5,093 research outputs found

    Impacts, Monitoring and Management of Forest Pests and Diseases

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    Forest pests have diverse negative impacts on forestry economy, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and sustainable ecosystem management. The first step towards effectively managing forest pests would be to monitor their occurrence and assess their impact on forest ecosystems. The monitoring results can provide basic information for effective management strategies. The data from monitoring programs can result in the development of new methods for monitoring, assessing impact, and developing management techniques. This special issue aims to share information to assist in the effective management of forest pests, by understanding the responses of forest pests to natural and anthropogenic changes, and discussing new studies on the monitoring, assessment, and management of forest pests. The fourteen papers included in this issue focus on monitoring, assessing, and managing forest pests, including one editorial providing an overall idea of the monitoring, assessment and management of forest pests, two articles reviewing long-term changes in forest pests and forests, four papers focusing on the monitoring of forest pests, three papers on the assessment of forest pests, and four papers on the management of forest pests. These papers provide a better understanding of the structures and processes in forest ecosystems and fundamental information for the effective management of forest pests

    Poset modules of the 00-Hecke algebras and related quasisymmetric power sum expansions

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    Duchamp--Hivert--Thibon introduced the construction of a right Hn(0)H_n(0)-module, denoted as MPM_P, for any partial order PP on the set [n][n]. This module is defined by specifying a suitable action of Hn(0)H_n(0) on the set of linear extensions of PP. In this paper, we refer to this module as the poset module associated with PP. Firstly, we show that n0G0(P(n))\bigoplus_{n \ge 0} G_0(\mathscr{P}(n)) has a Hopf algebra structure that is isomorphic to the Hopf algebra of quasisymmetric functions, where P(n)\mathscr{P}(n) is the full subcategory of mod-Hn(0)\textbf{mod-}H_n(0) whose objects are direct sums of finitely many isomorphic copies of poset modules and G0(P(n))G_0(\mathscr{P}(n)) is the Grothendieck group of P(n)\mathscr{P}(n). We also demonstrate how (anti-)automorphism twists interact with these modules, the induction product and restrictions. Secondly, we investigate the (type 1) quasisymmetric power sum expansion of some quasi-analogues YαY_\alpha of Schur functions, where α\alpha is a composition. We show that they can be expressed as the sum of the PP-partition generating functions of specific posets, which allows us to utilize the result established by Liu--Weselcouch. Additionally, we provide a new algorithm for obtaining these posets. Using these findings, for the dual immaculate function and the extended Schur function, we express the coefficients appearing in the quasisymmetric power sum expansions in terms of border strip tableaux.Comment: 42 page

    The projective cover of tableau-cyclic indecomposable Hn(0)H_n(0)-modules

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    Let α\alpha be a composition of nn and σ\sigma a permutation in S(α)\mathfrak{S}_{\ell(\alpha)}. This paper concerns the projective covers of Hn(0)H_n(0)-modules Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha, XαX_\alpha and Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha}, which categorify the dual immaculate quasisymmetric function, the extended Schur function, and the quasisymmetric Schur function when σ\sigma is the identity, respectively. First, we show that the projective cover of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha is the projective indecomposable module Pα\mathbf{P}_\alpha due to Norton, and XαX_\alpha and the ϕ\phi-twist of the canonical submodule Sβ,Cσ\mathbf{S}^{\sigma}_{\beta,C} of Sβσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\beta} for (β,σ)(\beta,\sigma)'s satisfying suitable conditions appear as Hn(0)H_n(0)-homomorphic images of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha. Second, we introduce a combinatorial model for the ϕ\phi-twist of Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha} and derive a series of surjections starting from Pα\mathbf{P}_\alpha to the ϕ\phi-twist of Sα,Cid\mathbf{S}^{\mathrm{id}}_{\alpha,C}. Finally, we construct the projective cover of every indecomposable direct summand Sα,Eσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha, E} of Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha}. As a byproduct, we give a characterization of triples (σ,α,E)(\sigma, \alpha, E) such that the projective cover of Sα,Eσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha, E} is indecomposable.Comment: 41 page

    Image Data Compensation to Prevent Display Artifacts on an OLED Display

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    This publication describes techniques for image data compensation that prevent display artifacts on an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display when the refresh rate and the clock speed of the display are changed. The OLED display may be implemented in a mobile device that supports multiple refresh rates. To conserve power, the mobile device may alter the refresh rate and clock speed of the OLED display from a first refresh rate and clock speed to a second refresh rate and clock speed. Image data intended to be displayed on a particular pixel row of the OLED display may be compensated based on the first refresh rate, the second refresh rate, and the location of the particular pixel row within the OLED display to generate compensated image data. Using the techniques described herein, the compensated image data may be output for use in preventing display artifacts while the image data is displayed in a first frame after the refresh rate and clock speed are changed

    Homological properties of 0-Hecke modules for dual immaculate quasisymmetric functions

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    Let nn be a nonnegative integer. For each composition α\alpha of nn, Berg et al.\textit{et al.} introduced a cyclic indecomposable Hn(0)H_n(0)-module Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha with a dual immaculate quasisymmetric function as the image of the quasisymmetric characteristic. In this paper, we study Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha's from the homological viewpoint. To be precise, we construct a minimal projective presentation of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha and a minimal injective presentation of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha as well. Using them, we compute ExtHn(0)1(Vα,Fβ){\rm Ext}^1_{H_n(0)}(\mathcal{V}_\alpha, {\bf F}_\beta) and ExtHn(0)1(Fβ,Vα){\rm Ext}^1_{H_n(0)}( {\bf F}_\beta, \mathcal{V}_\alpha), where Fβ{\bf F}_\beta is the simple Hn(0)H_n(0)-module attached to a composition β\beta of nn. We also compute ExtHn(0)i(Vα,Vβ){\rm Ext}_{H_n(0)}^i(\mathcal{V}_\alpha,\mathcal{V}_{\beta}) when i=0,1i=0,1 and βlα\beta \le_l \alpha, where l\le_l represents the lexicographic order on compositions.Comment: 44 pages, to be published in Forum of Math: Sigm

    Simultaneous deletion of floxed genes mediated by CaMKIIa-Cre in the brain and in male germ cells: application to conditional and conventional disruption of Go-alfa

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    The Cre/LoxP system is a well-established approach to spatially and temporally control genetic inactivation. The calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha subunit (CaMKIIα) promoter limits expression to specific regions of the forebrain and thus has been utilized for the brain-specific inactivation of the genes. Here, we show that CaMKIIα-Cre can be utilized for simultaneous inactivation of genes in the adult brain and in male germ cells. Double transgenic Rosa26+/stop-lacZ::CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice generated by crossing CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice with floxed ROSA26 lacZ reporter (Rosa26+/stop-lacZ) mice exhibited lacZ expression in the brain and testis. When these mice were mated to wild-type females, about 27% of the offspring were whole body blue by X-gal staining without inheriting the Cre transgene. These results indicate that recombination can occur in the germ cells of male Rosa26+/stop-lacZ::CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice. Similarly, when double transgenic Gnao+/f::CaMKIIα-Cre+/Cre mice carrying a floxed Go-alpha gene (Gnaof/f) were backcrossed to wild-type females, approximately 22% of the offspring carried the disrupted allele (GnaoΔ) without inheriting the Cre transgene. The GnaoΔ/Δ mice closely resembled conventional Go-alpha knockout mice (Gnao−/−) with respect to impairment of their behavior. Thus, we conclude that CaMKIIα-Cre mice afford recombination for both tissue- and time-controlled inactivation of floxed target genes in the brain and for their permanent disruption. This work also emphasizes that extra caution should be exercised in utilizing CaMKIIα-Cre mice as breeding pairs.Fil: Choi, Chan-Il. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Yoon, Sang-Phil. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Choi, Jung-Mi. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Kim, Sung-Soo. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Lee, Young-Don. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del SurFil: Birnbaumer, Lutz. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Estados Unidos. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas; ArgentinaFil: Suh-Kim. Haeyoung. Ajou University. School of Medicine; Corea del Su

    Model-Free Reconstruction of Capacity Degradation Trajectory of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Early Cycle Data

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    Early degradation prediction of lithium-ion batteries is crucial for ensuring safety and preventing unexpected failure in manufacturing and diagnostic processes. Long-term capacity trajectory predictions can fail due to cumulative errors and noise. To address this issue, this study proposes a data-centric method that uses early single-cycle data to predict the capacity degradation trajectory of lithium-ion cells. The method involves predicting a few knots at specific retention levels using a deep learning-based model and interpolating them to reconstruct the trajectory. Two approaches are used to identify the retention levels of two to four knots: uniformly dividing the retention up to the end of life and finding optimal locations using Bayesian optimization. The proposed model is validated with experimental data from 169 cells using five-fold cross-validation. The results show that mean absolute percentage errors in trajectory prediction are less than 1.60% for all cases of knots. By predicting only the cycle numbers of at least two knots based on early single-cycle charge and discharge data, the model can directly estimate the overall capacity degradation trajectory. Further experiments suggest using three-cycle input data to achieve robust and efficient predictions, even in the presence of noise. The method is then applied to predict various shapes of capacity degradation patterns using additional experimental data from 82 cells. The study demonstrates that collecting only the cycle information of a few knots during model training and a few early cycle data points for predictions is sufficient for predicting capacity degradation. This can help establish appropriate warranties or replacement cycles in battery manufacturing and diagnosis processes


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    Within a wireless local area network (WLAN) involving many Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 access points (APs) in a high-density network, radio operating mode assignments for dual band (2.4 Gigahertz (GHz)/5GHz) or tri-band (2.4GHz/5GHz/6Ghz) capable radios can be provided using various radio assignment techniques in order to optimize radio coverage and reduce interference, which can improve user experience in such a high-density network. Presented herein is technique that re-architects traditional coverage-based radio assignments to adhere with 6GHz standards, high efficiency (HE) station load requirements, and Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) regulations when determining optimal radio role transformations for Wi-Fi® dual band or tri-band 6GHz capable radios