37 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Areas of Social Discrimination in the Romani de Huelva Community

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    Although in recent years a whole series of measures and programmes have been carried out with the aim of having an impact on the situations of discrimination and racism in which the Romani population is immersed, the results obtained allow us to surmise that, although there has been some progress, the situation has not entirely changed. A stereotyped view of the Romani population still exists in some parts of Spanish society, meaning that this community continues to be immersed in a profound process of social exclusion. Objectives of research are to demonstrate whether there are situations of discrimination in the Huelva Roma population, as well as to know the areas in which these acts of discrimination are carried out. A qualitative method was chosen. The technique used was an in-depth interview, to allow us to understand the perspective of the professionals who work with this group. In general, we have seen how situations of discrimination against the Romani population persist. These situations extend to diff erent spheres of life, and whose factors respond to a multiplicity of causes. There is a need for signifi cant, long-lasting change. This means it is necessary both to change the processes of social intervention and to involve the Romani community itself, as without their collaboration and legitimacy any intervention will lack future perspective

    Apoyo social y engagement como antecedentes de la satisfacción laboral en personal de enfermería

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    Objective: Job satisfaction is considered to be one of the most important indicators of quality of health care and quality of work life for health professionals. In the context of nursing, social support and work engagement are regarded as two of the most important predictors of job satisfaction. Consequently, the aim of this study was to examine to what extent social support (supervisor/coworkers) and work engagement predict job satisfaction in a sample of Portugueses nurses.Methodology: A cross-sectional study using questionnaires was conducted. A convenience sample of members from Portuguese hospitals was used in this study (n = 215, return rate = 55.56%).Results: Social support from supervisor and from coworkers and work engagement were significantly related to job satisfaction. Regression models showed that job satisfaction was significantly predicted by both types of social support and work engagement.Conclusion: Interventions based on the creation of informal and formal support networks, training of supervisors in management and coaching skills, and a greater presence of work and personal resources would increase the levels of  job satisfaction in nursesObjetivo: La satisfacción laboral es considerada como uno de los indicadores más importantes tanto de la calidad de los cuidados de salud como de la calidad de vida laboral de los profesionales de la salud. Entre los antecedentes de la satisfacción laboral, se destaca el apoyo social del supervisor y de los colegas y el engagement en el trabajo en el contexto de enfermería. En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio es comprobar el papel predictor del apoyo social y del engagement en el trabajo sobre la satisfacción laboral en una muestra de enfermeros y enfermeras del sur de Portugal.Métodos: Estudio transversal a través de cuestionarios. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 215 profesionales de enfermería de hospitales del sur de Portugal (55.56% de tasa de respuesta).Resultados: La cohesión social del supervisor y de los compañeros y el engagement en el trabajo se relacionaron de forma positiva y significativa con la satisfacción laboral. Los modelos de regresión lineal múltiple y jerárquica mostraron que los dos tipos de apoyo social y el engagement fueron predicciones significativos de la satisfacción con el trabajo de los participantes.Conclusión: Intervenciones basadas en la creación de redes informales y formales de apoyo, la formación de los supervisores en competencias de gestión y coaching y una mayor presencia de recursos laborales y personales permitirían aumentar los niveles de satisfacción laboral en los profesionales de enfermería

    Empowering employees : structural empowerment as antecedent of job satisfaction in university settings

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    With more organizations looking for employees who take the initiative and respond creatively to the challenges of the job, empowerment becomes important at both individual and organizational levels. Empowered employees are generally more satisfied with their work, committed and effective at work. According to Kanter's structural empowerment, this study examines the role of access to opportunity, resources, support and information, and two types of power, formal and informal, as antecedents of job satisfaction. A cross sectional study using questionnaires was conducted. The sample consisted of 226 Spanish university teachers. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses have revealed that intrinsic job satisfaction was significantly predicted by formal power and access to opportunity, and job satisfaction with supervisor was predicted by informal power, and access to resources, information, and support. Results support Kanter's theory of structural empowerment, and suggest strong relationships between job satisfaction and structural empowerment. It is a link between empowering work settings and organizational outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, effectiveness). On a practical level, Kanter's structural empowerment theory provides a framework for understanding empowering workplaces and empowered employees

