2,142 research outputs found


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    A logistic regression (logit) model was developed to examine how socioeconomic characteristics of cow-calf producers influenced their perceptions of themselves as profit maximizers. Amount of pasture acreage, percent of income earned from the cow-calf operation, and desire to increase net worth and efficiently use labor significantly increased the producer's probability of claiming to be in the business primarily to maximize profits. Some sociological reasons for owning cattle significantly reduced the probability of the producer claiming to be a profit maximizer while others significantly increased the probability.Livestock Production/Industries,

    The theoretical and practical determination of clinical cut-offs for the British Sign Language versions of PHQ-9 and GAD-7.

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    BACKGROUND: The PHQ-9 and the GAD-7 assess depression and anxiety respectively. There are standardised, reliability-tested versions in BSL (British Sign Language) that are used with Deaf users of the IAPT service. The aim of this study is to determine their appropriate clinical cut-offs when used with Deaf people who sign and to examine the operating characteristics for PHQ-9 BSL and GAD-7 BSL with a clinical Deaf population. METHODS: Two datasets were compared: (i) dataset (n = 502) from a specialist IAPT service for Deaf people; and (ii) dataset (n = 85) from our existing study of Deaf people who self-reported having no mental health difficulties. Parameter estimates, with the precision of AUC value, sensitivity, specificity, positive predicted value (ppv) and negative predicted value (npv), were carried out to provide the details of the clinical cut-offs. Three statistical choices were included: Maximising (Youden: maximising sensitivity + specificity), Equalising (Sensitivity = Specificity) and Prioritising treatment (False Negative twice as bad as False Positive). Standard measures (as defined by IAPT) were applied to examine caseness, recovery, reliable change and reliable recovery for the first dataset. RESULTS: The clinical cut-offs for PHQ-9 BSL and GAD-7 BSL are 8 and 6 respectively. This compares with the original English version cut-offs in the hearing population of 10 and 8 respectively. The three different statistical choices for calculating clinical cut-offs all showed a lower clinical cut-off for the Deaf population with respect to the PHQ-9 BSL and GAD-7 BSL with the exception of the Maximising criteria when used with the PHQ-9 BSL. Applying the new clinical cut-offs, the percentage of Deaf BSL IAPT service users showing reliable recovery is 54.0 % compared to 63.7 % using the cut-off scores used for English speaking hearing people. These compare favourably with national IAPT data for the general population. CONCLUSIONS: The correct clinical cut-offs for the PHQ-9 BSL and GAD-7 BSL enable meaningful measures of clinical effectiveness and facilitate appropriate access to treatment when required

    Translation, validity and reliability of the British Sign Language (BSL) version of the EQ-5D-5L.

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    PURPOSE: To translate the health questionnaire EuroQol EQ-5D-5L into British Sign Language (BSL), to test its reliability with the signing Deaf population of BSL users in the UK and to validate its psychometric properties. METHODS: The EQ-5D-5L BSL was developed following the international standard for translation required by EuroQol, with additional agreed features appropriate to a visual language. Data collection used an online platform to view the signed (BSL) version of the tests. The psychometric testing included content validity, assessed by interviewing a small sample of Deaf people. Reliability was tested by internal consistency of the items and test-retest, and convergent validity was assessed by determining how well EQ-5D-5L BSL correlates with CORE-10 BSL and CORE-6D BSL. RESULTS: The psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L BSL are good, indicating that it can be used to measure health status in the Deaf signing population in the UK. Convergent validity between EQ-5D-5L BSL and CORE-10 BSL and CORE-6D BSL is consistent, demonstrating that the BSL version of EQ-5D-5L is a good measure of the health status of an individual. The test-retest reliability of EQ-5D-5L BSL, for each dimension of health, was shown to have Cohen's kappa values of 0.47-0.61; these were in the range of moderate to good and were therefore acceptable. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first time EQ-5D-5L has been translated into a signed language for use with Deaf people and is a significant step forward towards conducting studies of health status and cost-effectiveness in this population

    Trial to encourage adoption and maintenance of a Mediterranean diet (TEAM-MED): Protocol for a randomised feasibility trial of a peer support intervention for dietary behaviour change in adults at high cardiovascular disease risk

