41 research outputs found

    Child Spacing and Fertility Planning Behavior Among Women in Mana District, Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Short birth intervals and unintended pregnancies pose serious health risks to mothers and their infants by causing unnecessary high risk of pregnancy related complications and self induced abortions. The objective of the study was to assess the child spacing and fertility planning behavior of women in Mana district, Jimma zone. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from July 18 - August 17, 2008 on 645 women who had a live birth in the three years prior to the survey. A simple random sampling technique was used to identify eligible women. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS for windows version 15. Frequency distributions, cross-tabulation, and logistic regression analysis were performed. RESULTS: Analysis of birth intervals for women with non first births showed that 27% of births occurred within less than 24 months after a previous birth, showing that a considerable proportion of births were not adequately spaced to promote maternal and child health. About 39% of women reported that their recent pregnancy was unintended. Women with unintended pregnancy are more likely to be illiterate (OR=1.85,95%CI,1.23-2.79), have four or more living children(OR=2.77,95% CI,1.77-4.33), had a previous birth interval of less than 24 months(OR=1.78,95% CI(1.19-2.69), have never used contraception (OR=4.53, 95% CI, 3.05-6.75) and did not desire any more children (OR=1.84, 95% CI, 1.23-2.76). CONCLUSION: The study showed that an inadequate child spacing and high level of unintended pregnancy among considerable proportion of the study population. Unintended pregnancy and short birth intervals can pose serious health risks to mothers and their infants by causing unnecessary high risk of pregnancy related complications. Thus, improving access to safe and voluntary family planning counseling and services is essential to reduce the high level of unintended pregnancy and short birth intervals

    Prevalence of Intimate Partner Physical Violence against Women and Associated Factors in Kofale District, Arsi Zone, Central Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Violence against women is a pervasive public health problem that undermines the reproductive, physical and mental well-being of women. In Ethiopia however, knowledge of the prevalence and characteristics of intimate partner violence against women is limited due to the relative scarcity of population-based studies. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of intimate partner physical violence against women in Kofale district, Arsi Zone. METHODS: A community based cross-sectional survey was conducted in Kofale district among 308 ever-married women in January 2005. A systematic random sampling procedure was applied to identify eligible women. RESULTS: The study showed that 52.6% and 30.2% of the respondents experienced intimate partner physical violence in their lifetime and in the 12 months before the survey respectively. Witnessing family violence as a girl child, education, place of residence, parity, duration of marriage, tradition of marriage arrangement and partners’ use of alcohol were associated with intimate partner physical violence in this study. CONCLUSION: Intimate partner physical violence is highly prevalent in this society and various socio-economic, relationship and behavioral factors increase women’s risk of being victimized. Thus, there is an urgent need for intervention through information education communication to change the attitude of abusive partners, empower women-and improve law enforcement related to violence.Ethiop J Health Sci. Vol.16, No. 2 July 200

    Factors Affecting Antenatal Care Utilization in Yem Special Woreda, Southwestern Ethiopia

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    Method-specific beliefs and subsequent contraceptive method choice: Results from a longitudinal study in urban and rural Kenya.

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    INTRODUCTION: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa, including Kenya, shows that negative beliefs about contraceptive methods are associated with non-use. However, little is known about the relationship between contraceptive beliefs and subsequent method choice. METHODOLOGY: We used data from a two-year longitudinal survey of married women aged 15-39 years at enrollment from one urban site (Nairobi) and one rural site (Homa Bay) in Kenya. Analysis entails descriptive statistics and estimation of a conditional logit analysis to examine associations between method-specific beliefs and choice of injectables, implants or pills among women who were not using any method or were pregnant at baseline (round 1) but adopted these methods at 12-month follow-up (Nairobi, n = 221; Homa Bay n = 197). RESULTS: Beliefs about pills, injectables and implants among non-users were generally negative. With the partial exception of the pill in Nairobi, the majority thought that each method was likely to cause serious health problems, unpleasant side effects, menstrual disruption, and would be unsafe for long-term use. In both sites, satisfied past use of a method and the perception that a method is easy to use had a major influence on method choice. Concerns about menstrual disruption and safety for long-term use were unimportant in both sites. There were some marked differences between the two sites. Beliefs about long-term fertility impairment and perceived husband approval had strong influences on choice of injectables, implants or pills in the urban site but not in the rural site. CONCLUSION: The relative importance of beliefs, some erroneous, in predisposing women to choose one method over another appears to be conditioned by the social context. There is need for family planning counseling programmes to pay attention to erroneous beliefs and misconceptions about contraceptives

    Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya: Midline results report

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    Many adolescent girls in Kenya face considerable risks and vulnerabilities that affect their education status, health, and general well-being. In addition to low educational attainment and health risks, other factors that impact education and health outcomes include household poverty, lack of economic independence, limited income-earning opportunities, illiteracy, violence, and social isolation. Younger adolescent girls who live in environments laden with these vulnerabilities are at risk of experiencing negative outcomes such as school dropout, early sexual initiation, unintended pregnancy, early marriage, and sexual and gender-based violence. The Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI-K) delivered multisectoral interventions to over 6,000 girls aged 11–15 in two marginalized areas of Kenya: the Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi, and Wajir County in Northeastern Kenya. This report describes both the intervention and research design of AGI-K, and presents findings from the midline data collection. The objective of the RCT is to describe and compare the impact of the different program packages. Endline data will be collected in 2019 and will reflect the impact of the program packages two years post-intervention

    Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya: Endline evaluation report

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    Early pregnancy is a challenge for girls in Kenya that often has immediate effects on their educational opportunities, future implications for their social, health, and economic outcomes, and negative impacts on their children. For girls to achieve well-being in early and late adolescence, no single-sector intervention—whether education, health, wealth creation, or prevention of violence—will be adequate. The Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI-K) delivered multisectoral interventions to over 6,000 girls aged 11–15 in two marginalized areas of Kenya: the Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi and Wajir County in Northeastern Kenya. These interventions were carried out for two years (2015–17) and comprised a combination of girl-level, household-level, and community-level interventions. The two-year follow-up results largely confirmed the AGI-K theory of change and held up the view that an investment in early adolescents among the right groups of marginalized girls would have short-term benefits on asset accumulation, educational attainment, and household economic status that translated into longer-term impact on delaying childbearing. This report describes the intervention and research design of AGI-K, and presents the impact findings from the two-year follow-up data

    Intimate partner violence against adolescents and young women in sub-Saharan Africa: who is most vulnerable?

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    Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health and human rights issue that affects millions of women and girls. While disaggregated national statistics are crucial to assess inequalities, little evidence exists on inequalities in exposure to violence against adolescents and young women (AYW). The aim of this study was to deter- mine inequalities in physical or sexual IPV against AYW and beliefs about gender based violence (GBV) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Methods: We used data from the most recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in 27 countries in SSA. Only data from surveys conducted after 2010 were included. Our analysis focused on married or cohabiting AYW aged 15–24 years and compared inequalities in physical or sexual IPV by place of residence, education and wealth. We also examined IPV variations by AYW’s beliefs about GBV and the association of country characteristics such as gender inequality with IPV prevalence. Results: The proportion of AYW reporting IPV in the year before the survey ranged from 6.5% in Comoros to 43.3% in Gabon, with a median of 25.2%. Overall, reported IPV levels were higher in countries in the Central Africa region than other sub-regions. Although the prevalence of IPV varied by place of residence, education and wealth, there was no clear pattern of inequalities. In many countries with high prevalence of IPV, a higher proportion of AYW from rural areas, with lower education and from the poorest wealth quintile reported IPV. In almost all countries, a greater pro- portion of AYW who approved wife beating for any reason reported IPV compared to their counterparts who disap- proved wife beating. Reporting of IPV was weakly correlated with the Gender Inequality Index and other societal level variables but was moderately positively correlated with adult alcohol consumption (r = 0.48) and negative attitudes towards GBV (r = 0.38). Conclusion: IPV is pervasive among AYW, with substantial variation across and within countries reflecting the role of contextual and structural factors in shaping the vulnerability to IPV. The lack of consistent patterns of inequalities by the stratifiers within countries shows that IPV against women and girls cuts across socio-economic boundaries sug- gesting the need for comprehensive and multi-sectoral approaches to preventing and responding to IPV

    Mapping age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence in adults in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-2018

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    BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is still among the leading causes of disease burden and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and the world is not on track to meet targets set for ending the epidemic by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Precise HIV burden information is critical for effective geographic and epidemiological targeting of prevention and treatment interventions. Age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence estimates are widely available at the national level, and region-wide local estimates were recently published for adults overall. We add further dimensionality to previous analyses by estimating HIV prevalence at local scales, stratified into sex-specific 5-year age groups for adults ages 15-59 years across SSA. METHODS: We analyzed data from 91 seroprevalence surveys and sentinel surveillance among antenatal care clinic (ANC) attendees using model-based geostatistical methods to produce estimates of HIV prevalence across 43 countries in SSA, from years 2000 to 2018, at a 5 × 5-km resolution and presented among second administrative level (typically districts or counties) units. RESULTS: We found substantial variation in HIV prevalence across localities, ages, and sexes that have been masked in earlier analyses. Within-country variation in prevalence in 2018 was a median 3.5 times greater across ages and sexes, compared to for all adults combined. We note large within-district prevalence differences between age groups: for men, 50% of districts displayed at least a 14-fold difference between age groups with the highest and lowest prevalence, and at least a 9-fold difference for women. Prevalence trends also varied over time; between 2000 and 2018, 70% of all districts saw a reduction in prevalence greater than five percentage points in at least one sex and age group. Meanwhile, over 30% of all districts saw at least a five percentage point prevalence increase in one or more sex and age group. CONCLUSIONS: As the HIV epidemic persists and evolves in SSA, geographic and demographic shifts in prevention and treatment efforts are necessary. These estimates offer epidemiologically informative detail to better guide more targeted interventions, vital for combating HIV in SSA