200 research outputs found


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    1430 yılında Osmanlı egemenliğine geçen Selanik 1912 yılına kadar yaklaşık 482yıl Osmanlı egemenliğinde kalacaktı. Asya ile Avrupa kıtasının geçiş noktasında olan kentOsmanlı Devleti'nin Balkanlardaki en önemli limanı olacaktı. Ege Denizi'ne bakan Selaniklimanı, Akdeniz'den Karadeniz'e giden ve ticaret yapan uluslararası gemilerin güzergahlarıüzerinde bulunuyor ve gemiler Selanik'e uğramadan geçmiyorlardı. Süveyş kanalınınaçılışı ile Selanik kenti İngiliz malları için en kısa yolu oluşturmaya başlayacaktı. Sanayidevrimi, buharlı gemilerin ticari yaşamda etkin olarak kullanılmaya başlanması, Baltalimanı antlaşması ile birlikte Selanik dış ticarette daha önemli bir yer tutmaya başlayacaktı.Selanik limanını hinterlandına bağlayan demiryollarının yapılması ile hinterlandıyla dahasıkı ilişkiler kurmaya başlayacaktı. Limanın yapılması ile birlikte Selanik kenti ticari olarakgiderek önem kazanacaktı.Biz bu çalışmamızda Selanik limanının 20. yüzyıldaki deniz ticaretini ülkelere,ürünlere göre ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Beş büyük Osmanlı limanı içerisinde Selanik limanınınyerini belirlemeye çalıştık. In 1430 Selanik got under The Ottoman Empire's domination which lasted until theyear 1912, approximately 482 years. Being the midpoint of Asia and Europe, the city wasthe most important seaport of The Ottomans in the Balkans. Selanik Seaport was facing tothe Aegean Sea so it was on the route of international trade ships on their way to Blackseaand they never passed without stopping at Selanik seaport. With the openning of SuezChannal the city Selanik became the shortest way for British supplies. With the IndustrialRevolution, the use of steam-powered ships, and the Treaty of Balta Harbour, Selanik's placein international trade became more considerable. By the construction of railroads betweenthe Selanik harbour and its hinterland, it was attempted to better the connection betweenthe two. With the construction of the previously mentioned harbour, Selanik had earned theimportance it deserved. With this demonstration, we tried to show Selanik's trade in 20th century as sortedby countries and goods, and also tried to show the Selanik Harbour's place among five bigharbours of the Ottoman Empire


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    1522 yılında Osmanlı egemenliğine geçen Rodos adası 1912 yılına kadar yaklaşık 390 yıl Osmanlı egemenliğinde kalacaktı. Asya ile Avrupa ve Afrika kıtası arasında önemli bir konumda bulunan Rodos adası, Akdeniz'den Karadeniz'e giden ve ticaret yapan uluslararası gemilerin güzergahları üzerinde bulunuyor ve gemi acenteleri Rodos'a sık sık uğruyorlardı. Sanayi devrimi ve buharlı gemilerin ticari yaşamda etkin olarak kullanılmaya başlanması ile birlikte ticaret hız kazanacaktı. Balta Limanı Antlaşması ile birlikte Rodos adası dış ticarette daha serbest hareket etmeye başlayacaktı. 19. yüzyılın sonlarında İzmir ile bağlantılı ticaret yapmaya başlayan Rodos, 20. yüzyıl başlarında dış ticarette bir ivme yakalayacaktı. Biz bu çalışmamızda Rodos adasında 20. yüzyılın başlarındaki liman trafiğini ile ülkelere ve ürünlere göre deniz ticaretini ortaya koymaya çalıştık. In 1522 Rhodes Island got under The Ottoman Empire's domination which lasted until the year 1912 for approxiametly 390 years. Being positioned between Asia, Africa and Europe, Rhodes Island was on the route used by most of the merchant ships going from Mediterranean to Blacksea and shipping agents used to visit the island a lot. With the industrial revolution happening, commerce was sure to accelerate. After the Treaty of Balta Harbour was signed, Rhodes İsland was able to take action more independently. At the end of 19th century, the island started to trade correspondingly with Izmır and towards the ending of 20th century it has begun to accelerate in means of foreign trade. With this demonstration, we tried to show Rhodes Island's trade in 20th century as sorted by countries and goods

