357 research outputs found

    Gendered Impression of Water Scarcity: The Impact of Water Scarcity on Women’s Lives From Gender Perspectives

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    This paper intends to examine the water crisis issue from the perspective of gender In order to accomplish this goal the article has first discussed a few challenges that are unique to women and girls as a result of their gender position in society After that I discussed the reasons why gender should be addressed in relation to water issues Secondary data were used for this research which was then followed by qualitative analysi

    Is Existing International Environmental Law Adequate in Addressing the Challenge of Global Climate Change?

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    The Honorable Senior Judicial Magistrate Farjana Yesmin, Senior Judicial Magistrate, Mymensingh, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Fellow, 2012-2013 Golden Gate University School of Law/International Women Judges Graduate Fellowship Program (LL.M. in Environmental Law)


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    Kompetensi pembelajaran IPS dibagi kedalam empat bagian yang saling berkesinambungan, yakni spiritual, sosial, pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Demi tercapainya kompetensi tersebut, usaha yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Pemilihan variasi media pembelajaran ini berlandaskan manfaat dan fungsinya yakni sebagai alat komunikasi antara guru dan peserta didik. Ketika komunikasi antara guru dan peserta didik berjalan dengan baik maka pesan dan tujuan pembelajaran lebih mudah dicapai. Penelitian ini mengkaji gambaran penggunaan variasi media dan kompetensi inti pembelajaran IPS serta melihat pengaruh variasi penggunaan media pembelajaran terhadap ketercapaian kompetensi inti pembelajaran IPS. Hasilnya menunjukkan variasi penggunaan media pembelajaran berpengaruh positif terhadap ketercapaian kompetensi inti pembelajaran IPS dengan skor loading factor sebesar 0.46, baik dengan pemanfaatan media cetak, media elektronik, maupun media realita. Ini didukung hasil analisis statistik deskriptif dan uji statistik hipotesis structural equality method (SEM). Secara lebih rinci digambarkan bahwa media cetak paling sering dipergunakan guru dengan persentase sebesar 94%, sedangkan jenis media yang paling berpengaruh pada ketercapaian kompetensi inti adalah media realita dengan skor loading factor sebesar 0.876. Sedangkan kompetensi inti yang paling tercapai dengan pemanfaatan variasi penggunaan media pembelajaran adalah kompetensi spiritual dengan persentasi sebanyak 97.9%, sedangkan berdasarkan pengujian statistik kompetensi keterampilanlah yang paling dipengaruhi variasi media pembelajaran, dengan skor loading factor sebesar 0.899.;--- Social studies learning competency is divided into four integrated parts, such as spiritual, social, knowledge and skill. In order to achieve those competencies, efforts that can be done are by using varied learning media. Choosing the varied learning media must be based on benefits and functions, namely communication media between teachers and students. When communication among them runs well then messages and learning indicators will be easily achieved. This research examines description of varied learning media concerning the achievement of social studies core competency by 0.46 loading factor score, it means that varied learning media concerning the achievement of social studies core competency. Which are not only utilizing printed media, and electronic media but also reality media. This study choses the quantitative methods which are based on descriptive statistical analysis result and structural equality model. Therefore, printed media are used often by teachers by 94%, as shown by detailed description. In the meantime, reality media have more influence in achieving core competency by 0.876 loading factor score. Research findings shown also that spiritual competency by 97.9% and skill competency which employed varied learning media based on statistical analysis can be accomplished by 0.899 loading factor score

    Biodegradable Biomaterials as Suitable Alternatives to Water Treatment Technologies

