11,369 research outputs found

    Increasing d-wave superconductivity by on site repulsion

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    We study by Variational Monte Carlo an extended Hubbard model away from half filled band density which contains two competing nearest-neighbor interactions: a superexchange JJ favoring d-wave superconductivity and a repulsion VV opposing against it. We find that the on-site repulsion UU effectively enhances the strength of JJ meanwhile suppressing that of VV, thus favoring superconductivity. This result shows that attractions which do not involve charge fluctuations are very well equipped against strong electron-electron repulsion so much to get advantage from it.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Current induced magnetization reversal on the surface of a topological insulator

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    We study dynamics of the magnetization coupled to the surface Dirac fermions of a three di- mensional topological insulator. By solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in the presence of charge current, we find current induced magnetization dynamics and discuss the possibility of mag- netization reversal. The torque from the current injection depends on the transmission probability through the ferromagnet and shows nontrivial dependence on the exchange coupling. The mag- netization dynamics is a direct manifestation of the inverse spin-galvanic effect and hence another ferromagnet is unnecessary to induce spin transfer torque in contrast to the conventional setup.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Universal quantum computation with temporal-mode bilayer square lattices

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    We propose an experimental design for universal continuous-variable quantum computation that incorporates recent innovations in linear-optics-based continuous-variable cluster state generation and cubic-phase gate teleportation. The first ingredient is a protocol for generating the bilayer-square-lattice cluster state (a universal resource state) with temporal modes of light. With this state, measurement-based implementation of Gaussian unitary gates requires only homodyne detection. Second, we describe a measurement device that implements an adaptive cubic-phase gate, up to a random phase-space displacement. It requires a two-step sequence of homodyne measurements and consumes a (non-Gaussian) cubic-phase state.Comment: (v2) 14 pages, 5 figures, consistent with published version; (v1) 13 pages, 5 figure

    Mott Transitions and d-wave Superconductivity in Half-Filled-Band Hubbard Model on Square Lattice with Geometric Frustration

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    Mechanisms of Mott transitions and dx2-y2-wave superconductivity (SC) are studied in the half-filled-band Hubbard model on square lattices with a diagonal hopping term (t'), using an optimization (or correlated) variational Monte Carlo method. In the trial wave functions, a doublon-holon binding effect is introduced in addition to the onsite Gutzwiller projection. We mainly treat a d-wave singlet state and a projected Fermi sea. In both wave functions, first-order Mott transitions without direct relevance to magnetic orders take place at U=Uc approximately of the bandwidth for arbitrary t'/t. These transitions originate in the binding or unbinding of a doublon to a holon. d-wave SC appears in a narrow range immediately below Uc. The robust d-wave superconducting correlation are necessarily accompanied by enhanced antiferromagnetic correlation; the strength of SC becomes weak, as t'/t increases.Comment: 18 pages, 30 figure

    Crossover of superconducting properties and kinetic-energy gain in two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    Superconductivity in the Hubbard model on a square lattice near half filling is studied using an optimization (or correlated) variational Monte Carlo method. Second-order processes of the strong-coupling expansion are considered in the wave functions beyond the Gutzwiller factor. Superconductivity of d_x^2-y^2-wave is widely stable, and exhibits a crossover around U=U_co\sim 12t from a BCS type to a new type. For U\gsim U_co (U\lsim U_co), the energy gain in the superconducting state is derived from the kinetic (potential) energy. Condensation energy is large and \propto exp(-t/J) [tiny] on the strong [weak] coupling side of U_co. Cuprates belong to the strong-coupling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Modeling UV and X-Ray Emission in a Post-CME Current Sheet