    Role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in Spanish workers

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    Purpose: According to the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model, engagement and job satisfaction may be produce by two types of working conditions: job demands (i.e. role stress) and job resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This study examines the role of role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in a sample of Spanish workers. Design/methodology/approach: This study comprised a sample of 435 Spanish workers. A cross sectional study was used to examine the relationship between role stress, work engagement and job satisfaction. Data were gathered based on personal administered questionnaires. Findings and Originality/value: Hierarchical multiple regression models have revealed that job satisfaction was significantly predicted by role stress and work engagement. Results support JDR model by showing that positive outcomes, such as job satisfaction can be predicted by motivational process and job demands. Research limitations/implications: The cross-sectional design cannot evidence of causal relationships. This study relies on self-reports, which might increase the risk of common method variance. Practical implications: On a practical level, the JDR model provides a framework for understanding motivating workplaces and engaged and satisfied employees. Originality/value: The JDR model could be useful in designing strategies for which engaged employees may be advantageous to improving the quality of services, while at the same time increasing employees’ job satisfaction and well-being.Peer Reviewe

    Adaptación al español del cuestionario de Condiciones de Efectividad en el Trabajo (CWEQ-II)

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    El objetivo de este estudio es adaptar al español el Cuestionario de Condiciones para la Efectividad en el Trabajo (Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire [CWEQII]) desarrollado por Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian y Wilk (2001). Se llevó a cabo un proceso de traducción y retrotraducción de los ítems que lo componen y se exploraron sus propiedades psicométricas, en una muestra de 346 empleados de una universidad pública española. Se investigó la fiabilidad de la escala y su estructura factorial (análisis factorial confirmatorio) y las relaciones entre el empowerment estructural, el empowerment general y el empowerment psicológico en el trabajo. Los resultados revelaron una estructura multidimensional de cuatro factores (acceso a las oportunidades, a la información, al apoyo y a los recursos) conforme a la escala original, y relaciones positivas entre el empowerment estructural, general y psicológico en el trabajo. Se incluyen interpretaciones y sugerencias para futuros estudios.The objective of this study is to adapt and translate into Spanish the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire –CWEQ II- (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian & Wilk, 2001). A process of translation and reversetranslation was applied to the scale’s items, whose psychometric properties were then examined using a sample of 346 employees from a Spanish public university. Reliability, factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis) of the scale and relationships between structural, general and psychological empowerment are investigated. Results showed a multidimensional scale of four first-order factors (access to opportunities, information, support and resources) as the original one, and positive relations between structural, general and psychological empowerment in the workplace. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions to further research are made

    Social protection systems and economic benefits during the 2008-2014 period of the Great Economic Recession. A reflection from the case of Andalusia

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    Numerosos estudios constatan la incidencia que la crisis económica ha tenido sobre los sistemas de protección social, especialmente en los servicios sociales comunitarios o de base. El esfuerzo en la financiación de estos sistemas de protección que ha tenido que realizar las comunidades autónomas y las corporaciones locales, y el consiguiente reflejo que eso ha tenido en las partidas de gasto social, son dos constantes que aparecen en las investigaciones sobre la materia. En este trabajo se ha focalizado la atención en las prestaciones económicas de los servicios sociales comunitarios en Andalucía, para ponerlos en relación con otras prestaciones económicas de otros sistemas de protección social y observar el comportamiento de todas ellas durante el periodo de crisis económica. El aumento de perceptores y del gasto social en estas prestaciones económicas viene a contradecir lo que ocurre en términos absolutos y, evidentemente, pone de relieve un sistema que ha tenido que salir a solventar situaciones de carencia económica familiar en la época de la gran depresión económica.Numerous studies have shown the impact of the economic crisis on social protection systems, especially in community or grass-roots social services. The efforts made by the Autonomous Communities and local authorities to finance these protection systems, and the consequent effect that this has had on social expenditure items, are two constants that appear in research on the subject. In this work, the focus has been on the economic benefits of community social services in Andalusia, to relate them to other economic benefits of other social protection systems and to observe the behaviour of all of them during the period of economic crisis. The increase in recipients and social expenditure on these economic benefits contradicts what is happening in absolute terms and, Clearly, it highlights a system that has had to go out and address situations of familial economic deprivation at the time of the Great Economic Depression.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in Spanish workers

