89 research outputs found

    How do young generations perceive gender differences?: A case study

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    There is a difference between sex and gender. Just as sex expresses biological differences, gender also refers to the difference created in mutual relations in social life. Different factors feed the perception of gender socially. Therefore, some stereotypes have developed between both sexes against each other. How these stereotypes emerged in the z-generation living in the internet age has been shown in this study through the sample taken. For this, the students were asked how they approached some stereotypes about their gender and the opposite gender, and the results were compared. In the questionnaire, there are multiple-choice questions and Likert scale-type questions. The differences between the students' answers were revealed statistically, and it was also examined in the SPSS program whether there were significant differences. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that although these students made significant progress on gender stereotypes, they still carry stereotypes on some issues

    An Offer to Expand the Scope of Guidance Activities in Schools: The Case of Obesity

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    One of the growing problems of humanity is overweight and obesity. According to the data of the World Health Organization, the rate of obesity in the human population has increased 3 times since 1975. This issue should be taken seriously, and public health policies should be developed in this regard. In addition, at the point of struggling with this issue, this study recommends the guidance programs applied in schools. Guidance programs of schools have emerged according to the needs of modern people and have been shaped in the process. It may be possible to find a solution to obesity, which is one of the growing problems of humanity today, by raising awareness from school age. As it can be seen in the sample school discussed in this regard, although guidance activities are common, it has been revealed that obesity is not on the agenda in any way. This study offers a proposal for addressing obesity in guidance activities

    A Review of the Aims and Principles of Guidance Activities in Schools

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    Guidance is the activities carried out by experts to find solutions to people’s problems and support their developmental processes. In order for these activities to be carried out correctly, some principles and objectives must be taken into account. The fact that all people need help in their developmental processes and that each person is a case is the most important principle of guidance. All activities are shaped around this principle. With the adoption of this principle, the help people need can be given more effectively. In addition, preparing people for the future as the modern world needs is the foremost aim of guidance

    An Offer to Expand the Scope of Guidance Activities in Schools: The Case of Obesity

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    One of the growing problems of humanity is overweight and obesity. According to the data of the World Health Organization, the rate of obesity in the human population has increased 3 times since 1975. This issue should be taken seriously, and public health policies should be developed in this regard. In addition, at the point of struggling with this issue, this study recommends the guidance programs applied in schools. Guidance programs of schools have emerged according to the needs of modern people and have been shaped in the process. It may be possible to find a solution to obesity, which is one of the growing problems of humanity today, by raising awareness from school age. As it can be seen in the sample school discussed in this regard, although guidance activities are common, it has been revealed that obesity is not on the agenda in any way. This study offers a proposal for addressing obesity in guidance activities

    Economic Impact of Online Education during Covid 19 Process on Students: Tishk International University Case

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    The Covid-19 process has brought many problems with it. This process has many negative effects on the education sector. One of these negative effects is the economic burden on students and teachers. In addition, this process, which has brought extra economic burdens to educational institutions in general, has deeply affected everyone in the sector. In order to see how this situation affected the students we discussed economically, a Likert scale questionnaire was applied to them. The results obtained showed that these students also had to face economic problems

    The relationship between oxidative stress and coronary artery ectasia

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    Background: Whereas coronary artery ectasia (CAE) is a rare abnormality of the coronary arteries, co-existent coronary artery disease (CAD) is commonly seen in CAE patients. Since a causative relationship has been shown to exist between oxidative stress and CAD, we sought to determine whether any relationship exists between oxidative stress and CAE. Methods: Fourty four patients with CAE (without CAD) and 86 controls (without any coronary disease) were recruited from among 1,520 patients undergoing coronary angiography. CAE subgroups were determined in accordance with the Markis classification system. Mean values for serum total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and the oxidative stress index (OSI) were statistically compared between these two study groups and among CAE subgroups, with p = 0.05 set as the threshold for statistical significance. Results: TOS and OSI were significantly increased (p = 0.018 and 0.0002) and TAS decreased (p = 0.031) in the CAE versus control group. TOS and TAS were independently related to CAE (p = 0.037 and 0.039), with an r2 of 0.127. Interestingly, however, among CAE subgroups, no differences were observed. Conclusions: Oxidative stress might be implicated in the pathogenesis of CAE. Clinically-defined CAE subgroups did not differ in terms of oxidative stress status. However, the clinical implications of these findings are unclear and warrant further investigation. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 5: 488-494

    E-Book Reading Genre Preferences of Teachers Teaching in Foreign Languages in Private Schools (Case Study / Iraq)

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    This study examines the electronic book reading preferences of teachers who teach their subjects in a foreign language in secondary school, high school, and university in terms of different variables. This study examines the teachers' electronic book reading interests, the types of books, and book reading pages regarding gender variables. In the research, a descriptive survey model was used. Descriptive analysis was carried out on large groups. The opinions and attitudes of the individuals in the group were taken, and the facts and events were tried to be described (Karakaya, 2012). The study was carried out with 23 teachers working in 3 different private institutions in the Kurdistan region of Iraq in the 2021-2022 academic year. According to the findings, teachers' e-book reading genres increased in subjects that appealed to their careers. The researchers found that the difference between male and female teachers' book preferences is worth examining. This study explored what types of fiction and nonfiction genres teachers prefer to read digitally when digital reading is popular worldwide. This study is expected to contribute to the subsequent studies in related literature

    Relation of leptin, adiponectin and insulin resistance to bone mineral density in type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women

