388 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Innotrac Aio! Second-Generation Cardiac Troponin I Assay: The Main Characteristics for Routine Clinical Use

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    The availability of a simple, sensitive, and rapid test using whole blood to facilitate processing and to reduce the turnaround time could improve the management of patients presenting with chest pain. The aim of this study was an evaluation of the Innotrac Aio! second-generation cardiac troponin I (cTnI) assay. The Innotrac Aio! second-generation cTnI assay was compared with the Abbott AxSYM first-generation cTnI, Beckman Access AccuTnI, and Innotrac Aio! first-generation cTnI assays. We studied serum samples from 15 patients with positive rheumatoid factor but with no indication of myocardial infarction (MI). Additionally, the stability of the sample with different matrices and the influence of hemodialysis on the cTnI concentration were evaluated. Within-assay CVs were 3.2%–10.9%, and between-assay precision ranged from 4.0% to 17.2% for cTnI. The functional sensitivity (CV = 20 %) and the concentration giving CV of 10% were approximated to be 0.02 and 0.04, respectively. The assay was found to be linear within the tested range of 0.063–111.6 μ g/L. The correlations between the second-generation Innotrac Aio!, Access, and AxSYM cTnI assays were good (r coefficients 0.947–0.966), but involved differences in the measured concentrations, and the biases were highest with cTnI at low concentrations. The second-generation Innotrac Aio! cTnI assay was found to be superior to the first-generation assay with regard to precision in the low concentration range. The stability of the cTnI level was best in the serum, lithium-heparin plasma, and lithium-heparin whole blood samples (n = 10 , decrease < 10 % in 24 hours at +20°C and at +4°C. There was no remarkable influence of hemodialysis on the cTnI release. False-positive cTnI values occurred in the presence of very high rheumatoid factor values, that is, over 3000 U/L. The 99th percentile of the apparently healthy reference group was ≤ 0.03   μ g/L. The results demonstrate the very good analytical performance of the second-generation Innotrac Aio! cTnI assay

    Burnout and Substance Use in Collegiate Athletic Trainers

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    CONTEXT: The Smith Cognitive-Affective Model of Athletic Burnout suggests that athletic trainers (ATs) suffering from burnout may engage in substance use as a coping behavior. Increases in self-reported burnout symptoms are often associated with increases in heavy episodic drinking and tobacco use among various health care providers. However, this relationship has not been examined thoroughly. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of substance use in ATs and identify relationships between symptoms of burnout and substance use among ATs. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Web-based survey. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: A total of 783 certified ATs working full time in the collegiate or university setting were sampled for this study. Graduate assistant and other part-time ATs were excluded. The survey was distributed via the National Athletic Trainers\u27 Association membership directory e-mail broadcast service. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): A 100-item online questionnaire consisting of items from previously used scales was used for this study. The survey included the Maslach Burnout Inventory and questions on substance use from the Monitoring the Future study. Multiple regression analyses were performed to analyze the survey data. All independent (Maslach Burnout Inventory subscales) and dependent (use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana) variables were mapped to the Smith Cognitive-Affective Model of Athletic Burnout to determine which dimensions of burnout altered the odds of self-reported substance use. RESULTS: Almost half (46.3%) of participants admitted to at least 1 binge-drinking episode. However, the use of cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, marijuana, and energy drinks during the previous month was less pronounced in the sample. Emotional exhaustion (B = .008, P = .023) and personal accomplishment (B = -.016, P = .02) were significantly correlated with binge drinking. Emotional exhaustion (Exp[B] = 1.017, P \u3c .001) was also significantly positively correlated with energy-drink consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Some ATs engaged in heavy episodic drinking. Emotional exhaustion and a decreased sense of personal accomplishment were significantly correlated with this behavior

    Keuhkovaltimoiden pallolaajennus - uusi hoito krooniseen tromboemboliseen pulmonaalihypertensioon

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    • Krooninen tromboembolinen pulmonaalihypertensio huonontaa merkittävästi elämänlaatua. Hoitamattomana se voi johtaa ennenaikaiseen kuolemaan.• Taudin vakiintunut hoitomuoto on kirurginen keuhkovaltimoiden endarterektomia. Lähes puolelle potilaista seei sovi tai tulos jää huonoksi.• Keuhkovaltimoiden pallolaajennus on uusi tehokas hoito osalle potilaista.• TYKS:n Sydänkeskuksessa on tehty keuhkovaltimoiden pallolaajennuksia vuodesta 2016 ja tulokset ovat olleet rohkaisevia.</p

