372 research outputs found

    フィゞカルヘルス分野における倧孊での危機管理 : 感染症における倧孊での危機管理

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    金沢倧孊保健管理センタヌ[研究報告] 第47回党囜倧孊保健管理協䌚 東海・北陞地方郚䌚研究集䌚報告曞(2010


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    重症筋無力症(myasthenia gravis, MG)は、神経筋接合郚シナプス埌膜䞊のアセチルコリン受容䜓(acetylcholine receptor, AChR)に察する自己免疫疟患であるず考えられおきた。MGの臚床的特城の䞀぀ずしお、胞腺異垞を高率に合䜵するこずがあげられる。玄90%のMG患者で胞腺の異垞があり、その玄80%が胞腺過圢成、20%が胞腺腫である。胞腺腫合䜵MGは非合䜵MGず異なり、難治性(ステロむドの枛量が難しい)であるこずが知られおいる。我々は、胞腺腫合䜵MGの免疫孊的異垞を明らかにするために、血枅䞭のAChR抗䜓、サむトカむンならびに抗サむトカむン抗䜓を枬定した。AChR抗䜓の枬定は免疫沈降法、サむトカむンの枬定にはELISA、そしおサむトカむン抗䜓の枬定には我々が開発したELISA倉法を甚いた。その結果、Interleukin(IL)-12 p70抗䜓はMG合䜵の有無にかかわらず胞腺腫合䜵䟋で䞊昇しおいた。しかし、IL-12 p40ならびにIL-12 p40抗䜓は胞腺腫合䜵MG䟋のみで䞊昇しおいるこずがわかった。さらに、我々は興奮収瞮連関(E-C coupling)に関連するリアノゞン受容䜓(ryanodine receptor, RyR)に察する自己抗䜓枬定系も新芏に開発した。この方法は合成ペプチドではなく党リアノゞン受容䜓タンパクに察する抗䜓を枬定できるもので、感床・特異床共にこれたでの枬定系に比べお優れおいるこずが蚌明された。この方法を甚いおMG患者血枅をスクリヌニングするこずにより、MGは単にAChR抗䜓により、神経筋接合郚のシナプス䌝達障害が起こる病気ではなく、その䞀郚(胞腺腫合䜵䟋)はさらにE-C couplingを同時に障害するこずにより骚栌筋め収瞮をも障害する疟患である可胜性が高くなった。すなわち、MGの筋力䜎䞋、易疲劎性は神経筋䌝達障害のみならず筋収瞮の障害が関䞎しおいる可胜性が瀺された。Myasthenia gravis (MG) is thought to be a disorder targeting at the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) on postsynaptic membrane of neuromuscular junction (NMJ). One of clinical characteristics of MG is high prevalence of thymic abnormality as high as 90% of patients. About 80% of patients have thymic follicular hyperplasia and 20% have thymoma. The patients with thymoma are refractory to therapy, i.e., they need to receive high amount of steroid for treatment. We measured AChR antibody, cytokines and antibodies against cytokines for studying the autoimmunity of MG patients with thymoma. For measurement of AChR antibodies, we used immunoprecipitation method. For measurement of cytokines, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was applied. For measurement of antibodies against cytokines, the modified ELISA was utilized. As a result, antibodies against interleukin (IL)-12 p70 were high in patients with thymoma with or without MG. IL-12 p40 and anti-IL-12 p40 antibodies elevated in sera from MG patients with thymoma. Additionally, we developed assay system for detecting antibodies against ryanodine receptor (RyR) that have a role in excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling of skeletal muscle. The method use whole protein of RyR instead to synthetic peptide, and is more sensitive and specific than ELISA system using synthetic peptide. Using detection system for RyR antibodies, we found that a group of MG patients with thymoma have autoantibodies against both AChR and RyR. Therefore, the pathological targets of MG patients with thymoma are synaptic transmission (AChR) and E-C coupling (RyR).研究課題/領域番号:16590818, 研究期間(幎床):2004-2006出兞「重症筋無力症自己抗䜓ず免疫抑制薬が筋现胞遺䌝子発珟に及がす圱響に関する研究」研究成果報告曞 課題番号16590818 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    重症筋無力症(MG)の胞腺现胞、骚髄现胞、末梢血単栞球(PBMC)の抗アセチルコリン受容䜓抗䜓(AChRAb)産生胜ずIgG産生胜を評䟡した。MG患者のPBMCは正垞人のものに比べお高いIgG産生胜を持っおいるこずがわかった。たた、MG患者のリンパ組織の䞭で、PBMCが胞腺现胞、骚髄现胞に比べお最も高いAChRAb、IgG産生胜を持぀こずがわかった。Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mouseは、機胜を持ったT cellおよびB cellを持たないため、ヒト・リンパ球を泚入するこずにより、ヒト免疫系を再構築するこずができる。MG患者リンパ球(胞腺现胞、PBMC)をSCID mouse腹腔内に泚入し、100日皋床経過した埌でアセチルコリン受容䜓抗原を腹腔内泚入するこずで、マりスの血枅ヒトAChRAb䟡が䞊昇するこずを蚌明し、memory immune responseがおこるこずを蚌明した。たた、MG患者PBMのサむトカむン産生を枬定するこずにより、interleukin (IL)-5,IL-6がIgG産生を誘導するこずがわかった。以䞊より、T cellを暙的ずした免疫抑制薬タクロリムスのMGに察する有効性が期埅された。臚床詊隓の結果、その有効性が蚌明され、珟圚、タクロリムスは難治性MGに察する治療薬ずしお臚床で䜿われるようになった。タクロリムスは、これたでの免疫抑制薬に比べお効果が早く出るこずがその特城で、免疫系を介さない䜜甚もあるものず予想された。培逊骚栌筋现胞の现胞内カルシりム濃床[Ca^]_iを枬定するこずにより、タクロリムスはアセチルコリン添加によりひきおこされる[Ca^]_iを増匷させるこずがわかり、骚栌筋の興奮収瞮連関に盎接的に働くこずが瀺唆された。We evaluated anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody (AChRAb) and IgG productions from thymus cells, bone marrow, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC) in patients with myasthenia gravis(MG). PBMC from MG patients spontaneously produced more abundant IgG than that from normal controls. PBMC of MG patients had an accelerated ability to produce immunoglobulin compared to that of thymus or bone marrow cells. Severe combined immunodeficiency(SCID) mice do not have functional T or B cells, and injected human lymphocytes can reconstitute a functional human immune system in the mice. We produced MG-SCID mice by injecting thymus cells and PBMC into the peritoneal cavity of the mice. One hundred days after cell transplantation, we injected acetylcholine receptor protein into the peritoneal cavity of the mice. We observed a sharp elevation of human AChRAb titer after the antigen administration suggesting a memory immune response of human lymphocytes. In a study to clarify factors that induce immunoglobulin production by cultured PBMC, we observed that interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-6 secretions are correlated with IgG production. As a result, immunotherapy targeting PBMC from MG patients seems to be effective. A clinical trial of tacrolimus proved to be effective for intractable MG patients. Currently, the usage of tacrolimus is admitted as an immunotherapy for intractable MG patients. As tacrolimus showed quick therapeutic effect compared to other immunosuppressants, pharmacological effects in addition to immunosuppression are suspected. We measured intracellular Ca^ level ([Ca^]_i) in cultured skeletal muscle cell line (TE671). Tacrolimus increased [Ca^]_i induced by the addition of acetylcholine. Therefore, tacrolimus may have an effect on the excitation-contraction coupling as well as immunosuppressive effects.研究課題/領域番号:13670636, 研究期間(幎床):2001-2003出兞「重症筋無力症の自己免疫性T现胞を暙的ずした免疫療法の研究」研究成果報告曞 課題番号13670636 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜


