176 research outputs found

    The Investigation of research-teaching model for undergraduate students

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    Nowadays, the research-teaching models of high education are highly developed in Chinese universities. However, many common problems are presented in these teaching processes, which are mainly three types of problems as bellows: 1. teaching evaluation mechanism; 2. creative teaching training for teachers; 3. teaching management model. The reasons of these problems are analyzed in this paper. According to several research-teaching methods three types of research-teaching models are applied in the course Measurement Technology, which are the combination of theory and practice, the design of opening experiments, and undergraduate students integration into researching topics. These research-teaching models are proved practically to be effective methods for improving creative and practical ability of undergraduate students

    Molecular marker analysis of ‘Shatangju’ and ‘Wuzishatangju’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)

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    ‘Wuzishatangju’(Citrus reticulata Blanco) is an excellent cultivar derived from a bud sport of a seedy ‘Shatangju’ cultivar found in Guangdong Province in the 1980s. In this study, six molecular markers including random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), simple sequence repeat (SSR), sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), inter-retrotransposn amplified polymorphism (IRAP) and retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP) were used to study the genetic variations between ‘Shatangju’ and ‘Wuzishatangju’. 1196 RAPD, seven SSR, 28 IRAP and 56 REMAP primers were used to detect the genetic variations between ‘Shatangju’ and ‘Wuzishatangju’. However, no difference was observed between the two cultivars. These results indicate that there was a very close genetic relationship between ‘Shatangju’ and ‘Wuzishatangju’ and RAPD, SSR, IRAP and REMAP markers could not distinguish them. Two and 21 specific bands were obtained using 100 ISSR and 153 SRAP primers, respectively. The present research could be a valuable tool for identification of Citrus bud sport clones, which laid the foundations for the further study of the mechanisms of Citrus bud sports.Key words: Citrus reticulata Blanco, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), simple sequence repeat (SSR), sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP), retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP), identification

    Validation of Sentinel-2, MODIS, CGLS, SAF, GLASS and C3S leaf area index products in maize crops

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    Altres ajuts: this research was funded by the Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLOPS-1, 199494-JRC).We proposed a direct approach to validate hectometric and kilometric resolution leaf area index (LAI) products that involved the scaling up of field-measured LAI via the validation and recalibration of the decametric Sentinel-2 LAI product. We applied it over a test study area of maize crops in northern China using continuous field measurements of LAINet along the year 2019. Sentinel-2 LAI showed an overall accuracy of 0.67 in terms of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and it was used, after recalibration, as a benchmark to validate six coarse resolution LAI products: MODIS, Copernicus Global Land Service 1 km Version 2 (called GEOV2) and 300 m (GEOV3), Satellite Application Facility EUMETSAT Polar System (SAF EPS) 1.1 km, Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) 500 m and Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) 1 km V2. GEOV2, GEOV3 and MODIS showed a good agreement with reference LAI in terms of magnitude (RMSE ≤ 0.29) and phenology. SAF EPS (RMSE = 0.68) and C3S V2 (RMSE = 0.41), on the opposite, systematically underestimated high LAI values and showed systematic differences for phenological metrics: a delay of 6 days (d), 20 d and 24 d for the start, peak and the end of growing season, respectively, for SAF EPS and an advance of −4 d, −6 d and −6 d for C3S

    The genetic mineralogical characteristics of fish otoliths and their environmental typomorphism

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    Otolith is a typical biomineral carrier growing on insides of fish skull with prominent zoning structure formed by alternating layers of protein and calcium carbonate around the nucleus. The zoning number and the thickness of the rhythmic zone can reflect the age and the growing velocity. The δ18O values of the calcium carbonate are indicators of the temperature of the water where the fish lives. The geometry, color, common and trace elements, oxygen and carbon isotopes of the zones can be employed effectively to classify the species, trace the source, migration habits, nutrition level of the fish and the variation of the ocean environment, in order to predict the environmental variation trend of related waters and make strategic plan for fishery production. Thermoluminescence technique can be taken as a new tool in the investigation of fish otolith to describe the heavy metal pollution of related waters, and the thermoluminescence parameters can be used to deduce the source and manage fishery resources.Key words: Fish otoliths, age, temperature, species, migration, water environment

    Thermoluminescence (TL) analysis for otoliths of the wild carps (cyprinoid) from Baiyangdian Lake and Miyun Reservoir: Some implications for monitoring water environment

