13 research outputs found

    Teacher Perception About Implementation Strategy of B.Ed Teaching practice in Real School Classrooms: Issues and Challenges

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    Teaching practice is the core component of all pre-service teacher education programs. Through teaching practice, a novice teacher is assumed to have inculcated a supposedly viable pedagogic experience to transfer the core competency of the subject knowledge to students in real classroom situation. This study encompasses the challenges and issues that the novice teachers experience at post-training level of their B.Ed programme of studies. The investigations also enlighten the gaps that the trained teachers have shared with the researchers. The study highlights the extent to which the on-training components of teaching practice is reflected in the attitude of the trained teachers while implementing the set of learned skills in real classrooms. Study participants comprised randomly selected n = 120 student-teachers who had obtained their Bachelors Degree in Education in 2008. SPSS v16 independent sample t-test was used to measure the difference in the mean perception scores of the two groups of teachers. The tested hypotheses indicated that the mean scores of the two groups of sampled teachers were not significantly different. Student-teachers’ interviews revealed that teaching practice in the B.Ed programme was ineffective from the implementation perspectives. Teaching methods and techniques employed during the coursework were only lecture based and did not help novice teachers implement innovative classroom teaching techniques. Experiences of the two trained groups of teachers showed no significant difference on the basis of B.Ed teaching practice objectives and its implementation in professional teaching contexts

    Predictors of Cigarette Smoking Progression Among a School-Based Sample of Adolescents in Irbid, Jordan: A Longitudinal Study (2008–2011)

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    INTRODUCTION: Little evidence regarding longitudinal predictors of cigarette smoking progression is available from developing countries. This study aimed to identify gender-specific individual and social predictors of cigarette smoking progression among a school-based sample of adolescents in Irbid, Jordan. METHODS: A total of 1781 seventh graders (participation rate 95%) were enrolled and completed an annual self-administered questionnaire from 2008 through 2011. Students who reported ever-smoking a cigarette at baseline or in the subsequent follow-up but not being heavy daily smokers (\u3e10 cigarettes per day) were eligible for this analysis (N = 669). Grouped-time survival analyses were used to identify predictors of cigarette smoking progression in boys and girls. RESULTS: Among the study sample, 38.3% of students increased the frequency and /or amount of cigarette smoking during the 3 years of follow-up. Among individual factors, the urge to smoke in the morning predicted smoking progression for boys and girls. The independent predictors of cigarette smoking progression were friends\u27 smoking and attending public schools in boys, and siblings\u27 smoking in girls. Discussing the dangers of smoking with family members was protective for girls. CONCLUSION: Boys and girls progressed similarly in cigarette smoking once they initiated the habit. Progression among girls was solely family-related, while it was peer-related for boys

    Accuracy of computed tomography in diagnosing malignancy in solitary pulmonary lesions

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate accuracy of Computed Tomography (CT) for diagnosing malignancy in solitary pulmonary lesions (SPLs). METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted from 20-01-2007 to 30-06-2008 at the Radiology department, Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) Karachi. Fifty-three patients with solitary pulmonary lesions (SPLs) seen in prior chest x-rays or chest CT scans were referred to radiology department for CT guided biopsy. CT scan was performed for each patient prior to biopsy and CT evaluation of the SPLs was performed followed by CT guided Biopsy. Histopathological diagnosis of the lesion was taken as the gold standard. RESULTS: CT was found to be 100% sensitive, 30% specific and 87% accurate for diagnosing malignancy in solitary pulmonary lesions while PPV and NPV were 86% and 100% respectively. CONCLUSION: CT scan is highly sensitive yet non-specific and cannot be used as the definitive diagnostic modality for diagnosing malignancy in solitary pulmonary lesions

    Role of Pheromone Application Technology for the Management of Codling Moth in High Altitude and Cold Arid Region of Ladakh

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    The codling moth is a threat to the apple industries in India. Currently, no solutions are available for the management of codling moth in Ladakh. Therefore, all fresh fruits from Ladakh are still banned due to quarantine regulations. Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh are the three main apple producing states of India, both in quality and quantity. The ban on all fresh fruits from Ladakh directly affects the economy of rural populations. These fruits are sold in all the local markets of Kargil and Leh. Apples damaged by the larvae of codling moth are less preferred by inhabitants, tourists, and security forces, a large area of Ladakh is bordered with China and Pakistan. Field demonstration trials revealed significantly less fruit damage in apple orchards in different hamlets of Ladakh using pheromone dispensers, pheromone baited traps, and two applications of insecticides for codling moth management. A demonstration of the use of pheromone and pheromone dispenser technology for area-wide management for high dense populations of the codling moth in Ladakh has revealed successful results in the orchards of the apple growers. Area-wide management of the codling moth in some villages, using dispenser technology has shown promising results. The ban of fresh fruits in Ladakh may not be, therefore, appropriate as management of the codling moth appears to be successful with the use of pheromone dispenser technology. This technology will, surely, boost the apple industry and have a great potential for establishing commercial orchards and quality apples in high altitudes in the second-highest cold arid region of the world

    Effektiv handlÀggning av bygglovsprocessen : En fallstudie av bygglovsprocessen i VÀxjö kommun

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    Purpose: The purpose of this work is to identify shortcomings and challenges that occur within the building permit process and then present concrete improvement proposals to streamline the building permit process in VĂ€xjö municipality. Method: To identify the shortcomings in the building permit process, several methods have been used such as a literature study, a case study and document analysis. The case study was covered by four interviews with administrators who work in the building permit department in VĂ€xjö municipality to get a glimpse of how the building permit process works, what shortcomings the administrators have experienced with the process and how the process is managed. In addition, a document analysis of internal and publicly published documents has taken place to skew a picture of the way of working in the department as well as the routines of the department. Results: Results show how VĂ€xjö municipality nowadays works around the building permit process and how applications are handled. Administrators in the municipality use a program called Castor to perform procedures in the OneNote Program.  Furthermore, the shortcomings experienced by the administrators with this routine are also presented. The e-service for the application for a building permit worked for private individuals but was complicated for organizations. The building permit website needs more specific information regarding guidance for the preparation of documents as well as information on which documents must be submitted in connection with the application. Finally, in the results section, several improvement proposals on how the building permit process can be made more streamlined were presented. For example, by updating the website to expand the knowledge of a