    A new species of <i>Cephalorhyncha</i> Adrianov, 1999 (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Aegean Coast of Turkey

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    Kinorhynchs are marine, microscopic ecdysozoan animals that are found throughout the world's ocean. Cephalorhyncha flosculosa sp. nov. is described from the Aegean Coast of Turkey. Samples were collected from intertidal zones at two localities. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by having flosculi in midventral positions on segment 3-8, and by differences in its general spine and sensory spot positions. Until now, species of Cephalorhyncha were only known from the Pacific Ocean, hence, this record of the genus at the Aegean Sea not only expands its geographic distribution to Turkey, but is likely to expand it throughout the Mediterranean Sea and much of southern Europe. The new species of Cephalorhyncha represents the fifth kinorhynch species recorded from Turkey, and increases also the number of known Cephalorhyncha species to four

    Bisfenol A’ya maruz kalan erkek Yeni Zelanda tavşanlarında punikalajinin potansiyel etkileri

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    The possible effects of punicalagin on some oxidant-antioxidant enzymes and biochemical parameters in bisphenol A (BPA)-treated rabbits were investigated. Animals were randomly divided into 4 groups, each containing 6 rabbits: Control (C; corn oil and distilled water), BPA (BPA; 20 mg/kg BPA in corn oil and distilled water), the punicalagin (PUN; corn oil and 2 mg/kg punicalagin in distilled water), and BPA-punicalagin (B+P; 20 mg/kg BPA in corn oil and 2 mg/kg PUN in distilled water) groups. Daily treatments continued for 9 weeks and doses were adjusted according to body weights measured for each week. At the end of the study, hematological, biochemical, and oxidant-antioxidant parameters were measured from blood and tissue samples. The difference in the levels of plasma bilirubin, albumin, total plasma protein, Mg, P, Ca, Na, K, and levels of glutathione peroxidase in plasma, liver, and kidney were non-significant (p>0.1). However, oral BPA administration adversely affected serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, amylase, lipase, CRP, and GGT concentrations. Likewise, malondialdehyde, catalase, and superoxide dismutase levels in the kidney and liver were also negatively altered by BPA (p<0.05). Significant improvements in these parameters were apparent in the B+P group. The data generated here showed that punicalagin possessed a beneficial impact on potentially reducing the possible toxic effects of BPA in rabbits.Çalışmada, BPA verilen Yeni Zelanda tavşanlarında punikalajininbazı oksidan-antioksidan enzimler ile bazı biyokimyasal parametreler üzerine olası etkilerin incelendi. Bu amaçla 2 hafta boyunca laboratuvar koşullarına alıştırılan tavşanlar, her grupta 6 tavşan olacak şekilde rastgele 4 gruba ayrıldı: Kontrol (C; mısır yağı ve distile su), BPA (BPA; mısır yağı içerisinde 20 mg/kg BPA ve distile su), punikalajin (PUN; mısır yağı ve distile su içerisinde 2 mg/kg punikalajin), ve BPA-punikalajin grubu (B+P; mısır yağı içerisinde 20 mg/kg BPA ve distile su içerisinde 2 mg/kg PUN). Uygulamalar 9 hafta boyunca günlük olarak yapıldı ve haftada bir kez yapılan tartımlara göre dozlar ayarlandı. Çalışma sonunda alınan kan ve doku örneklerinden hematolojik, biyokimyasal ve oksidanantioksidan parametrelerin ölçümleriyapıldı. Analizler neticesinde plazma bilirubin, albümin ve toplam plazma protein düzeyleri ile Mg, P, Ca, Na, K, seviyelerinde herhangi bir istatistiki farka rastlanmazken, farklı gruplardaki plazma, karaciğer ve böbrek glutatyon peroksidaz değerleri de önemsiz bulundu (p>0,1). Oral BPA uygulamaları serum kolesterol, LDL, HDL, amilaz, lipaz, CRP, GGT seviyeleri ile karaciğer ve böbrek dokusundaki malonildialdehit, katalaz ve süperoksit dismütaz seviyelerini olumsuz etkiledi (p<0,05). B+P grubunda ise bu parametrelerde önemli ölçüde iyileşme gözlendi. Elde edilen sonuçlar, BPA'nın erkek tavşanlarda yol açtığı olası toksik etkilerin punikalajin tedavisi ile önemli ölçüde düzeltilebileceğini gösterdi

