10,025 research outputs found

    Excessive Memory Usage of the ELLPACK Sparse Matrix Storage Scheme throughout the Finite Element Computations

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    Sparse matrices are occasionally encountered during solution of various problems by means of numerical methods, particularly the finite element method. ELLPACK sparse matrix storage scheme, one of the most widely used methods due to its implementation ease, is investigated in this study. The scheme uses excessive memory due to its definition. For the conventional finite element method, where the node elements are used, the excessive memory caused by redundant entries in the ELLPACK sparse matrix storage scheme becomes negligible for large scale problems. On the other hand, our analyses show that the redundancy is still considerable for the occasions where facet or edge elements have to be used

    Polarization Beam Splitter Based on Self-Collimation of a Hybrid Photonic Crystal

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    A photonic crystal polarization beam splitter based on photonic band gap and self-collimation effects is designed for optical communication wavelengths. The photonic crystal structure consists of a polarization-insensitive self-collimation region and a splitting region. TM- and TE-polarized waves propagate without diffraction in the self-collimation region, whereas they split by 90 degrees in the splitting region. Efficiency of more than 75% for TM- and TE-polarized light is obtained for a polarization beam splitter size of only 17 μm x 17 μm in a wavelength interval of 60 nm including 1.55 μm

    Fine-Tuning on the Effective Patch Radius Expression of the Circular Microstrip Patch Antennas

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    In this study, the effective patch radius expression for the circular microstrip antennas is improved by means of several manipulations. Departing from previously proposed equations in the literature, one of the most accurate equations is picked up, and this equation is fine-tuned by means of Particle Swarm Optimization technique. Throughout the study, impacts of other parameters (such as the definition of the fitness/objective function, the degree-of-freedom in the proposed effective patch radius expression, the number of measured resonant frequency values) are observed in a controlled manner. Finally, about 3% additional improvement is achieved over a very accurate formula, which was proposed earlier

    The effect of vascular graft and human umbilical cord blood-derived CD34+ stem cell on peripheral nerve healing

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    AIM: There are many trials concerning peripheral nerve damage causes and treatment options. Unfortunately, nerve damage is still a major problem regarding health, social and economic issues. On this study, we used vascular graft and human cord blood derived stem cells to find an alternative treatment solution to this problem. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used 21 female Wistar rats on our study. They were anesthetized with ketamine and we studied right hind limbs. On Group 1, we did a full layer cut on the right sciatic nerve. On Group 2, we did a full layer cut on the right sciatic nerve, and we covered synthetic vascular graft on cut area. On Group 3, we did a full layer cut on right sciatic nerve, and we covered the area with stem cell applied vascular graft. RESULTS: At the end of postoperative 8. weeks, we performed EMG on the rats. When we compared healthy and degenerated areas as a result of EMG, we found significant amplitude differences between the groups on healthy areas whereas there was no significant difference on degenerated areas between the groups. Then we re-opened the operated area again to reveal the sciatic nerve cut area, and we performed electron microscope evaluation. On the stem cell group, we observed that both the axon and the myelin sheet prevented degeneration. CONCLUSION: This study is a first on using synthetic vascular graft and cord blood derived CD34+ cells in peripheral nerve degeneration. On the tissues that were examined with electron microscope, we observed that CD34+ cells prevented both axonal and myelin sheath degeneration. Nerve tissue showed similar results to the control group, and the damage was minimal. © 2018 Ali Yilmaz, Abdullah Topcu, Cagdas Erdogan, Levent Sinan Bir, Barbaros Sahin, Gulcin Abban, Erdal Coskun, Ayca Ozkul

    Cosmological test of the Yilmaz theory of gravity

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    We test the Yilmaz theory of gravitation by working out the corresponding Friedmann-type equations generated by assuming the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological metrics. In the case that space is flat the theory is consistent only with either a completely empty universe or a negative energy vacuum that decays to produce a constant density of matter. In both cases the total energy remains zero at all times, and in the latter case the acceleration of the expansion is always negative. To obtain a more flexible and potentially more realistic cosmology, the equation of state relating the pressure and energy density of the matter creation process must be different from the vacuum, as for example is the case in the steady-state models of Gold, Bondi, Hoyle and others. The theory does not support the cosmological principle for curved space K =/= 0 cosmological metrics

    How Am I Doing?: Evaluating Conversational Search Systems Offline

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    As conversational agents like Siri and Alexa gain in popularity and use, conversation is becoming a more and more important mode of interaction for search. Conversational search shares some features with traditional search, but differs in some important respects: conversational search systems are less likely to return ranked lists of results (a SERP), more likely to involve iterated interactions, and more likely to feature longer, well-formed user queries in the form of natural language questions. Because of these differences, traditional methods for search evaluation (such as the Cranfield paradigm) do not translate easily to conversational search. In this work, we propose a framework for offline evaluation of conversational search, which includes a methodology for creating test collections with relevance judgments, an evaluation measure based on a user interaction model, and an approach to collecting user interaction data to train the model. The framework is based on the idea of “subtopics”, often used to model novelty and diversity in search and recommendation, and the user model is similar to the geometric browsing model introduced by RBP and used in ERR. As far as we know, this is the first work to combine these ideas into a comprehensive framework for offline evaluation of conversational search

    Learning Neural Point Processes with Latent Graphs

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    Neural point processes (NPPs) employ neural networks to capture complicated dynamics of asynchronous event sequences. Existing NPPs feed all history events into neural networks, assuming that all event types contribute to the prediction of the target type. How- ever, this assumption can be problematic because in reality some event types do not contribute to the predictions of another type. To correct this defect, we learn to omit those types of events that do not contribute to the prediction of one target type during the formulation of NPPs. Towards this end, we simultaneously consider the tasks of (1) finding event types that contribute to predictions of the target types and (2) learning a NPP model from event se- quences. For the former, we formulate a latent graph, with event types being vertices and non-zero contributing relationships being directed edges; then we propose a probabilistic graph generator, from which we sample a latent graph. For the latter, the sampled graph can be readily used as a plug-in to modify an existing NPP model. Because these two tasks are nested, we propose to optimize the model parameters through bilevel programming, and develop an efficient solution based on truncated gradient back-propagation. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets show the improved performance against state-of-the-art baselines. This work removes disturbance of non-contributing event types with the aid of a validation procedure, similar to the practice to mitigate overfitting used when training machine learning models

    Spinodal Instabilities in Nuclear Matter in a Stochastic Relativistic Mean-Field Approach

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    Spinodal instabilities and early growth of baryon density fluctuations in symmetric nuclear matter are investigated in the basis of stochastic extension of relativistic mean-field approach in the semi-classical approximation. Calculations are compared with the results of non-relativistic calculations based on Skyrme-type effective interactions under similar conditions. A qualitative difference appears in the unstable response of the system: the system exhibits most unstable behavior at higher baryon densities around ρb=0.4 ρ0\rho_{b}=0.4 ~\rho_{0} in the relativistic approach while most unstable behavior occurs at lower baryon densities around ρb=0.2 ρ0\rho_{b}=0.2 ~\rho_{0} in the non-relativistic calculationsComment: 18 pages, 7 figure