196 research outputs found

    Development of a Respirable Dust Mitigation System for a High Longwall Face at Sihe Colliery in China – a Case Study

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    Dust is a major hazard in underground coal mines that threatens the work health and safety of coal miners. The dust issue becomes increasingly significant with the development of highly mechanized coal mining. This issue is particularly serious at the high longwall faces of the Sihe colliery in China as the concentration of dust, in particular respirable dust, at these faces far exceeds the regulatory dust limits. Field testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted to understand the sources of dust generation and its dynamic movement in the #5301 longwall face of high-cutting height at the colliery. The investigation results showed that shearer generated dust was minimal during the coal cutting operation; that face spalling and chock movement were the main dust generating sources, causing significant contamination to the walkway; and that the majority of dust particles from the face (regardless of source) eventually disperse into the main gate, where the dust concentration was greater than 500 mg/m3. These findings were used to develop an effective coal dust mitigation system involving the installation of dust scrubbers, curtains, and venture and crescent sprays. The results of CFD modeling indicate that the dust concentration could be significantly reduced by adopting the new dust mitigation system

    Symbol-Based Over-the-Air Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning

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    We propose an over-the-air digital predistortion optimization algorithm using reinforcement learning. Based on a symbol-based criterion, the algorithm minimizes the errors between downsampled messages at the receiver side. The algorithm does not require any knowledge about the underlying hardware or channel. For a generalized memory polynomial power amplifier and additive white Gaussian noise channel, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves performance improvements in terms of symbol error rate compared with an indirect learning architecture even when the latter is coupled with a full sampling rate ADC in the feedback path. Furthermore, it maintains a satisfactory adjacent channel power ratio

    Symbol-Based Over-the-Air Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning

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    We propose an over-the-air digital predistortion optimization algorithm using reinforcement learning. Based on a symbol-based criterion, the algorithm minimizes the errors between downsampled messages at the receiver side. The algorithm does not require any knowledge about the underlying hardware or channel. For a generalized memory polynomial power amplifier and additive white Gaussian noise channel, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves performance improvements in terms of symbol error rate compared with an indirect learning architecture even when the latter is coupled with a full sampling rate ADC in the feedback path. Furthermore, it maintains a satisfactory adjacent channel power ratio

    End-to-End Learning for Integrated Sensing and Communication

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    Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) aims to unify radar and communication systems through a combination of joint hardware, joint waveforms, joint signal design, and joint signal processing. At high carrier frequencies, where ISAC is expected to play a major role, joint designs are challenging due to several hardware limitations. Model-based approaches, while powerful and flexible, are inherently limited by how well the models represent reality. Under model deficit, data-driven methods can provide robust ISAC performance. We present a novel approach for data-driven ISAC using an auto-encoder (AE) structure. The approach includes the proposal of the AE architecture, a novel ISAC loss function, and the training procedure. Numerical results demonstrate the power of the proposed AE, in particular under hardware impairments

    Spectral Analysis of Hand Tremors induced during a Fatigue Test

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    In this paper, we analyze various kinds of hand tremors in the time and frequency domain, that are induced by performing a set of hand actions. We collected the tremor data using a simple, wearable accelerometer from 15 healthy individuals that had varying levels of athleticism. The overall results presented here show that the physiologic tremors in range of 8-14 Hz are most noticeable under fatigue

    Cooperative Localization with Angular Measurements and Posterior Linearization

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    The application of cooperative localization in vehicular networks is attractive to improve accuracy and coverage. Conventional distance measurements between vehicles are limited by the need for synchronization and provide no heading information of the vehicle. To address this, we present a cooperative localization algorithm using posterior linearization belief propagation (PLBP) utilizing angle-of-arrival (AoA)-only measurements. Simulation results show that both directional and positional root mean squared error (RMSE) of vehicles can be decreased significantly and converge to a low value in a few iterations. Furthermore, the influence of parameters for the vehicular network, such as vehicle density, communication radius, prior uncertainty and AoA measurements noise, is analyzed.Comment: Submitted for possible publication to an IEEE conferenc

    A Wearable, Low-cost Hand Tremor Sensor for Detecting Hypoglycemic Events in Diabetic Patients

