18 research outputs found

    Analysis of Environmental Sanitation Risk Factors Scabies in Adolescents

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    Scabies is an infectious disease that affects all races and groups worldwide but is more common in children and young adults. Meta-analysis found that occupancy density, temperature, light, clean water, ventilation, gender, personal hygiene, knowledge, and contact with sufferers were risk factors for scabies in adolescents living in Islamic boarding schools. Research is needed by identifying close contact cases in the community, especially in high-risk groups such as students who live in dormitories. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with the incidence of scabies in young women at the Makrifatul Ilmi Islamic Boarding School, South Bengkulu Regency. The research design was cross-sectional, with the dependent variable being knowledge, age, personal hygiene, and environmental sanitation, while the dependent variable was the incidence of scabies. A sample of 50 teenagers was taken by accidental sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire and an observation sheet. Data were analyzed univariately with frequency distribution tables, bivariate with chi-square, and multivariate logistic regression. The study's results found a relationship between gender and scabies, p=0.00, and there was a relationship between knowledge and scabies, p=0.00. There is a relationship between personal hygiene and scabies p=0.00. There is a relationship between environmental sanitation and scabies p=0.00. Environmental sanitation is the most dominant risk factor associated with scabies. Health service providers must work with non-health workers, including pesantren supervisors, parents, health workers, and health cadres, in conducting education, prevention, and treatment to ensure mite elimination and break the transmission.Keyword:  Sanitation, Personal hygiene, Scabies knowledg

    Oxytocin Massage Can Increase Breastfeeding Production in Postpartum Mothers

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    Breastfeeding is the most appropriate feeding method for babies, so the Government issued a policy of Implementing 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding to support successful breastfeeding. However, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is still low. Pre-lacteal feeding, culture, and common knowledge are the causes of the failure of exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, the mother's perception of insufficient milk supply is the most common reason for stopping breastfeeding. Therefore, an oxytocin massage intervention is needed to increase milk production. This study aims to determine the effect of oxytocin massage on breastfeeding production in postpartum mothers in the work area of the Bengkulu City Health Center. Quasi-experimental research design with control group post-test only. The treatment group was postpartum women who were given oxytocin massage, while the control group was given endorphin massage. A sample of 34 people was taken by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires and observation sheets. A breast pump measures breastfeeding production. Data were analyzed univariately, bivariate with independent t-test, and multivariate with Ancona. The results showed that there was an effect of oxytocin massage on milk production p=0.00. The mean difference was 1.54. There is an effect of IMD status on breast milk production p=0.00, and there is an effect of frequency of breastfeeding on milk production p=0.00. Oxytocin massage is not the most dominant variable affecting breastfeeding production. It is recommended that health service providers provide breastfeeding education continuously during pregnancy, perinatal, and until the baby is two years old by involving the family and using digital information technology that can reach all targets. Keywords: Oxytocin massage, Breastfeeding Productio