private applicant, by developing the e-service and by expanding the competence supply of administrators. in addition, municipality’s opinion in implementing the proposed measures is discussed. Conclusions: The conclusion of this work is that implementing the measures can indeed help to resolve existing short comes, thereby streamlining the building permit process. For the building permit process to be more efficient for both administrators and applicants, an implementation of measures can be made. Administrators can increase their skills supply and learn the existing digital tools as well as expand learning in IT. Furthermore, updates to the municipal website can be made to expand applicant knowledge in applications for building permits.Detta examenarbete grundar sig i problematiken omkring en effektiv handlĂ€ggning av bygglovsprocessen. Med hjĂ€lp av en ökad effektivisering kan bygglovsprocessen bli mer lĂ€tthanterad för handlĂ€ggare samt bidra till snabbare bygglovsprocess. Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att studera bygglovsprocessen i VĂ€xjö kommun för att identifiera brister och utmaningar samt föreslĂ„ konkreta förbĂ€ttringsförslag för att effektivisera denna process. Fyra intervjuer med handlĂ€ggare som jobbar i bygglovsavdelning i VĂ€xjö kommun genomfördes för att fĂ„ en bild av hur bygglovsprocessen fungerar, vilka brister handlĂ€ggarna har upplevt med processen samt hur processen hanteras. Det har Ă€ven genomförts en dokumentanalys av interna och allmĂ€nt publicerade dokument för att fĂ„ ytterligare insikter av arbetssĂ€ttet och rutinerna pĂ„ avdelningen. Resultat visar hur VĂ€xjö kommun för nĂ€rvarande arbetar kring bygglovsprocessen och hur ansökningar hanteras. HandlĂ€ggare i kommunen anvĂ€nder sig av ett program som heter Castor för att utföra handlĂ€ggningar enligt rutiner i programmet OneNote. Vidare presenterades Ă€ven de brister som handlĂ€ggarna upplevde med denna rutin. E-tjĂ€nsten för ansökningen om bygglov fungerade för privata personer men inte för organisationer. Bygglovs hemsidan behöver mer specifik information angĂ„ende vĂ€gledning för upprĂ€ttelse av handlingar samt information om vilka dokument som det Ă€r mĂ„ste lĂ€mnas in i samband med ansökan. Slutligen presenteras i resultatdelen flera förbĂ€ttringsförslag pĂ„ hur bygglovsprocessen kan effektiviseras genom exempelvis en uppdatering av hemsidan för att utöka kunskapen hos en privat sökande. Ytterligare ett förslag Ă€r att utveckla e-tjĂ€nsten samt utöka kompetensförsörjningen hos handlĂ€ggare. Efter presentationen av resultatet diskuterades effektiviteten av dem föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rderna med handlĂ€ggaren. Enligt handlĂ€ggaren anses dem föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rderna vara rimliga och kan bidra till förbĂ€ttring i processen om avdelningen vĂ€ljer att implementera dem. Detta har sin anledning i att flera Ă„tgĂ€rder kommer tillsammans att komplettera varandra och lösa befintliga brister samt förebygga Ă„teruppstĂ„endet av dessa brister. Slutsatsen som kan dras Ă€r att genomförandet av föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rderna kan bidra till och hjĂ€lpa med att lösa befintliga brister och dĂ€rigenom effektivisera bygglovsprocessen. Bygglovsprocessen kan effektiviseras mer för bĂ„de handlĂ€ggare och dem sökande genom implementeringen av Ă„tgĂ€rder. HandlĂ€ggare kan öka sin kompetensförsörjning och lĂ€ra sig dem digitala verktygen samt utöka lĂ€randet inom IT. Vidare kan kommunens webbplats  uppdateras med bĂ€ttre exempel och information som ökar dem sökandes kunskaper om bygglovsprocessen  och bygglov

