23 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix), Jeruk Limau (Citrus Amblycarpa), Dan Jeruk Bali (Citrus Maxima) Terhadap Larva Aedes Aegypti

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    The used of chemicals as larvicidal may causing resistance, health problem, and environment problem. Leaf extracts of Citrus as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae can be used as an alternative larvicidal. The aims of this study is to find out the species of Citrus in the study sample, which is the most effective as biolarvicidal. This study was conducted using nested experiment design, with six treatments and five replicates. Larvae mortality was observed after 24 and 48 hours. Then, data were analyzed by probit. The results of this study show that (1) the LC95 value after 24 hours of exposure of leaf extracts of Citrus hystrix, Citrus amblycarpa, and Citrus maxima, were each 3,176 ppm; 4,174 ppm; and 6,369 ppm. (2) the LC95 value after 48 hours of exposure of leaf extracts of Citrus hystrix, Citrus amblycarpa, and Citrus maxima, were each 2,499 ppm; 3,256 ppm; and 4,886 ppm. (3) leaf extract of Citrus hystrix is the most effective among others as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae. Leaf extract of Citrus hystrix can be used as alternative biolarvicidal


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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is caused by dengue virus and transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito. There are several fish species known to be used as a biological predator of Aedes aegypti larvae, such as Betta splendens. The purpose of this study was to examine Betta splendens as a biological predator of Aedes aegypti larvae. The larvae used were in the fourth stage. The Betta splendens consisted of four replicate groups, 3 and 6 months male age group, and 3 and 6 months female age group. The effectiveness rate of predation was only counted based on the speed of eating of 25 larvae in the aquarium containing 3 liters of water. Statistical test was performed with Annova with the parameters fish body weight and time to prey. The longest mean of preying time was found in 3 months aged male fish group (mean body weight = 1.474 grams), with a mean time of prey = 153.80 seconds. The shortest mean preying time was found ini 6 months aged female fish group (mean body weight = 2.566 grams), with a mean time of prey = 142.41 seconds. In conclusion, female 6 month-aged fish with highest mean body weight is most effective againts Aedes aegypti larvae. The body weight can affect the speed of preying, but body weight is only one of some variables that affect the speed and effectiveness beside gender and age of Betta splendens


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    Streptomyces sp. is a bacterium that can live in many kind of habitations e.i. marine, sea sponge, coastal area, soil, desert soil, river bank etc. Many antibiotics and secondary metabolites are produced by this bacterium. Several secondary metabolites of the bacterium can be used as an insecticide against insects including mosquito larva.The purpose of this study was to search and isolate until species of Streptomyces sp. from Sidoarjo Lapindo mud soil in East Java province that can be used as a larvicide against Aedes aegypti larva, the dengue haemorrhagic fever vector.The method of study was to collect several mud soil samples from Sidoarjo Lapindo. The collected samples were cultured in ISP-4 media for producing mix-cultures. Then, to isolate the suspected colony of Streptomyces sp. by culturing again in several replications on ISP-4 media in petri-dish. The pure isolates were cultured in ISP-4 slant media. There were could be obtained eight pure isolates of Streptomyces sp.The characterization of 16S rRNA of Streptomyces sp. was done in order to determine the species. DNA isolation was done and followed by DNA sequencing, then compared to Gene Bank with BLAST program. The results showed that the sequence nucleotide bases of Streptomyces Sp-D6 had high similarity to Streptomyces sp. 171524, beside the sequence nucleotide bases of Streptomyces Sp-D7 and Sp-D9 had high similarity to Strepto-myces sp. ACT-01578 and ACT-175695. These three species can be used as larvicide candidate against Ae. aegypti

    Container Positivity and Larva Distribution Based on the Container Characteristics

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    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) prevention and control program has been conducted in Kupang City but DHF Incidence Rate (IR) is always high and exceeds the national average. Calculating the density of larvae and pupae is a good choice in calculating DHF mosquitos’ density because larvae capture is easier than mosquitoes, and pupa is the nearest stage with adult mosquitoes so can better represent actual mosquito density. This observational study used cross sectional study design was conducted in Kupang City as many 24 urban villages or 480 houses during the rainy and dry season and all containers inside and outside homes selected been observed. Larvae and pupae were collected using gamadotik then identified. Analyzed data were using multiple regression logistic test, independent t test and Anova test. This study found 781 containers with the equation model of container positivity = 2,975 lid - 0.192 material + 0.781 type - 3,706, with the most influential variable is the container lid (OR 19.5). Ae. Aegypti, Ae. Albopictus and Culex can be found in water containers both inside and outside homes. The presence of larvae can be prevented either by doing closed and drain the container regularly and bury or drying container that is not used anymore. As limitation of water supply so other solutions need to be taken such as by sprinkling temefos into container with closed tightly to reduce the container positivity 19.5 times. For greater container can be done by water draining or reuse used container outside the home into a place to plant flowers or plants or become temporary garbage

