173 research outputs found

    The Behavior of Invert Sugar in Sugar Refining.

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    Alkaline degradation of pure invert and invert in refining materials including washed sugar liquor, melt liquor and affination syrup has been investigated. The pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics of invert alkaline degradation was demonstrated for a pH range of 9.0-11.0 and a temperature range of 70-90\sp\circC. In this range, rate constants of invert degradation increased 5 to 6 times with one unit increase in pH. The effects of pH and temperature on rate constants were quantified and could be expressed as: log k = 19.42 - 6712/T - 0.712pOH. Rate constants of invert alkaline degradation at different pH-temperature-base combinations calculated by this equation are very close to experimental data, but are significantly different from the rate constants calculated from Vukov\u27s equation: log k = 16.9 - 5260/T - pOH. Activation energy of invert alkaline degradation was 30.95 kcal/mol and was found to be pH independent when Ca(OH)\sb2 suspension was used as a base. Activation energy changed with pH when NaOH and KOH solutions were used. Under constant pH and temperature, the rate constant increased 0.004 min\sp{-1} or about 12% with 10% increase in sucrose concentration. The second-order polynomial correlation between the production of lactic acid and the concentration of invert degraded was obtained. The correlation between color formation and invert concentration was also second-order polynomial. Ca\sp{2+} favored the formation of lactic acid and inhibited the formation of color under the experimental conditions. The effects of sucrose on the rate constant of invert degradation and the formation of lactic acid were explained by the effect of sucrose concentration on the behavior of pH electrode. The study of invert degradation of washed sugar liquor in a laboratory continuous carbonation system demonstrated that, if the operation conditions were proper and well controlled, the efficiency of the operation evaluated by decolorization, decalcification and filter ability of carbonation would not be influenced by invert destruction. The experiments of invert degradation in melt liquor and affination syrup demonstrated that the dose of lime had significant effect on the efficiency of carbonation. The destruction of invert in affination syrup very costly because a considerable amount of lime is needed and a large amount of cake is produced

    Based on the Theory of Chronic Liver Disease

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    Doctors discuss the treatment of chronic liver disease from the perspective of dampness, poison, and blood stasis, less from the perspective of spleen Yin loss. The author discusses the physiological function of spleen Yin and its relationship with chronic liver disease, and analyzes that spleen Yin defciency is an important cause of chronic liver disease, and also an important manifestation of chronic liver disease, and puts forward three methods of solid spleen, liver and spleen treatment, sweet and fat tonic, sour and sweet Yin