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    Purpose: According to the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model, engagement and job satisfaction may be produce by two types of working conditions: job demands (i.e. role stress) and job resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This study examines the role of role stress and work engagement as antecedents of job satisfaction in a sample of Spanish workers. Design/methodology/approach: This study comprised a sample of 435 Spanish workers. A cross sectional study was used to examine the relationship between role stress, work engagement and job satisfaction. Data were gathered based on personal administered questionnaires. Findings and Originality/value: Hierarchical multiple regression models have revealed that job satisfaction was significantly predicted by role stress and work engagement. Results support JDR model by showing that positive outcomes, such as job satisfaction can be predicted by motivational process and job demands. Research limitations/implications: The cross-sectional design cannot evidence of causal relationships. This study relies on self-reports, which might increase the risk of common method variance. Practical implications: On a practical level, the JDR model provides a framework for understanding motivating workplaces and engaged and satisfied employees. Originality/value: The JDR model could be useful in designing strategies for which engaged employees may be advantageous to improving the quality of services, while at the same time increasing employees’ job satisfaction and well-being

    Muestreo para medir la factibilidad

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    25 páginas.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Informe de Evaluación del Proyecto RESISOR "Regional Single Social Record". M.ª Dolores Muñoz de Dios y José Ignacio García Pérez (autores). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2019. ISBN 978-84-7993-344-9. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3938. Este capítulo incluye las actividades que han sido planificadas y realizadas a fin de evaluar la factibilidad de la implementación de la HSUE en Andalucía. Así, se incluyen los objetivos previstos; la estructura de trabajo planteada y la metodología llevada a cabo que responde a la realización de entrevistas en profundidad, entrevistas semiestructuradas y encuestas a diferentes personas implicadas en el Proyecto RESISOR. Finalmente, y con un carácter generalizado, se muestran los resultados más relevantes obtenidos tras el análisis de datos que combina los métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos

    Validity evidence of the Spanish adaptation of the Organizational Empowerment Scale

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    El objetivo del estudio es presentar evidencias de validez de la adaptación al castellano de la Escala de Empowerment Organizacional (OES) de Matthews, Diaz y Cole (2003). La muestra empleada estuvo compuesta por 305 empleados de establecimientos hoteleros. Se investigó la fiabilidad de la escala y su estructura factorial (análisis factorial confirmatorio), y las relaciones del empowerment con satisfacción laboral y burnout. Los resultados revelaron una estructura multidimensional de tres factores primarios, una relación significativa y positiva entre empowerment organizacional y satisfacción laboral, y una relación significativa y negativa con burnout. Se incluyen interpretaciones y sugerencias para estudios futuros.This paper presents validity evidences for the use of Spanish version of the Organizational Empowerment Scale (OES ) (Matthews, Diaz & Cole, 2003). The sample consisted of 305 employees from Spanish hotels. Reliability and factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis) of the scale were investigated. Results showed a multidimensional scale of three first-order factors, positive relations between organizational empowerment and job satisfaction and negative relations between organizational empowerment and burnout. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions of further research are made

    Sistema de indicadores y mapa de resultados esperados del proyecto RESISOR

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    págs. 39-59.Capítulo incluido en el libro: Informe de Evaluación del Proyecto RESISOR "Regional Single Social Record". M.ª Dolores Muñoz de Dios y José Ignacio García Pérez (autores). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2019. ISBN 978-84-7993-344-9. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/3938. En este capítulo se muestra el resultado del trabajo realizado por el grupo de personas expertas en la elaboración del Sistema de Indicadores y Mapa de Resultados del Proyecto RESISOR. Incluye el Marco lógico de Indicadores como propuesta metodológica establecida así como el sistema de indicadores según los grupos de trabajo establecidos para la realización del proyecto: Gestión y Coordinación, Definición de la HSUE, Desarrollo de la HSUE, Implementación de la HSUE,8 Evaluación y Comunicación. También se incorpora tanto el marco lógico de indicadores RESISOR como el mapa de resultados esperados del proyecto