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Adoption of a Mediterranean diet (MD) reduces cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. However, interventions to achieve dietary behaviour change are typically resource intensive. Peer support offers a potentially low-cost approach to encourage dietary change. The primary objective of this randomised controlled trial is to explore the feasibility of peer support versus a previously tested dietetic-led intervention to encourageMDbehaviour change, and to test recruitment strategies, retention and attrition in order to inform the design of a definitive trial. A total of 75 overweight adults at high CVD risk who do not follow a MD (Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS ≤3)) will be randomly assigned to either: a minimal intervention (written materials), a proven intervention (dietetic support, written materials and key MD foods), or a peer support intervention (group-based community programme delivered by lay peers) for 12 months. The primary end-point is change in MDS from baseline to 6 months (adoption of MD). Secondary end-points include: change in MDS from 6 to 12 months (maintenance of MD), effects on nutritional biomarkers and CVD risk factors, fidelity of implementation, acceptability and feasibility of the peer support intervention. This study will generate important data regarding the feasibility of peer support for ease of adoption of MD in an ‘at risk’ Northern European population. Data will be used to direct a larger scale trial, where the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of peer support will be tested

    A High Polyphenol Diet Improves Psychological Well-Being: The Polyphenol Intervention Trial (PPhIT).

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    Mental ill health is currently one of the leading causes of disease burden worldwide. A growing body of data has emerged supporting the role of diet, especially polyphenols, which have anxiolytic and antidepressant-like properties. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of a high polyphenol diet (HPD) compared to a low polyphenol diet (LPD) on aspects of psychological well-being in the Polyphenol Intervention Trial (PPhIT). Ninety-nine mildly hypertensive participants aged 40-65 years were enrolled in a four-week LPD washout period and then randomised to either an LPD or an HPD for eight weeks. Both at baseline and the end of intervention, participants' lifestyle and psychological well-being were assessed. The participants in the HPD group reported a decrease in depressive symptoms, as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and an improvement in physical component and mental health component scores as assessed with 36-Item Short Form Survey. No differences in anxiety, stress, self-esteem or body image perception were observed. In summary, the study findings suggest that the adoption of a polyphenol-rich diet could potentially lead to beneficial effects including a reduction in depressive symptoms and improvements in general mental health status and physical health in hypertensive participants

    WIYN Imaging of the Globular Cluster Systems of the Spiral Galaxies NGC891 and NGC4013

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    We present results from a WIYN 3.5m telescope imaging study of the globular cluster (GC) systems of the edge-on spiral galaxies NGC891 and NGC4013. We used the 10' x 10' Minimosaic Imager to observe the galaxies in BVR filters to projected radii of ~20 kpc from the galaxy centers. We combined the WIYN data with archival and published data from WFPC2 and ACS on the Hubble Space Telescope to assess the contamination level of the WIYN GC candidate sample and to follow the GC systems further in toward the galaxies' centers. We constructed radial distributions for the GC systems using both the WIYN and HST data. The GC systems of NGC891 and NGC4013 extend to 9+/-3 kpc and 14+/-5 kpc, respectively, before falling off to undetectable levels in our images. We use the radial distributions to calculate global values for the total number (N_GC) and specific frequencies (S_N and T) of GCs. NGC4013 has N_GC = 140+/-20, S_N = 1.0+/-0.2 and T = 1.9+/-0.5; our N_GC value is ~40% smaller than a previous determination from the literature. The HST data were especially useful for NGC891, because the GC system is concentrated toward the plane of the galaxy and was only weakly detected in our WIYN images. Although NGC891 is thought to resemble the Milky Way in its overall properties, it has only half as many GCs, with N_GC = 70+/-20, S_N = 0.3+/-0.1 and T = 0.6+/-0.3. We also calculate the galaxy-mass-normalized number of blue (metal-poor) GCs in NGC891 and NGC4013 and find that they fall along a general trend of increasing specific frequency of blue GCs with increasing galaxy mass. Given currently available resources, the optimal method for studying the global properties of extragalactic GC systems is to combine HST data with wide-field, ground-based imaging with good resolution. The results here demonstrate the advantage gained by using both methods when possible.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figures 6 tables; accepted to The Astronomical Journal. Online AJ version at http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-3881/140/2/430

