68 research outputs found

    Seismological investigation of the Okavango Rift, Botswana

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    The mechanisms of rifting have been intensively investigated using geological and geophysical techniques beneath mature rift zones. However, current understanding on the earliest stages of rifting is seriously limited. Here we employ recently archived data from 17 broadband seismic stations traversing northern Botswana to conduct the first shear wave splitting and mantle transition zone (MTZ) studies within the Okavango Rift Zone (ORZ). The ORZ is an incipient continental rift situated at the terminal of the southwestern branch of the East African Rift System. The resulting normal MTZ thickness and consistently rift-parallel fast polarizations imply an absence of significant thermal anomalies in the upper mantle, ruling out the role of mantle plumes in the initiation of the ORZ. The observed anisotropy beneath the ORZ and adjacent areas is mainly attributed to the relative movement between the lithosphere and asthenosphere with regional contributions from fabrics in the lithosphere and flow deflection by the bottom of the lithosphere. Our observations imply that the initiation and development of the ORZ can be initiated following a passive mode from the consequences of relative movements between the South African block and the rest of the African plate along a zone of lithospheric weakness between the Congo and Kalahari cratons. In addition, an approach was developed to effectively remove the near surface reverberations in the resulting receiver functions, decipher the P-to-S converted phases associated with the Moho discontinuity, and thus resolve sub-sediment crustal structure beneath stations sitting on a low-velocity sedimentary layer. --Abstract, page iii

    Topography of the 410 and 660 Km Discontinuities Beneath the Cenozoic Okavango Rift Zone and Adjacent Precambrian Provinces

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    By taking advantage of the recent availability of a broadband seismic data set from Networks NR and BX covering the entire country of Botswana, we conduct a systematic receiver function investigation of the topography of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath the incipient Okavango rift zone (ORZ) in northern Botswana and its adjacent Archean-Proterozoic tectonic provinces in southern Africa. Similar to a previous mantle transition zone (MTZ) discontinuity study using data from a 1-D profile traversing the ORZ, a normal MTZ thickness is observed in most parts of the study area. This is inconsistent with the existence of widespread positive thermal anomalies in the MTZ and further implies that active thermal upwelling from the lower mantle plays an insignificant role in the initiation of continental rifting. The results also suggest that cold temperature presumably associated with thick cratonic keels has indiscernible influence on the thermal structure of the MTZ. The expanded data set reveals several isolated areas of slight (~10 km or smaller) MTZ thinning. The largest of such areas has a NE-SW elongated shape and is mostly caused by relative deepening of the 410 km discontinuity rather than shallowing of the 660 km discontinuity. These characteristics are different from those expected for a typical mantle plume. We speculate that the thinner-than-normal MTZ may be induced by minor thermal upwelling associated with late Mesozoic-early Cenozoic lithospheric delamination, a recently proposed mechanism that might be responsible for the high elevation of southern Africa

    Mantle Structure and Flow Beneath an Early-Stage Continental Rift: Constraints from P Wave Anisotropic Tomography

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    To explore 3-D seismic velocity and radial anisotropy structures of the upper mantle and mantle transition zone beneath the Malawi and Luangwa rift zones of the East African Rift System, we conduct the first study of P wave anisotropic tomography using data recorded at 75 seismic stations including 34 stations that we installed along two profiles as part of the Seismic Arrays for African Rift Initiation experiment. Both rift zones are revealed to have normal or slightly low velocity anomalies in the lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. The surrounding cratonic lithosphere is characterized by high-velocity anomalies with amplitudes ranging from +1.0% to +2.0%. Negative radial anisotropy, which is indicative of upwelling or downwelling in the mantle, is mainly distributed beneath the rift zones, whereas the other areas mostly feature positive radial anisotropy that implies horizontal flow. A prominent circular low-velocity anomaly exists in the top 200 km of the upper mantle beneath the Rungwe Volcanic Province without obvious connections to the lower mantle. Combining the present findings with previous geodetic and tomography results, we interpret the Rungwe Volcanic Province magmatism as primarily due to decompression melting in response to lithospheric extension induced by the counterclockwise and clockwise rotations of the Victoria and Rovuma microplates, respectively, with respect to the Nubian plate. Isolated mantle upwelling, which is indicated by scattered low-velocity anomalies and negative radial anisotropy beneath the Malawi rift zone, may contribute to the incipient rifting

