501 research outputs found

    Holographic Renormalization of Foliation Preserving Gravity and Trace Anomaly

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    From the holographic renormalizationg group viewpoint, while the scale transformation plays a primary role in the duality by providing the extra dimension, the special conformal transformation seems to only play a secondary role. We, however, claim that the space-time diffeomorphism is crucially related to the latter. For its demonstration, we study the holographic renormalization group flow of a foliation preserving diffeomophic theory of gravity (a.k.a. space-time flipped Horava gravity). We find that the dual field theory, if any, is only scale invariant but not conformal invariant. In particular, we show that the holographic trace anomaly in four-dimension predicts the Ricci scalar squared term that would be incompatible with the Wess-Zumino consistency condition if it were conformal. This illustrates how the foliation preserving diffeomophic theory of gravity could be inconsistent with a theorem of the dual unitary quantum field theory.Comment: 18 pages, v2: reference added, v3: comments on more recent literature added in response to referee's reques

    Communicating Josephson Qubits

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    We propose a scheme to implement a quantum information transfer protocol with a superconducting circuit and Josephson charge qubits. The information exchange is mediated by an L-C resonator used as a data bus. The main decoherence sources are analyzed in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Vertical transport and electroluminescence in InAs/GaSb/InAs structures: GaSb thickness and hydrostatic pressure studies

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    We have measured the current-voltage (I-V) of type II InAs/GaSb/InAs double heterojunctions (DHETs) with 'GaAs like' interface bonding and GaSb thickness between 0-1200 \AA. A negative differential resistance (NDR) is observed for all DHETs with GaSb thickness >> 60 \AA below which a dramatic change in the shape of the I-V and a marked hysteresis is observed. The temperature dependence of the I-V is found to be very strong below this critical GaSb thickness. The I-V characteristics of selected DHETs are also presented under hydrostatic pressures up to 11 kbar. Finally, a mid infra-red electroluminescence is observed at 1 bar with a threshold at the NDR valley bias. The band profile calculations presented in the analysis are markedly different to those given in the literature, and arise due to the positive charge that it is argued will build up in the GaSb layer under bias. We conclude that the dominant conduction mechanism in DHETs is most likely to arise out of an inelastic electron-heavy-hole interaction similar to that observed in single heterojunctions (SHETs) with 'GaAs like' interface bonding, and not out of resonant electron-light-hole tunnelling as proposed by Yu et al. A Zener tunnelling mechanism is shown to contribute to the background current beyond NDR.Comment: 8 pages 12 fig

    Unconstrained Hamiltonian Formulation of SU(2) Gluodynamics

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    SU(2) Yang-Mills field theory is considered in the framework of the generalized Hamiltonian approach and the equivalent unconstrained system is obtained using the method of Hamiltonian reduction. A canonical transformation to a set of adapted coordinates is performed in terms of which the Abelianization of the Gauss law constraints reduces to an algebraic operation and the pure gauge degrees of freedom drop out from the Hamiltonian after projection onto the constraint shell. For the remaining gauge invariant fields two representations are introduced where the three fields which transform as scalars under spatial rotations are separated from the three rotational fields. An effective low energy nonlinear sigma model type Lagrangian is derived which out of the six physical fields involves only one of the three scalar fields and two rotational fields summarized in a unit vector. Its possible relation to the effective Lagrangian proposed recently by Faddeev and Niemi is discussed. Finally the unconstrained analog of the well-known nonnormalizable groundstate wave functional which solves the Schr\"odinger equation with zero energy is given and analysed in the strong coupling limit.Comment: 20 pages REVTEX, no figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D; minor changes, notations simplifie

    Raman light scattering study and microstructural analysis of epitaxial films of the electron-doped superconductor La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4}

