52 research outputs found

    Characterizations environmental and energy of the biomethanisation industrial applied to avicolous biomass in Tunisia

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    This work consists in studying the alkaline fermentation, applied to the avicolous droppings, established on the level of the digester controls industrial Sousse Hammam. The analytical follow-up of this digester related, on the one hand, to the determination of certain characteristics of the avicolous effluent by the analysis of the physicochemical parameters (pH and Dry Matter: DM) and environmental (Suspended matter: SM and Asks Biological out of Oxygen: DBO5), and in addition, on the energy follow-up by the appreciation of the qualitative productivity (Composition in Biomethane and Calorific value) of produced biogas. At the end of the experimentation implemented, the synthesis of the principal results is the following one: - The best assessments of depollution are obtained on the level of the mud tank as well concerning SM as the DBO5. - The interest of the recourse to the purification of produced biogas was shown by comparing the results before and after purification as well on gas the composition plan as on the calorific value level. - The installation of Biomethanisation considered requires some improvements for a better qualitative energy productivity, a better reduction of the power polluting of the droppings and a better valorization of the solid and liquid residues

    Les déterminants de la confiance/méfiance du consommateur marocain vis-à-vis du cyber-achat

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    Cet article propose une étude empirique des déterminants de la confiance vs. méfiance des consommateurs marocains à l’égard du cyberachat. Ce secteur peine à se développer au Maroc en raison de plusieurs facteurs, notamment l’absence de compétences numériques, la fiabilité des vendeurs en ligne et la faiblesse d’un cadre législatif protégeant les intérêts des consommateurs en ligne. C’est dans ce cadre que se situe ce papier. Un questionnaire a été administré auprès de 2254 individus localisés dans trois villes marocaines différentes. Une analyse factorielle multidimensionnelle a relevé l’existence d’une méfiance envers l’achat en ligne chez les marocains due à plusieurs facteurs. De plus, cette étude a permis de classer les individus en trois groupes selon les variables les plus discriminantes : « Les cyberconsommateurs confiants » qui achètent sans réserve, les « cyberconsommateurs méfiants » qui achètent en ligne mais qui pensent être conscients du danger que représente l’achat virtuel et les « nonconsommateurs » présentant une aversion au commerce électronique. This article proposes an empirical study of the determinants of trust vs. distrust of Moroccan consumers towards e-commerce. This sector is struggling to develop in Morocco due to several factors, including the lack of digital skills, the reliability of online sellers and a weakness of legislative framework protecting the interests of online consumers. It is against this background that our contribution is situated. We opted for an empirical approach by administering a survey to 2254 individuals located in three different Moroccan cities. A multidimensional factorial analysis revealed the existence of a mistrust towards e-commerce among Moroccans due to several factors. In addition, this study allowed us to classify individuals into three groups according to the most discriminating variables: "Confident cyber-consumers", "mistrustful cyber-consumers" and "online non-shoppers" with an aversion to e-commerce

    Valorisations environnementale, énergétique et agronomique de la biométhanisation industrielle appliquée à  la biomasse avicole récupérée en Tunisie

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    This work consists on the study of the methanic fermentation, applied to the chicken manure, at an industrial pilot digester of Hammam Sousse (Tunisia). The analytical monitoring of the digester has focused on the one hand, on the determination of certain characteristics of the chiken effluent by the analysis of the physicochemical and environmental parameters, and on the other hand, on energy monitoring by assessing the qualitative productivity of the produced biogas. Furthermore, the present study focused on the partial substitution of the Gross Sylvicole Compost (CSB), produced locally, by the chicken methacompost. The agronomic evaluation of the chicken methacompost was based on Acacia cyanophylla germination and plant growth. Upon completion of the experiment, the best assessments of the depollution on the liquid digestate are obtained at the setting basin. The interest of purification of the biogas was shown by comparing the results before and after purification in terms of gaseous composition and calorific value. The incorporation of chicken methacompost with the CSB haa a remarkable positive effect on germination, and consequently, on the growth of the seedlings, in terms of height and diameter. Keywords: Industrial digester, chicken manure, depollution balances, gaseous composition, Calorific value, chicken methacompost. Le présent travail consiste à étudier la fermentation méthanique, appliquée aux fientes avicoles, établie au niveau du digesteur pilote industriel de Hammam Sousse (Tunisie). Le suivi analytique de ce digesteur a porté, d’une part, sur la détermination de certaines caractéristiques de l’effluent avicole par l’analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques et environnementaux, et d’autre part, sur le suivi énergétique par l’appréciation de la productivité qualitative du biogaz produit. En outre, la présente étude s’est intéressée à la substitution partielle du Compost Sylvicole Brut (CSB), produit localement, par le méthacompost avicole. Le suivi a porté sur la germination et la croissance des plants d’Acacia cyanophylla. Au terme de l’expérimentation mise en œuvre, les meilleurs bilans de dépollution quant au digestat liquide sont obtenus au niveau du bassin de décantation. L’intérêt du recours à l’épuration du biogaz a été démontré en comparant les résultats avant et après épuration tant sur le plan composition gazeuse que sur le plan pouvoir calorifique. L’incorporation du méthacompost avicole avec le CSB a un effet positif remarquable sur la germination, et par suite, sur la croissance des plants, en termes de hauteur et de diamètre. Mots-Clés: Digesteur industriel, fientes avicoles, bilans de dépollution, composition gazeuse, pouvoir calorifique, méthacompost avicole. &nbsp