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    Kejadian BBLR di Indonesia masih tinggi, yang berdampak terhadap infeksi, komplikasi gangguan pernafasan, susunan saraf pusat, risiko kematian serta kejadian stunting, sehingga diperlukan antenatal terpadu sebagai instrumen untuk pertumbuhan janin intrauterin karena antenatal care yang adekuat dapat kesehatan maternal sehingga meningkatkan kesehatan bayi yang akan dilahirkan. Antenatal care terpadu dilakukan dengan instrumen 10 T, sebagai upaya peningkatan pertumbuhan dan kesejahteraan janin intrauterine agar janin dilahirkan dalam kondisi terbaik dan jika janin mengalami pertumbuhan terhambat dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan cermat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas program antenatal Gizi Kia terpadu (Gikatera) terhadap pertumbuhan dan kesejahteraan janin pada ibu TM III di KabupatenSeluma tahun 2022. Desain penelitian kuasi eksperimen post test only dengan kelompok kontrol dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Kelompok perlakuan adalah ibu hamil yang menerima pelayanan antenatal Gizi KIA terpadu (Gikatera) selama masa kehamilan sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah ibu hamil yang menerima antenatal care konvensional di Puskesmas, BPM atau posyandu. Intervensi penelitian berupa Pelayanan antenatal Gikatera yang diberikan minimal 3 kali dengan standar 10 T dimulai pada kehamilan TM I sampai TM III dengan usia kehamilan 35 minggu. Pengukuran pertumbuhan janin diukur melalui taksiran berat janin dan tinggi fundus uteri sedangkan kesejahteraanjanin diidentifikasi melalui frekuensi denyut jantung janin dan gerakanjanin. Variabel independen yaitu pelayanan antenatal Gikatera sedangkan variabel dependen pertumbuhanjanin dankesejahteraan janin. Sampel berupa ibu hamil dengan kriteria inklusi ibu hamil TM I, Kriteria eksklusi adalahibu hamil dengan riwayat bad obstetrik atau menderita komplikasi atau penyulit kehamilan saat penelitian berlangsung atau terjadi partus prematurus. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil: Ada pengaruh Program Antenatal Gikatera Terhadap Pertumbuhan janin. Ada pengaruh Program Antenatal Gizi Kia Terpadu Gikatera Terhadap Kesejahteraan Janin. Ada pengaruh status anemia dan KEK terhadap Pertumbuhan janin. Tidak ada pengaruh usia, paritas, jarak kehamilan, status anemia dan KEK terhadap kesejahteraan janin. Tenaga Kesehatan harus memberikan pelayanan antenatal Gizi KIA terpadu untuk meningkatkan kualitas outcome kehamilan dan persalinaan

    Project Based Learning : Program Sehat dan Bugar terhadap Life Skill Kesehatan pada Masa Lanjut Usia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menerapkan konsep pembelajaran Project based learning pada Pusat Pembelajaran berbasis Masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan lansia agar tetap sehat dan bugar melalui kegiatan edukasi, senam sehat dan pemeriksaan fisik serta laboratorium. adalah 2) Pelaksanaan. Telah disepakati waktu kegiatan PjBL ini digelar pada tanggal 27 November dan 4 desember 2022 berlokasi di Pesantren Daarut Tauhid Bandung. Kegiatan project based learning di Pesantren masa lansia ini telah dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahap kegiatan, yakni: 1) Persiapan dilakukan dengan menyampaikan tujuan PjBL ini kepada Pihak Pesantren Daarut Tauhid Bandung, selanjutnya dilakukan Koordinasi dan Sosialisasi program serta Kesepakatan pelaksanaan program, Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan project based learning ini adalah diskusi dan tanya jawab, observasi dan latihan bersama. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar sampel memiliki nilai IMT 25-29,9 yaitu sebanyak 10 orang (50%) memiliki status gizi obesitas sedang. Pada akhir kegiatan dilakukan Evaluasi kegiatan mengenai penyelenggaraan kegiatan, jumlah peserta yang hadir, antusias peserta serta keberlangsungan program (RTL). Peserta sebanyak 20 orang, menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar sampel berada pada kelompok umur lebih dari 60 tahun (50%). Sebagian besar sampel memiliki nilai IMT 25-29,9 yaitu sebanyak 10 orang (50%) memiliki status gizi obesitas sedang. Pada uji Rank Spearman tersebut diperoleh hasil r = 0,123 dengan p-value 0,000 (p < 0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan kadar gula darah penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. PjBL memberikan pengalaman belajar kepada peserta melalui team building, kolaborasi dan interaksi dengan masyarakat dan memberikan manfaat kepada para lansia untuk upaya promosi kesehatan


