726 research outputs found

    A Case of Cogan's Syndrome With Angina

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    Cogan's syndrome is a rare systemic inflammatory disease and can be diagnosed on the basis of typical inner ear and ocular involvement with the presence of large vessel vasculitis. We report a case of Cogan's syndrome with stable angina resulting from coronary ostial stenosis caused by aortitis

    Constraints on the Progenitor System of the Type Ia Supernova SN 2011fe/PTF11kly

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe) serve as a fundamental pillar of modern cosmology, owing to their large luminosity and a well-defined relationship between light-curve shape and peak brightness. The precision distance measurements enabled by SNe Ia first revealed the accelerating expansion of the universe, now widely believed (though hardly understood) to require the presence of a mysterious "dark" energy. General consensus holds that Type Ia SNe result from thermonuclear explosions of a white dwarf (WD) in a binary system; however, little is known of the precise nature of the companion star and the physical properties of the progenitor system. Here we make use of extensive historical imaging obtained at the location of SN 2011fe/PTF11kly, the closest SN Ia discovered in the digital imaging era, to constrain the visible-light luminosity of the progenitor to be 10-100 times fainter than previous limits on other SN Ia progenitors. This directly rules out luminous red giants and the vast majority of helium stars as the mass-donating companion to the exploding white dwarf. Any evolved red companion must have been born with mass less than 3.5 times the mass of the Sun. These observations favour a scenario where the exploding WD of SN 2011fe/PTF11kly, accreted matter either from another WD, or by Roche-lobe overflow from a subgiant or main-sequence companion star.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, submitte

    Neuroinflammation and structural injury of the fetal ovine brain following intra-amniotic Candida albicans exposure.

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    BackgroundIntra-amniotic Candida albicans (C. Albicans) infection is associated with preterm birth and high morbidity and mortality rates. Survivors are prone to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. The mechanisms leading to these adverse neonatal brain outcomes remain largely unknown. To better understand the mechanisms underlying C. albicans-induced fetal brain injury, we studied immunological responses and structural changes of the fetal brain in a well-established translational ovine model of intra-amniotic C. albicans infection. In addition, we tested whether these potential adverse outcomes of the fetal brain were improved in utero by antifungal treatment with fluconazole.MethodsPregnant ewes received an intra-amniotic injection of 10(7) colony-forming units C. albicans or saline (controls) at 3 or 5 days before preterm delivery at 0.8 of gestation (term ~ 150 days). Fetal intra-amniotic/intra-peritoneal injections of fluconazole or saline (controls) were administered 2 days after C. albicans exposure. Post mortem analyses for fungal burden, peripheral immune activation, neuroinflammation, and white matter/neuronal injury were performed to determine the effects of intra-amniotic C. albicans and fluconazole treatment.ResultsIntra-amniotic exposure to C. albicans caused a severe systemic inflammatory response, illustrated by a robust increase of plasma interleukin-6 concentrations. Cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for C. albicans in the majority of the 3-day C. albicans-exposed animals whereas no positive cultures were present in the 5-day C. albicans-exposed and fluconazole-treated animals. Although C. albicans was not detected in the brain parenchyma, a neuroinflammatory response in the hippocampus and white matter was seen which was characterized by increased microglial and astrocyte activation. These neuroinflammatory changes were accompanied by structural white matter injury. Intra-amniotic fluconazole reduced fetal mortality but did not attenuate neuroinflammation and white matter injury.ConclusionsIntra-amniotic C. albicans exposure provoked acute systemic and neuroinflammatory responses with concomitant white matter injury. Fluconazole treatment prevented systemic inflammation without attenuating cerebral inflammation and injury

    Rapid Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction for Salmonella Serotyping Based on Novel Unique Gene Markers by Pangenome Analysis