    Effect of reactive oxygen species in cisplatin-induced apoptotic response of hct 116 colon carcinoma cells

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    In this study primarily response to CDDP administration in terms of cell viability was examined. For demonstration of cell viability in response to CDDP treatment, MTT Assay was used in the absence or presence of the antioxidant, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) pretreatment. It showed around 19% decrease in cell viability for wt and 21% for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 24h and 30μM CDDP. It also revealed around 72% decrease for wt and 31% decrease for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 48h and 30μM CDDP, yet in the presence of NAC the cell viability was found to be favoured by almost 20% for wt. To assess the extend of apoptotic response in the absence or presence of NAC pre-treatment Flow Cytometric Analyses by Annexin-V Labelling was applied. It revealed around 1.6 fold increase for wt and 2.4 fold increase for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 24h and 30μM CDDP, yet in the presence of NAC the apoptotic response was found to be repressed by almost 20% for wt and 40% for p53-/- It also showed around 4.7 fold increase for wt and 2.6 fold increase for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 48h and 30μM CDDP, yet in the presence of NAC the apoptotic response was found to be repressed by almost 57% for wt. The data showed that wt and p53-/- cells differed in cell viability depending on the dose of CDDP and antioxidant pre-treatment, indicating that some fraction of the apoptotic response was due to increased ROS levels. In addition, DCFH-DA was exploited as the label for ROS in Flow Cytometric Analyses. Flow Cytometry showed around 4 fold increase for wt and 3.2 fold increase for p53-/- at 24h and 30μM CDDP yet in the presence of NAC the increase of ROS was found to be repressed by almost 50% for wt. It also revealed around 5.2 fold increase for wt and 5 fold increase for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 48h and 30μM CDDP, yet in the presence of NAC the increase of ROS was found to be repressed by almost 66% for p53-/-. A second method, Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) Assay was used to gain more insight, this time in terms of lipid peroxidation. TBARS Assay revealed 8.4 fold increase for wt and 5.9 fold increase for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 24h and 30μM CDDP, yet in the presence of NAC the increase was found to be repressed by almost 75% for wt. It also showed around 1.5 fold increase for wt and 1.8 fold increase for p53-/- in the absence of NAC at 48h and 30μM CDDP, yet in the presence of NAC the increase was found to be repressed by around 13% for wt and 39% for p53-/-. Data acquired in this section indicated increased ROS and lipid peroxidation levels with CDDP treatment which could be overcome by NAC pre-treatment. In further experiments, OxyBlot™ procedure was applied to total protein isolates and also to the pro-survival proteins of the Bcl-2 family proteins, Bcl-2, Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL, fished out of the total protein suspensions via immunoprecipitation. The technique gave the picture of an increased protein carbonylation with increasing doses of CDDP (0, 30 and 60μM CDDP) and also exhibited that all three pro-survival proteins gave detectable carbonylation signal in the absence of the antioxidant and TP53 gene at 30μM CDDP, supporting the initial hypothesis of this work that loss of function of pro-survival proteins due to protein modifications contributes to apoptotic response in this experimental setup. These results were discussed in the light of intracellular signalling cascades, especially those related to apoptosis and intracellular oxidative stress. As CDDP was found to be inducing apoptosis via affecting the overall redox status of the cell and the concept of sensitization to CDDP treatment could be an interesting approach for possible future applications of this work

    Drosophila MUS312 Interacts with the Nucleotide Excision Repair Endonuclease MEI-9 to Generate Meiotic Crossovers

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    AbstractMEI-9 is the Drosophila homolog of the human structure-specific DNA endonuclease XPF. Like XPF, MEI-9 functions in nucleotide excision repair and interstrand crosslink repair. MEI-9 is also required to generate meiotic crossovers, in a function thought to be associated with resolution of Holliday junction intermediates. We report here the identification of MUS312, a protein that physically interacts with MEI-9. We show that mutations in mus312 elicit a meiotic phenotype identical to that of mei-9 mutants. A missense mutation in mei-9 that disrupts the MEI-9–MUS312 interaction abolishes the meiotic function of mei-9 but does not affect the DNA repair functions of mei-9. We propose that MUS312 facilitates resolution of meiotic Holliday junction intermediates by MEI-9

