149 research outputs found

    The NATA code: Theory and analysis, volume 1

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    A computer program for calculating quasi-one-dimensional gas flow in axisymmetric and two-dimensional nozzles and rectangular channels is presented. Flow is assumed to start from a state of thermochemical equilibrium at a high temperature in an upstream reservoir. The program provides solutions based on frozen chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and nonequilibrium flow with finite reaction rates. Electronic nonequilibrium effects can be included using a two-temperature model. An approximate laminar boundary layer calculation is given for the shear and heat flux on the nozzle wall. Boundary layer displacement effects on the inviscid flow are considered also. Chemical equilibrium and transport property calculations are provided by subroutines. The code contains precoded thermochemical, chemical kinetic, and transport cross section data for high-temperature air, CO2-N2-Ar mixtures, helium, and argon. It provides calculations of the stagnation conditions on axisymmetric or two-dimensional models, and of the conditions on the flat surface of a blunt wedge. The primary purpose of the code is to describe the flow conditions and test conditions in electric arc heated wind tunnels

    The NATA code; theory and analysis. Volume 2: User's manual

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    The NATA code is a computer program for calculating quasi-one-dimensional gas flow in axisymmetric nozzles and rectangular channels, primarily to describe conditions in electric archeated wind tunnels. The program provides solutions based on frozen chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and nonequilibrium flow with finite reaction rates. The shear and heat flux on the nozzle wall are calculated and boundary layer displacement effects on the inviscid flow are taken into account. The program contains compiled-in thermochemical, chemical kinetic and transport cross section data for high-temperature air, CO2-N2-Ar mixtures, helium, and argon. It calculates stagnation conditions on axisymmetric or two-dimensional models and conditions on the flat surface of a blunt wedge. Included in the report are: definitions of the inputs and outputs; precoded data on gas models, reactions, thermodynamic and transport properties of species, and nozzle geometries; explanations of diagnostic outputs and code abort conditions; test problems; and a user's manual for an auxiliary program (NOZFIT) used to set up analytical curvefits to nozzle profiles

    The NATA code; theory and analysis. Volume 3: Programmer's manual

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    The present, third volume of the final report is a programmer's manual for the code. It provides a listing of the FORTRAN 4 source program; a complete glossary of FORTRAN symbols; a discussion of the purpose and method of operation of each subroutine (including mathematical analyses of special algorithms); and a discussion of the operation of the code on IBM/360 and UNIVAC 1108 systems, including required control cards and the overlay structure used to accommodate the code to the limited core size of the 1108. In addition, similar information is provided to document the programming of the NOZFIT code, which is employed to set up nozzle profile curvefits for use in NATA

    A new sterilization technique of bovine pericardial biomaterial using microwave radiation

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    Bioprosthetic valves created from chemically treated natural tissues such as bovine pericardial biomaterial are used as heart valve scaffolds. Methods currently available for sterilization of biomaterial for transplantation include the application of gamma radiation and chemical sterilants. These techniques, however, can be problematic because they can be expensive and lead to a reduction in tissue integrity. Therefore, improved techniques are needed that are cost effective and do not disrupt the physical properties, functionality, and lifespan of the valvular leaflets. This study examined a novel technique using nonthermalmicrowave radiation that could lead to the inactivation of bacteria in bovine pericardial biomaterial without compromising valve durability. Two common pathogenic species of bacteria, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, were used as test microorganisms. Optimized microwave parameters were used to determine whether inactivation of pathogenic bacteria from bovine pericardium could be achieved. In addition, the effect of microwave sterilization on tissue integrity was examined. The mechanical properties (assessed using dynamic mechanical analysis) and tensile strength testing (using a Universal Tensile Tester) as well as thermal analysis (using thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry) indicated that microwave sterilization did not compromise the functionality of bovine pericardial biomaterial. Scanning electron microscopy imaging and cytotoxicity testing also confirmed that the structure and biocompatibility of transplant biomaterial remained unaltered after the sterilization process. Results from the application of this newmicrowave (MW) sterilization technique to bovine pericardium showed that nearcomplete inactivation of the contaminant bacteria was achieved. It is concluded that nonthermal inactivation of pathogenic bacteria from bovine pericardial biomaterial could be achieved using microwave radiation

    Emergence of Pediatric Melioidosis in Siem Reap, Cambodia

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    We describe the first cases of pediatric melioidosis in Cambodia. Thirty-nine cases were diagnosed at the Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, between October 2005 and December 2008 after the introduction of microbiology capabilities. Median age was 7.8 years (range = 1.6–16.2 years), 15 cases were male (38%), and 4 cases had pre-existing conditions that may have pre-disposed the patient to melioidosis. Infection was localized in 27 cases (69%) and disseminated in 12 cases (31%). Eleven cases (28%) were treated as outpatients, and 28 (72%) cases were admitted. Eight children (21%) died a median of 2 days after admission; seven deaths were attributable to melioidosis, all of which occurred in children receiving suboptimal antimicrobial therapy and before bacteriological culture results were available. Our findings indicate the need for heightened awareness of melioidosis in Cambodia, and they have led us to review microbiology procedures and antimicrobial prescribing of suspected and confirmed cases

    Il sud-est asiatico nell'anno del serpente. Rapporto 1989 sulla situazione sociale, politica ed economica dell'area

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    Approfondito rapporto sulla situazione politica ed economica del sud-est asiatico e dei paesi componenti alle soglie degli anni Novanta.- Indice #7- Presentazione #11- Introduzione, Ng Chee Yuen #13- La regione #17- Il Sud-est asiatico nel 1988: presagi del futuro, Stephen Chee #19- Le economie di mercato del Sud-est asiatico, Norbert Wagner #69- Il ruolo del Giappone in un universo emergente: i paesi asiatici del Pacifico, Sueo Sudo #89- Tendenze dell'attività bancaria e finanziaria nei paesi dell'ASEAN, U Tun Wai #111- Birmania #141- La Birmania nel 1988: la «perestroika» dal volto militare, James F. Guyot #143- Brunei #181- Il Brunei Darussalam nel 1988: continuità e tradizione, Abu Bakar Hamzah #183- Cambogia #203- Cambogia: alla ricerca di una soluzione politica, Friedemann Bartu #205- Filippine #223- Le Lilippine nel 1988: il difficile cammino verso la ripresa, Alberto llano #225- Le Lilippine: gestire la riforma in una nuova democrazia, Mario Antonio Lopez #247- Indonesia #267- Una presenza più attiva per l'Indonesia, Jon Halldorsson #269- Indonesia 1988: l'esperimento democratico fa progressi?, J. Soedjati Djiwandono #295- Laos #313- Riforma economica e trasformazione strutturale nel Laos, William Worner #315- Malaysia #345- La Malaysia nel 1988: un sistema politico in frantumi, Stephen Chee #347- La svolta economica in Malaysia, Mohd. Ismail Ahmad #387- Singapore #403- Singapore nel 1988: il sistema politico matura in un clima incerto, Lew Eng Fee #405- L'economia post-recessiva di Singapore nel 1988: andamento e prospettive, Toh Mun Heng #435- Tailandia #459- Fine della «premocracy» in Tailandia, Yos Santasombat #461- Tailandia: Miss Universo 1988, Pasuk Phongpachit #487- Vietnam #505- Il Vietnam nel 1988: una rivoluzione in transizione, William Duiker #50

    Managing Campus Energy: Compromising between Rapid Needs and Environmental Requirement

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    The utilization of energy, especially electricity at Diponegoro University campus continues to increase in line with the development of the university. This increase has a direct impact on the increased costs to be paid by the university. Some of the causes of increased utilization of electrical energy is the construction of new buildings to meet the needs, increased learning activities and education, research activities in the laboratory, and various other activities. On the other hand, the increase of energy utilization is considered not good from the environment point of view, especially the utilization of electrical energy coming from non sustainable resources. Efforts to compromise on both are to develop policies in developing environmentally friendly buildings, efficiency in utilization of electrical energy, and development of sustainable energy sources

    Single-Scan Techniques for the Translation of Arithmetic Expressions in ALGOL 60

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