4,747 research outputs found

    Fundamental Cycle of a Periodic Box-Ball System

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    We investigate a soliton cellular automaton (Box-Ball system) with periodic boundary conditions. Since the cellular automaton is a deterministic dynamical system that takes only a finite number of states, it will exhibit periodic motion. We determine its fundamental cycle for a given initial state.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Ultradiscretization of the solution of periodic Toda equation

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    A periodic box-ball system (pBBS) is obtained by ultradiscretizing the periodic discrete Toda equation (pd Toda eq.). We show the relation between a Young diagram of the pBBS and a spectral curve of the pd Toda eq.. The formula for the fundamental cycle of the pBBS is obtained as a colloraly.Comment: 41 pages; 7 figure

    The influence of orthography on speech production: Evidence from masked priming in word-naming and picture-naming tasks

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    In a masked priming word-naming task, a facilitation due to the initial-segmental sound overlap for 2-character kanji prime-target pairs was affected by certain orthographic properties (Yoshihara, Nakayama, Verdonschot, & Hino, 2017). That is, the facilitation that was due to the initial mora overlap occurred only when the mora was the whole pronunciation of their initial kanji characters (i.e., match pairs; e.g., /ka-se.ki/-/ka-rjo.ku/). When the shared initial mora was only a part of the kanji characters' readings, however, there was no facilitation (i.e., mismatch pairs; e.g., /ha.tu-a.N/-/ha.ku-bu.tu/). In the present study, we used a masked priming picture-naming task to investigate whether the previous results were relevant only when the orthography of targets is visually presented. In Experiment 1. the main findings of our word-naming task were fully replicated in a picture-naming task. In Experiments 2 and 3. the absence of facilitation for the mismatch pairs were confirmed with a new set of stimuli. On the other hand, a significant facilitation was observed for the match pairs that shared the 2 initial morae (in Experiment 4), which was again consistent with the results of our word-naming study. These results suggest that the orthographic properties constrain the phonological expression of masked priming for kanji words across 2 tasks that are likely to differ in how phonology is retrieved. Specifically, we propose that orthography of a word is activated online and constrains the phonological encoding processes in these tasks

    The phonological unit of Japanese Kanji compounds: A masked priming investigation

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    Using the masked priming paradigm, we examined which phonological unit is used when naming Kanji compounds. Although the phonological unit in the Japanese language has been suggested to be the mora, Experiment 1 found no priming for mora-related Kanji prime-target pairs. In Experiment 2, significant priming was only found when Kanji pairs shared the whole sound of their initial Kanji characters. Nevertheless, when the same Kanji pairs used in Experiment 2 were transcribed into Kana, significant mora priming was observed in Experiment 3. In Experiment 4, matching the syllable structure and pitch-accent of the initial Kanji characters did not lead to mora priming, ruling out potential alternative explanations for the earlier absence of the effect. A significant mora priming effect was observed, however, when the shared initial mora constituted the whole sound of their initial Kanji characters in Experiments 5. Lastly, these results were replicated in Experiment 6. Overall, these results indicate that the phonological unit involved when naming Kanji compounds is not the mora but the whole sound of each Kanji character. We discuss how different phonological units may be involved when processing Kanji and Kana words as well as the implications for theories dealing with language production processes

    Rab8a and Rab8b are essential for several apical transport pathways but insufficient for ciliogenesis

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    The small GTP-binding protein Rab8 is known to play an essential role in intracellular transport and cilia formation. We have previously demonstrated that Rab8a is required for localising apical markers in various organisms. Rab8a has a closely related isoform, Rab8b. To determine whether Rab8b can compensate for Rab8a, we generated Rab8b-knockout mice. Although the Rab8b-knockout mice did not display an overt phenotype, Rab8a and Rab8b double-knockout mice exhibited mislocalisation of apical markers and died earlier than Rab8a-knockout mice. The apical markers accumulated in three intracellular patterns in the double-knockout mice. However, the localisation of basolateral and/or dendritic markers of the double-knockout mice seemed normal. The morphology and the length of various primary and/or motile cilia, and the frequency of ciliated cells appeared to be identical in control and double-knockout mice. However, an additional knockdown of Rab10 in double-knockout cells greatly reduced the percentage of ciliated cells. Our results highlight the compensatory effect of Rab8a and Rab8b in apical transport, and the complexity of the apical transport process. In addition, neither Rab8a nor Rab8b are required for basolateral and/or dendritic transport. However, simultaneous loss of Rab8a and Rab8b has little effect on ciliogenesis, whereas additional loss of Rab10 greatly affects ciliogenesis

    The Bethe ansatz in a periodic box-ball system and the ultradiscrete Riemann theta function