    Delivering Agents Locally into Articular Cartilage by Intense MHz Ultrasound

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    There is no cure for osteoarthritis. Current drug delivery relies on systemic delivery or injections into the joint. Because articular cartilage (AC) degeneration can be local and drug exposure outside the lesion can cause adverse effects, localized drug delivery could permit new drug treatment strategies. We investigated whether intense megahertz ultrasound (frequency: 1.138 MHz, peak positive pressure: 2.7 MPa, I-spta: 5 W/cm(2), beam width: 5.7 mm at -6 dB, duty cycle: 5%, pulse repetition frequency: 285 Hz, mechanical index: 1.1) can deliver agents into AC without damaging it. Using ultrasound, we delivered a drug surrogate down to a depth corresponding to 53% depth of the AC thickness without causing histologically detectable damage to the AC. This may be important because early osteoarthritis typically exhibits histopathologic changes in the superficial AC. In conclusion, we identify intense megahertz ultrasound as a technique that potentially enables localized non-destructive delivery of osteoarthritis drugs or drug carriers into articular cartilage. (E-mail: [email protected]) (C) 2015 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.Peer reviewe

    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D4 Performance evaluation

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    This document considers the performance of multiantenna transmit/receive techniques in high-speed downlink and uplink packet access. The evaluation is done using both link and system level simulations by taking into account link adaptation and packet retransmissions. The document is based on the initial studies carried out in deliverables D3.1 and D3.2.Preprin

    Increased B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Concentration Is Associated with Reduced Coronary Vasoreactivity in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy but Not in Healthy Young Subjects

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    Background/Aims. Natriuretic peptides are associated with the cardiovascular disease risk under a range of different circumstances. However, less is known about whether this association is found also in young healthy subjects. Methods. 9 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and 26 healthy young subjects were studied. The myocardial blood flow measurements were performed basally and during adenosine infusion using PET. Results. S-proBNP concentrations were significantly higher (2153 ± 1964 versus 28 ± 17 ng/L, P = .000002) and adenosine-stimulated flow lower (1.6 ± 0.8 versus 3.6 ± 1.1 mL·g−1·min−1, P = .00001) in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy when compared to healthy subjects. S-proBNP concentration was inversely associated with adenosine stimulated flow in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (r = −0.75, P = .019) but not in healthy subjects (r = −0.06, P = .84). Conclusions. Natriuretic peptides are inversely associated with coronary vasoreactivity in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy but not in healthy young subjects. Since reduced coronary vasoreactivity seems to be one of the earliest abnormalities in the development of coronary artery disease, this might indicate that natriuretic peptides are not predictor of cardiovascular disease risk in healthy young subjects

    Assessing the threat of toxic contaminants to early marine survival of Chinook salmon in the Salish Sea

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    Human development of the Salish Sea has resulted in loss and modification of salmonid habitats, including reduced habitat quality due to contaminant inputs, particularly in the lower reaches of rivers and estuaries of the central Puget Sound. Chemical contaminants released into the Salish Sea from anthropogenic sources can reduce the health and productivity of salmon. Juvenile salmon are exposed to contaminants in freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats but they are particularly vulnernable as they transition from fresh to saltwater because this life history stage is especially sensitive to stressors that may reduce their early marine survival. Reduced growth and disease resistance have been demonstrated for juvenile Chinook salmon exposed to environmentally relevant contaminant levels; however, synoptic, Puget Sound-wide surveys to assess the extent and magnitude of contaminant exposure are lacking. In this study we measured exposure of juvenile Chinook salmon to chemicals of concern that enter Puget Sound via stormwater, wastewater treatment facilities, atmospheric deposition to marine waters, and groundwater. During the spring and summer of 2013, outmigrating fish were sampled from the river mouthes and two adjacent marine shorelines at each of five Puget Sound river-estuary systems: Skagit, Snohomish, Green/Duwamish, Puyallup/Hylebos, and Nisqually. We (1) report the extent and magnitude of exposure, (2) compare exposure in outmigrants across five major river-estuary systems, and (3) evaluate potential effects on marine survival. Results will be used to establish a time series of contaminant conditions in juvenile Chinook salmon to measure the effectiveness of current toxics reductions strategies and actions, inform future pollution reduction efforts, and enhanced recovery of Chinook salmon

    Highly contaminated river otters (Lontra canadensis) are effective biomonitors of environmental pollutant exposure