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    Severe hypoglycemia leverages complication in diabetes patients: e.g., it increases death rate by a six-fold. Therefore, early detection and prediction of hypoglycemic events are of utmost importance. This publication presents a prototype of a wearable hand-tremor system that detects the onset of hypoglycemic events. The results show the prototype is capable of simulating anticipated frequency and amplitude of the tremor relevant for hypoglycemic events. The initial functional performance-tests demonstrate a maximum error of 4.75% in the detecting the tremor frequency

    City-level air quality improvement in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2016/17 to 2017/18 heating seasons: Attributions and process analysis

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    With the implementation of clean air strategies, PM_(2.5) pollution abatement has been observed in the “2 + 26” cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region (referred to as the BTH2+26) and their surrounding areas. To identify the drivers for PM_(2.5) concentration decreases in the BTH2+26 cites from the 2016/17 heating season (HS1617) to the 2017/18 heating season (HS1718), we investigated the contributions of meteorological conditions and emission-reduction measures by Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model simulations. The source apportionments of five sector sources (i.e., agriculture, industry, power plants, traffic and residential), and regional sources (i.e., local, within-BTH: other cities within the BTH2+26 cities, outside-BTH, and boundary conditions (BCON)) to the PM_(2.5) decreases in the BTH2+26 cities were estimated with the Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM). Mean PM_(2.5) concentrations in the BTH2+26 cities substantially decreased from 77.4 to 152.5 μg m⁻³ in HS1617 to 52.9–101.9 μg m⁻³ in HS1718, with the numbers of heavy haze (daily PM_(2.5) ≥150 μg m⁻³) days decreasing from 17-77 to 5–30 days. The model simulation results indicated that the PM_(2.5) concentration decreases in most of the BTH2+26 cities were attributed to emission reductions (0.4–55.0 μg m⁻³, 2.3–81.6% of total), but the favorable meteorological conditions also played important roles (1.9–25.4 μg m⁻³, 18.4–97.7%). Residential sources dominated the PM_(2.5) reductions, leading to decreases in average PM_(2.5) concentrations by more than 30 μg m⁻³ in severely polluted cities (i.e., Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Xingtai, and Beijing). Regional source analyses showed that both local and within-BTH sources were significant contributors to PM_(2.5) concentrations for most cities. Emission controls in local and within-BTH sources in HS1718 decreased the average PM_(2.5) concentrations by 0.1–47.2 μg m⁻³ and 0.3–22.1 μg m⁻³, respectively, relative to those in HS1617. Here we demonstrate that a combination of favorable meteorological conditions and anthropogenic emission reductions contributed to the improvement of air quality from HS1617 to HS1718 in the BTH2+26 cities

    Significant wintertime PM_(2.5) mitigation in the Yangtze River Delta, China, from 2016 to 2019: observational constraints on anthropogenic emission controls

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    Ambient fine particulate matter (PM_(2.5)) mitigation relies strongly on anthropogenic emission control measures, the actual effectiveness of which is challenging to pinpoint owing to the complex synergies between anthropogenic emissions and meteorology. Here, observational constraints on model simulations allow us to derive not only reliable PM_(2.5) evolution but also accurate meteorological fields. On this basis, we isolate meteorological factors to achieve reliable estimates of surface PM_(2.5) responses to both long-term and emergency emission control measures from 2016 to 2019 over the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), China. The results show that long-term emission control strategies play a crucial role in curbing PM_(2.5) levels, especially in the megacities and other areas with abundant anthropogenic emissions. The G20 summit hosted in Hangzhou in 2016 provides a unique and ideal opportunity involving the most stringent, even unsustainable, emergency emission control measures. These emergency measures lead to the largest decrease (∼ 35 µg m⁻³, ∼ 59 %) in PM_(2.5) concentrations in Hangzhou. The hotspots also emerge in megacities, especially in Shanghai (32 µg m⁻³, 51 %), Nanjing (27 µg m⁻³, 55 %), and Hefei (24 µg m⁻³, 44 %) because of the emergency measures. Compared to the long-term policies from 2016 to 2019, the emergency emission control measures implemented during the G20 Summit achieve more significant decreases in PM_(2.5) concentrations (17 µg m⁻³ and 41 %) over most of the whole domain, especially in Hangzhou (24 µg m⁻³, 48 %) and Shanghai (21 µg m⁻³, 45 %). By extrapolation, we derive insight into the magnitude and spatial distribution of PM_(2.5) mitigation potential across the YRD, revealing significantly additional room for curbing PM_(2.5) levels