    Środowiskowe aspekty europejskiego doświadczenia w architekturze krajobrazu

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    Understanding all the possibilities of environmentally oriented landscape planning will contribute to the effective environmental planning of the territory and nature management in general. Accordingly, the purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of the European countries towards the introduction of an effective system of environmentally oriented landscape planning and improvement of territories, as well as their protection. For this purpose, it is necessary to comprehensively study the strengths and weaknesses of existing developments in the field of environmentally oriented landscape planning in Europe. An analysis of the best practices of environmentally oriented landscape planning in such countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, etc. has been conducted. The findings allowed to state that the effectiveness of development and implementation of substantial planning for landscape design depends not only on the volume and depth of research, but to a very large extent from their reasonable and productive organisation. The paper summarises that in environmentally oriented landscape planning, it is first necessary to determine the reasons for planning. Before choosing the object and territory of planning, it is necessary to find out: who are the potential customers and investors – their goals and motivation; what are the problem situations and conflicts in nature management in the area; what is the practical use of the results of landscape planning; the purpose of the territory, including cartographic; the availability of source information, and more. And then make decisions regarding the stages of landscape planning, taking into account the environmental component and, accordingly, the implementation of the idea of landscape planning.Zrozumienie wszystkich aspektów architektury krajobrazu zorientowanej na środowisko przyczyni się do efektywnego planowania środowiskowego terytorium i ogólnie do zarządzania przyrodą. W związku z tym celem badania było zbadanie doświadczeń krajów europejskich w zakresie wprowadzenia efektywnego systemu architektury krajobrazu zorientowanej na środowisko i poprawy obszarów, a także ich ochrony. W tym celu konieczne jest kompleksowe zbadanie mocnych i słabych stron istniejących rozwiązań w dziedzinie architektury krajobrazu zorientowanej na środowisko. Przeprowadzono analizę najlepszych praktyk architektury krajobrazu w takich krajach jak Wielka Brytania, Francja, Niemcy i Holandia. Wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że skuteczność opracowania i wdrożenia planowania merytorycznego do projektowania krajobrazu zależy nie tylko od zakresu i głębokości badań, ale w bardzo dużym stopniu od ich racjonalnej organizacji. Stwierdzono, że w planowaniu krajobrazu zorientowanego na środowisko najpierw należy określić przyczyny planowania. Przed wyborem przedmiotu i terenu planowania należy dowiedzieć się: kim są potencjalni klienci i inwestorzy – ich cele i motywacja; jakie są sytuacje problemowe i konflikty w zarządzaniu przyrodą na danym terenie; jakie jest praktyczne wykorzystanie wyników planowania krajobrazu; cel terytorium, w tym opis kartograficzny; dostępność informacji źródłowych itp. Następnie należy podjąć decyzje dotyczące etapów planowania krajobrazowego z uwzględnieniem komponentu środowiskowego w celu odpowiedniej realizacji idei architektury krajobrazu

    Biomethanation and microbial community changes in a digester treating sludge from a brackish aquaculture recirculation system

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    AbstractUsing a high-salinity-adapted inoculum and a moderate stepwise-increased organic loading rate (OLR), a stable digester performance was achieved in treating sludge from a brackish aquaculture recirculation system. The specific methane yield was distinctly enhanced, reaching 0.203LCH4/gCODadded, compared to literature values (0.140–0.154LCH4/gCODadded) from the salty sludges. OLR adjustment and the fecal substrate substantially influenced population changes in the digester. Within the bacterial subpopulations, the relative abundance of Bacillus and Bacteroides declined, accompanied by the increase of Clostridium and Trigonala over time. The results show Trigonala was derived from the substrate and accumulated inside the digester. The most abundant methanogen was Methanosarcina in the inoculum and the digestates. The Methanosarcina proliferation can be ascribed to its metabolic versatility, probably a feature of crucial importance for high-salinity environments. Other frequently observed methanogens were outcompeted. The population similarity at the genus level between inoculum and digestates declined during the initial stage and afterwards increased

    Functional characterization of Fagopyrum tataricum ZIP gene family as a metal ion transporter

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    The zinc/iron-regulated transporter-like proteins (ZIP) family acts as an important transporter for divalent metal cations such as Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, and even Cd. However, their condition is unclear in Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum). Here, 13 ZIP proteins were identified and were predicted to be mostly plasma membrane-localized. The transient expressions of FtZIP2 and FtZIP6 in tobacco confirmed the prediction. Multiple sequence alignment analysis of FtZIP proteins revealed that most of them had 8 putative transmembrane (TM) domains and a variable region rich in histidine residues between TM3 and TM4, indicating the reliable affinity to metal ions. Gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR showed that FtZIP genes were markedly different in different organs, such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. However, in seedlings, the relative expression of FtZIP10 was notably induced under the CdCl2 treatment, while excessive Zn2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and Cd2+ increased the transcript of FtZIP5 or FtZIP13, in comparison to normal conditions. Complementation of yeast mutants with the FtZIP family genes demonstrate that FtZIP7/10/12 transport Zn, FtZIP5/6/7/9/10/11 transport Fe, FtZIP12 transports Mn and FtZIP2/3/4/7 transport Cd. Our data suggest that FtZIP proteins have conserved functions of transportation of metal ions but with distinct spatial expression levels

