399 research outputs found

    Myanmar migrant laborers in Ranong, Thailand

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    Thailand is the major destination for migrants in mainland Southeast Asia, and Myanmar (Burmese) migrants account for the dominant share. This paper sheds light on the actual working conditions and the life of Myanmar migrants in Thailand, based on our intensive survey in Ranong in southern Thailand in 2009. We found a wide range of serious problems that Myanmar migrants face in everyday life: very harsh working conditions, low income, heavy indebtedness, risk of being human-trafficking victims, harassment by the police and military (especially of sex workers), high risk of illness including malaria and HIV/AIDS and limited access to affordable medical facilities, and a poor educational environment for their children.Myanmar, Thailand, Migrant labor, Migration, Household

    StyleHumanCLIP: Text-guided Garment Manipulation for StyleGAN-Human

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    This paper tackles text-guided control of StyleGAN for editing garments in full-body human images. Existing StyleGAN-based methods suffer from handling the rich diversity of garments and body shapes and poses. We propose a framework for text-guided full-body human image synthesis via an attention-based latent code mapper, which enables more disentangled control of StyleGAN than existing mappers. Our latent code mapper adopts an attention mechanism that adaptively manipulates individual latent codes on different StyleGAN layers under text guidance. In addition, we introduce feature-space masking at inference time to avoid unwanted changes caused by text inputs. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluations reveal that our method can control generated images more faithfully to given texts than existing methods

    Myanmar migrant laborers in Ranong, Thailand

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    Thailand is the major destination for migrants in mainland Southeast Asia, and Myanmar (Burmese) migrants account for the dominant share. This paper sheds light on the actual working conditions and the life of Myanmar migrants in Thailand, based on our intensive survey in Ranong in southern Thailand in 2009. We found a wide range of serious problems that Myanmar migrants face in everyday life: very harsh working conditions, low income, heavy indebtedness, risk of being human-trafficking victims, harassment by the police and military (especially of sex workers), high risk of illness including malaria and HIV/AIDS and limited access to affordable medical facilities, and a poor educational environment for their children

    キュウセイキ ビョウイン ニ キンムスル カンゴシ ノ リンリテキ ナヤミ ノ カンレン ヨウイン ノ ケントウ

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    本研究では、倫理的悩みを測定する尺度Nurse Questionnaire (ADULT) scaleをもとに作成した『改訂版 倫理的悩みの尺度-看護師版』を用いて、急性期病院に勤務する看護師の倫理的悩みについて検討した。近畿地方のA県と中部地方のB県にある340床以上の急性期病院22施設に対し研究協力依頼を行い、承諾が得られた6施設に勤務する看護師846名に質問紙調査の依頼を行い、そのうち443部の調査票を回収した(回収率52.4%)。各設問の無効回答率20%以上を除く405部の調査票を有効回答とした(有効回答率 48.1%)。その結果、年齢(F=6.12,p<0.001)に有意な関係が見られ、「25歳未満」よりも「25歳~30歳未満」、「30歳~35歳未満」、「35歳以上」が倫理的悩みを多く認識し、倫理的悩みのスコア平均値が4.0以上であった項目は【3.患者にとって最良と思えなくても医療を続けてほしいという患者・家族の希望に沿うことがある】と【4.ただ死を先延ばしすることだと感じても救命行為を開始することがある】の主に2つの項目でともに高い値を示した。本研究において、患者家族との倫理的価値の相違から倫理的悩みを多く認識し、年齢の高い看護師は自己の経験より養われた倫理観や価値観を臨床現場に活かそうと模索するなかで、倫理的悩みとしての認識に繋がっていた。これらのことから、看護師への倫理教育では看護倫理のみでなく医療・工学・生命倫理など幅広い分野に基づいた教育が必要であり、臨床看護師への倫理教育のあり方について多くの課題が示唆された。This study examined the ethical concerns of nurses working in acute care hospitals using the "Revised Ethical Concerns Scale - Nurse Edition," which was developed based on the Nurse Questionnaire (ADULT) scale, a scale for measuring ethical concerns. Requests for research cooperation were made to 22 acute care hospitals with 340 or more beds in prefectures A in the Kinki region and B in the Chubu region. 846 nurses working at the 6 facilities that agreed to participate were asked to complete the questionnaire, of which 443 copies were collected (response rate 52.4%). Forty-five copies of the questionnaire were considered valid responses (valid response rate: 48.1%), excluding those with an invalid response rate of 20% or more for each question. The results showed a significant relationship with age (F=6.12, p<0.001), with "25-30 years old," "30-35 years old," and "35 years old or older" identifying more ethical concerns than "under 25 years old," and the items with a mean score of 4.0 or higher for ethical concerns were [3. Sometimes, the patient/family wishes for continued medical care even if it does not seem best for the patient] and [4. Sometimes, life-saving actions are initiated even if the patient/family feels that the action is merely postponing death] were the two main items with high values. In this study, nurses recognized many ethical concerns due to differences in ethical values with patients' families, and older nurses were seeking to apply the ethical views and values nurtured through their own experiences to clinical practice, which led to their recognition as ethical concerns. These findings suggest that ethics education for nurses needs to be based not only on nursing ethics but also on a wide range of fields, including medical, engineering, and bioethics, and that many issues need to be addressed in the education of ethics for clinical nurses.departmental bulletin pape