    Periodic and uniform nanogratings formed on cemented carbide by femtosecond laser scanning

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    Periodic and uniform nanogratings are fabricated by femtosecond laser scanning on cemented carbide. Specifically, three experiments are designed to study the influence of single pulse energy, scanning speed, and scanning spacing on the period and the uniformity of the formed nanogratings. The results show that the sample with single pulse energy of 2 μJ, scanning speed of 1000 μm/s, and scanning spacing of 5 μm shows the best quality of nanogratings among all the tested samples at different processing parameters. The uniformity of the nanogratings is largely determined by single pulse energy, scanning speed, and scanning spacing. Single pulse energy and scanning speed significantly affect the period of the nanogratings, whereas the period of the nanogratings maintains a fixed value under different scanning spacings. The period of the nanogratings increases gradually with the decrease of the single pulse energy and the increase of the scanning speed, respectively

    Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Malawi Rift Zone, East Africa

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    SKS, SKKS, and PKS splitting parameters measured at 34 seismic stations that we deployed in the vicinity of the Cenozoic Malawi Rift Zone (MRZ) of the East African Rift System demonstrate systematic spatial variations with an average splitting time of 1.0 ± 0.3 s. The overall NE-SW fast orientations are consistent with absolute plate motion (APM) models of the African Plate constructed under the assumption of no-net rotation of the global lithosphere and are inconsistent with predicted APM directions from models employing a fixed hot spot reference frame. They also depart considerably from the trend of most of the major tectonic features. These observations, together with the results of anisotropy depth estimation using the spatial coherency of the splitting parameters, suggest a mostly asthenospheric origin of the observed azimuthal anisotropy. The single-layered anisotropy observed at 30 and two-layered anisotropy observed at 4 of the 34 stations can be explained by APM-related simple shear within the rheologically transitional layer between the lithosphere and asthenosphere, as well as by the horizontal deflection of asthenospheric flow along the southern and western edges of a continental block with relatively thick lithosphere revealed by previous seismic tomography and receiver function investigations. This first regional-scale shear wave splitting investigation of the MRZ suggests the absence of rifting-related active mantle upwelling or small-scale mantle convection and supports a passive-rifting process for the MRZ

    Crustal Structure of the Indochina Peninsula From Ambient Noise Tomography

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    The collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates promotes the southeastward extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula while the internal dynamics of its crustal deformation remain enigmatic. Here, we make use of seismic data from 38 stations and employ the ambient noise tomography to construct a 3‐D crustal shear‐wave velocity (Vs) model beneath the Indochina Peninsula. A low‐Vs anomaly is revealed in the mid‐lower crust of the Shan‐Thai Block and probably corresponds to the southern extension of the crustal flow from SE Tibet. Although the Khorat Plateau behaves as a rigid block, the observed low‐Vs anomalies in the lower crust and also below the Moho indicate that the crust may have been partially modified by mantle‐derived melts. The strike‐slip shearing motions of the Red River Fault may have dominantly developed crustal deformation at its western flank where a low‐Vs anomaly is observed at the upper‐middle crust

    Continental Break-Up under a Convergent Setting: Insights from P Wave Radial Anisotropy Tomography of the Woodlark Rift in Papua New Guinea

