165 research outputs found

    Network-centric technologies for control of three-phase network operation modes

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    Purpose. The development of the control system for three-phase network is based on intelligent technologies of network-centric control of heterogeneous objects. The introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring of three-phase network increases the efficiency of management. Methodology. The case of decomposition of the instantaneous capacities of the fixed and variable components for 3-wire system. The features of power balance for the different modes of its functioning. It should be noted that symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced and good, but really unbalanced, if the standard reactive power is not zero. To solve the problem of compensation is sufficient knowledge of the total value of the inactive components of full power (value of the inactive power) without detail. The creation of a methodology of measurement and assessment will require knowledge of the magnitudes of each inactive component separately, which leads to the development of a unified approach to the measurement and compensation of inactive components of full power and the development of a generalized theory of power. Results. Procedure for the compensation of the current of zero sequence excludes from circuit the source, as the active component of instantaneous power of zero sequence, and a vector due to a current of zero sequence. This procedure is performed without time delay as it does not require integration. Only a 3–wire system with symmetrical voltage eliminates pulsations and symmetrization of the equivalent conductances of the phases of the task. Under asymmetric voltage, the power is different, its analysis requires the creation of a vector mathematical model of the energy processes of asymmetrical modes of 3–phase systems. Originality. The proposed method extends the basis of the vector method for any zero sequence voltages and shows that the various theories of instantaneous power three wired scheme due to the choice of a basis in a two-dimensional subspace. Practical value. The algorithm and software implementation for the decomposition of the zero sequence current, which allocated the procedure of obtaining null-balanced vectors of phase and interfacial voltage, calculation of active and inactive instantaneous power is zero balanced mode. The simulation results obtained in the software package Matlab by the method of visual programming in Simulink.Интеграция интеллектуальных и сетецентрических технологий в процесс управления режимами работы трехфазной сети обеспечивают оперативность компенсации нелинейностей в системе за счет ортогонального разложения тока и использования метода базисных функций для минимизации потерь

    The development of the theory of instantaneous power of three-phase network in terms of network centrism

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    Purpose. Information technologies allow multidimensional analysis of information about the state of the power system in a single information space in terms of providing network-centric approach to control and use of unmanned aerial vehicles as tools for condition monitoring of three-phase network. Methodology. The idea of energy processes in three independent (rather than four dependent) curves vector-functions with values in the arithmetic three-dimensional space adequately for both 4-wire and 3–wire circuits. The presence of zero sequence current structural (and mathematically) features a 4-wire scheme of energy from a 3-wire circuit. The zero sequence voltage caused by the displacement of the zero voltage phases. Offset zero in the calculations can be taken into account by appropriate selection of the reference voltages. Both of these energetic phenomena with common methodical positions are described in the framework of the general mathematical model, in which a significant role is played by the ort zero sequence. Results. Vector approach with a unified voice allows us to obtain and analyze new energy characteristics for 4–wire and 3–wire circuits in sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal mode, both in temporal and frequency domain. Originality. Symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced, even with non-zero reactive power. The converse is not true. The mode can be balanced and unbalanced load. The mode can be balanced and unbalanced voltage. Practical value. Assessing balance in network mode and the impact of instantaneous power on the magnitude of the losses, will allow to avoid the appearance of zero sequence and, thus, to improve the quality of electricity.Обеспечение сетецентрического подхода к режиму управления трехфазной сетью и оценка сбалансированности режима сети с учетом влияния мгновенной мощности на величину потерь даст возможность исключить появление нулевой последовательности и, тем самым, повысить качество электроэнергии

    Assessment of the antifungal activity of the violacein-forming strain Janthinobacterium sp. B-3515 against the mould fungus Alternaria brassicicola F-1864

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    A study of antifungal properties of violacein-forming strain Janthinobacterium sp. B-3515 as well as its secondary metabolite, violacein, against Alternaria brassicicola F-1864 is presented. Regardless of the presence of bacteria, mycelium growth in the first two days proceeded at the same rate. The effect of the bacterial strain was manifested after the third day of incubation. In general, during co-culture, the bacterial strain statistically significantly reduced the average growth of the mycelium of the mould fungus by 10