    A methodology of automatic class diagrams generation from source code using Model-Driven Architecture and Machine Learning to achieve Energy Efficiency

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    The automated generation of class diagrams is a crucial task in software engineering, facilitating the understanding, analysis, and documentation of complex software systems. Traditional manual approaches are time and energy consuming, error-prone, and lack consistency. To address these challenges, this research presents an automated proposed approach that utilizes Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), a machine learning algorithm, to generate class diagrams from source code within the context of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and reverse engineering. A comprehensive case study is conducted to compare the results obtained from the automated approach with manually created class diagrams. The GNN model demonstrates high accuracy in capturing the system’s structure, associations, and relationships. Notably, the automated approach significantly reduces the time required for class diagram generation, leading to substantial time and energy savings. By advancing automated software documentation, this research contributes to more efficient software engineering practices. It promotes consistency, eliminates human errors, and enables software engineers to focus on higher-value tasks. Overall, the proposed approach showcases the potential of GNNs in automating class diagram generation and its practical benefits for software development and documentation

    Purification and biochemical characterization of pancreatic phospholipase A2 from the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mammalian sPLA2-IB are well characterized. In contrast, much less is known about aquatic ones. The aquatic world contains a wide variety of living species and, hence represents a great potential for discovering new lipolytic enzymes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A marine stingray phospholipase A<sub>2 </sub>(SPLA2) was purified from delipidated pancreas. Purified SPLA2, which is not glycosylated protein, was found to be monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 14 kDa. A specific activity of 750 U/mg for purified SPLA2 was measured at optimal conditions (pH 8.5 and 40 °C) in the presence of 4 mM NaTDC and 8 mM CaCl<sub>2 </sub>using PC as substrate. The sequence of the first twenty first amino-acid residues at the N-terminal extremity of SPLA2 was determined and shows a close similarity with known mammal and bird pancreatic secreted phospholipases A2. SPLA2 stability in the presence of organic solvents, as well as in acidic and alkaline pH and at high temperature makes it a good candidate for its application in food industry.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>SPLA2 has several advantageous features for industrial applications. Stability of SPLA2 in the presence of organic solvents, and its tolerance to high temperatures, basic and acidic pH, makes it a good candidate for application in food industry to treat phospholipid-rich industrial effluents, or to synthesize useful chemical compounds.</p


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    O desjejum é responsável pela reposição de energia e nutrientes “gastos” pelo organismo durante o sono. As pessoas devem evitar o hábito de não tomar o café da manhã, que acaba sendo responsável pelo consumo excessivo de alimentos durante o dia, contribuindo assim para o aumento de peso. E a Síndrome do Comer Noturno, por sua vez, se manifesta por comer excessivamente à tarde ou à noite, mas não compulsivamente, apenas por aumento da vontade de comer. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo Avaliar o consumo do desjejum na população em um posto de saúde na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu – PR, fazendo relação com o índice de massa corporal. O estudo é caracterizado como descritivo, tendo sido entrevistadas 54 pacientes, sendo todas do sexo feminino de 20 a 60 anos de idade. Para essa pesquisa foi avaliado o índice de massa corporal, classificando o índice de massa corporal e aplicado um questionário para avaliar o perfil dos funcionários. Os resultados mostraram que 57,4% das entrevistadas foram classificados como obesidade leve, moderada ou mórbida. Entre as participantes acima do peso evidenciou-se que 74,2% não tomam o café da manhã, e 22,6% costumam acordar diariamente ou eventualmente de madrugada para comer. Os resultados sugerem um perfil negativo nos resultados de índice de massa corporal e no consumo do café da manhã. A alimentação tem influência direta na saúde, no rendimento do trabalho, estudos, no humor e no cotidiano de uma forma geral