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    A post-CME current sheet (CS) is a common feature developed behind an erupting flux rope in CME models. Observationally, white light observations have recorded many occurrences of a thin ray appearing behind a CME eruption that closely resembles a post-CME CS in its spatial correspondence and morphology. UV and X-ray observations further strengthen this interpretation by the observations of high temperature emission at locations consistent with model predictions. The next question then becomes whether the properties inside a post-CME CS predicted by a model agree with observed properties. In this work, we assume that the post-CME CS is a consequence of Petschek-like reconnection and that the observed ray-like structure is bounded by a pair of slow mode shocks developed from the reconnection site. We perform time-dependent ionization calculations and model the UV line emission. We find that such a model is consistent with SOHO/UVCS observations of the post-CME CS. The change of Fe XVIII emission in one event implies an inflow speed of ~10 km/s and a corresponding reconnection rate of M_A ~ 0.01. We calculate the expected X-ray emission for comparison with X-ray observations by Hinode/XRT, as well as the ionic charge states as would be measured in-situ at 1 AU. We find that the predicted count rate for Hinode/XRT agree with what was observed in a post-CME CS on April 9, 2008, and the predicted ionic charge states are consistent with high ionization states commonly measured in the interplanetary CMEs. The model results depend strongly on the physical parameters in the ambient corona, namely the coronal magnetic field, the electron density and temperature during the CME event. It is crucial to obtain these ambient coronal parameters and as many facets of the CS properties as possible by observational means so that the post-CME current sheet models can be scrutinized more effectively

    A method for measuring the contact area in instrumented indentation testing by tip scanning probe microscopy imaging

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    The determination of the contact area is a key step to derive mechanical properties such as hardness or an elastic modulus by instrumented indentation testing. Two families of procedures are dedicated to extracting this area: on the one hand, post mortem measurements that require residual imprint imaging, and on the other hand, direct methods that only rely on the load vs. the penetration depth curve. With the development of built-in scanning probe microscopy imaging capabilities such as atomic force microscopy and indentation tip scanning probe microscopy, last generation indentation devices have made systematic residual imprint imaging much faster and more reliable. In this paper, a new post mortem method is introduced and further compared to three existing classical direct methods by means of a numerical and experimental benchmark covering a large range of materials. It is shown that the new method systematically leads to lower error levels regardless of the type of material. Pros and cons of the new method vs. direct methods are also discussed, demonstrating its efficiency in easily extracting mechanical properties with an enhanced confidence

    Effects of Long-Range Correlations on Nonmagnetic Mott Transitions in Hubbard model on Square Lattice

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    The mechanism of Mott transition in the Hubbard model on the square lattice is studied without explicit introduction of magnetic and superconducting correlations, using a variational Monte Carlo method. In the trial wave functions, we consider various types of binding factors between a doubly-occupied site (doublon, D) and an empty site (holon, H), like a long-range type as well as a conventional nearest-neighbor type, and add independent long-range D-D (H-H) factors. It is found that a wide choice of D-H binding factor leads to Mott transitions at critical values near the band width. We renew the D-H binding picture of Mott transitions by introducing two characteristic length scales, the D-H binding length l_{DH} and the minimum D-D distance l_{DD}, which we appropriately estimate. A Mott transition takes place at l_{DH}=l_{DD}. In the metallic regime (l_{DH}>l_{DD}), the domains of D-H pairs overlap with one another, thereby doublons and holons can move independently by exchanging the partners one after another. In contrast, the D-D factors give only a minor contribution to the Mott transition.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    A-VIP: Anonymous Verification and Inference of Positions in Vehicular Networks

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    MiniconferenceInternational audienceKnowledge of the location of vehicles and tracking of the routes they follow are a requirement for a number of applications, including e-tolling and liability attribution in case of accidents. However, public disclosure of the identity and position of drivers jeopardizes user privacy, and securing the tracking through asymmetric cryptography may have an exceedingly high computational cost. Additionally, there is currently no way an authority can verify the correctness of the position information provided by a potentially misbehaving car. In this paper, we address all of the issues above by introducing A-VIP, a lightweight framework for privacy preserving and tracking of vehicles. A-VIP leverages anonymous position beacons from vehicles, and the cooperation of nearby cars collecting and reporting the beacons they hear. Such information allows an authority to verify the locations announced by vehicles, or to infer the actual ones if needed. We assess the effectiveness of A-VIP through both realistic simulation and testbed implementation results, analyzing also its resilience to adversarial attacks