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    To explore the dynamic mechanism of continental rifting within a convergent setting, we determine the first P wave radial anisotropic tomography beneath the Woodlark rift in southeastern Papua New Guinea, which develops within the obliquely colliding zone between the Australian and southwest Pacific plates. The rift zone is depicted as localized low-velocity anomalies with positive radial anisotropy, which rules out a dominant role of active mantle upwelling in promoting the rift development and favors passive rifting with decompression melting as main processes. Downwelling slab relics in the upper mantle bounding the rift zone are revealed based on observed high-velocity anomalies and negative radial anisotropy, which may contribute to the ultra-high pressure rock exhumations and rift initiation. Our observations thus indicate that the Woodlark rift follows a passive model and is mainly driven by slab pull from the northward subduction of the Solomon plate

    Continental Break‐Up Under a Convergent Setting: Insights From P Wave Radial Anisotropy Tomography of the Woodlark Rift in Papua New Guinea

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    To explore the dynamic mechanism of continental rifting within a convergent setting, we determine the first P wave radial anisotropic tomography beneath the Woodlark rift in southeastern Papua New Guinea, which develops within the obliquely colliding zone between the Australian and southwest Pacific plates. The rift zone is depicted as localized low‐velocity anomalies with positive radial anisotropy, which rules out a dominant role of active mantle upwelling in promoting the rift development and favors passive rifting with decompression melting as main processes. Downwelling slab relics in the upper mantle bounding the rift zone are revealed based on observed high‐velocity anomalies and negative radial anisotropy, which may contribute to the ultra‐high pressure rock exhumations and rift initiation. Our observations thus indicate that the Woodlark rift follows a passive model and is mainly driven by slab pull from the northward subduction of the Solomon plate

    No Thermal Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone beneath an Incipient Continental Rift: Evidence from the First Receiver Function Study Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana

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    Mechanisms leading to the initiation and early-stage development of continental rifts remain enigmatic, in spite of numerous studies. Among the various rifting models, which were developed mostly based on studies of mature rifts, far-field stresses originating from plate interactions (passive rifting) and nearby active mantle upwelling (active rifting) are commonly used to explain rift dynamics. Situated atop of the hypothesized African Superplume, the incipient Okavango Rift Zone (ORZ) of northern Botswana is ideal to investigate the role of mantle plumes in rift initiation and development, as well as the interaction between the upper and lower mantle. The ORZ developed within the Neoproterozoic Damara belt between the Congo Craton to the northwest and the Kalahari Craton to the southeast. Mantle structure and thermal status beneath the ORZ are poorly known, mostly due to a complete paucity of broadband seismic stations in the area. As a component of an interdisciplinary project funded by the United States National Science Foundation, a broad-band seismic array was deployed over a 2-yr period between mid-2012 and mid-2014 along a profile 756 km in length. Using P-to-S receiver functions (RFs) recorded by the stations, the 410 and 660 km discontinuities bordering the mantle transition zone (MTZ) are imaged for the first time. When a standard Earth model is used for the stacking of RFs, the apparent depths of both discontinuities beneath the Kalahari Craton are about 15 km shallower than those beneath the Congo Craton. Using teleseismic Pand S-wave traveltime residuals obtained by this study and lithospheric thickness estimated by previous studies, we conclude that the apparent shallowing is the result of a 100-150 km difference in the thickness of the lithosphere between the two cratons. Relative to the adjacent tectonically stable areas, no significant anomalies in the depth of the MTZ discontinuities or in teleseismic P- and S-wave traveltime residuals are found beneath the ORZ. These observations imply an absence of significant thermal anomalies in the MTZ and in the upper mantle beneath the incipient rift, ruling out the role of mantle plumes in the initiation of the ORZ. We propose that the initiation and development of the ORZ were the consequences of relative movements between the South African block and the rest of the African plate along a zone of lithospheric weakness between the Congo and Kalahari cratons. An area of thinner-than-normal MTZ is found at the SW corner of the study area. This anomaly, if confirmed by future studies, could suggest significant transferring of heat from the lower to the upper mantle