    ETV6-RUNX1 Rearrangement in Tunisian Pediatric B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    In this study, Forty-one out of fifty-seven Tunisian children with B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), and without cytogenetically detectable recurrent abnormalities at the time of the diagnosis, were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the t(12;21). This translocation leads ETV6-RUNX1 (previously TEL-AML1) fusion gene. 16 patients (28%) had ETV6-RUNX1 rearrangement. In addition to this rearrangement, two cases showed a loss of the normal ETV6 allele, and three others showed an extra signal of the RUNX1 gene. Seven patients without ETV6-RUNX1 rearrangement showed extra signals of the RUNX1 gene. One out of the 7 patients was also associated with a t(3;12) identified by FISH. This is the first Tunisian study in which we report the incidence of t(12;21) among childhood B-lineage ALL and in which we have found multiple copies of RUNX1. Finally, our findings confirm that additional or secondary genetic changes are commonly encountered in pediatric B-lineage ALL with ETV6-RUNX1 gene fusion which is envisaged to play a pivotal role in disease progression

    Biochemical properties of pancreatic colipase from the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca

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    Pancreatic colipase is a required co-factor for pancreatic lipase, being necessary for its activity during hydrolysis of dietary triglycerides in the presence of bile salts. In the intestine, colipase is cleaved from a precursor molecule, procolipase, through the action of trypsin. This cleavage yields a peptide called enterostatin knoswn, being produced in equimolar proportions to colipase. In this study, colipase from the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (CoSPL) was purified to homogeneity. The purified colipase is not glycosylated and has an apparent molecular mass of around 10 kDa. The NH2-terminal sequencing of purified CoSPL exhibits more than 55% identity with those of mammalian, bird or marine colipases. CoSPL was found to be less effective activator of bird and mammal pancreatic lipases than for the lipase from the same specie. The apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of the colipase/lipase complex and the apparent Vmax of the colipase-activated lipase values were deduced from the linear curves of the Scatchard plots. We concluded that Stingray Pancreatic Lipase (SPL) has higher ability to interact with colipase from the same species than with the mammal or bird ones.The fact that colipase is a universal lipase cofactor might thus be explained by a conservation of the colipase-lipase interaction site. The results obtained in the study may improve our knowledge of marine lipase/colipase.Persona

    La place de la Callosotomie Microchirurgicale dans le traitement du syndrome de Lennox-Gastaut

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    Epilepsy is a common neurological disease. The intractable epilepsy is defined by the persistence of disabling seizures despite a well-conducted medical treatment involving the use of antiepileptic drugs and new molecules alone or in combination. In the case of refractory generalized epilepsy curative surgery is not possible, only a palliative surgery like callosotomy, radio surgical callosotomy and / or vagus nerve stimulation can be proposed. We report 3 cases of four patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, who underwent a callosotomy performed in our neurosurgical department between 2003 and 2011. They were three boys with a mean age of 10 years (range 8 – 12 years). They all display Lennox-Gastaut syndrome manifested by servere atonic seizures with falls. The physical examination has found a right hemiparesis in one case. The electroencephalogram (EEG) identified a Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Brain imaging (MRI and CT) was normal except from cortico-subcortical atrophy found in 1 children. After callosotomy, seizures decrised and no morbid mortality observed. The minimally invasive techniques, such as vagus nerve stimulation and radiosurgery give similar results in terms of efficiency with less morbidity and mortality, but the classic callosotomy remains affordable in developing countries.L’épilepsie est une maladie neurologique fréquente. L’épilepsie rebelle se définit par la persistance des crises d’épilepsie à une fréquence invalidante malgré un traitement médicamenteux bien conduit comportant l’usage des antiépileptiques classiques et des nouvelles molécules isolement ou en association. L’épilepsie réfractaire généralisée où un traitement chirurgical curatif n’est pas possible, seul un traitement palliatif à type de callosotomie microchirurgicale, de callosotomie radiochiorurgicale et /ou de stimulation du nerf vague peut être proposé. Nous rapportons trois observations chez des patients porteurs du syndrome de Lennox Gastaut, et ayant bénéficié d’une callosotomie microchirurgicale réalisée dans notre service de neurochirurgien entre l’année 2003 et l’année 2011. Il s’agit de 3 garçons âgés en moyenne de 10 ans (extrêmes : 8 à 12 ans) souffrant tous d un syndrome de Lennox qui se manifestait par des crises tonico-clinique avec une chute fréquente. L’examen somatique a retrouvé une hémiparésie droite chez un seul enfant. L’électro-encéphalogramme avait confirmé le diagnostic du syndrome de Lennox-Gastaut et l’imagerie cérébrale (IRM et TDM) était normale en dehors d’une atrophie cortico-sous corticale retrouvée chez un enfant. Après la callosotomie, une diminution du nombre des crises et des médicaments antiépileptiques prescrits a été observée avec une morbi mortalité nulle. Les techniques minimales invasives comme la stimulation du nerf vague et la radiochirurgie donnent des résultats similaire en terme d’efficacité avec moins de morbi mortalité, en revanche la callosotomie classique reste plus abordable dans les pays en voie de développement