemann spaces is studied in the presence of an external magnetic field which is analogous to a constant uniform magnetic field in Euclidean space. In both cases three integrals of motions are constructed and equations of motion are solved exactly in the special cylindrical coordinates on the base of the method of separation of variables. In Lobachevsky space there exist trajectories of two types, finite and infinite in radial variable, in Riemann space all motions are finite and periodical. The invariance of the uniform magnetic field in tensor description and gauge invariance of corresponding 4-potential description is demonstrated explicitly. The role of the symmetry is clarified in classification of all possible solutions, based on the geometric symmetry group, SO(3,1) and SO(4) respectively

    Coulomb Green’s Function in Lobachevsky Space

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    The Green’s function of the Schr¨odinger equation with the Coulomb potential in the space of constant negative curvature is constructed in the form of an eigenfunction expansion. The closed form expression for this function is also presented

    Квантовый ротатор на трехмерной сфере

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    In this work, the quantum-mechanical problem of the motion of two material points of different masses on a three-dimensional sphere with a non-fixed position of the center of mass of the system is formulated on the basis of the previously solved classical problem. It is shown that the established Schrödinger equation includes two different reduced masses, depending on the distance between the points. For the case of the interaction potential of points, depending only on the distance between them, this equation allows the separation of variables into a radial, depending on the relative distance and both the reduced masses and the spherical part. The equation for the spherical part depends only on one of the above reduced mass and allows one to formulate and solve the problem of a rigid rotator - the distance between the points is fixed. The solution and spectrum of the problem of a rigid rotator are found. It is shown that the spectrum of the system has an upper limit that does not depend on the distance between points, in contrast to the spectrum in a flat space.На основе ранее решенной классической задачи сформулирована квантово-механическая задача о движении двух материальных точек различных масс на трехмерной сфере с нефиксированным положением центра масс системы. Показано, что в установленное уравнение Шредингера входят две различные приведенные массы, зависящие от расстояния между точками. Для случая потенциала взаимодействия точек, который зависит только от расстояния между ними, данное уравнение допускает разделение переменных на радиальную, зависящую от относительного расстояния, и обоих приведенных масс, а также сферическую части. Уравнение для сферической части зависит только от одной из приведенных масс и позволяет сформулировать и решить задачу о жестком ротаторе. Найдены решение и спектр задачи о жестком ротаторе. Показано, что спектр системы имеет верхнюю границу, не зависящую от расстояния между точками в отличие от спектра в плоском пространстве


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    We have shown that the stationary group of the isotropic vector of the four- dimensional pseudo- uclidean space, which is the subgroup of the rotation group SO(3.1) of this space, is the group of motion of the first- and second-kind horospheres in the three-dimensional extended Lobachevsky space and act transitively on horospheres.Показано, что стационарная группа изотропного вектора четырехмерного псевдоевклидового пространства – подгруппа группы вращений SO(3.1) данного пространства является группой движений орисфер первого и второго рода в трехмерном расширенном пространстве Лобачевского и действует на орисферах транзитивно