57 research outputs found

    Fully spin-dependent transport of triangular graphene flakes

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    The magnetic moment and spin-polarized electron transport properties of triangular graphene flakes surrounded by boron nitride sheets (BNC structures) are studied by using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. Their dependence on the BNC structure is discussed, revealing that small isolated graphene flakes have large magnetic moment. When the BNC structure is suspended between graphene electrodes, the spin-polarized charge density distribution accumulates at the edge of the graphene flakes and no spin polarization is observed in the graphene electrodes. We also found that the BNC structure demonstrates perfectly spin-polarized transport properties in the wide energy window around the Fermi level. Our first-principles results indicate that the BNC structure provides new possibilities to electrically control spin

    First-principles calculation method for electron transport based on grid Lippmann-Schwinger equation

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    We develop a first-principles electron-transport simulator based on the Lippmann--Schwinger (LS) equation within the framework of the real-space finite-difference scheme. In our fully real-space based LS (grid LS) method, the ratio expression technique for the scattering wave functions and the Green's function elements of the reference system is employed to avoid numerical collapse. Furthermore, we present analytical expressions and/or prominent calculation procedures for the retarded Green's function, which are utilized in the grid LS approach. In order to demonstrate the performance of the grid LS method, we simulate the electron-transport properties of the semiconductor/oxide interfaces sandwiched between semi-infinite metal electrodes. The results confirm that the leakage current through the (001)Si/SiO2_2 model becomes much larger when the dangling-bond (DB) state is induced by a defect in the oxygen layer while that through the (001)Ge/GeO2_2 model is insensitive to the DB state

    Efficient calculation of the Green's function in scattering region for electron-transport simulations

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    We propose a first-principles method of efficiently evaluating electron-transport properties of very long systems. Implementing the recursive Green's function method and the shifted conjugate gradient method in the transport simulator based on real-space finite-difference formalism, we can suppress the increase in the computational cost, which is generally proportional to the cube of the system length to a linear order. This enables us to perform the transport calculations of double-walled carbon nanotubes~(DWCNTs) with 196,608 atoms. We find that the conductance spectra exhibit different properties depending on the periodicity of doped impurities in DWCNTs and they differ from the properties for systems with less than 1,000 atoms.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Novel time-saving first-principles calculation method for electron-transport properties

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    We present a time-saving simulator within the framework of the density functional theory to calculate the transport properties of electrons through nanostructures suspended between semi-infinite electrodes. By introducing the Fourier transform and preconditioning conjugate-gradient algorithms into the simulator, a highly efficient performance can be achieved in determining scattering wave functions and electron-transport properties of nanostructures suspended between semi-infinite jellium electrodes. To demonstrate the performance of the present algorithms, we study the conductance of metallic nanowires and the origin of the oscillatory behavior in the conductance of an Ir nanowire. It is confirmed that the ss-dz2d_{z^2} channel of the Ir nanowire exhibits the transmission oscillation with a period of two-atom length, which is also dominant in the experimentally obtained conductance trace

    First-principles transport calculation method based on real-space finite-difference nonequilibrium Green's function scheme

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    We demonstrate an efficient nonequilibrium Green's function transport calculation procedure based on the real-space finite-difference method. The direct inversion of matrices for obtaining the self-energy terms of electrodes is computationally demanding in the real-space method because the matrix dimension corresponds to the number of grid points in the unit cell of electrodes, which is much larger than that of sites in the tight-binding approach. The procedure using the ratio matrices of the overbridging boundary-matching technique [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 67}, 195315 (2003)], which is related to the wave functions of a couple of grid planes in the matching regions, greatly reduces the computational effort to calculate self-energy terms without losing mathematical strictness. In addition, the present procedure saves computational time to obtain Green's function of the semi-infinite system required in the Landauer-B\"uttiker formula. Moreover, the compact expression to relate Green's functions and scattering wave functions, which provide a real-space picture of the scattering process, is introduced. An example of the calculated results is given for the transport property of the BN ring connected to (9,0) carbon nanotubes. The wave function matching at the interface reveals that the rotational symmetry of wave functions with respect to the tube axis plays an important role in electron transport. Since the states coming from and going to electrodes show threefold rotational symmetry, the states in the vicinity of the Fermi level, whose wave function exhibits fivefold symmetry, do not contribute to the electron transport through the BN ring.Comment: 34 page

    Theoretical study on tunneling current flowing between STM tip and acetylene-adsorbed Si(001) surface

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    We present first-principles electron-transport studies on scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images of an acetylene-adsorbed Si(001) surfaces. In the simulated STM images, bright spots are observed in bare Si atoms and darker spots locates on the absorbed acetylene molecule. Tunneling current flowing between the sample and a STM tip is strongly affected by the π states of bare Si atoms and the contributions of states around the molecule to the current are smaller. This causes the STM images where bare Si atoms look higher than the adsorbed molecule.Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2008 (NSND2008) 平成20年1月29日(火)於長崎大学 Invited Lectur

    Ab initio Study on Electron-transport Properties of Graphene Sheet Depending on Transport Length

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    ナノダイナミクス国際シンポジウム 平成22年1月21日(木) 於長崎大学Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2010 (NSND2010), January 21, 2010, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, Invited Lectur