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    Otolith is a typical biomineral carrier growing on insides of fish skull with prominent zoning structure formed by alternating layers of protein and calcium carbonate growing around the nucleus. Even though thermoluminescence (TL) analysis on biomineral has been widely used to measure the radiation exposure in the recent twenty years, the TL characteristics of the fish otolith have not yet been reported in literature. TL characteristics of otoliths from the wild carps (cyprinoid) living in the Baiyangdian Lake, Hebei Province and Miyun Reservoir, Beijing City was first studied, and the differences of energy gap (E) between the fish otoliths in the two waters have also been discussed in this paper. The experimental results indicated that TL curve parameters: peak temperature (Tp), luminous intensity (I), integrated intensity (S) and middle width (Wm) for the glow curves of the cyprinoid otoliths from Baiyangdian Lake are greater than those from Miyun reservoir, and the stability of the formers’ TL curve parameters value and energy gap (E) was weaker than the latter. In comparison to the Miyun Reservoir, the analysis manifested that the electrons and vacancies trapped in the otoliths from Baiyangdian Lake are more likely to escape. According to the investigation, the contaminative degree and eutrophication in the water of Baiyangdian Lake was heavier than that of Miyun Reservoir. Therefore, the characteristics of TL growth curves of the cyprinoid otoliths is quite sensitive to heavier contaminated and less contaminated water, and this could be regarded as an important typomorphic biomineral for monitoring the contaminative degree and environment change of the water.Keywords: Cyprinoid otoliths, thermoluminescence, water environment, typomorphic minera

    Mining the Virgin Land of Neurotoxicology: A Novel Paradigm of Neurotoxic Peptides Action on Glycosylated Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels

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    Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are important membrane protein carrying on the molecular basis for action potentials (AP) in neuronal firings. Even though the structure-function studies were the most pursued spots, the posttranslation modification processes, such as glycosylation, phosphorylation, and alternative splicing associating with channel functions captured less eyesights. The accumulative research suggested an interaction between the sialic acids chains and ion-permeable pores, giving rise to subtle but significant impacts on channel gating. Sodium channel-specific neurotoxic toxins, a family of long-chain polypeptides originated from venomous animals, are found to potentially share the binding sites adjacent to glycosylated region on VGSCs. Thus, an interaction between toxin and glycosylated VGSC might hopefully join the campaign to approach the role of glycosylation in modulating VGSCs-involved neuronal network activity. This paper will cover the state-of-the-art advances of researches on glycosylation-mediated VGSCs function and the possible underlying mechanisms of interactions between toxin and glycosylated VGSCs, which may therefore, fulfill the knowledge in identifying the pharmacological targets and therapeutic values of VGSCs

    Self-crosslinkable chitosan-hyaluronic acid dialdehyde nanoparticles for CD44-targeted siRNA delivery to treat bladder cancer

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    Bladder cancer is one of the concerning malignancies worldwide, which is lacking effective targeted therapy. Gene therapy is a potential approach for bladder cancer treatment. While, a safe and effective targeted gene delivery system is urgently needed for prompting the bladder cancer treatment in vivo. In this study, we confirmed that the bladder cancer had CD44 overexpression and small interfering RNAs (siRNA) with high interfere to Bcl2 oncogene were designed and screened. Then hyaluronic acid dialdehyde (HAD) was prepared in an ethanol-water mixture and covalently conjugated to the chitosan nanoparticles (CS-HAD NPs) to achieve CD44 targeted siRNA delivery. The in vitro and in vivo evaluations indicated that the siRNA-loaded CS-HAD NPs (siRNA@CS-HAD NPs) were approximately 100 nm in size, with improved stability, high siRNA encapsulation efficiency and low cytotoxicity. CS-HAD NPs could target to CD44 receptor and deliver the therapeutic siRNA into T24 bladder cancer cells through a ligand-receptor-mediated targeting mechanism and had a specific accumulation capacity in vivo to interfere the targeted oncogene Bcl2 in bladder cancer. Overall, a CD44 targeted gene delivery system based on natural macromolecules was developed for effective bladder cancer treatment, which could be more conducive to clinical application due to its simple preparation and high biological safety

    CMIP5 Historical Simulations (1850-2012) with GISS ModelE2

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    Observations of climate change during the CMIP5 extended historical period (1850-2012) are compared to trends simulated by six versions of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies ModelE2 Earth System Model. The six models are constructed from three versions of the ModelE2 atmospheric general circulation model, distinguished by their treatment of atmospheric composition and the aerosol indirect effect, combined with two ocean general circulation models, HYCOM and Russell. Forcings that perturb the model climate during the historical period are described. Five-member ensemble averages from each of the six versions of ModelE2 simulate trends of surface air temperature, atmospheric temperature, sea ice and ocean heat content that are in general agreement with observed trends, although simulated warming is slightly excessive within the past decade. Only simulations that include increasing concentrations of long-lived greenhouse gases match the warming observed during the twentieth century. Differences in twentieth-century warming among the six model versions can be attributed to differences in climate sensitivity, aerosol and ozone forcing, and heat uptake by the deep ocean. Coupled models with HYCOM export less heat to the deep ocean, associated with reduced surface warming in regions of deepwater formation, but greater warming elsewhere at high latitudes along with reduced sea ice. All ensembles show twentieth-century annular trends toward reduced surface pressure at southern high latitudes and a poleward shift of the midlatitude westerlies, consistent with observations
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