596 research outputs found

    Nebivolol And Quinapril Reduce P-Wave Duration And Dispersion In Hypertensive Patients

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    We aimed to investigate the effects of nebivolol and quinapril treatments on P-wave duration and dispersion in hypertensive patients. Hypertensive patients who were in sinus rhythm were assigned to the two treatment groups and received either 20 mg quinapril/day or 5 mg nebivolol/day. P-Wave dispersion (PWD) was measured at baseline and after four weeks of treatment and defined as the difference between the maximum (Pmax) and the minimum (Pmin) P-wave duration. The study group consisted of 54 patients (Mean age: 53 ± 9 years, 46% women) with 27 patients in each group. At 4-week follow up both treatment groups showed a significant reduction (p< 0.001) in systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Heart rate (HR) reduction was significant in patients receiving nebivolol (P=0.001). Both groups showed a similar (P=0.413 for PWD, p=0.651 for Pmax) but significant reduction in PWD (nebivolol: -16± 14, P< 0.0001 and quinapril: -13± 11, P< 0.0001) and Pmax (nebivolol: -10± 11, P=0.001 and quinapril: -9± 11, P=0.001). A 2 (Time) x 2 (Group) mixed-model repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed that the main effect of Time was significant for Pmax (P=0.002) and PWD (P=0.008) after controlling for changes in SBP, DBP and HR. However, the main effect of Group and Time x Group interaction was not significant for both variables (All p values > 0.05). In conclusion, short-term treatment with nebivolol and quinapril produces a similar but significant reduction in Pmax and PWD in hypertensive patients. This effect is independent of blood pressure and heart rate changes

    Repair of calcified left ventricular pseudoaneurysm of long duration

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    Cardiac pseudoaneurysm is a contained rupture of the myocardium limited by pericardial adhesions or the epicardial wall. Cardiac pseudoaneurysm may cause sudden death with a mortality of 30-45% in the first year, mostly resulting from rupture. Coronal and axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of a 65-year-old male patient admitted with dyspnoea, coughing and chest pain, present for the last 10 days, revealed a large pseudoaneursym of the left ventricle. Coronary bypass and left ventricular restoration operation was performed. The patient was eventlessly discharged 8 days after operation. He is in NYHA Class I 21 months postoperatively. The interval between myocardial insult and establishment of diagnosis is unknown in our patient. This is a patient whose left ventricular rupture had been contained for a very long time, possibly years, because a heavily calcified thick pseudoaneurysm wall was encountered during operation, making this case rare in the literature

    Geological, petrographic and mineralogical characteristics of volcanic rocks in the north of Istanbul