    New M, L, and T Dwarf Companions to Nearby Stars from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer

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    We present 11 candidate late-type companions to nearby stars identified with data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Eight of the candidates are likely to be companions based on their common proper motions with the primaries. The remaining three objects are rejected as companions, one of which is a free-floating T7 dwarf. Spectral types are available for five of the companions, which consist of M2V, M8.5V, L5, T8, and T8. Based on their photometry, the unclassified companions are probably two mid-M dwarfs and one late-M/early-L dwarf. One of the T8 companions, WISE J142320.84+011638.0, has already been reported by Pinfield and coworkers. The other T8 companion, ULAS J095047.28+011734.3, was discovered by Burningham and coworkers through the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey, but its companionship has not been previously recognized in the literature. The L5 companion, 2MASS J17430860+8526594, is a new member of a class of L dwarfs that exhibit unusually blue near-IR colors. Among the possible mechanisms that have been previously proposed for the peculiar colors of these L dwarfs, low metallicity does not appear to be a viable explanation for 2MASS J17430860+8526594 since our spectrum of the primary suggests that its metallicity is not significantly subsolar

    Trending Tubes: A Social Media Analysis of Tympanostomy Tubes in Children

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the popular social media platforms Instagram and Facebook for public posts related to tympanostomy tubes in children, to discern attitudes and perceptions surrounding tympanostomy tubes, and to evaluate the content of social media posts related to tympanostomy tubes. STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative study. SETTING: Instagram and Facebook social media platforms. METHODS: Instagram and Facebook were searched for public posts from 2018 and 2019 including the search terms ear tubes, ear tube surgery, tympanostomy, and myringotomy. Posts were excluded if they were unrelated to pediatric tympanostomy tubes or written in a non-English language. Relevant posts underwent subgroup analysis based on 6 domains: media type, perspective, topic, timeframe, popularity, and overall tone. RESULTS: Of 1862 public social media posts, the majority (78.2%) were made by the patient\u27s parents/caregivers and the rest by physicians (6.0%), hospitals (8.2%), and chiropractors (6.1%), with a few posts by the patients themselves (0.4%). The majority (79.3%) of posts portrayed tympanostomy tubes positively. Most negative posts were made by chiropractors (50.8%) and the patient\u27s parents/caregivers (42.9%). The most common themes of posts were reassurance regarding surgery (74.9%), advertisements (12.5%), apprehension (12.4%), and education (10.3%). CONCLUSION: Most social media posts were made by parents/caregivers in the perioperative period, and there was a low percentage of educational posts. This information could be used by otolaryngologists to optimize their interactions with patients and parents and to potentially increase physician involvement and educational material related to tympanostomy tubes on social media

    Genetic basis of thermal nociceptive sensitivity and brain weight in a BALB/c reduced complexity cross

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    Thermal nociception involves the transmission of temperature-related noxious information from the periphery to the CNS and is a heritable trait that could predict transition to persistent pain. Rodent forward genetics complement human studies by controlling genetic complexity and environmental factors, analysis of end point tissue, and validation of variants on appropriate genetic backgrounds. Reduced complexity crosses between nearly identical inbred substrains with robust trait differences can greatly facilitate unbiased discovery of novel genes and variants. We found BALB/cByJ mice showed enhanced sensitivity on the 53.5°C hot plate and mechanical stimulation in the von Frey test compared to BALB/cJ mice and replicated decreased gross brain weight in BALB/cByJ versus BALB/cJ. We then identified a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 13 for hot plate sensitivity (LOD = 10.7; p < 0.001; peak = 56 Mb) and a QTL for brain weight on chromosome 5 (LOD = 8.7; p < 0.001). Expression QTL mapping of brain tissues identified H2afy (56.07 Mb) as the top transcript with the strongest association at the hot plate locus (FDR = 0.0002) and spliceome analysis identified differential exon usage within H2afy associated with the same locus. Whole brain proteomics further supported decreased H2AFY expression could underlie enhanced hot plate sensitivity, and identified ACADS as a candidate for reduced brain weight. To summarize, a BALB/c reduced complexity cross combined with multiple-omics approaches facilitated identification of candidate genes underlying thermal nociception and brain weight. These substrains provide a powerful, reciprocal platform for future validation of candidate variants