6 research outputs found

    G-Shaped Antenna Mounted On USB Dongle Optimized For MIMO Applications Under WLAN 5.2/5.8/5.9

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    In this study, we used a G-shaped antenna due to its ease of integration into the overall design. The basic structure was adapted from a model proposed by W.-C. Liu. Then, we integrated it into a USB dongle, then added another antenna element to use it for MIMO applications in WLAN networks. A neutralization line is added between these two antenna elements to increase insulation

    Very Thin Dielectric Resonator Antenna For Wireless Communications

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    In this paper, a very thin rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (Al2O3, εr = 9.8) is presented. A strip connected to a probe is used as feed mechanism. Moreover, at the dielectric resonator antenna back and top faces we have placed parasite strips to excite new resonances. The proposed antenna exhibit compact dimensions (0.9 x 8 x 7 mm3), very wide band (50.89%), good performances and a maximum gain of about 10.86 dBi. The dielectric resonator antenna performances is simulated on Ansoft HFSS and CST microwave studio