17 research outputs found

    The Urban Landscape and Iconography of Early Modern Tornio

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    Public Memory, National Heritage, and Memorialization of the 1918 Finnish Civil Wart

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    The Finnish Civil War in 1918 left the newly independent country (1917) scarred for decades. In this paper, we assess the difficult public memory, national narrative and memorialization of the war. We take as our starting point a public crowdsourcing organized by the State-broadcasting company about the material traces of conflicts in Finland. Themes raised by the public in the crowdsourcing are used as foundation to map heritage perspectives. Special attention is paid to the memorial landscapes of the war. In the past century, the remembrance of the war has gone through several stages, from the complete denial of memorializing the defeated side and the associated clandestine remembrance practices based on folk religion, to today’s situation where the war is largely seen as a shared national tragedy. We outline the current status and importance of Civil War heritage based on public perceptions and stake out some directions for future research

    The Late Medieval Church and Graveyard at Ii Hamina, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland – Pollen and macro remains from graves

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    The historical Ostrobothnian (Finland) burial tradition is poorly known, particularly when discussed from the environmental archaeological viewpoint. This article examines Late Medieval burial methods in Ii Hamina village using both micro- and macrofossil analyses incorporated into archaeological work. This research provides information on the continuity of burial methods that were sustained through the medieval period and into modern times. Burial tradition patterns in the Northern Ostrobothnia region exhibit widely recognised characteristics, but also contain some local features

    Tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus akateemisessa arkeologiassa

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    Porcelain tableware, wealth and consumer behaviour in 18th-century Tornio

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    Historical archaeology has been concerned with correlations between material culture and socio-economic status since the 1970s. Pottery, in particular, is often considered useful for estimating the economic status of households. In the 1980s and especially in the 1990s, historical archaeology became increasingly interested in consumption and related practices. This paper discusses the relationship between material culture, wealth and consumer behaviour in 18th-century Tornio on the basis of porcelain and other artefacts associated with the consumption of coffee and tea. lt will be shown that even though the material culture of coffee and tea consumption can be associated with wealth in 18th-century Tornio, straightforward assumptions regarding consurner behaviour should not be drawn on this basis. Moreover, it is argued that the tendency in historical archaeology to regard artefacts primarily as commodities neglects their materiality and can thus severely misrepresent the functions and meanings of things

    Nappeja, solkia ja asetuksia: lainsäädännön vaikutus pukeutumiseen varhaismodernissa Oulussa

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    Varhaismodernissa Ruotsissa kansalaisten pukeutumista ohjattiin ylellisyysasetuksilla, jotka olivat tiukimmillaan 1700-luvulla. Jokaisen tuli pukeutua säätynsä mukaisesti, ylempiään kunnioittaen. Pukujen kankaat ja mallit olivat tiukan kontrollin alaisia, minkä vuoksi asusteiden merkitys koristautumisessa kohosi aiempaa tärkeämmäksi. Tutkimme tässä artikkelissa, kuinka ylellisyysasetukset ja tuontikiellot vaikuttivat ihmisten pukeutumiseen varhaismodernissa Oulussa. Lähteinä käytämme Oulun Pikisaaren arkeologisten kaivausten esineistöä sekä Oulun kaupungin perukirjoja. Yksi tämän artikkelin keskeisimmistä tarkoituksista onkin esittää, millaista uutta tietoa 1700-luvun pukeutumisesta voidaan saada yhdistämällä kaksi erilaista lähderyhmää. Keskitymme tutkimuksessamme erityisesti pieniin, pukeutumiseen liittyviin metalliesineisiin, kuten nappeihin ja solkiin, joita on löytynyt muihin Oulun kaupunkikaivauksiin verrattuna erityisen runsaasti juuri Pikisaaresta