231 research outputs found

    Performance Guarantees for Distributed Reachability Queries

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    In the real world a graph is often fragmented and distributed across different sites. This highlights the need for evaluating queries on distributed graphs. This paper proposes distributed evaluation algorithms for three classes of queries: reachability for determining whether one node can reach another, bounded reachability for deciding whether there exists a path of a bounded length between a pair of nodes, and regular reachability for checking whether there exists a path connecting two nodes such that the node labels on the path form a string in a given regular expression. We develop these algorithms based on partial evaluation, to explore parallel computation. When evaluating a query Q on a distributed graph G, we show that these algorithms possess the following performance guarantees, no matter how G is fragmented and distributed: (1) each site is visited only once; (2) the total network traffic is determined by the size of Q and the fragmentation of G, independent of the size of G; and (3) the response time is decided by the largest fragment of G rather than the entire G. In addition, we show that these algorithms can be readily implemented in the MapReduce framework. Using synthetic and real-life data, we experimentally verify that these algorithms are scalable on large graphs, regardless of how the graphs are distributed.Comment: VLDB201

    Graph Homomorphism Revisited for Graph Matching

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    In a variety of emerging applications one needs to decide whether a graph G matches another G p , i.e. , whether G has a topological structure similar to that of G p . The traditional notions of graph homomorphism and isomorphism often fall short of capturing the structural similarity in these applications. This paper studies revisions of these notions, providing a full treatment from complexity to algorithms. (1) We propose p-homomorphism (p -hom) and 1-1 p -hom, which extend graph homomorphism and subgraph isomorphism, respectively, by mapping edges from one graph to paths in another, and by measuring the similarity of nodes . (2) We introduce metrics to measure graph similarity, and several optimization problems for p -hom and 1-1 p -hom. (3) We show that the decision problems for p -hom and 1-1 p -hom are NP-complete even for DAGs, and that the optimization problems are approximation-hard. (4) Nevertheless, we provide approximation algorithms with provable guarantees on match quality. We experimentally verify the effectiveness of the revised notions and the efficiency of our algorithms in Web site matching, using real-life and synthetic data. </jats:p

    Propagating functional dependencies with conditions

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    The dependency propagation problem is to determine, given a view defined on data sources and a set of dependencies on the sources, whether another dependency is guaranteed to hold on the view. This paper investigates dependency propagation for recently proposed conditional functional dependencies (CFDs). The need for this study is evident in data integration, exchange and cleaning since dependencies on data sources often only hold conditionally on the view. We investigate dependency propagation for views defined in various fragments of relational algebra, CFDs as view dependencies, and for source dependencies given as either CFDs or traditional functional dependencies (FDs). (a) We establish lower and upper bounds, all matching , ranging from PTIME to undecidable. These not only provide the first results for CFD propagation, but also extend the classical work of FD propagation by giving new complexity bounds in the presence of finite domains. (b) We provide the first algorithm for computing a minimal cover of all CFDs propagated via SPC views; the algorithm has the same complexity as one of the most efficient algorithms for computing a cover of FDs propagated via a projection view, despite the increased expressive power of CFDs and SPC views. (c) We experimentally verify that the algorithm is efficient. </jats:p

    Agent-based Three Layer Framework of Assembly-Oriented Planning and Scheduling for Discrete Manufacturing Enterprises

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    To solve the cost burden caused by delivery tardiness for small and medium sized packaging machinery enterprises, the assembly-oriented planning and scheduling is studied based on the multi-agent technology. Taking into account the due date, the planning and scheduling are optimized iteratively with the rule-based algorithms complying with the machining and assembling process constraints. To make the realistic large-scale production planning scheme tailored to fit the optimization algorithms, a multi-agent system is utilized to conceptually construct a three-layer framework corresponding to three planning horizons of different task level. These planning horizons are quarter/month of product/subassembly level, week of part level, and day of operation level. With the strategy of combining top-down task decomposition and bottom-up plan update (where the quarterly orders are decomposed into the monthly, weekly, and daily tasks according to the product processing structure while the resulting plans of every layer are updated iteratively based on the bottom layer optimization), the proposed framework not only addresses the planning but also the periodic and event-driven scheduling of the processes. In this paper, a gravure printing machine is considered as a test case for evaluating the proposed framework. The simulation results with the historical data of the orders for this machine demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme on the control of the distribution of idle-time. It can also provide a resolution to tardiness penalty for small and medium sized enterprises

    Query preserving graph compression

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    ExpFinder: Finding experts by graph pattern matching

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    Answering Pattern Queries Using Views

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