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    Vertex models with quantum group symmetry give rise to integrable cellular automata at q=0. We study a prototype example known as the periodic box-ball system. The initial value problem is solved in terms of an ultradiscrete analogue of the Riemann theta function whose period matrix originates in the Bethe ansatz at q=0.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Treatment of pharmaceutically active compounds by electrooxidation using boron doped diamond and platinum anodes

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    Clean and hygiene water is a critical environmental issue that touches the life of every human being. In recent years, presence of some pharmaceutical compounds and their metabolites in surface and ground water has become a potential health risk to human beings. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are prescribed for muscle pain and inflammatory rheumatic disorders. Ketoprofen one of the NSAIOs, is categorized as a pharmaceutically active compound which resists both the abiotic and biotic degradation. Similarly, P-blockers are a class of drugs used for various indications particularly to control high blood pressure, anti-angina and cardiovascular diseases. One among the P-blockers, atenolol is most toxic to humans and aquatic organisms. The presence of both ketoprofen and atenolol in ground water has been reported at concentrations up to 10 figlL. A bench scale study was carried out to treat synthetically prepared pharmaceutical compounds (ketoprofen and atenolol) contaminated water in lower concentrations (fig/I) using boron doped diamond (BOD) and platinum anodes. The results were explained in terms of in situ generated of hydroxyl radical COH), peroxodisulfate (S20t), and active chlorine species (CI2, ocr and HOCI). The physisorbed 'OH on BOD was observed to trigger the combustion of pollutant molecules in to CO2 and H20. The BOD anode was found to be effective in the presence ofNa2S04 whereas Pt yields better removal in the presence of NaCI. The influence of electrolyte pH on the mineralization of ketoprofen molecules was found to be insignificant

    Natural attenuation of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in soils due to its vertical and lateral migration

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    Processes of vertical and lateral migration lead to gradual reduction in contamination of catchment soil, particularly its top layer. The reduction can be considered as natural attenuation. This, in turn, results in a gradual decrease of radiocesium activity concentrations in the surface runoff and river water, in both dissolved and particulate forms. The purpose of this research is to study the dynamics of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in undisturbed soils and floodplain deposits exposed to erosion and sedimentation during floods. Combined observations of radiocesium vertical distribution in soil and sediment deposition on artificial lawn-grass mats on the Niida River floodplain allowed us to estimate both annual mean sediment accumulation rates and maximum sedimentation rates corresponding to an extreme flood event during Tropical Storm Etau, 6-11 September 2015. Dose rates were reduced considerably for floodplain sections with high sedimentation because the top soil layer with high radionuclide contamination was eroded and/or buried under cleaner fresh sediments produced mostly due to bank erosion and sediments movements. Rate constants of natural attenuation on the sites of the Takase River and floodplain of Niida River was found to be in range 0.2-0.4 year-1. For the site in the lower reach of the Niida River, collimated shield dose readings from soil surfaces slightly increased during the period of observation from February to July 2016. Generally, due to more precipitation, steeper slopes, higher temperatures and increased biological activities in soils, self-purification of radioactive contamination in Fukushima associated with vertical and lateral radionuclide migration is faster than in Chernobyl. In many cases, monitored natural attenuation along with appropriate restrictions seems to be optimal option for water remediation in Fukushima contaminated areas

    Orthographic properties of distractors do influence phonological Stroop effects: Evidence from Japanese Romaji distractors

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    In attempting to understand mental processes, it is important to use a task that appropriately reflects the underlying processes being investigated. Recently, Verdonschot and Kinoshita (Memory & Cognition, 46,410-425, 2018) proposed that a variant of the Stroop task-the "phonological Stroop task"-might be a suitable tool for investigating speech production. The major advantage of this task is that the task is apparently not affected by the orthographic properties of the stimuli, unlike other, commonly used, tasks (e.g., associative-cuing and word-reading tasks). The viability of this proposal was examined in the present experiments by manipulating the script types of Japanese distractors. For Romaji distractors (e.g., "kushi"), color-naming responses were faster when the initial phoneme was shared between the color name and the distractor than when the initial phonemes were different, thereby showing a phoneme-based phonological Stroop effect (Experiment1). In contrast, no such effect was observed when the same distractors were presented in Katakana (e.g., "< ") pound, replicating Verdonschot and Kinoshita's original results (Experiment2). A phoneme-based effect was again found when the Katakana distractors used in Verdonschot and Kinoshita's original study were transcribed and presented in Romaji (Experiment3). Because the observation of a phonemic effectdirectly depended on the orthographic properties of the distractor stimuli, we conclude that the phonological Stroop task is also susceptible to orthographic influences

    Asia Looks Seaward: Power and Maritime Strategy

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