178 research outputs found

    Método de las ondas viajeras para el análisis de fallas en una línea de transmisión de alta tensión

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    This paper presents an analysis of the error presented in the location of faults by the traveling wave method, and the traveling wave method analyzing reflected waves. This analysis arises from the results of the simulation of a high voltage transmission line in the ATP-EMTP software that allows us to simulate faults in a very graphical way and gives, as a result, the waveform presented at the measurement points. The results show similar behavior between theoretical behavior and simulation.En este artículo se presenta un análisis sobre el error presentado en la ubicación de fallas por el método de ondas viajeras, y el método de ondas viajeras analizando ondas reflejadas. Este análisis surge de los resultados de la simulación de una línea de transmisión en alta tensión en el software ATP-EMTP que nos permite simular fallas de una forma bastante gráfica, y da como resultado la forma de onda presentada en los puntos de medición. Los resultados muestran comportamientos similares entre comportamiento teórico y simulación

    Pembangunan Peta Tiga Dimensi Kebun Karet Milik Unit Pelaksana Teknis Balai Benih Dan Kebun Produksi Dengan Menggunakan Unreal Engine

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    Seiring perkembangan teknologi seperti saat ini, penggunaan konsep 3D dalam dunia grafis mulai banyak digemari oleh banyak kalangan. Penggunaan peta 3D juga telah banyak diterapkan dalam berbagai sistem navigasi serta mempunyai kelebihan adanya peta yang jauh lebih jelas dibandingkan dengan peta 2D. Saat ini telah banyak software yang menawarkan fitur 3D, salah satu contohnya adalah Unreal Engine. Dengan membuat peta dalam bentuk 3D akan mempermudah pengguna untuk mengetahui ruangan dan tempat lebih detail dan lebih nyata. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibuat peta dengan visualisasi tiga dimensi menggunakan Uneral Engine. Unreal Engine merupakan sebuah engine yang biasanya digunakan untuk membuat suatu game. Engine ini memiliki framework lengkap untuk pengembangan profesional. Untuk pengembangannya digunakan bahasa pemrograman Unreal Script yang mirip dengan bahasa pemrograman Java maupun C++. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah peta 3D interaktif yang dapat menghasilkan data dan informasi tentang Kebun dari Unit Pelaksana Teknis Balai Benih dan Kebun Produksi serta menjadi media yang menarik dan interaktif, sehingga mudah di interpretasi oleh penggunanya untuk mengetahui keadaan perkebunan tanpa harus datang langsung ke lokasi dan dapat dijadikan referensi peta perkebunan

    Theory of Magneto-resistance of Disordered Superconducting Films

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    Recent experimental studies of magneto-resistance in disordered superconducting thin films reveal a huge peak (about 5 orders of magnitude). While it may be expected that magnetic field destroys superconductivity, leading to an enhanced resistance, attenuation of the resistance at higher magnetic fields is surprising. We propose a model which accounts for the experimental results in the entire range of magnetic fields, based on the formation of superconducting islands due to fluctuations in the superconducting order parameter amplitude. At strong magnetic fields Coulomb blockade in these islands gives rise to negative magneto-resistance. As the magnetic field is reduced the effect of Coulomb blockade diminishes and eventually the magneto-resistance changes sign. Numerical calculations show good qualitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Distinct Sources of Deterministic and Stochastic Components of Action Timing Decisions in Rodent Frontal Cortex

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    The selection and timing of actions are subject to determinate influences such as sensory cues and internal state as well as to effectively stochastic variability. Although stochastic choice mechanisms are assumed by many theoretical models, their origin and mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we investigated this issue by studying how neural circuits in the frontal cortex determine action timing in rats performing a waiting task. Electrophysiological recordings from two regions necessary for this behavior, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and secondary motor cortex (M2), revealed an unexpected functional dissociation. Both areas encoded deterministic biases in action timing, but only M2 neurons reflected stochastic trial-by-trial fluctuations. This differential coding was reflected in distinct timescales of neural dynamics in the two frontal cortical areas. These results suggest a two-stage model in which stochastic components of action timing decisions are injected by circuits downstream of those carrying deterministic bias signals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combined analysis of microbial metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing data to assess in situ physiological conditions in the premature infant gut.

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    Microbes alter their transcriptomic profiles in response to the environment. The physiological conditions experienced by a microbial community can thus be inferred using meta-transcriptomic sequencing by comparing transcription levels of specifically chosen genes. However, this analysis requires accurate reference genomes to identify the specific genes from which RNA reads originate. In addition, such an analysis should avoid biases in transcript counts related to differences in organism abundance. In this study we describe an approach to address these difficulties. Sample-specific meta-genomic assembled genomes (MAGs) were used as reference genomes to accurately identify the origin of RNA reads, and transcript ratios of genes with opposite transcription responses were compared to eliminate biases related to differences in organismal abundance, an approach hereafter named the "diametric ratio" method. We used this approach to probe the environmental conditions experienced by Escherichia spp. in the gut of 4 premature infants, 2 of whom developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a severe inflammatory intestinal disease. We analyzed twenty fecal samples taken from four premature infants (4-6 time points from each infant), and found significantly higher diametric ratios of genes associated with low oxygen levels in samples of infants later diagnosed with NEC than in samples without NEC. We also show this method can be used for examining other physiological conditions, such as exposure to nitric oxide and osmotic pressure. These study results should be treated with caution, due to the presence of confounding factors that might also distinguish between NEC and control infants. Nevertheless, together with benchmarking analyses, we show here that the diametric ratio approach can be applied for evaluating the physiological conditions experienced by microbes in situ. Results from similar studies can be further applied for designing diagnostic methods to detect NEC in its early developmental stages

    Charge density wave in hidden order state of URu2_2Si2_2

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    We argue that the hidden order state in URu2_2Si2_2 will induce a charge density wave. The modulation vector of the charge density wave will be twice that of the hidden order state, QCDW=2QHOQ_{CDW} = 2Q_{HO}. To illustrate how the charge density wave arises we use a Ginzburg-Landau theory that contains a coupling of the charge density wave amplitude to the square of the HO order parameter ΔHO\Delta_{HO}. This simple analysis allows us to predict the intensity and temperature dependence of the charge density wave order parameter in terms of the susceptibilities and coupling constants used in the Ginzburg-Landau analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure