1,976 research outputs found

    Coordinates and Automorphisms of Polynomial and Free Associative Algebras of Rank Three

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    We study z-automorphisms of the polynomial algebra K[x,y,z] and the free associative algebra K over a field K, i.e., automorphisms which fix the variable z. We survey some recent results on such automorphisms and on the corresponding coordinates. For K we include also results about the structure of the z-tame automorphisms and algorithms which recognize z-tame automorphisms and z-tame coordinates

    Tame Automorphisms Fixing a Variable of Free Associative Algebras of Rank Three

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    We study automorphisms of the free associative algebra K over a field K which fix the variable z. We describe the structure of the group of z-tame automorphisms and derive algorithms which recognize z-tame automorphisms and z-tame coordinates

    Embeddings of curves in the plane

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    In this paper, we contribute toward a classification of two-variable polynomials by classifying (up to an automorphism of C2C^2) polynomials whose Newton polygon is either a triangle or a line segment. Our classification has several applications to the study of embeddings of algebraic curves in the plane. In particular, we show that for any kβ‰₯2k \ge 2, there is an irreducible curve with one place at infinity, which has at least kk inequivalent embeddings in C2C^2. Also, upon combining our method with a well-known theorem of Zaidenberg and Lin, we show that one can decide "almost" just by inspection whether or not a polynomial fiber is an irreducible simply connected curve.Comment: 11 page

    The strong Anick conjecture is true

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    Recently Umirbaev has proved the long-standing Anick conjecture, that is, there exist wild automorphisms of the free associative algebra K over a field K of characteristic 0. In particular, the well-known Anick automorphism is wild. In this article we obtain a stronger result (the Strong Anick Conjecture that implies the Anick Conjecture). Namely, we prove that there exist wild coordinates of K. In particular, the two nontrivial coordinates in the Anick automorphism are both wild. We establish a similar result for several large classes of automorphisms of K. We also find a large new class of wild automorphisms of K which is not covered by the results of Umirbaev. Finally, we study the lifting problem for automorphisms and coordinates of polynomial algebras, free metabelian algebras and free associative algebras and obtain some interesting new results.Comment: 25 pages, corrected typos and acknowledgement

    Polynomial Retracts and the Jacobian Conjecture

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    Let K[x,y] K[x, y] be the polynomial algebra in two variables over a field KK of characteristic 00. A subalgebra RR of K[x,y]K[x, y] is called a retract if there is an idempotent homomorphism (a {\it retraction}, or {\it projection}) Ο†:K[x,y]β†’K[x,y]\varphi: K[x, y] \to K[x, y] such that Ο†(K[x,y])=R\varphi(K[x, y]) = R. The presence of other, equivalent, definitions of retracts provides several different methods of studying them, and brings together ideas from combinatorial algebra, homological algebra, and algebraic geometry. In this paper, we characterize all the retracts of K[x,y] K[x, y] up to an automorphism, and give several applications of this characterization, in particular, to the well-known Jacobian conjecture. Notably, we prove that if a polynomial mapping Ο†\varphi of K[x,y]K[x,y] has invertible Jacobian matrix {\it and } fixes a non-constant polynomial, then Ο†\varphi is an automorphism

    Affine varieties with equivalent cylinders

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    A well-known cancellation problem asks when, for two algebraic varieties V1,V2βŠ†CnV_1, V_2 \subseteq {\bf C}^n, the isomorphism of the cylinders V1Γ—CV_1 \times {\bf C} and V2Γ—CV_2 \times {\bf C} implies the isomorphism of V1V_1 and V2V_2. In this paper, we address a related problem: when the equivalence (under an automorphism of Cn+1{\bf C}^{n+1}) of two cylinders V1Γ—CV_1 \times {\bf C} and V2Γ—CV_2 \times {\bf C} implies the equivalence of their bases V1V_1 and V2V_2 under an automorphism of Cn{\bf C}^n? We concentrate here on hypersurfaces and show that this problem establishes a strong connection between the Cancellation conjecture of Zariski and the Embedding conjecture of Abhyankar and Sathaye. We settle the problem for a large class of polynomials. On the other hand, we give examples of equivalent cylinders with inequivalent bases (those cylinders, however, are not hypersurfaces). Another result of interest is that, for an arbitrary field KK, the equivalence of two polynomials in mm variables under an automorphism of K[x1,...,xn],nβ‰₯m,K[x_1,..., x_n], n \ge m, implies their equivalence under a tame automorphism of K[x1,...,x2n]K[x_1,..., x_{2n}].Comment: 12 page

    Degree estimate for commutators

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    Let K be a free associative algebra over a field K of characteristic 0 and let each of the noncommuting polynomials f,g generate its centralizer in K. Assume that the leading homogeneous components of f and g are algebraically dependent with degrees which do not divide each other. We give a counterexample to the recent conjecture of Jie-Tai Yu that deg([f,g])=deg(fg-gf) > min{deg(f),deg(g)}. Our example satisfies deg(g)/2 < deg([f,g]) < deg(g) < deg(f) and deg([f,g]) can be made as close to deg(g)/2 as we want. We obtain also a counterexample to another related conjecture of Makar-Limanov and Jie-Tai Yu stated in terms of Malcev - Neumann formal power series. These counterexamples are found using the description of the free algebra K considered as a bimodule of K[u] where u is a monomial which is not a power of another monomial and then solving the equation [u^m,s]=[u^n,r] with unknowns r,s in K.Comment: 18 page
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