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    İnceleme alanı b&ouml;lgesel tektonik birliklerden Pontidler&rsquo;in batı b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml;nde (Batı Pontidler) i&ccedil;inde yeralır İstanbul&rsquo;un kuzeyinde boğazın her iki yakasında, doğu-batı uzanımlı olan inceleme alanında stratigrafik olarak tabanda Paleozoyik ve Triyas yaşlı sedimanter k&ouml;kenli temel kayaları (alt &ccedil;&ouml;kel istif) bulunur. İnceleme konusu olan &Uuml;st Kretase yaşlı volkanik topluluk temel kayalarıyla tektonik dokanaklı olup, batıda Kısırkaya (Sarıyer)&rsquo;den doğuda Şile&rsquo;ye kadar olan alanda ve genellikle Karadeniz&rsquo;e kıyı alanlarda y&uuml;zlekler verir. Temel kayaları ve volkanitler &uuml;zerinde diskordan olarak bulunan Tersiyer yaşlı kayalar ise b&ouml;lgedeki &uuml;st &ccedil;&ouml;kel istifi oluşturur. Volkanitler İntra Pontid zonu veya muhtemelen İzmir-Ankara zonu boyunca gelişmiş olan okyanusal litosferin &Uuml;st Kretase&rsquo;de kuzeye doğru İstanbul zonu altına dalmasıyla oluşan Pontid magmatik yayı olarak gelişmiştir. Volkanitler alttan &uuml;ste Bozhane, Sarıyer, Garip&ccedil;e ve Kısırkaya formasyonlarından oluşur. Volkanitler; bazalt, bazaltik andezit, andezit, dasit ve riyodasit bileşiminde volkanoklastikler, lavlar, epiklastik &ccedil;&ouml;keller ve bu birimleri değişik a&ccedil;ılarda kesen aynı bileşimli dayklardan oluşur. Garip&ccedil;e formasyonu i&ccedil;inde yaygın bulunan blok-k&uuml;l akıntıları, matriks destekli veya tane destekli, k&uuml;tle akıntıları şeklinde izlenir. Bu &ouml;zellikleriyle volkanik &uuml;r&uuml;nlerin tek bir volkanik bacadan değil de &ccedil;oklu bacalardan ve dayk/dom sistemlerinden t&uuml;redikleri s&ouml;ylenebilir. Volkanitlerde kuzeye, istifin &uuml;st&uuml;ne doğru gittik&ccedil;e bazik karakter artar. Volkanitlerde genellikle hyaloplitik, hyaloporfirik ve mikrolitik porfirik dokular izlenir. Volkanitlerin baskın mineralleri plajioklas ve piroksen (ortopiroksen+klinopiroksen)&rsquo;dir. Bunların yanında bazı kaya &ouml;rneklerinde, biyotit, amfibol, olivin, birincil kuvars ve opak (manyetit+ilmenit) minerallerine de rastlanır. İkincil mineral olarak kalsit, epidot, klorit, kuvars, kil mineralleri ve hematit gelişmiştir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Volkanoklastik, &uuml;st kretase, Garip&ccedil;e, Şile.The study area is located approximately 10 km to the north of İstanbul. This region forms part of the Istanbul Zone in the western Pondides. The basement rocks in the region are represented by Paleozoic to Early Carboniferous sandstone &ndash; shale succession, discordantly overlain by Triassic sedimentary rocks. During the Upper Cretaceous the northern branch of Neotethys was subducting beneath the Istanbul zone and gave rise to magmatic arc volcanism. This volcanism produced different type of volcanic rocks such as basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyodacite and less rhyolite. Volcanic seguences exposed especially along the east and west coasts of the Black Sea in the North of Istanbul. The basement rocks are overlain by Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks unconformably. The uppermost sedimentary facies composed of gravel, sand, silt and clay deposits Neogene in age overlay the basement rocks and Upper Cretaceous volcanic association. Volcanic association in the region have been stratigraphically differentiated four different formations from the bottom to the top. These are: Bozhane, Sarıyer, Garip&ccedil;e and Kısırkaya formations. Bozhane formation comprises of turbidites siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and lava blocks on the top of it. It is 280 m. in thickness. This formation is seen only the east part of study area. Sarıyer formation comprises felsic and intermediate lava, flow breccias and layered tuffs. It has outcrops both&nbsp; in the west and east part of the study area. It passes Garip&ccedil;e formation to the top conformably. Garip&ccedil;e formation consists of mostly volcaniclastics flow units, less lava and dyke systems cutting all these rocks. Garip&ccedil;e formation is followed by Kısırkaya formation in the uppermost of the volcanites. Lithologically, volcanic rocks are composed of piroklastik breccia, flow breccia, hyloclastite, pyroclastic flow deposits, felsic tuff and volcanic originated sandstone with limestone interbedded in accordance with their facial features and field characteristics. Flow deposits comprise of grain supported mass flows and matrix supported mass flows. These flow units are commonly poorly sorted and sometimes ununiformly bedded. They are deposited as a mixture of blocks and fine grained matrix. Each flow unit represents an individual pyroclastic flow deposit travelled downslope flowing from side of dome or from the side vents and filled mostly valleys. In this study, the stratigraphic facial features have been identified according to the field characteristics of lavas, dykes, volcanoclastics and volcanogenic sedimentary deposits. Lava flows are less than volcaniclastics in the study area. Volcanic sequence represents different thickness in different localities in response to the paleotopography, the type of volcanism, and its effusive characteristics. Lavas have different texture and mineralogical characteristics. The variety of texture is related to the pressure and temperature conditions during the crystallisation of magma and its composition. Volcanics show hyaloplitic, hyaloporphyritic, microlitic porphyritic textures. Most of them are highly hydrothermally altered according to the alteration degree, texture and mineralogical composition and lost their original textures. Most of the mineralogical composition of basalts are characterized by calcic plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene (orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene) + olivine + Fe-oxides. The most common phenocryst assemblage of andesitic and basaltic andesitic lavas are: plagioclase + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + Fe-Ti oxides. Some andesites contain amphibole and/or biotite. In the dacites, the predominant phenocryst assemblage is plagioclase + amphibole + biotite + quartz + Fe-Ti oxides. Plagioclase phenocrysts are usually clouded by alteration and show resorbed cores, secondary overgrowths and normal or reverse zoning, indicating disequilibrium processes. Biotite and quartz have undergone magmatic corrosion.in some rock types.In some rock samples biotite is covered by opaque minerals espcially rim of biotite phenocrysts. Most samples have a fine-grained glassy groundmass including small grains of plagioclase and pyroxene microlitesand some magnetit. Epidote, calcite, serisite, chlorite, quartz and hematite some clay minerals are the secondary minerals. Alterationproducts have been developed in response to the infiltrating hydrothermal solutions. Alteration type is mostly related to the textural and mineralogical character of the parent rock. The volcanic rocks served as the parent rock where the residual kaolin and sedimentary clay deposits were formed. &nbsp;Keywords: Volcanoclastics, upper cretaceous, Garip&ccedil;e-Sarıyer, Şile