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    We present a detailed temperature-dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in molecular-beam-epitaxy-grown films of the electron-doped superconductor La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4} close to optimal doping (x ~ 0.08, T_c = 29 K and x ~ 0.1, T_c = 27 K). The main focus of this work is a detailed characterization and microstructural analysis of the films. Based on micro-Raman spectroscopy in combination with x-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive x-ray analysis, and scanning electron microscopy, some of the observed phonon modes can be attributed to micron-sized inclusions of Cu_{2}O. In the slightly underdoped film (x ~ 0.08), both the Cu_{2}O modes and others that can be assigned to the La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4} matrix show pronounced softening and narrowing upon cooling below T ~ T_c. Based on control measurements on commercial Cu_{2}O powders and on a comparison to prior Raman scattering studies of other high-temperature superconductors, we speculate that proximity effects at La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4}/Cu_{2}O interfaces may be responsible for these anomalies. Experiments on the slightly overdoped La_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4} film (x ~ 0.1) did not reveal comparable phonon anomalies.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of macroscopic polarization in III-V nitride multi-quantum-wells

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    Huge built-in electric fields have been predicted to exist in wurtzite III-V nitrides thin films and multilayers. Such fields originate from heterointerface discontinuities of the macroscopic bulk polarization of the nitrides. Here we discuss the background theory, the role of spontaneous polarization in this context, and the practical implications of built-in polarization fields in nitride nanostructures. To support our arguments, we present detailed self-consistent tight-binding simulations of typical nitride QW structures in which polarization effects are dominant.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, uses revtex/epsf. submitted to PR

    Anomaly analysis of Hawking radiation from Kaluza-Klein black hole with squashed horizon

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    Considering gravitational and gauge anomalies at the horizon, a new method that to derive Hawking radiations from black holes has been developed by Wilczek et al. In this paper, we apply this method to non-rotating and rotating Kaluza-Klein black holes with squashed horizon, respectively. For the rotating case, we found that, after the dimensional reduction, an effective U(1) gauge field is generated by an angular isometry. The results show that the gauge current and energy-momentum tensor fluxes are exactly equivalent to Hawking radiation from the event horizon.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, the improved version, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    Measurement of the B0-anti-B0-Oscillation Frequency with Inclusive Dilepton Events

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    The B0B^0-Bˉ0\bar B^0 oscillation frequency has been measured with a sample of 23 million \B\bar B pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B Factory at SLAC. In this sample, we select events in which both B mesons decay semileptonically and use the charge of the leptons to identify the flavor of each B meson. A simultaneous fit to the decay time difference distributions for opposite- and same-sign dilepton events gives Δmd=0.493±0.012(stat)±0.009(syst)\Delta m_d = 0.493 \pm 0.012{(stat)}\pm 0.009{(syst)} ps−1^{-1}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Gauss hypergeometric function: reduction, epsilon-expansion for integer/half-integer parameters and Feynman diagrams

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    The Gauss hypergeometric functions 2F1 with arbitrary values of parameters are reduced to two functions with fixed values of parameters, which differ from the original ones by integers. It is shown that in the case of integer and/or half-integer values of parameters there are only three types of algebraically independent Gauss hypergeometric functions. The epsilon-expansion of functions of one of this type (type F in our classification) demands the introduction of new functions related to generalizations of elliptic functions. For the five other types of functions the higher-order epsilon-expansion up to functions of weight 4 are constructed. The result of the expansion is expressible in terms of Nielsen polylogarithms only. The reductions and epsilon-expansion of q-loop off-shell propagator diagrams with one massive line and q massless lines and q-loop bubble with two-massive lines and q-1 massless lines are considered. The code (Mathematica/FORM) is available via the www at this URL http://theor.jinr.ru/~kalmykov/hypergeom/hyper.htmlComment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 1-eps figure; v5: The code (Mathematica/FORM) is available via the www http://theor.jinr.ru/~kalmykov/hypergeom/hyper.htm

    Are biological systems poised at criticality?

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    Many of life's most fascinating phenomena emerge from interactions among many elements--many amino acids determine the structure of a single protein, many genes determine the fate of a cell, many neurons are involved in shaping our thoughts and memories. Physicists have long hoped that these collective behaviors could be described using the ideas and methods of statistical mechanics. In the past few years, new, larger scale experiments have made it possible to construct statistical mechanics models of biological systems directly from real data. We review the surprising successes of this "inverse" approach, using examples form families of proteins, networks of neurons, and flocks of birds. Remarkably, in all these cases the models that emerge from the data are poised at a very special point in their parameter space--a critical point. This suggests there may be some deeper theoretical principle behind the behavior of these diverse systems.Comment: 21 page