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    River otters (Lontra canadensis) are apex predators that bioaccumulate contaminants via their diet, potentially serving as biomonitors of watershed health. They reside throughout the Green-Duwamish River, WA (USA), a watershed encompassing an extreme urbanization gradient, including a US Superfund site slated for a 17-year remediation. The objectives of this study were to document baseline contaminant levels in river otters, assess otters’ utility as top trophic-level biomonitors of contaminant exposure, and evaluate the potential for health impacts on this species. We measured a suite of contaminants of concern, lipid content, nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N), and microsatellite DNA markers in 69 otter scat samples collected from twelve sites. Landcover characteristics were used to group sampling sites into industrial (Superfund site), suburban, and rural development zones. Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ether flame-retardants (PBDEs), dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased significantly with increasing urbanization, and were best predicted by models that included development zone, suggesting that river otters are effective biomonitors, as defined in this study. Diet also played an important role, with lipid content, δ15N or both included in all best models. We recommend river otter scat be included in evaluating restoration efforts in this Superfund site, and as a potentially useful monitoring tool wherever otters are found. We also report ΣPCB and ΣPAH exposures among the highest published for wild river otters, with almost 70% of samples in the Superfund site exceeding established levels of concern.publishedVersio

    Determining collagen distribution in articular cartilage using contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography

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    Objective: Collagen distribution within articular cartilage (AC) is typically evaluated from histological sections, e.g., using collagen staining and light microscopy (LM). Unfortunately, all techniques based on histological sections are time-consuming, destructive, and without extraordinary effort, limited to two dimensions. This study investigates whether phosphotungstic acid (PTA) and phosphomolybdic acid (PMA), two collagen-specific markers and X-ray absorbers, could (1) produce contrast for AC X-ray imaging or (2) be used to detect collagen distribution within AC. Method: We labeled equine AC samples with PTA or PMA and imaged them with micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) at pre-defined time points 0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 180, 270 h during staining. The micro-CT image intensity was compared with collagen distributions obtained with a reference technique, i.e., Fourier-transform infrared imaging (FTIRI). The labeling time and contrast agent producing highest association (Pearson correlation, BlandeAltman analysis) between FTIRI collagen distribution and micro-CT -determined PTA distribution was selected for human AC. Results: Both, PTA and PMA labeling permitted visualization of AC features using micro-CT in non-calcified cartilage. After labeling the samples for 36 h in PTA, the spatial distribution of X-ray attenuation correlated highly with the collagen distribution determined by FTIRI in both equine (mean +/- S.D. of the Pearson correlation coefficients, r = 0.96 +/- 0.03, n = 12) and human AC (r = 0.82 +/- 0.15, n = 4). Conclusions: PTA-induced X-ray attenuation is a potential marker for non-destructive detection of AC collagen distributions in 3D. This approach opens new possibilities in development of non-destructive 3D histopathological techniques for characterization of OA. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd and Osteoarthritis Research Society International.Peer reviewe

    Persistent contaminants and herpesvirus OtHV1 are positively associated with cancer in wild California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus)

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    This work was funded by the Geoffrey Hughes Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health (Fogarty International Center) and National Science Foundation joint program for the Ecology of Infectious Disease, the National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Mammal Heath and Stranding Program, and the Natural Environment Research Council grant number NE/R015007/.The prevalence of cancer in wild California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) is one of the highest amongst mammals, with 18–23% of adult animals examined post-mortem over the past 40 years having urogenital carcinoma. To date, organochlorines, genotype and infection with Otarine herpesvirus-1 (OtHV-1) have been identified in separate studies using distinct animals as associated with this carcinoma. Multi-year studies using large sample sizes to investigate the relative importance of multiple factors on marine mammal health are rare due to logistical and ethical challenges. The objective of this study was to use a case control approach with samples from 394 animals collected over 20 years in a multifactorial analysis to explore the relative importance of distinct factors identified to date as associated with sea lion cancer in the likelihood of sea lion carcinoma. Stepwise regression indicated that the best model to explain carcinoma occurrence included herpesvirus status, contaminant exposure, and blubber depth, but not genotype at a single microsatellite locus, PV11. The odds of carcinoma was 43.57 times higher in sea lions infected with OtHV-1 (95% CI 14.61, 129.96, p <0.001), and 1.48 times higher for every unit increase in the loge[contaminant concentrations], ng g–1 (an approximate tripling of concentration), in their blubber (95% CI 1.11, 1.97, p <0.007), after controlling for the effect of blubber depth. These findings demonstrate the importance of contaminant exposure combined with OtHV1 infection, in the potential for cancer occurrence in wild sea lions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe