28 research outputs found

    Existing Risks of Forest Fires in Radiation Contaminated Areas: A Critical Review

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    The purpose to highlight and focus on the most important risks of forest fires in radiationcontaminated areas, with some detailing of the problem in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ). The search strategy was to collect a sufficient number of relevant publications in ScienceDirect, PubMed, Mendeley, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar from 2006 to the present in English, Russian, Ukrainian. Requests were made on the topics "Forest fires in a radioactively contaminated area" and "Assessing the territories' radiation safety", as well as for the keywords of this study. Analysis of available open information about the CEZ was done. Although, in the future, temperatures are expected to rise in contaminated forests, and the amount of precipitation will remain the same or slightly decrease, which will contribute to an increase in the frequency of fires. Considering the socio-economic situation in Ukraine, the introduction of early detection systems is more profitable than the elimination of the consequences of such emergencies. Investigations have been studied, which were published after 2006 only in English, Russian, and Ukrainian. The most attention is paid to Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Despite the fact that a lot of studies are devoted to the study of the ecological situation in radioactively contaminated areas, many issues related to safety still concern the population living in this area. The reason for this is intermittent fires, which again and again cover large areas with smoke and cannot be extinguished for a long time. To eliminate anxiety, it is necessary to convey truthful information to the population in the most accessible and convincing way. It was a critical look at numerous studies in this area that made it possible to present concentrated information understandable for most segments of the population. The document concentrates on the most key problems of fires in radioactive forests, shows the intensity of the radionuclides impact on the population and the exposure ways, as well as the probable risks. Such information is necessary to reduce the psychological stress that can be caused by the media influence. Objectively understood situation promotes constructive action in extreme conditions and reduces the likelihood of panic

    Towards sustainable development in a transition economy: The case of eco-industrial parks in Ukraine

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    Sustainable development for transition economies is an opportunity to accelerate and complete socio-economic transformations and at the same time an additional responsibility in situations of instability and uncertainty. The chances for strengthening sustainability are growing within the organized innovation space, which makes it possible to model scenarios of ecologically oriented development and, with the help of state and international support, to start their implementation. The paper aims to analyze the possibilities and directions of creating eco-industrial parks in a transition economy. It uses an innovative helix model in its triple, quadruple and quintuple variations for functioning and sustainable development of industrial parks in Ukraine. The study adopts a descriptive comparative analysis of data on the planning and implementation of economic, primarily environmentally relevant, activities. Based on the analysis and description of exogenous factors, in particular within GEIPP, a SWOT table on the potential of eco-industrial parks was formed. The directions of development of industrial, technological, and scientific parks in Ukraine are determined using the quintuple helix model on the plane of “knowledge-innovation”, in particular on quadruple helix transition to sustainability through the simultaneous development of socially oriented and environmental activities. Within the legislation, it is proposed to approve a sustainable form of artificially separated innovation parks, namely the “eco-industrial park”. One of the conditions for advanced sustainable development in Ukraine is the creation of a national program to support the transformation of innovation parks into their environmental versions 2.0 and 3.0, as well as investing in greenfield eco-industrial parks

    Phases of the excitonic condensate in two-layer graphene

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    Two graphene monolayers that are oppositely charged and placed close to each other are considered. Taking into account valley and spin degeneracy of electrons we analyze the symmetry of the excitonic insulator states in such a system and build a phase diagram that takes into account the effect of the symmetry breaking due to the external in-plane magnetic field and the carrier density imbalance between the layers.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl


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    In the digital stage of world development, information is constantly expanding its facets. That is why the exchange of information is a leading component of constant change in life. Although humanity is gradually moving to the use of electronic technology, acoustic information still plays a key role in information circulation. This applies to official communication in public institutions up to the highest level, business contacts in commercial structures and private communication between people. The process of transmitting information in acoustic form has dangerous consequences. The use of appropriate devices, such as directional acoustic microphones or technical intelligence acoustic antennas, which may be outside the scope of the information activity, makes it possible to obtain unauthorized information that should not reach third parties. Therefore, the task of detecting and protecting information leakage channels, including acoustic ones, is gaining a new degree of importance every day. The protection of the premises or building, where acoustic information regularly circulates, provides a set of organizational and technical measures and means of protection of information circulation, taking into account the peculiarities of the location and arrangement of the object. This study involves the study of the dependence of the level of the acoustic signal on ways to prevent leakage of information through the acoustic channel, which includes vibration noise by means of technical protection and coverage of improvised materials (shielding) of enclosing structures of information activities (OID). The experiment determines the degree of influence of density, sound-absorbing properties of materials and their combinations on acoustic oscillations, the source of which is in the OID. The object of the study was a basic room, where the enclosing structures are walls with windows and doors, ceiling and floor. It is also worth noting that the acoustic signal measurements were not performed in complete silence, which directly affected the accuracy of the results. This step was taken in order to best reproduce the conditions in which criminals often work.У цифровий етап розвитку світу інформація постійно розширює свої грані можливостей. І тому обмін інформацією виступає провідною складовою постійних змін у житті. Хоча людство поступово переходить на застосування електронних технологій, акустична інформація досі відіграє одну із ключових ролей в інформаційному обігу. Це стосується службового спілкування у державних установах аж до найвищого рівня, ділових контактів у комерційних структурах та приватного спілкування між людьми. Процес передачі інформації у акустичній формі несе за собою небезпечні наслідки. Застосування відповідних пристроїв на кшталт акустичного мікрофона направленої дії або акустичних антен засобів технічної розвідки, які можуть знаходитись за межами об’єкту інформаційної діяльності, створює можливість несанкціонованого отримання відомостей, які не повинні потрапити до третіх осіб. Тому завдання із вияву та захисту каналів витоку інформації, в тому числі і акустичних, з кожним днем набуває нового ступеня важливості. Охорона приміщення або будівлі, де регулярно циркулює акустична інформація, передбачає комплекс створення організаційних та технічних заходів і засобів захисту інформаційного обігу, що враховує особливості розташування та облаштування об’єкту. Дане дослідження передбачає вивчення залежності рівня акустичного сигналу від способів запобігання витоку інформації акустичним каналом, до яких входить вібраційне зашумлення засобами технічного захисту та покриття підручними матеріалами (екранування) огороджувальних конструкцій об’єктів інформаційної діяльності (ОІД). Експеримент визначає ступінь впливу густини, звукопоглинаючих властивостей матеріалів та їх комбінацій на акустичні коливання, джерело яких знаходиться в ОІД. За об’єкт дослідження було взято базове приміщення, де огороджувальними конструкціями є стіни з вікнами та дверми, стеля та підлога. Також варто звернути увагу на те, що виміри акустичного сигналу виконувались не в цілковитій тиші, що безпосередньо вплинуло на точність отриманих результатів. Такий крок був здійснений для того, щоб якнайкраще відтворити умови, в яких найчастіше працюють зловмисники

    Logistics approaches to stabilization and development of tourism activities during the pandemic

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    The relevance of the problem under study is stipulated by the need to stabilize the market for tourist services in existing restrictions caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The purpose of the research: The purpose of the article is to develop integrated measures for the formation of transport and logistics clusters to increase the synergetic effect of the proposed activities aimed at raising the mobility level of potential consumers of tourist services. Methods of the research: The main research methods include predicting and simulating; they make it possible to consider the problem of forming the package of tourist and transport services as a process of targeted monitoring and optimization of tourist routs. Results of the research: The article presents the concept of creation of the network of transport and tourist clusters in Poland and its functioning; large rail carriers are the core of the clusters. Practical significance: The proposed models for the formation of a package of tourist services are aimed at increasing the synergetic effect for all cluster participants, as well as at the development of tourist activities during the pandemic

    Genetic characteristics of Poltavske sriblo rabbits by myostatin and progesterone receptor gene and selection indices