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    Wstęp: Celem badania było porównanie zależności między stężeniami leptyny i adiponektyny oraz insulinoopornością a gęstością mineralną kości (BMD) u kobiet po menopauzie chorujących na cukrzycę typu 2 i u osób z niechorującej na cukrzycę grupy kontrolnej. Materiał i metody: Do badania zrekrutowano łącznie 76 kobiet po menopauzie, które podzielono na grupy obejmujące kobiety chorujące na cukrzycę typu 2 (n = 19) i bez cukrzycy (n = 19), u których wartość T score dla BMD kręgosłupa i/lub bliższego odcinka kości udowej wynosiło mniej niż -2 oraz chore na cukrzycę typu 2 (n = 20) i niechorujące na cukrzycę (n = 18) z prawidłowymi wartościami BMD (T score > -1). Kryteria wykluczenia obejmowały stosowanie leków przeciwosteoporotycznych, wiek ponad 65 lat, choroby lub terapie mogące wpływać na metabolizm kostny. U uczestniczek badania wykonano badania biochemiczne, oznaczono stężenia leptyny, adiponektyny i insuliny oraz oszacowano stopień insulinooporności HOMA. Wyniki: Nie zaobserwowano korelacji między niskimi wartościami BMD a stężeniami leptyny i adiponektyny oraz insulinoopornością. Stwierdzono jedynie odwrotną zależność między stężeniem leptyny a BMD kości udowej w obrębie trójkąta Warda. Wnioski: Konieczne są dalsze badania obejmujące dużą grupę chorych, aby ustalić wpływ stężeń leptyny i adiponektyny oraz insulinooporności na metabolizm kostny u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (5): 429–435)Background: Our aim is to identify the relation of leptin, adiponectin and insulin resistance to bone mineral density (BMD) in type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women and compare it with that experienced by nondiabetics. Material and methods: Seventy six postmenopausal female patients were included in the study. Postmenopausal type 2 diabetic (n = 19) and nondiabetic patients (n = 19) with spine and/or hip BMD T score lower than -2 were included in the study, and postmenopausal type 2 diabetic (n = 20) and nondiabetic women (n = 18) with normal BMD (T score > –1) were selected as control groups. Those receiving therapy for osteoporosis, over the age of 65, those who had a disease and were taking a medication that could affect bone metabolism were excluded. Biochemical tests, as well as leptin, adiponectin and insulin levels, were measured and insulin resistance was calculated using the HOMA test. Results: There was no correlation between low BMD and leptin, adiponectin and insulin resistance. There was only a negative correlation between leptin and femur Ward’s triangle BMD. Conclusion: Further large-scale studies must to be performed in order to analyse the effects of leptin, adiponectin and insulin resistance on bone metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (5): 429–435


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    Kamu hizmetlerinin kaliteli, verimli, dinamik, ileri görüşlü ve daha kaliteli bir şekilde yürütülmesi amacıyla stratejik yönetim yaklaşımının bu alanda da uygulanması gerekliliği kabul görmüştür. Türkiye'de kamu yönetiminde yeniden yapılanma çalışmaları devam etmektedir. Halkla iç içe bulunan belediye yönetimlerinin hızlı nüfus artışı nedeniyle elinde bulunan kaynaklarını daha etkin ve verimli kullanması gerekmektedir. Halkın bir arada yaşamasından doğan temel kentsel ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için belediyelerde yeni yönetim teknikleri uygulamaya başlamıştır. Çalışmamızda kamu ve yerel yönetimler uygulamaları açısından stratejik planlama üzerinde durulmuştur. Stratejik planlama ve yönetim kavramları genel olarak anlatılmış, yerel yönetimlerin yasal ve yönetsel yapısı değerlendirilmiştir. Fatih Belediyesince 2010-2014 yılları için gerçekleştirilen stratejik planlama çalışmaları, stratejik planlama hazırlama ilkelerine göre incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmalar sırasında karşılaşılan sorunlar analiz edilmeye ve çözüm önerileri geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır

    Analyses of Dye, Weaving and Metal Thread in Ottoman Silk Brocades and their Reproduction

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    Some Ottoman silk brocades samples were provided from Topkapi Palace Museum collection in Istanbul. In this study, an analytical method based on a RP-HPLC-DAD is developed for the identification of dyestuffs in the historical art objects. The extraction of dyestuffs from the silk brocades was carried out with hydrochloric acid / methanol / water solution. The most important dyestuffs detected were natural dyes apigenin, indigotin, carminic acid, ellagic acid, etc. dyes which are found in historical silk brocades. Analyses of historical samples were compared with analyses of unmordanted silk, mordanted silk, biological sources, silk dyed according to historical recipes and standard dyestuffs. The colour measurements values of the for historical textiles and reproduction silk brocades were measured by CIL*a*b*. The surface morphology and chemical composition historical silk brocades were investigated by FESEM-EDAX. The investigation showed that the metal threads were damaged most probably due to the uncontrolled environmental conditions. The detected metals as a result of EDAX analysis of the metal threads from the historical silk brocades are presented in this work. Weaving techniques of the Ottoman silk brocades were analyzed by the optical microscope. According to the results of dye, metal threads and technical analyses, yarns of the new brocades were dyed and weaved with same material, same conditions, same techniques and same dye sources. Reproduction silk brocades were compared with Ottoman silk brocades. Both of the reproduction and Ottoman silk brocades are same characteristically