88 research outputs found

    The Production of Silicon Carbide and Achievements in the Field of Furnace Gases Collection and Purification

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    Silicon carbide is obtained in ore-thermal furnaces by reduction of silica (quartzite) with carbon. The use of silicon carbide in the production of technical silicon as a carrier of the target element and as a reducing agent can significantly improve the technical and economic performance (TEP) melting. The process of reducing silicon melting in electric furnaces takes place in two stages. First, silicon carbide is formed as a pseudomorphosis over the carbon of the reducing agent, then silicon carbide interacts with silicon oxide to form elementary silicon. Physical and chemical properties of silicon carbides obtained with the use of various reducing agents were studied. The reducing potential and reaction ability of carbides depends on how their surface is developed. Carbide volume and density characteristics are obtained on the matrices of charcoal and petroleum coke. For comparison, data for carbide obtained in the Acheson furnace are presented. Measurements of relative electrical resistivity of the reducing agent were performed and obtained on the carbides basis with temperature in the range of 700–1700∘C. For comparison, the RER values of silicon carbide obtained in the Acheson furnace are given, the resistance of carbides is several times higher than the RER of the corresponding reducing agents, which favorably affects the furnaces smelting silicon electric mode. As a result of the silicon carbide addition to the charge, the power of the arc discharge increases and the intensity of the reduction process increases. Keywords: silicon carbide, gas cleaning dust, gas capture syste

    Age Dating of Karst Forms Upon Regional Assessment of Karst Hazard (A Case Study of the Tatarstan Republic, Russia)

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    The detailed investigations accompanied by collection of forty samples for radiocarbon and palynological analyses from six poorly and well-marked in a relief karst and karst-suffosion sinkholes, have shown, that the largest of them (diameter more than 30 m) are up to 5 - 10 thousand years, and the smaller size up to 2 - 3 thousand years. The marked karst forms - lakes, hollows and the depression reaching in diameter 200 - 300 m and more, were formed due to merging of separate forms and, most likely, have a long pre-Holocene history. The general procedure of regional probabilistic-deterministic assessment of karst hazard with karst collapse (sinkhole) intensity (cases of failures / km2 · years; m2/ km2· years) is discussed. Example is provided of corresponding map of karst hazard, made for the typical karst area of Tatarstan Republic

    Silicon Metallurgy and Ecology Problems

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    Modern silicon production technology is associated with a risk of negative environmental impact due to the fact that in addition to the final product, other reaction products are formed, including dust, from the incomplete use of charge materials. Gases released during silicon smelting in ore-thermal furnaces are characterized by the content of a large amount of fine dust. Dust consists of 94–96% of silicon dioxide. As a result of the use of sulfur-containing raw materials in furnaces as sulfur reducing agents, sulfur compounds in the form of SO2 are present in the furnace gases entering for purification, and nitrogen oxides are also present. The developed silicon recovery smelting technology reduces the technological energy consumption and increases the furnace productivity in proportion to the amount of carbon replaced by silicon carbide. Replacing carbon with silicon carbide reduces the dust content and the amount of exhaust furnace gases, and changes their composition. Thus, reducing the amount of pollutants reduces their anthropogenic impact on the environment. Keywords: silicon, gas cleaning dust, gas capture system, microsilic

    Creation of the questionnaire “Social intervention and control (SIC)” for researching static components of totalitarianism in religious groups

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    The article covers the procedure of elaborating the questionnaire “Social intervention and control in a religious group” (SIC) and its adaptation. The questionnaire was created as one of two methods for revealing totalitarian inclinations in various religious communities. Earlier, we had established that there are five static and one dynamic components characterising the totalitarianism in religious groups. The SIC questionnaire is aiming to reveal the static components. When elaborating the questionnaire, the specific features characterising each of the components have been found, based on an analysis of available sources of information. Those features have been generalized and organized into working scales. Furthermore, procedures for improving validity and reliability of the method have been conducted — expert evaluations, the pilot study and the main study, and re-testing. Currently, the method allows to estimate the degree of expression of the static components of totalitarianism in religious groups

    The model of managerial knowledge of a Higher Education Institution within network environment

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    This article provides a conceptual model for creating knowledge management systems in Higher Education Institutions. The article provides strategic understanding of the role of higher education institution   network environment in knowledge management and in developing administrative innovation. The result of the study is a conceptual model of knowledge for managerial decision making in the higher education institution   network environment that provides strategic, tactical and operational management of gaining competitive advantages for educational services. The paper presents conceptual judgments and recommendations, to a great extent. Therefore, in future, researchers may perform a more detailed empirical design based on a conceptual model of higher education institution   knowledge for managerial decision making and information complex of the higher education institution   corporate information system. The paper contains a theoretical conceptual approach to the organization of the higher education institution   knowledge for managerial decision making in a network environment which is beneficial to enhance the competitive advantage of educational services. The approach is based on Russian empirical elements

    The Algebra of Y-Numbers: Opportunities in Construction of Functions and Multitudes

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    Abstract: This paper is devoted to the further investigation on non-associative algebra of y-numbers. The problems of divisibility, finding roots and construction of functions and multitudes are considered.Note: Research direction:Mathematical problems and theory of numerical method