76 research outputs found
Peran Perawat Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pasien Peritonial Dialisis
AbstrakContinuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) merupakan salah satu terapi pengganti pada Penyakit Ginjal Tahap Akhir (PGTA). Empat area yang menjadi tanggung jawab perawat CAPD adalah predialisis, rawat inap, sebelum dan selama pelatihan CAPD, serta pada saat pasien di rumah. Merujuk pada empat peran perawat, yaitu sebagai praktisi, pengelola, peneliti, dan pendidik, maka peran perawat CAPD mempunya peran dan fungsi yang berbeda pula pada masing-masing area ini. Tujuan utama peran dan fungsi perawat di setiap area ini adalah agar layanan keperawatan yang diterima oleh pasien menjadi prima. Pada artikel ini dibahas peran perawat sebagai praktisi dan pengelola pelayanan keperawatan. Sedangkan dua peran lagi yaitu pendidik dan peneliti tidak dibahas. AbstractContinuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) is one of replacement therapy of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). CAPD nurse takes the responsibility in four areas. Those are pre-dialysis stage, during hospitalization, before and during peritoneal dialysis training, and patient at home. Refer to the roles of the nurses, as a care provider, manager, educator and researcher, CAPD nurse has a comprehensible role and function. This comprehensible role and function is also applied in this each area in order to get the better quality of life of the CAPD patients. In this article the role of care provider and manager are discussed. However, the other two, educator and researcher roles are not discussed
Penelitian mendapatkan gambaran “faktor-faktor berhubungan dengan Selfcare Behavior anak usia sekolah dengan talasemia mayor”. Penelitian merupakan penelitian cross sectional. Hipotesa yang dibuktikan adalah “Adanya hubungan antara Pengetahuan, Dukungan Sosial, Status Kesehatan, Usia, Jenis Kelamin, Lamanya Sakit dengan Selfcare behavior Anak Usia Sekolah dengan Talasemia Mayor”. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien usia sekolah dengan talasemia mayor di RSUPN. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, sejumlah 131 pasien. Instrumen berupa instrument pengetahuan, dukungan sosial, status kesehatan dan instrument selfcare behavior. Hasil menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan, dukungan sosial dengan selfcare behavior, dengan pengetahuan yang paling dominan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan pendidikan kesehatan tentang talasemia
Optimalisasi Supervisi Kepala Ruangan dalam Pelaksanaan Edukasi Personal Hygiene untuk Keluarga dan Pasien
This research aims to design an innovation that can improve the planning function of the supervision program by the head of the room by making educational videos for families and patients to create patient independence. The method used is the case study method. This research begins with studying problem identification, problem analysis, and prioritization of problems to be analyzed using fishbone. The next stage of the strategy will be planned by preparing a Plan of Action, and then implementation will be carried out. The results showed that the activities of bathing patients in bed were rare (52.9%), washing the patient's hair was rare (76.5%), care for feet, hands, and nails was rare (64.7%), care for eyes, ears, and nose was occasional ( 64.7%) and oral and dental care (brushing the patient's teeth) is rare (64.7%). In conclusion, fulfilling personal hygiene needs by nurses in the Depok Hospital inpatient room is in the not optimal category.
Keywords: Innovation, Personal Hygiene, Regular Supervision, Educational Video
Application of Acupressure in Reducing Pruritus Scale in Hemodialysis Patients
Pruritus is a common problem in patients with chronic kidney disease who undergo dialysis. It is characterized by an uncomfortable sensation that leads to scratching. Acupressure is a complementary method used to manage various symptoms and health problems, including pruritus. This study aims to identify the effect of acupressure at the LI-11 point in reducing pruritus in a hemodialysis patient. This study used pre-experimental research with pre- and post-test without control. This study occurs in a hemodialysis unit in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The sample was comprised of 19 respondents in the hemodialysis unit who met the inclusion criteria and completed the study. Respondents received acupressure in the LI-11 point two times per week for four weeks for a total of eight sessions. Data were collected using individual characteristics questionnaire, pruritus characteristics, and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pruritus. The data analysis used was a dependent t-test. The majority of respondents were male with duration of hemodialysis 5 hours, mean of age 53 years, mean of length of HD is 53 months, mean of Hb level is 9.67 gr/dl, mean of urea level is 117.05 mg/dl, mean of creatinine is 10.26 mg/dl. The results indicate that acupressure has a significant effect in reducing of pruritus scale (p-value 0,000). This study recommends nurses to be able to use acupressure therapy to reduce the scale of pruritus experienced by hemodialysis patients.