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    Limanlar ulaşım sistemlerinde düğüm noktalarını oluşturmaktadır. Hizmet ettikleri hinterlandların kapılarıdırlar. Dünya ticaretinin %80'i denizlerden yapıldığı ve ticaretin küreselleştiği düşünülürse, limanların doğru planlanmaları, yapılarının öngörülen kullanım amacına, sahip olduğu öneme ve deprem performansına cevap verecek biçimde tasarlanmaları gerekir. Liman yapıları çevresel yükler olan rüzgar, dalga, akıntı ve deprem yüklerine göre tasarlanırlar. Yapılar bu yükler altında güvenle hizmet vermelidirler. Bu yükler altında yapıların tanımlanan limitlerin üzerinde hasar görmeleri durumunda liman hizmeti duracaktır. Bu durumda limanın büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak bölgesel, ulusal ve küresel ölçekte ticari faaliyetler aksayacaktır. Son yıllarda büyük limanların bulunduğu bölgelerde meydana gelen depremler, konunun önemini artırmıştır. Ancak yüksek yatırım maliyetlerini gerektiren limanlar da ekonomik tasarımları gerektirmektedir. Bu tip tasarımlar da ileri düzeyde analizlere ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu çalışmada özellikle keson tipi rıhtıma sahip bir limanda sismik risk ve kayan blok yöntemiyle analize dayalı araştırma sunulacaktır. The ports are nodal points in transportation systems. They are the gates for their hinterlands. That fact that trade has been globalized and 80% of this global trade is seaborne trade makes it imperative that the ports must have layouts and their infrastructure must be designed so as to carry out the functions projected and expected seismic response. While the port structures are designed, winds, currents, waves and seismic loads are taken into consideration. The infrastructures should be safe under these environmental loads. Port operations may stop when acceptable damage limits are exceeded. In such case depending upon the size of the port failing to provide services, local, national and global trade is likely to be obstructed. The recent occurence of large earthquakes around major ports has increased the significance of port designs. Huge port investments should require economic planning and design. Port structures need advanced design methods. In this study, a simplified dynamic analysis method is proposed to evaluate the magnitude and the phase variation of the dynamic thrust acting on the caisson type quay walls and to predict the seismic sliding displacement of caisson type quay walls by considering the variation of wall thrus

    Prevalence of Hypertension among High School Students in a Middle Anatolian Province of Turkey

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    Hypertension may lead to irreversible damages in vital organs, such as heart, brain, and kidney, and may cause death in children if treatments are not given despite early diagnosis. This cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted during 1 January–31 March 2004 to investigate the prevalence of hypertension among high school students. The study cohort included 1,041 students of six high schools, who were selected from among 14,789 students of 26 high schools in Sivas province of Turkey, using the cluster-sampling method. A questionnaire was used for collecting information from students on age, gender, smoking, and whether they or their families have any diseases. Blood pressure, height, and weight of the participitants were determined by the research group. Students whose repeated systolic or diastolic blood pressures were higher than the 95th percentile were considered to be hypertensive patients. Hypertension was prevalent among 4.4% (n=45) of the students. There was a significant correlation between prevalence of hypertension and body mass index. No significant correlation was found between prevalence of hypertension and other variables, such as smoking, age, gender, and family history of diabetes. The results suggest that hypertension is an important public-health problem among high school students. The results also showed that the body mass index was an important parameter in hypertension in such a study group. Researchers should consider overweight a causative risk factor for development of hypertension in early-onset groups

    Volunteer Surgical Camp at Gombe Hospital in Uganda

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    Background: The Islamic University Habib Medical School in Uganda (IUIU), in collaboration with Doctors Worldwide (DWW) from Turkey, organized a surgical camp in April 2014. In this camp, different types of hernia repair, among other general surgical procedures were conducted. The target population was the population within the Gombe hospital serving districts.Methods: The defined area for the surgical camp was Butambala and neighboring districts including Mpigi; Gomba, Mityana, and parts of Wakiso district. The IUIU team and Gombe hospital team were respectful to the sensitivities of the community, district and government officials. The surgical team composed of 4 surgeons (three from DWW-Turkey and one from Uganda), 3 Anesthesiologists, (two from DWW-Turkey and one from Uganda), 2 nurses and 2 intern doctor, (one from DWW-Turkey and one from Uganda).Results: The total number of patients operated was 115; however the total number of operations performed was 130. One hundred and fourteen operations were different types of hernia repair. The ages of hernia patients ranged between 1 and 80 years (mean±SD is 27.46±24.55). Hemoglobin values ranged between 9.2 and 17 (mean±SD is 12.5±1.48). Only two (1.8%) of 114 hernia patients had positive results on HIV serology. Sixteen patients underwent circumcision. Of those, only two (12.5%) patients had positive results on HIV serology.Conclusion: Hernia is a common surgical problem in all age groups. It is more common in men. In addition to the operations conducted, the need for surgery for 187 patients was detected. This condition shows that the hernia operation is commonly accepted as a negligible condition.Keywords: Global surgery; Provincial; Hernia; World Wide Doctors; Ugand