2,539 research outputs found

    Symmetrizing The Symmetrization Postulate

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    Reasonable requirements of (a) physical invariance under particle permutation and (b) physical completeness of state descriptions, enable us to deduce a Symmetric Permutation Rule(SPR): that by taking care with our state descriptions, it is always possible to construct state vectors (or wave functions) that are purely symmetric under pure permutation for all particles, regardless of type distinguishability or spin. The conventional exchange antisymmetry for two identical half-integer spin particles is shown to be due to a subtle interdependence in the individual state descriptions arising from an inherent geometrical asymmetry. For three or more such particles, however, antisymmetrization of the state vector for all pairs simultaneously is shown to be impossible and the SPR makes observably different predictions, although the usual pairwise exclusion rules are maintained. The usual caveat of fermion antisymmetrization - that composite integer spin particles (with fermionic consitituents) behave only approximately like bosons - is no longer necessary.Comment: Paper presented at the Spin2000 Conference in Capri, Italy, May31 - June 3, 2000 Added references and appendi

    Paganism and the world forum of religions

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    Using the sociological tool known as the ideal-type, there is a distinction to be made for ancient, indigenous and contemporary paganisms vis-Ă -vis the more established world such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. While both the New Age movement and contemporary Western paganism may be understood through what Gerlach and Hine identified as the segmented-polycentric-integrated-network (SPIN), New Age may be increasingly understood as one more denomination under the rubric of paganism. In general, pagan religiosity is to be identified through its corpo-spirituality, veneration of nature, this-worldly focus, plural understanding of the divine, humanistic undercurrent and pursuits of enchantment and pleasure. Diverging from the characteristics of the pagan ideal-type as well as deep, generic and/or vernacular paganisms are both gnostic and secular forms of paganism. The multiplicity of religions, however, allows and encourages the internal dialogue of paganism with itself as the external conversation with the other religions of the world

    Consumer Perceived Risk of Smartphones

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    The smartphone market continues to grow, along with its functionality. With the ever more reliance on the smartphone the vulnerability of it is becoming a concern. The possibility of viruses and having private information stolen is becoming a very likely scenario in the future. This study will look at the consumers concern of having private information stolen or getting a smartphone virus


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    Maintaining regional peace and security is a major concern for the Association of South East AsianNations(ASEAN) while preserving strong and strategic ties with China is also imperative for theprotection of regional economic and security interests. In a territorial dispute that involves mostASEAN nations to a different extent, delicately crafting a diplomatic solution to protect good workingrelations among ASEAN nations and China will become increasingly difficulty. China has beenaccused of intimidating and using other coercive tactics against the Philippines and Vietnam in its bidto claim large areas of the South China Sea against the interests of ASEAN member states. Despitethese tensions, ASEAN, nor its member nations have “condemned‟ these actions, or sort to sanctionthe Chinese at the risk of damaging lucrative economic relations to the detriment of security andstability in the region. A lack of solidarity within the ASEAN community has the capacity to undermineits function and response which has thus far been limited in addressing this issue. This paper willdiscuss aspects of Philippine, Vietnamese and Indonesian government policy towards China andcharacterize ASEAN‟s role in resolving and managing the conflict. The Philippines and Vietnam haveincreasingly troubled and deteriorating relations with the Chinese, in contrast with the Indonesians,who are working expeditiously to strengthen ties with the Chinese across a plethora of foreign policyand defense cooperation issues. The prospect of a unified ASEAN response to the South ChinaSea territorial dispute remains unlikely. Indonesia‟s proposed code of conduct may be the first stepin addressing peace and security, however is not a long term solution and governments throughoutthe region must continue ongoing robust diplomatic efforts through ASEAN, bilaterally andmultilaterally, with international assistance and cooperation, to resolve these territorial disputes

    Prescribed burning for hardwood control and fuel reduction in a 26-year-old loblolly pine plantation on gently sloping terrain on the Cumberland Plateau

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    Four burns were conducted on each of three days: one day in the fall, spring, and summer. On each burn date, two burns were ignited on the north slope and two on the south slope of an east-west oriented ridge. On the fall and spring burn dates, general windspeed was greater than 14 km/h which determined surface wind direction in the pine plantation. On the windward side of the ridge, upslope burns were headfires and downslope burns were backfires, whereas on the lee side upslope burns were backfires and downslope burns were headfires. On the summer burn date, general windspeed was lower than 11 km/h, and wind direction in the pine plantation was determined by topography. Wind direction was upslope on both slopes, making upslope burns headfires and downslope burns backfires. Spring burns more effectively topkilled hardwoods (76 percent) than summer (54 percent) or fall burns (44 percent). Fuel loading was higher in the spring. There was little difference among the seasonal burns in percent of hardwoods totally killed (not sprouting): 21 percent in the summer, 19 percent in the fall, and 17 percent in the spring. Spring burns consumed twice as much fuel (66 percent) as fall (34 percent) or summer burns (33 percent). Percent fuel reduction for the 12 burns was significantly correlated (P = .05) with fuel loading and fuel moisture. On each of the three burn dates south slope burns were more effective than north slope burns in topkilling hardwoods and reducing fuels. Surface fuel on the south slope was mostly pine litter whereas a significant portion on the north slope was hardwood litter. The burns were generally safe for pine crop trees. Basal area of the surviving pine crop trees was higher one year after burning than pre-burn basal area except following the headfire upslope in the spring. This fire burned in a heavy loading (38,700 kg/ha) of dry (26 percent moisture) pine litter

    Constraining the onset of viscous hydrodynamics

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    We derive two general criteria that can be used to constrain the initial time of the onset of 2nd-order conformal viscous hydrodynamics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We show this explicitly for 0+1 dimensional viscous hydrodynamics and discuss how to extend the constraint to higher dimensions.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennessee. Selected Poster for the Flash Talk Session at QM09. v3: typos corrected, minor format changes and updated reference
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