    Effektiv handlÀggning av bygglovsprocessen : En fallstudie av bygglovsprocessen i VÀxjö kommun

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    Purpose: The purpose of this work is to identify shortcomings and challenges that occur within the building permit process and then present concrete improvement proposals to streamline the building permit process in VĂ€xjö municipality. Method: To identify the shortcomings in the building permit process, several methods have been used such as a literature study, a case study and document analysis. The case study was covered by four interviews with administrators who work in the building permit department in VĂ€xjö municipality to get a glimpse of how the building permit process works, what shortcomings the administrators have experienced with the process and how the process is managed. In addition, a document analysis of internal and publicly published documents has taken place to skew a picture of the way of working in the department as well as the routines of the department. Results: Results show how VĂ€xjö municipality nowadays works around the building permit process and how applications are handled. Administrators in the municipality use a program called Castor to perform procedures in the OneNote Program.  Furthermore, the shortcomings experienced by the administrators with this routine are also presented. The e-service for the application for a building permit worked for private individuals but was complicated for organizations. The building permit website needs more specific information regarding guidance for the preparation of documents as well as information on which documents must be submitted in connection with the application. Finally, in the results section, several improvement proposals on how the building permit process can be made more streamlined were presented. For example, by updating the website to expand the knowledge of a private applicant, by developing the e-service and by expanding the competence supply of administrators. in addition, municipality’s opinion in implementing the proposed measures is discussed. Conclusions: The conclusion of this work is that implementing the measures can indeed help to resolve existing short comes, thereby streamlining the building permit process. For the building permit process to be more efficient for both administrators and applicants, an implementation of measures can be made. Administrators can increase their skills supply and learn the existing digital tools as well as expand learning in IT. Furthermore, updates to the municipal website can be made to expand applicant knowledge in applications for building permits.Detta examenarbete grundar sig i problematiken omkring en effektiv handlĂ€ggning av bygglovsprocessen. Med hjĂ€lp av en ökad effektivisering kan bygglovsprocessen bli mer lĂ€tthanterad för handlĂ€ggare samt bidra till snabbare bygglovsprocess. Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att studera bygglovsprocessen i VĂ€xjö kommun för att identifiera brister och utmaningar samt föreslĂ„ konkreta förbĂ€ttringsförslag för att effektivisera denna process. Fyra intervjuer med handlĂ€ggare som jobbar i bygglovsavdelning i VĂ€xjö kommun genomfördes för att fĂ„ en bild av hur bygglovsprocessen fungerar, vilka brister handlĂ€ggarna har upplevt med processen samt hur processen hanteras. Det har Ă€ven genomförts en dokumentanalys av interna och allmĂ€nt publicerade dokument för att fĂ„ ytterligare insikter av arbetssĂ€ttet och rutinerna pĂ„ avdelningen. Resultat visar hur VĂ€xjö kommun för nĂ€rvarande arbetar kring bygglovsprocessen och hur ansökningar hanteras. HandlĂ€ggare i kommunen anvĂ€nder sig av ett program som heter Castor för att utföra handlĂ€ggningar enligt rutiner i programmet OneNote. Vidare presenterades Ă€ven de brister som handlĂ€ggarna upplevde med denna rutin. E-tjĂ€nsten för ansökningen om bygglov fungerade för privata personer men inte för organisationer. Bygglovs hemsidan behöver mer specifik information angĂ„ende vĂ€gledning för upprĂ€ttelse av handlingar samt information om vilka dokument som det Ă€r mĂ„ste lĂ€mnas in i samband med ansökan. Slutligen presenteras i resultatdelen flera förbĂ€ttringsförslag pĂ„ hur bygglovsprocessen kan effektiviseras genom exempelvis en uppdatering av hemsidan för att utöka kunskapen hos en privat sökande. Ytterligare ett förslag Ă€r att utveckla e-tjĂ€nsten samt utöka kompetensförsörjningen hos handlĂ€ggare. Efter presentationen av resultatet diskuterades effektiviteten av dem föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rderna med handlĂ€ggaren. Enligt handlĂ€ggaren anses dem föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rderna vara rimliga och kan bidra till förbĂ€ttring i processen om avdelningen vĂ€ljer att implementera dem. Detta har sin anledning i att flera Ă„tgĂ€rder kommer tillsammans att komplettera varandra och lösa befintliga brister samt förebygga Ă„teruppstĂ„endet av dessa brister. Slutsatsen som kan dras Ă€r att genomförandet av föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rderna kan bidra till och hjĂ€lpa med att lösa befintliga brister och dĂ€rigenom effektivisera bygglovsprocessen. Bygglovsprocessen kan effektiviseras mer för bĂ„de handlĂ€ggare och dem sökande genom implementeringen av Ă„tgĂ€rder. HandlĂ€ggare kan öka sin kompetensförsörjning och lĂ€ra sig dem digitala verktygen samt utöka lĂ€randet inom IT. Vidare kan kommunens webbplats  uppdateras med bĂ€ttre exempel och information som ökar dem sökandes kunskaper om bygglovsprocessen  och bygglov

    DOPA-sparing strategy in the treatment of young onset Parkinson’s disease

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    Context: Late onset Parkinson’s disease (LOPD) is a neurodegenerative disorder afflicting individuals of ages 60 and older. However, 5–10% of cases can begin earlier between the ages 20 to 40, and are classified as young onset Parkinson disease (YOPD). Aim: In turn, this study aims to observe the trend in the choice of drug administered to patients with both YOPD and LOPD, with particular emphasis on this trend in its relation to the practice background of the neurologist. Settings and Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a community based Parkinson’s disease and movement disorder clinic. Statistical Analysis Used: Using a retrospective chart review data was obtained and analysed. Results: The results showed that 83% of general neurologists prescribed levodopa to their patients with YOPD, whereas movement-disorder specialists took a different approach altogether. They opted not to use levodopa and, in its stead, prescribed a mixture of alternate drugs