    Overexpression of Tisochrysis lutea Akd1 identifies a key cold-induced alkenone desaturase enzyme

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    Alkenones are unusual long-chain neutral lipids that were first identified in oceanic sediments. Currently they are regarded as reliable palaeothermometers, since their unsaturation status changes depending on temperature. These molecules are synthesised by specific haptophyte algae and are stored in the lipid body as the main energy storage molecules. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the alkenone biosynthetic pathway, especially the low temperature-dependent desaturation reaction, have not been elucidated. Here, using an alkenone-producing haptophyte alga, Tisochrysis lutea, we show that the alkenone desaturation reaction is catalysed by a newly identified desaturase. We first isolated two candidate desaturase genes and found that one of these genes was drastically upregulated in response to cold stress. Gas chromatographic analysis revealed that the overexpression of this gene, named as Akd1 finally, increased the conversion of di-unsaturated C37-alkenone to tri-unsaturated molecule by alkenone desaturation, even at a high temperature when endogenous desaturation is efficiently suppressed. We anticipate that the Akd1 gene will be of great help for elucidating more detailed mechanisms of temperature response of alkenone desaturation, and identification of active species contributing alkenone production in metagenomic and/or metatranscriptomic studies in the field of oceanic biogeochemistry

    744-3 Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthesis does not Increase Cardiac Contractile Response but Reduces Coronary Blood Flow Response to β-Adrenergic Stimulation in Normal Dogs

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    Although the induction of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis has been implicated as a cause of cytokine-induced depression of cardiac β-adrenergic responsiveness. whether the NO system constitutively present in the normal myocardium plays a role in its physiologic response to β-adrenergic stimulation in vivoremains controversial. Accordingly, we examined the effects of low and high doses of NW-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)(10 and 100 μg/kg/min for 10 min), an NO synthase inhibitor, administered into left circumflex coronary artery (LCX) on responses of peak left ventricular (LV) dP/dt, regional wall thickening in LCX region and LCX blood flow to graded intracoronary (IC) doses of isoproterenol (ISO:0.002 to 0.016 μg/kg/min) in 7 anesthetized dogs. IC L-NAME was associated with dose-related reductions in IC acetylcholine-induced coronary vasodilation. Effects of L-NAME on ISO-induced changes are shown:baselineISO:0.0020.0040.008.0016Peak LV dP/dt (mmHg/sec) (n=7)control2029±1362586±1922820±2003309±2554120±419*low L-NAME2171±1492566±1762894±2063214±2233707±250*high L-NAME2114±1662326±1932560±1523014±1403354±171*Wall thickening (%) (n=2)control22±725±629±533±735±9low L-NAME25±1125±1528±1931±1836±21high L-NAME28±1725±1525±1531±1934±15LCX blood flow (ml/min)(n=7)control33±648±752±661±870±9*low L-NAME36±741±844±947±852±9*high L-NAME33±736±838±740±748±8*mean ± SEM*p&lt;0.05Thus, inhibition of NO synthesis by L-NAME did not change baseline contractility nor did it increase its response to ISO. It also did not alter baseline blood flow, but reduced significantly its response to ISO. These data strongly suggest that the NO system in the normal myocardium does not modulate contractility, but NO formation in the vasculature contributes to the β-adrenergic coronary vasodilation

    Development of rapid daiagnosis of staphylocuccus aureus in blood.

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    科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 一般研究(B)研究期間: 1993~1995課題番号: 05454351研究代表者: 谷 徹(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助手)研究分担者: 遠藤 善裕(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助手