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    The authors attempted to establish methodology for constructing composite indicator to estimate the value and dynamic characteristics of the digital inequality. The trend of the modern development of the countries all over world is the course on the formation of the digital economy and the development of socio-economic relations based on digital interactions. In this regard the adoption of the «Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030» and the program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» proves to be relevant. The more so in the context of quite a noticeable socio-economic differentiation, there is a risk of the «digital divide» effect of the Russian regions, which will create additional difficulties for their development.After a brief historical overview of science and technology development stages (related to the digital economy) of the last decade and the reflection of this process in the scientific and professional literature and state programs of a number of countries, the authors review evolutionary aspects and challenges associated with implementation of programs such as the Nationwide program for informatization of society in Russia. The consolidated index of readiness of Russian regions to the information society, proposed by the Institute for the Development of the Information Society, has a number of shortcomings, which hinders its direct use for assessing digital inequality and comparing the regions of Russia according to the level of informatization in dynamics. The article examines the possibility of implementing the author’s idea of the improved integral indicator that would allow studying not only the development of the information society and Information and communication technologies (ICT) as a whole but also the interregional digital divide. The development of the new index considered the possibility of reflecting the degree of access of the population to ICT in the regions, taking into account technological factors.Авторами предпринята попытка обосновать методологию построения композитного индикатора для измерения величины и динамических характеристик цифрового неравенства в России. Во введении аргументируется положение, в соответствии с которым трендом современного развития ведущих стран мира стал курс на формирование цифровой экономики и развитие социально-экономических отношений на основе цифровых взаимодействий. В этой связи подчеркивается актуальность принятие «Стратегия развития информационного общества в Российской Федерации на 2017-2030 годы» и программы «Цифровая экономика Российской Федерации», так как в условиях достаточно заметной социально-экономической дифференциации существует риск возникновения эффекта «цифрового разрыва» российских регионов, что создаст дополнительные трудности для их развития.После краткого исторического экскурса по этапам научно-технологического развития последних десятилетий, связанного с цифровой экономикой, и отражения этого процесса в научно-профессиональной литературе и государственных программах ряда стран рассматривается вопрос об особенностях эволюции и трудностях реализации в России таких программ, как например, Общегосударственная программа информатизации общества. Предложенный Институтом развития информационного общества сводный Индекс готовности регионов России к информационному обществу обладает рядом недостатков, что препятствует его непосредственному использованию для оценки цифрового неравенства и сопоставления регионов России по уровню информатизации в динамике. В статье рассмотрена возможность реализации авторской идеи о модернизированном сводном индикаторе, который способен не только измерить развитие информационного общества и информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ) в целом, но и цифровое межрегиональное неравенство, когда учитываются возможности населения регионов к использованию ИКТ с учетом технологических факторов

    Extrinsic primary afferent signalling in the gut

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    Visceral sensory neurons activate reflex pathways that control gut function and also give rise to important sensations, such as fullness, bloating, nausea, discomfort, urgency and pain. Sensory neurons are organised into three distinct anatomical pathways to the central nervous system (vagal, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral). Although remarkable progress has been made in characterizing the roles of many ion channels, receptors and second messengers in visceral sensory neurons, the basic aim of understanding how many classes there are, and how they differ, has proven difficult to achieve. We suggest that just five structurally distinct types of sensory endings are present in the gut wall that account for essentially all of the primary afferent neurons in the three pathways. Each of these five major structural types of endings seems to show distinctive combinations of physiological responses. These types are: 'intraganglionic laminar' endings in myenteric ganglia; 'mucosal' endings located in the subepithelial layer; 'muscular–mucosal' afferents, with mechanosensitive endings close to the muscularis mucosae; 'intramuscular' endings, with endings within the smooth muscle layers; and 'vascular' afferents, with sensitive endings primarily on blood vessels. 'Silent' afferents might be a subset of inexcitable 'vascular' afferents, which can be switched on by inflammatory mediators. Extrinsic sensory neurons comprise an attractive focus for targeted therapeutic intervention in a range of gastrointestinal disorders.Australian National Health and Medical Research Counci

    Identification of Radiating Object Observations

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