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    Nitrates and phosphates are essential nutrients for plants growth. Their excess presence in water, however, could cause eutrophication affecting the water quality and altering the aquatic ecosystem. Algal blooms and the presence of toxins such as microcystin in freshwater bodies are hazardous to humans, animals, and wildlife. Conventional technologies such as ion exchange, distillation, reverse osmosis, and bioreactors aid immensely to remove nutrients; however, they are expensive. Furthermore, building new nitrate and phosphate treatment units, maintenance and post-disposal are costly too. In this regard, there exists an unmet need for alternative processes that are renewable and cost-effective to treat contaminated water. Herein, a novel opportunity based on inexpensive and widespread polysaccharides, e.g. alginate, has been developed to capture nitrate and phosphate from water and improving water quality. Alginate beads have been prepared in the presence of divalent (Ca2+, Fe2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Sr2+) and trivalent (Al3+ and Fe3+) cations. The maximum absorption capacity of nitrate and phosphate by the alginate beads has been established using 5, 10, 25 mg/L of nitrate and 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/L of phosphate solutions. Results suggest that alginate beads are effective to capture nitrate and phosphate from solutions and the type of ionic crosslink ions has a significant influence on the total absorbed amount. A maximum (94.0 ±0.1)% of phosphate could be removed using the Al3+-alginate beads and (33.6±1.9)% of nitrates by the Fe3+-alginate beads. Further characterization of beads by FTIR and DSC reveal the influence of ions on the nitrate and phosphate absorption capacity by the alginate beads. Overall, this study successfully establishes the potential of polysaccharide beads to capture nutrients and improve water quality and opens a new window of opportunities to water treatment technologies

    Climate-Induced Migrations and Changing ‘Households’ in Bangladesh: An Analysis of New ‘Householding’ Structures from Gender Perspectives

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    Migration is influencing people s livelihood choices as well as their household arrangements in various ways This research aims to explore the livelihood changes and shifts in household structures and management systems among the families of migrating people through a gender lens In this qualitative research systemic literature review and content analysis methods have been used to fetch the secondary data for analysis The discussion section shows that losing traditional livelihoods men are shifting to day labour rickshaw pulling or other alternative sources of livelihood and women are increasingly engaging in agriculture garments or domestic work Therefore people s migration to other areas restructuring household structures This study found some emerging structures of households such as families of women with children grandparents with grandchildren or group living of working girls in their working areas These changing structures are also impacting gender roles and interactions within families as well as society Findings show that where male members migrate outside and or women engage in income-generating activities women enjoy more mobility bargaining and decision-making powers economic freedom and exercise their agency However the benefits of migration and new householding structures have some associated costs along with some dilemmas and subverting aspect

    Estimation of PV Output Power for Dhaka City

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    The daily output of PV panel has been estimated by calculating daily solar radiation. This calculation of solar radiation is necessary to estimate the PV output power on any particular day of the year for various applications. To run photovoltaic systems properly the estimation of PV output is also important. The output power of a PV panel can be estimated if the amount of solar energy incident on it, efficiency of the panel and its area are known. The area and the efficiency of a panel can be obtained from the manufacturer’s data. So, in this paper, a procedure to calculate the daily solar energy for any day of the year in any place has been developed first, and then, the estimation process of the PV output power is described. Keywords: PV System, Solar radiation,

    Comparison of inoculant media for sulfur-oxidizing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in canola

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe ability of rhizosphere microorganisms to influence plant growth is gaining considerable attention worldwide. Various studies have already proven the beneficial effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on different agricultural crops (Kloepper, 1993; Banerjee, 1995). Canola, like other oil seed crop has high sulfur demand. In recent years, several attempts have been made to utilize S-oxidizing microorganisms to meet plant S requirement and to substitute costly S fertilizer. But the success is variable, as the information on S-oxidizing PGPR is limited and the mechanisms also not yet fully understood. In many cases, no standard methods were followed and different inoculation media were used. The population density and activities of microorganisms could vary with the inoculation media. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of PGPR if any due to the difference in the commonly used inoculant media like seed, soil and elemental S fertilizer

    Consumer Awareness and Purchase Attitude Towards Green Products in Bangladesh

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    The concept of green products is not very old in Bangladesh. This research paper is an endeavor to examine consumer level of awareness and perception towards green products in Bangladesh. The data has been collected by interviewing a total of 192 respondents in Dhaka city through well structured questionnaire. An increasing number of consumers have adequate knowledge about green products features, majority of them view green products as healthy and safe. Consumers prefer to believe that green products are offering high quality over conventional products but they are not having any precise opinion about the excessive prices of green products. The research results also find out consumers’ disappointment towards the promotional measures taken by the marketer. This research will be a good cognizance for the marketers’ and will increase their seriousness to focus more on making consumer more aware about green products benefits and bring about the adoption of green products. Keywords: Global Warming, Green movement, Green Product, Conventional Product, Promotional Strategies, Availability, Purchase Intentio