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    An accurate diagnostic method for Salmonella serovars is fundamental to preventing the spread of associated diseases. A diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method has proven to be an effective tool for detecting pathogenic bacteria. However, the gene markers currently used in real-time PCR to detect Salmonella serovars have low specificity and are developed for only a few serovars. Therefore, in this study, we explored the novel unique gene markers for 60 serovars that share similar antigenic formulas and show high prevalence using pangenome analysis and developed a real-time PCR to detect them. Before exploring gene markers, the 535 Salmonella genomes were evaluated, and some genomes had serovars different from the designated serovar information. Based on these analyses, serovar-specific gene markers were explored. These markers were identified as genes present in all strains of target serovar genomes but absent in strains of other serovar genomes. Serovar-specific primer pairs were designed from the gene markers, and a real-time PCR method that can distinguish between 60 of the most common Salmonella serovars in a single 96-well plate assay was developed. As a result, real-time PCR showed 100% specificity for 199 Salmonella and 29 non-Salmonella strains. Subsequently, the method developed was applied successfully to both strains with identified serovars and an unknown strain, demonstrating that real-time PCR can accurately detect serovars of strains compared with traditional serotyping methods, such as antisera agglutination. Therefore, our method enables rapid and economical Salmonella serotyping compared with the traditional serotyping method.</p&gt

    Pancreatic alpha cell mass in European subjects with type 2 diabetes

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Type 2 diabetes is a bi-hormonal disease characterised by relative hypoinsulinaemia and hyperglucagonaemia with elevated blood glucose levels. Besides pancreatic beta cell defects, a low number of beta cells (low beta cell mass) may contribute to the insufficient secretion of insulin. In this study our aim was to determine whether the alpha cell mass is also altered. METHODS: Using a point counting method, we measured the ratio of alpha to beta cell areas in pancreas samples obtained at autopsy from 50 type 2 diabetic subjects, whose beta cell mass had previously been found to be 36% lower than that of 52 non-diabetic subjects. RESULTS: The topography of alpha and beta cells was similar in both groups: many alpha cells were localised in the centre of the islets and the ratio of alpha/beta cell areas increased with islet size. The average ratio was significantly higher in type 2 diabetic subjects (0.72) than in non-diabetic subjects (0.42), with, however, a large overlap between the two groups. In contrast, the alpha cell mass was virtually identical in type 2 diabetic subjects (366 mg) and non-diabetic subjects (342 mg), and was not influenced by sex, BMI or type of diabetes treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The higher proportion of alpha to beta cells in the islets of some type 2 diabetic subjects is due to a decrease in beta cell number rather than an increase in alpha cell number. This imbalance may contribute to alterations in the normal inhibitory influence exerted by beta cells on alpha cells, and lead to the relative hyperglucagonaemia observed in type 2 diabete

    The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems

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    We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Binary NSs and BHs are thought to be the primary astrophysical sources of gravitational waves (GWs) within the frequency band of ground-based detectors, while compact binaries of WDs are important sources of GWs at lower frequencies to be covered by space interferometers (LISA). Major uncertainties in the current understanding of properties of NSs and BHs most relevant to the GW studies are discussed, including the treatment of the natal kicks which compact stellar remnants acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution. We discuss the coalescence rates of binary NSs and BHs and prospects for their detections, the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations. Special attention is given to AM CVn-stars -- compact binaries in which the Roche lobe is filled by another WD or a low-mass partially degenerate helium-star, as these stars are thought to be the best LISA verification binary GW sources.Comment: 105 pages, 18 figure

    Ell3 Enhances Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by Regulating Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Apoptosis

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    Ell3 is a testis-specific RNA polymerase II elongation factor whose cellular function is not clear. The present study shows that Ell3 is activated during the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Furthermore, Ell3 plays a critical role in stimulating lineage differentiation of mESCs by promoting epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and suppressing apoptosis. Mouse ESCs engineered to stably express Ell3 were rapidly differentiated compared with control cells either under spontaneous differentiation or neural lineage-specific differentiation conditions. Gene expression profile and quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of EMT markers, such as Zeb1 and Zeb2, two major genes that regulate EMT, was upregulated in Ell3-overexpressing mESCs. Remarkably, knockdown of Zeb1 attenuated the enhanced differentiation capacity of Ell3-overexpressing mESCs, which indicates that Ell3 plays a role in the induction of mESC differentiation by inducing EMT. In contrast to Ell3-overexpressing mESCs, Ell3-knock down mESCs could not differentiate under differentiation conditions and, instead, underwent caspase-dependent apoptosis. In addition, apoptosis of differentiating Ell3-knock out mESCs was associated with enhanced expression of p53. The present results suggest that Ell3 promotes the differentiation of mESCs by activating the expression of EMT-related genes and by suppressing p53 expression