    Effects of Areca Catechu L. Seed Extract on Mortality Anopheles Vagus Larvae

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    Bioinsecticide is an alternative to overcome larva resistence to insecticide and reduce environtment contamination. This research is to analyze the effect of areca seed extract to An. vagus larva. The research is taken time in 2017. The research design is laboratory experiment with post test only control group design. The areca seed and An. vagus larva are collected from Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya, then the seeds were extracted with ultrasonic method. The effect of the extract is evaluated based on LC50 and LC90 value. The sample from 25 An. vagus larva instar III are released into areca seed extract on 500, 1250, 2000, 2750, 3500, 4250 and 5000 ppm and observed within 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours and 6 repetition. The data then analyzed with probit analysis and ANOVA. The areca seed extract eliminates An. vagus larva as much as 61.33% under 6 hours exposure with 5000 ppm, 52% larva mortality on 12 hours with 4250 ppm, 56% larva mortality on 18 hours with 3500 ppm, and 55% larva mortality on 24 hours with 2750 ppm. The value of LC50 and LC90 on 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours are 4654.374 and 6320,732; 3717.286 and 5127.489 ppm; 3201,473 and 4775,206 ppm; 2385,297 and 4496,708 ppm. There is variation of larva mortality percentage average on every concentration and exposure time, the higher the concentration and exposure time the higher An. vagus larva mortality

    Isolation of Streptomyces Sp. From Lapindo Mud Soil, Sidoarjo, East Java Province, Indonesia as a Larvicide Candidate Against Aedes aegypti

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    Streptomyces sp. adalah suatu bakteri yang dapat hidup di banyak tempat habitat yaitu laut, bunga karang, daerah pantai, tanah, tanah pasir, tepi sungai dan lain-lain. Banyak antibiotika dan metabolit sekunder yang dihasilkan oleh bakeri ini. Beberapa meta-bolit sekunder dari bakteri ini dapat digunakan sebagai insektisida tehadap serangga termasuk larva nyamuk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari dan mengisolasi sampai spesies dari Streptomyces sp. dari tanah lumpur Lapindo Sidoarjo, provinsi Jawa Timur yang dapat digunakan sebagai larvasida terhadap larva Aedes aegypti, vektor penyakit demam berdarah dengue. Metode penelitian ini adalah menumpulkan beberapa sampel tanah lumpur dari Lapindo Sidoarjo. Sampel yang sudah dikoleksi dikultur pada media ISP-4 untuk mendapatkan kultur campuran. Kemudin mengisolasi koloni yang dicurigai sebagai Streptomyces sp.dengan mengkultur beberapa kali lagi pada media ISP-4 pada petri dish. Beberapa isolat yang murni kemudian dikultur pada media ISP-4 miring (slant). Diperoleh delapan isolat murni Streptomyces sp. Karakterisasi 16S sRNA dari Streptomyces sp. dilakukan dalam rangka untuk menentukan spesies. Isolasi DNA dikerjakan dan dilanjutkan dengan sekuensing DNA, kemudian dibandingkan dengan Gene Bank dengan menggunakan program BLAST. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sekuens basa-basa nukleotida Streptomyces Sp -D6 menunjukkan kesamaan yang tinggi dengan Streptomyces sp. 171524, disamping itu sekuens basa-basa nukleotida Streptomyces Sp-D7 dan SP-D9 mempunyai kesamaan yang tinggi dengan Streptomyces sp. ACT-05178 dan ACT-175695.Tiga spesies ini dapat di-gunakan sebagai calon larvasida terhadap Ae. aegypti. (FMI 2017;53:118-123) Kata kunci: isolasi Streptomyces sp, karakterisasi 16S sRNA, lumpur Lapindo Sidoarjo, calon larvasida, larva Aedes aegypt


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    Background: Dengue is a kind of infectious disease that was distributed in the tropical and sub-tropical areas. To date, there is no clinically approved dengue vaccine or antiviral for humans, even though there have been great efforts towards this end. Therefore, finding the effective compound against dengue virus (DENV) replication is very important. Among the complex compounds, copper(II)-imidazole derivatives are of interest because of their biological and medicinal benefits. Materials and Methods: In the present study, antiviral activity of [Cu(2,4,5-triphenylimidazole)2]n, was evaluated against different stages of dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) replication in Vero cell using focus forming unit reduction assay and quantitative ELISA. Results: [Cu(2,4,5-triphenylimidazole)2]n inhibited DENV-2 replication in Vero cells with IC50 = 2.3 μg/ml and SI= 19.42 when cells were treated 2 days after virus infection, whereas its CC50 for cytotoxicity to Vero cells was 44.174 μg/ml. Conclusion: The compound has high anti-DENV2 activity, less toxicity, and a high possibility to be considered a drug candidate

    Three Taxa in One: Cryptic Diversity in the Black Fly Simulium nobile (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Southeast Asia

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    We access the molecular diversity of the black fly Simulium nobile De Mejiere, using the universal cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding gene, across its distributional range in Southeast Asia. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered three well-supported mitochondrial lineages of S. nobile , suggesting the presence of cryptic species. Lineage A is composed of a population from Sabah, East Malaysia (Borneo); lineage B represents the type population from Java, Indonesia; and lineage C includes populations from the mainland of Southeast Asia (Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand). The genetic variation of lineage C on the mainland is greater than that of lineages A and B on the islands of Borneo and Java. Our study highlights the value of a molecular approach in assessing species status of simuliids in geographically distinct regions