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    Abstrak: Kejadian stunting di Indonesia masih tinggi, dengan faktor risiko kehamilan usia muda. Sehingga diperlukan akses informasi yang relevan pada remaja tentang PendewasaanUsia Perkawinan (PUP). Pusat Informasi Kesehatan Remaja (PIK-R) dan media ular tanggamerupakan wadah dan media bagiremaja terkait penyampaian pesanPUP. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat membentuk kelompok PIK-R dan menerapkan media ular tangga untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan kemampuan kelompok PIK R tentang PUP di SMP N 14 Kecamatan Singaran Pati Kota Bengkulu dengan mitra berjumlah 46 orang terdiri dari kelompok PIK R, Remaja siswa SMP guru sekolah, PLKB Kecamatan SIngaran Pati, Puskesmas Lingkar Timur. Metode kegiatan berupa pembentukan kelompok PIK R dan pelatihan PUP dengan tahapan yang terdiri dari persiapan pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan rencana tindak lanjut. Pasca kegiatanterdapat peningkatan pengetahuan kelompok PIK R dari rerata skor 8 menjadi 17, dan skor sikap dari 30 menjadi 52. Sebanyak 90% kelompok PIK R mampu melakukan edukasi PUP melalui penerapan media permainan ular tangga. Kesimpulan pembentukan kelompok PIK R dan penerapan media ular tangga meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, kemampuan edukasi tentang PUP pada kelompok PIK R. Diperlukanpendampingan mitra untuk keberlangsungan kelompok PIK R.Abstract: The incidence of stunting in Indonesia is still high, with a risk factor for young pregnancy. So that access to relevant information is needed for adolescents about Maturity of Marriage Age (PUP). The Adolescent Health Information Center (PIK R) and the snakes and ladders media are platforms and media for youth regarding the delivery of PUP messages. The purpose of community service is to form the PIK R group and apply snakes and ladders media to increase the knowledge, attitudes and abilities of the PIK R group regarding PUP at SMP N 14, Singaran Pati District, Bengkulu City with school teacher partners, PLKB SIngaran Pati District, the Lingkar Timur Health Center. Methods of activity include preparation for implementation, evaluation and follow-up plans. The results showed an increase in the knowledge of the PIK R group from an average score of 8 to 17, and an attitude score from 30 to 52. The PIK R group was able to conduct PUP education through the application of the snakes and ladders media game. The conclusion is that the formation of the PIK R group and the application of snakes and ladders media increases knowledge, attitudes, educational abilities about PUP in the PIK R group. Partner assistance is needed for the sustainability of the PIK R group.

    Pemberdayaan Kader Gemari dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Usia Remaja terhadap Perencanaan Keluarga di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah

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    Abstract More than 50% of marriages in Bengkulu Province are adolescents marriages (less than 20 years). Adolescents marriage affects low levels of education, high incidence in the household, overcoming health problems, health problems in struggling children and psychological health of children because mothers of adolescents are less capable of planning a family. Therefore, community participation is needed to increase the knowledge and attitudes of adolescent mothers in family planning, namely through empowering Posyandu cadres and family planning cadres. The research design uses quasi experiment with pretest and posttest design with control group design. Research population is all married mothers aged 15-20 years. The sample is a teenage mother selected purposively by inclusion criteria of married mother, resident of settlement in Central Bengkulu Regency, able to communicate well and can read and write. Exclusion criterion is mother suffering from severe disease and not willing to follow the research process. The sample size is 60 people consist of 30 people of intervention group and 30 control group. The independent variable is empowerment of GEMARI cadres while dependent variable of knowledge and attitude of adolescent mother. Instruments using structured questionnaires. Data analysis technique using paired simple test and independent t-test. The results found in the intervention group there was an increase in knowledge scores before (61.67) and after (78.83) mentoring was carried out by GEMARI cadres (p = 0.001), but in the control group there was no difference in the average knowledge score before (66, 83) and after (64.67) intervention (p = 0.482). In the intervention group, there was an increase in the score of mothers’ attitudes about family planning before (78) and after (80.47) accompanied by GEMARI cadres (p = 0.036), while in the control group there was no difference in the average attitude score before (78, 33) and after (80.47) intervention (p = 0.114). Assistance of GEMARI cadres effectively improves knowledge and attitude of adolescent mother about family planning. Abstrak Lebih dari 50% pernikahan di Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan pernikahan usia remaja (kurang dari 20 tahun). Pernikahan usia remaja berdampak pada rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, tingginya angka kejadian kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, tingginya masalah kesehatan reproduksi, masalah kesehatan pada anak yang dilahirkan dan kesehatan psikologi anak karena ibu usia remaja kurang mampu merencanakan keluarga. Maka dari itu diperlukan partisipasi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu usia remaja dalam perencanaan keluarga, yaitu melalui pemberdayaan kader posyandu dan kader Keluarga Berencana. Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan pre test and post test with control group design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu menikah usia 15-20 tahun. Sampel adalah ibu usia remaja yang dipilih secara purposif dengan kriteria inklusi ibu sudah menikah, penduduk menetap di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, serta dapat membaca dan menulis. Kriteria eksklusi adalah ibu menderita penyakit berat dan tidak bersedia mengikuti proses penelitian. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 orang, terdiri dari 30 orang kelompok intervensi dan 30 orang kelompok kontrol. Variabel independen adalah pemberdayaan kader Gerakan Masyarakat Peduli (GEMARI) sedangkan variabel dependen pengetahuan dan sikap ibu usia remaja. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Analisis data menggunakan paired t-test dan independen t-test. Hasil penelitian menemukan pada kelompok intervensi terdapat peningkatan skor pengetahuan sebelum (61,67) dan sesudah (78,83) dilakukan pendampingan oleh kader GEMARI (p=0.001), namun pada kelompok kontrol tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata skor pengetahuan sebelum (66,83) dan sesudah (64,67) intervensi (p=0,482). Pada kelompok intervensi, terjadi peningkatan skor sikap ibu tentang perencanaan keluarga sebelum (78) dan setelah (80,47) dilakukan pendampingan oleh kader GEMARI (p=0,036), sementara pada kelompok kontrol tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata skor sikap sebelum (78,33) dan sesudah (80,47) intervensi (p=0,114). Pendampingan kader GEMARI dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu usia remaja tentang perencanaan keluarga

    Improvement of Breastfeeding Efficacy Through Small Group Education of Cadres with Pregnant Women

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    WHO recommends that every infant should be exclusively breastfed, but until now the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is still low due to factors such as knowledge, breastfeeding efficacy, family support, lactation problems, and barriers in the health care system.  This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Small group education of cadres with pregnant women on breastfeeding efficacy among third trimester pregnant women on Enggano Island. The research design was a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test with a control group. The treathird trimesterent group was pregnant women who received Small group education of cadres with pregnant women while the control group was pregnant women who received conventional education. The study was conducted at Enggano Health Centre from January to November 2023 with a sample of 50 pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy from 25-36 weeks of age, selected by purposive sampling.  The research instruments were modules and leaflets on exclusive breastfeeding, developed through a needs assessment, while breastfeeding efficacy was measured using the Breastfeeding Self-efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF). Data were analysed univariate, bivariate with  wilcoxon and multivariate with spearman rank test. The results showed that there was an effect of Small group education of cadres with pregnant women class education on breastfeeding effectiveness with p=0.00 mean difference of 19.56. There was an effect of conventional class education on breastfeeding effectiveness in the control group with p=0.46 mean difference of 1.12. The class was more effective in improving breastfeeding practices among pregnant women with p=0.00 mean difference of 47.26. Class and education level were the most dominant factors in improving breastfeeding efficiency among pregnant women. The conclusion of this study is that the small group education of cadre with pregnant women is effective in improving breastfeeding efficacy in pregnant women in the third trimester.  Keywords: Breastfeeding, Education, Efficacy, Small Grou