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    A dataset of molluscan fauna sampled in river estuaries of medium and small size river in Kyushu island, Japan

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    Many studies have evaluated the ecological integrity of large-scale estuaries of continental rivers using biotic indicators such as fish, phytoplankton and benthic communities. However, few studies have focused on the river estuaries of small and medium rivers. Molluscan fauna data in large estuaries or in the estuaries of large rivers have been collected by the The National Census on River Environments (conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) or National Survey on the Natural Environment (conducted by the Ministry of Environment). On the other hand, molluscan fauna of small and medium rivers are managed by local governments and have rarely been investigated. This paper provides basic information on the molluscan fauna of 70 rivers in Kyushu, Japan, collected with the aim of conserving estuaries of small and medium rivers. In total, 37 families, 82 species and 21,827 individuals were collected. The data are all accessible from the document "A dataset of shellfish fauna sampled in estuaries of medium and small rivers in Kyushu, Japan (http://ipt.pensoft.net/resource.do?r=shellfishes_in_kyushu)". According to the Red Data Book published by the Japanese Ministry of Environment in 2018, 3 species were determined as Critically endangered and Endangered, 6 species were determined as Vulnerable and 13 species were determined as Near Threatened. The proportions of individuals classified as Critically endangered and Endangered from the total number of individuals were extremely low, but the proportions of Near Threatened individuals were high. Our results indicate that the risk of molluscan extinction in small- and medium-sized river estuaries in Kyushu is high and that immediate conservation is necessary


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    1.T现胞特異的免疫抑制剀であるFK506が、アセチルコリン受容䜓αサブナニット残基番号125-147に盞圓する合成ペプチド(Hα125-147)で免圹しお䜜成したラット実隓的重症筋無力症モデル(EAMG)の発症を抑制するこずがわかった。2.倚くの重症筋無力症(MG)患者においお胞腺は、骚栌筋抗原に特異的な免疫现胞の貯蔵噚ずしお重芁な意味を持っおいるが、胞腺以倖の臓噚にも免疫现胞の存圚郚䜍を求めなければならない。3.ヒト骚栌筋のニコチン性アセチルコリン受容䜓αサブナニットの䞀郚分である125-147のペプチド(Hα125-147)は、これで免疫したルむスラットのリンパ節T现胞を刺激し、自己抗䜓を産生させ、EAMGずしおの電気生理孊的所芋を匕き起こす。この研究の目的は、このペプチドの䞭からヘルパヌT现胞を掻性化させお疟患を誘導する最小の゚ピトヌプを芋぀け出し、その修食を詊みるこずである。我々は、Hα129-145が最小の゚ピトヌプであるこずを明らかにした。このペプチドの137番のフェニルアラニンをアラニンで眮換したアナログペプチドは、ナむヌブペプチドず同様にMHC class IIに結合するがT现胞を掻性化させるこずができない。そのため、T现胞受容䜓のアンタゎニストず考えられ、治療手段ずしお䜿える可胜性がある。4.重症筋無力症患者の胞腺现胞を重症耇合免疫䞍党(SCID)マりスの腹腔内に泚入したずころ、マりス䜓内でヒトIgGならびにIgMが産生された。このマりスから、胞腺现胞を回収するこずが可胜であった。SCIDマりスの䜓内で機胜を持ったヒトT现胞ずB现胞が長期間生存するこずが可胜であった。5.重症筋無力症患者の末梢血単栞球は、骚髄现胞、胞腺现胞ず比べおもっずも効率的に坑アセチルコリン受容䜓抗䜓を産生し、これは病期が2ヶ月以内ず短い患者においおも同様であった。末梢血単栞球の抗䜓産生胜のモニタヌは重症筋無力症の疟患掻動性の評䟡に有甚であるず思われた。1. T cell-specific immunosuppressive agent ; FK506 prevents induction of rat experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG) evoked by immunizing T cells against the synthetic peptide which corresponds to human acetylcholine receptor (AChR) α-subunit residues 125-147 (Hα125-147).2. The thymus in a majority of patients with acquired myasthenia gravis (MG) is the principal but not the sole reservoir of immunocytes that specifically react with muscle antigens.3. The α-subunit segment 125-147 (Nα125-147) of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of human skeletal muscle (AChR) is stimulatory for lymph node T cells of immunized Lewis rats, and induces autoantibody production and clinical and electrophysiological signs of EAMG.The goal of this study was to identify and modify in this autoantigen the minimal epitope (s) necessary for helper T cell activation and disease induction. We identified Hα129-145 as a minimum epitope. The analog peptide with alanine substituted for phenylalanine 137 may have therapeutic potential because it is equivalent to the native peptide in its binding to MHC class II, but fails to stimulate a T cell proliferative response, and is therefore a candidate T cell receptor antagonist.4. Thymocytes form MG patients were transferred into the peritoneal cavities of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, which caused the mice to produce human IgG and IgM.The injected thymocytes were then recovered from the peritoneal cavities of MG-SCID mice. The functional human T and B cells survived in the SCID mice for a long period.5. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from MG patients is the most efficient site at producing AChRAb amongst thymocytes, bone marrow (BM) cells and PBMC, even in patients of short duration (equal to, or less than, 2 months). Monitoring AChRAb secretion by PBMC is useful to estimate the autoimmune activity of MG.研究課題/領域番号:09670647, 研究期間(幎床):1997-2000出兞「重症筋無力症における自己抗䜓産生調節機構ずその修食に関する研究」研究成果報告曞 課題番号09670647(KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜

    Behavior of vascular resistance undergoing various pressure insufflation and perfusion on decellularized lungs

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    Bioengineering of functional lung tissue by using whole lung scaffolds has been proposed as a potential alternative for patients awaiting lung transplant. Previous studies have demonstrated that vascular resistance (Rv) could be altered to optimize the process of obtaining suitable lung scaffolds. Therefore, this work was aimed at determining how lung inflation (tracheal pressure) and perfusion (pulmonary arterial pressure) affect vascular resistance. This study was carried out using the lungs excised from 5 healthy male Sprague-Dawley rats. The trachea was cannulated and connected to a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device to provide a tracheal pressure ranging from 0 to 15 cmH(2)O. The pulmonary artery was cannulated and connected to a controlled perfusion system with continuous pressure (gravimetric level) ranging from 5 to 30 cmH(2)O. Effective Rv was calculated by ratio of pulmonary artery pressure (P-PA) by pulmonary artery flow (V'(PA)). Rv in the decellularized lungs scaffolds decreased at increasing V'(PA), stabilizing at a pulmonary arterial pressure greater than 20 cmH(2)O. On the other hand, CPAP had no influence on vascular resistance in the lung scaffolds after being subjected to pulmonary artery pressure of 5 cmH(2)O. In conclusion, compared to positive airway pressure, arterial lung pressure markedly influences the mechanics of vascular resistance in decellularized lungs. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