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    Background. Rabbit breeding is a branch of animal husbandry that produces cheap and high-quality meat products in a short period of time. Productive, maternal, reproductive and technological characteristics determine the economic efficiency of rabbit breeding under the conditions of full realization of the genetic potential of animals and a good fodder base. The main factor in the development of rabbit breeding is the increase in the number of animals, which is supported by improved maintenance, veterinary support and breeding practices. Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted on a population of rabbits (200 heads) of the Poltavske sriblo breed. After weaning at 45 days of age, the young were separated by sex and kept 3–4 animals in a cage. 3-month-old males were placed in individual cages until they reached the age of breeding use – 150–160 days. Rabbits were fed granulated compound feed: concentrated fodder, grass meal, feed additives of animal origin, minerals and premixes. Blood was taken from the ear vein. DNA was isolated using a standard commercial kit “DNA-sorb B” with some modifications. Wright’s F-statistic, including several F-coefficients of inbreeding, was used to assess the genetic differentiation of populations. Testing of the population according to the studied genes for Hardy–Weinberg genetic equilibrium was carried out using the Pearson χ2 test. To determine Poltavske sriblo rabbits’ breeding value, indices were calculated based on economic and beneficial traits, including genetic and economic values of individual traits. As a genetic parameter, the heredity coefficient of rabbits was used, and the economic one was the cost of the products produced. Results. The results of the peculiarities of Poltavske sriblo rabbits genetic structure analysis by the distribution of allelic variants of the myostatin gene and progesterone receptor in the context of genealogical lines are presented. It was found that the grea­test frequency of the C allele by the myostatin gene was in the descendants of the male Cooper (0.551). The frequency of the T allele in this sample of animals was 0.449, respectively. For Snowball’s line rabbits, higher values of the G allele by progesterone receptor gene (0.488) were noted due to the advantage of homozygous animals. The highest value of the effective number of alleles by the myostatin gene was characteristic of Cooper’s rabbit line (0.500), and the lowest – of Bach’s lines (0.215) and Barry’s lines (0.230). According to the progesterone receptor gene, the highest values of Ne were for the Cooper (0.500), Snowball (0.507), and Mini (0.511) rabbits, and the lowest values were for Fox (0.307). The influence of the rabbit genotype on the manifestation of economic and beneficial traits – average daily growth and fertility – has also been established. The use of the breeding value evaluation of the Poltavske sriblo breed rabbits according to the selection and genetic index according to the productivity of daughters, made it possible to single out the main males among the group, as fertilizers. Male fertilizers included Snowball, Long, and Mini. Conclusions. The obtained data can be used for selective and breeding practices in rabbit breeding with the aim of selecting breeders for the improvement of the meat productivity and reproductive ability of rabbits

    Management for Bachelors

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    The textbook contains educational module, which embraces the content of main regulatory disciplines on specialists training by the direction 6.030601 “Management” in the knowledge branch 03.06 “Management and administration” of the educational and qualification level “Bachelor”. According to the content the disciplines completely conform to curricula approved by scientific and methodological commission on management and agreed with logical and structural scheme of educational process. The textbook embraces almost all aspects of bachelor training. The chapters contain questions for self-control and list of recommended literature. While creating the chapters the results of fundamental and applied scientific researches of the evaluation branch, the forecasting and management of economic potential of complicated industrial system were used

    Механізми реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки в умовах інформаційного суспільства

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    У звіті здійснено теоретичне обгрунтування передумов формування і реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Механізми реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки в умовах інформаційного суспільства

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    У звіті здійснено теоретичне обгрунтування передумов формування і реалізації потенціалу дематеріалізації та ресурсозбереження національної економіки. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Мотиваційні механізми дематеріалізаційних та енергоефективних змін національної економіки

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    У колективній монографії розроблено теоретико-методологічні засади мотиваційних механізмів дематеріалізаційних й енергоефективних змін національної економіки. Удосконалено теоретичні засади дематеріалізації і зростання енергоефективності виробництва та споживання. Розроблено підходи до оцінки рівня та ефектів дематеріалізаційних й енергоефективних перетворень. Сформовано багаторівневі мотиваційні механізми, систему мотиваційних стратегій та інструментарій управління дематеріалізацією і зростанням енергоефективності. Розроблено організаційно-інституційну основу реалізації мотиваційних механізмів, науково обґрунтовано напрями їх імплементації в економіці України. Для фахівців з питань управління дематеріалізаційними та ресурсозберігаючими трансформаціями в економіці, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів природоохоронних та економічних спеціальностей.В коллективной монографии разработаны теоретико-методологические основы мотивационных механизмов дематериализационных и энергоэффективных изменений национальной экономики. Усовершенствованы теоретические основы дематериализации и рост энергоэффективности производства и потребления. Разработаны подходы к оценке уровня и эффектов дематериализационных и энергоэффективных преобразований. Сформированы многоуровневые мотивационные механизмы, система мотивационных стратегий и инструментарий управления дематериализацией и ростом энергоэффективности. Разработаны организационно-институциональные основы реализации мотивационных механизмов, научно обоснованы направления их имплементации в экономике Украины. Для специалистов по управлению дематериализационными и ресурсосберегающими трансформациями в экономике, преподавателей, аспирантов, студентов природоохранных и экономических специальностей