Keywords: acupressure, pruritus, hemodialysi
Remunerasi Perawat : Sebuah Telaah
Remunerasi adalah suatu imbalan dari suatu pekerjaan. Selain sebagai imbalan, remunerasi merupakan suatu penghargaan terhadap kerja yang dihasilkan. Remunerasi yang sesuai dengan hasil kerja yang diberikan dapat mencegah ketidakpuasan. Pekerja yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini adalah perawat. Perawat pelaksana dalam menjalankan tugasnya di Rumah Sakit mempunyai keunikan tersendiri sebab selain menggunakan ilmu juga menggunakan fisik.Oleh karena itu, imbalan yang diterima perawat belum tidak bisa menggunakan standar penggajian karyawan lainnya.Suatu kenyataan bahwa imbalan yang diterima perawat belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka.Beberapa saran diajukan sebagai pertimbangan dalam menentukan sistem termasuk standar remunerasi bagi perawat. Remuneration is a repayment of services. Besides as a repayment, the remuneration is a proposed reward for the output of work. The reasonable remuneration which is appropriate with the output of work can prevent the worker’s unsatisfaction, in this case, the nurse. Nurse as a direct care provider in performing their task in the hospital have a special uniquiness, because in addition to the application of knowledge the also actively involved physically. Therefore, the awarded repayment for nurses can’t utilize the payroll standard for other workers. Input, the repayment received by nurses still can’t meet the reasonable needs of their living expenses. Several recommendation are proposed as a consideration to determine the remuneration system including standard for nurses
Handover keperawatan di rumah sakit dapat berpengaruh terhadap hasil pelayanan kesehatan pasien. Handover merupakan bagian dari proses asuhan keperawatan sebagai pertukaran informasi pasien antar perawat, memastikan kontinuitas perawatan pasien, keselamatan pasien. Kepala ruangan memiliki fungsi melakukan supervisi pada proses handover, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap kualitas keperawatan, dan berpegang kepada etika keperawatan. Belum optimalnya pelaksanaan supervisi handover dianalisa menggunakan fishbone diagram untuk mendapatkan akar masalah/rootcause. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan supervisi handover keperawatan pada rumah sakit di Jakarta Selatan. Metodologi yang digunakan dengan metode wawancara, observasi, pengisian kuesioner dan telaah dokumen rekam medik pasien. Optimalisasi kualitas supervisi handover perawat dengan melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan handover, memerlukan instrumen sesuai dengan standar prosedur operasional atau standar akreditasi rumah sakit. Kepala ruangan perlu melakukan sosialisasi prosedur dan supervisi berkala pelaksanaan handover keperawatan, komitmen bersama mendukung program ini, menggunakan instrumen penilaian handover yang seragam, adanya audit dan evaluasi dari manajemen bidang keperawatan
Pelayanan Prima Keperawatan di Pelayanan Primer: Perspektif Perawat dan Pasien
This study aims to determine the perception of excellent service at Pandak II Public Health Center Bantul Yogyakarta. The method used is qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with providers and users of nursing services at the Puskesmas. The validity of the data is done by the triangulation method. The results showed that the themes obtained were: 1) giving a sense of pleasure; 2) friendly and attentive; 3) satisfying as expected; 4) promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services; 5) nursing education facilities; 6) limitations of two-way communication; 7) individual leadership and management style; 8) professional; 9) success of government programs; 10) regulation of the application of nursing care in primary care; 11) HR management; 12) time management; 13) friendliness, attention, speed, thoroughness. In conclusion, there are 13 themes perceived by participants related to excellent service in primary care.
Keywords: Patient, Primary Health Service, Excellent Service, Nurse, Public Health Cente
Optimalisasi Fungsi dan Peran Manajemen Keperawatan pada Level Kepala Ruang dalam Pendokumentasian Supervisi Berbasis IT
This research aims to optimize the role of the head of the room in implementing supervision with IT-based documentation at the Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital, Depok, which can then improve the performance of nurses which will influence the goals and vision of the hospital. This research method uses a case study approach with interviews, document review and observation, as well as carrying out problem analysis using fishbone analysis. The research results showed that when identifying the need to improve the implementation of tiered nurse supervision related to electronic-based documentation, improving supervision guidelines, SPO assessment formats, preparing schedules, socializing and testing electronic-based supervision instruments that had to be developed during the implementation phase. The evaluation phase requires support with monitoring and evaluation. Conclusion. This innovation in IT-based monitoring documentation received a positive response and was enthusiastically accepted by all management management levels in the hospital. So as to facilitate the implementation of supervision and can improve the quality of service.
Keywords: IT-Based Documentation, Service Quality, Clinical Supervisio
The Difference Between Bacterial Growth in Humidifier and Non Humidifier at the Patient Who Got Oxygen Therapy
Introduction: Humidifier is a device for delivering oxygen to the patients. Before using it, the humidifier tube should fill with sterile water. There was a recent study that administering oxygen less than five liter per minutes, the tube was not load with the sterile water. This research aim was to describe the difference between bacterial growth in the humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy. Method: The design was the analytic survey with purposive sampling method. The samples were 24 patients. They were divided into two groups. Group one, consisted of 12 patients with humidifier and the others with non humidifier. The instrument was culture equipments diagnostic test and observation guidance. The hypothesis was there was no difference bacterial growth existence in humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy. Result: The results showed that there was no significance difference of bacterial growth at time of zero hour (p=0.131). Meanwhile, there was significance different of bacterial growth at time of 12 hour (p=0.046), and time of 24 hour (p=0.046). There was also significance different between bacterial growth in humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy (p=0.010). Discussion : The conclusion is a non humidifier device could prevent bacterial and reduce nosocomial infection. It was recommended that hospital should use non humidifier and the humidifier had to disinfect and change the water every 12 hours
Bladder Training Modifikasi Cara Kozier Pada Pasien Pasca Bedah Ortopedi Yang Terpasang Kateter Urin
This quasy-experimental post-test only with control group study was aimed to examine the effect of bladder training using conventional method and modification of Kozier\u27s method which was viewed from pattern of voiding, complaint of voiding and the time needed to make voiding back to normal. The participants were taken randomly from the patients with urinary catheter that hospitalized in orthopaedic surgery ward in a hospital in Jakarta. Probability sampling with simple random sampling was used in this study. Chi-square test was employed to examine the different between pattern of voiding and complaint of voiding of treatment group and control group. Independent t test was used to examine the different of time needed in order to void back normally between treatment and control group. With alpha 0,01 for pattern of voiding and 1,00 for complaint of voiding, the result showed that there was no difference of voiding pattern and complaint between treatment and control group. However, there was a significant difference of time needed in order to void back normally between treatment group and control group, with α = 0,05. Therefore, health care institution should have a standard procedure of bladder training and nurses should conduct Kozier modified bladder training method before removing the urinary catheter
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