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    Abstrak: Pernikahan usia muda masih tinggi, menyebabkan kehamilan usia muda yang berrisiko komplikasi kehamilan, persalinan, Ibu usia muda berisiko mengalami kematian pada saat hamil dan bersalin. Pendidikan, sosial ekonomi, teman sebaya, tidak menjadi beban orang tua, dorongan orang tua karena malu anak sudah hamil diluar nikah merupakan faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kejadian pernikahan dini. Diperlukan pendidikan berbasis keluarga melalui kelompok Bina Keluarga Remaja untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap tentang pendewasaan usia perkawinan. Kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan ketrampilan kader sebagai pendamping Kelompok BKR dengan tahapan sosialisasi, pembentukan kelompok BKR dan pelatihan kader. Mitra terdiri dari mitra sasaran utama kader, kelompok BKR, dan mitra kegiatan yaitu petugas Puskesmas, Petugas PLKB, kepala desa dan camat berjumlah 56 orang. Tempat pelaksanaan Desa Padang Kuas dan Kuti Agung Kecamatan Sukaraja Kabupaten Seluma. Evaluasi menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi untuk mengukur pengetahuan, sikap dan ketrampilan kader sebagai pendamping kelompok BKR. Hasil kegiatan ada peningkatan pengetahuan kader dari rerata skor 12.50 meningkat menjadi 17.7. Terjadi peningkatan rerata sikap kader dari skor 34.60 menjadi 52.30 setelah pelatihan. Kemampuan kader dalam melakukan penyuluhan pada kelompok BKR 93.75% baik. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan kelompok BKR dari rerata skor 8.6 menjadi 13.53 dan peningkatan rerata skor sikap dari 27.96 menjadi 35.90.Abstract: Early marriage is still high, resulting in young pregnancies that are at risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, young mothers are at risk of dying during pregnancy and childbirth. Education, socioeconomics, peers, not being a burden to parents, parental encouragement due to embarrassment that their child is pregnant outside of marriage are factors that contribute to the incidence of early marriage. Family-based education through the Bina Keluarga Remaja group is needed to improve knowledge and attitudes about maturing at the age of marriage. This community service activity aims to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of cadres as BKR group facilitators through the stages of socialization, BKR group formation, and cadre training. Partners consisted of the main target partners of cadres, BKR groups and activity partners, namely Puskesmas Officers, PLKB Officers, Village Heads and Subdistrict Heads, totaling 56 people. Place of implementation Padang Kuas village and Kuti Agung Sukaraja subdistrict, Seluma Regency. Evaluation using questionnaires and observation to measure the knowledge, attitudes and skills of cadres as BKR group assistants. As a result of the activity, the knowledge of the cadres increased from an average score of 12.50 to 17.7. The average attitude of cadres increased from 34.60 to 52.30 after the training. The ability of cadres to conduct counseling in BKR groups is 93.75% good. There was an increase in the knowledge of the BKR group from an average score of 8.6 to 13.53 and an increase in the average score of attitudes from 27.96 to 35.90

    Early Initiation of Breastfeeding Can Accelerate Uterine Involution in Postpartum Women

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high with the main causes of pre-eclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage, this occurs due to endometritis, congenital coagulation disorders as well as residual conception products, subinvolution of blood vessels at placental implantation.  Therefore, efforts are needed to increase uterine contractions in the first minute after birth by stimulating the release of the hormone oxytocin so that the uterus contracts adequately with early initiation of breastfeeding (EIB). This study aims to determine the effect of EIB on uterine involution in postpartum mothers in Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Design of research is cross sectional with independent variable of EIB, dependent variable of uterine involution. External variables measured include early mobilization, age and parity. The sample in this study were postpartum mothers on day 7, a total of 54 people selected by purposive sampling. The research site was located in Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. Data were analyzed univariate, bivariate with Mann Whitney and multivariate with ancova. There is an effect of EIB with uterine involution p=0.000.  There is no relationship between parity and uterine involution p=0.100. There is a relationship between age and uterine involution p=0.00. There is a relationship between early mobilization and uterine involution p=0.00. EIB is the dominant factor affecting uterine involution in postpartum mothers. EIB is the dominant factor affecting uterine involution. Health care providers should perform EIB within the first hour after the birth of the baby to prevent sub involution in postpartum women. Keywords:  Breastfeeding, Early, Initiation, Involution, Uterin