    Experimental study on flue gas foam-assisted steam flooding: investigating characteristics of enhanced oil recovery and gas storage

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    Steam flooding is one of the most widely used heavy oil thermal recovery technologies. Steam transfers heat to heavy oil to reduce viscosity and improve fluidity. The current problem is that steam loses a lot of heat in the formation, and there are serious carbon emissions in the whole production process. In this paper, flue gas and steam were combined to drive heavy oil in the form of composite thermal fluid, and foam was added on this basis. With the help of one-dimensional sandpack model, both single-model and parallel dual-model with permeability ratio experiments were conducted to investigate key characteristics such as steam heat transfer, heavy oil production and flue gas retention during the displacement process. The experimental results indicated that flue gas effectively inhibited steam condensation and reduced heat loss during the flow process. Compared to steam flooding, the sandpack model exhibited temperature rises of 4.4°C and 9.1°C at the middle and end, respectively. While flue gas foam fell slightly short of flue gas in terms of enhanced heat transfer, it outperforms in recovery factor, achieving a 10.4% improvement over flue gas-assisted steam flooding. The foam blocked gas channeling by accumulating and capturing along the flow path, resulting in a gas retention volume of 389 mL within the model. Furthermore, the flue gas foam facilitated steam flow to previously unswept low-permeability areas, thus enhancing oil recovery. In the parallel double-model experiment, the low-permeability model exhibited significantly improved oil displacement efficiency compared to flue gas-assisted steam flooding, and the remaining oil content in the end of the high permeability model was increased by 1.9%, while the remaining oil content in the front and end of the low-permeability model was reduced by 3.5% and 3.8% respectively

    Experimental study on thermochemical composite flooding mechanism of extra heavy oil reservoirs with erosion channels

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    During the steam flooding of extra heavy oil, expansion of steam chamber is difficult and erosion channels appear, which is different from conventional heavy oil. The thermochemical composite system composed of steam, foam and viscosity reducer can effectively improve the development effect of extra heavy oil reservoirs. However, during the thermochemical composite flooding, the rheological characteristics of extra heavy oil and the influence of erosion channels on oil displacement mechanism are not yet researched. Taking the extra heavy oil reservoir in Block X of the Chunfeng Oilfield as an example, experimental research on the rheological properties and thermochemical composite flooding of extra heavy oil model with erosion channel is conducted. Firstly, the influence of thermochemical composite system on the rheological properties of extra heavy oil is evaluated. Then, a one-dimensional (1D) sand-pack model with erosion channel is used to conduct thermochemical composite flooding experiments, comparing the recovery of steam flooding, foam assisted steam flooding, viscosity reducer assisted steam flooding, and composite flooding (foam and viscosity reducer assisted steam flooding). Finally, a two-dimensional (2D) sand-pack model with erosion channel is used to conduct thermochemical composite flooding experiments, comparing the recovery of viscosity reducer assisted flooding and composite flooding. The results show that viscosity reducer reduces the viscosity of extra heavy oil greatly, and the extra heavy oil is not sensitive to the change of temperature after viscosity reduction. When the concentration of viscosity reducer is 0.4% or more, good viscosity reduction effect can be achieved at different oil-water ratio. In the 1D sand-pack model experiments, compared to steam flooding, foam assisted steam flooding, viscosity reducer assisted steam flooding, and composite flooding, the recovery increased by 4.38%, 17.38%, and 30.46%, respectively. In the 2D sand-pack model experiments, compared to steam flooding, the viscosity reducer assisted steam flooding and composite flooding increase the oil recovery by 12.49% and 16.61%, respectively. The thermochemical composite flooding of extra heavy oil is dominated by erosion, supplemented by displacement. There is a synergistic effect between chemicals in the process of composite flooding. At the same time, the purpose of “enhanced erosion and expanded sweep” is achieved