    Spatial and Temporal Profiles of Growth Factor Expression during CNS Demyelination Reveal the Dynamics of Repair Priming

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    Demyelination is the cause of disability in various neurological disorders. It is therefore crucial to understand the molecular regulation of oligodendrocytes, the myelin forming cells in the CNS. Growth factors are known to be essential for the development and maintenance of oligodendrocytes and are involved in the regulation of glial responses in various pathological conditions. We employed the well established murine cuprizone model of toxic demyelination to analyze the expression of 13 growth factors in the CNS during de- and remyelination. The temporal mRNA expression profile during demyelination and the subsequent remyelination were analyzed separately in the corpus callosum and cerebral cortex using laser microdissection and real-time PCR techniques. During demyelination a similar pattern of growth factor mRNA expression was observed in both areas with a strong up-regulation of NRG1 and GDNF and a slight increase of CNTF in the first week of cuprizone treatment. HGF, FGF-2, LIF, IGF-I, and TGF-ß1 were up-regulated mainly during peak demyelination. In contrast, during remyelination there were regional differences in growth factor mRNA expression levels. GDNF, CNTF, HGF, FGF-2, and BDNF were elevated in the corpus callosum but not in the cortex, suggesting tissue differences in the molecular regulation of remyelination in the white and grey matter. To clarify the cellular source we isolated microglia from the cuprizone lesions. GDNF, IGF-1, and FGF mRNA were detected in the microglial fraction with a temporal pattern corresponding to that from whole tissue PCR. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis revealed IGF-1 protein expression also in the reactive astrocytes. CNTF was located in astrocytes. This study identified seven different temporal expression patterns for growth factors in white and grey matter and demonstrated the importance of early tissue priming and exact orchestration of different steps during callosal and cortical de- and remyelination

    Evaluation of new Beckman Coulter 25(OH) Vitamin D assay and potential improvement of clinical interpretation

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    IntroductionThe aim of this study was to assess the analytical performances of the newly developed Access2 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) total immunoassay on two analysers, DxI800 and Access2 (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, USA), and compare these two and a recalibrated Modular E 170 25(OH)D assay (Roche Diagnostics, Penzberg, Germany) with reference liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with special emphasis on clinical diagnosis. Materials and methodsBeckman immunoassays were assessed for imprecision, accuracy, limit of blank (LoB), limit of detection (LoD), limit of quantitation (LoQ), linearity, interference, and carryover. One hundred and nineteen samples were run on DxI 800, Access2, and E 170, and agreement with the LC-MS/MS method was evaluated. ResultsDxI 800 and Access2 assays showed good performances in terms of LoB, LoD, LoQ, linearity, and interference. All immunoassays showed negative biases ranging from - 8.6% (DxI 800) to - 19.2% (Access2). DxI 800 and Access2 systems had proportional biases, and the E170 system had a constant bias with the largest random error. Concordance correlation coefficient values ranged from 0.941 (CI: 0.917–0.958) for DxI800 to 0.854 (CI: 0.811–0.889) for Access2. Kappa (κ) coefficients were found moderate for Dxl (0.709; CI: 0.581–0.837) and E170 (0.771; CI: 0.587–0.844) and fair for Access2 (0.572; CI: 0.428–0.716). ConclusionsAll immunoassays can be used in routine 25(OH)D measurements, still fairly diagnosing patients’ status. Recent standardization attempts seem not to contribute too much to clinical diagnosis. A clinical laboratory must at least be aware of its method to avoid misinterpretation of results

    A New Approach to Surgical Gowns

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    Emerging diseases such as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, SARS, and most recently the Covid 19 epidemic have increased the importance of hygiene in the world, bringing the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) to the forefront. An important part of PPE in healthcare is surgical gowns, which are worn by doctors and nurses in the operating room to serve a dual function of preventing the transmission of microorganisms and body fluids from surgical staff to patients and from patients to staff. This chapter presents the history and importance of surgical gowns. The factors to be considered in the selection of surgical gowns are discussed. The model characteristics and fabric properties of surgical gowns currently on the market and the environmental impact of reusable and disposable gowns are outlined. Finally, shortcomings in available gowns are discussed, a new knitted surgical gown design is introduced, and recommendations are given in the final section. The chapter provides broad coverage of surgical gowns for both experienced readers and those new to the field