9 research outputs found

    Система пожарной сигнализации подвижных объектов

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    Описано особливості розробки та експлуатації вітчизняної системи пожежної сигналізації рухомих об’єктів СПС-БГО.Specific features of design and operation of the SPS-BGO mobile objects fire alarm system is described.Описано особенности разработки и эксплуатации отечественной системы пожарной сигнализации подвижных объектов СПС-БГО

    Modern course of rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants

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    Изучена частота заболеваемости ротавирусным гастроэнтеритом у 1683 детей раннего возраста. Для клинического течения ротавирусного гастроэнтерита характерно сочетание катарального синдрома и поражения желудочно-кишечного тракта.Morbidity rate of rotavirus infection was studied in 1683 children till 5 years old. Clinical course of rotavirus gastroenteritis was characterised by catarrhal syndrome and intestinal inflammation

    Effect of hydrogen sulfide on the contractile activity of smooth muscle cells from the rat aorta

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    In preparations of rat aorta, used as a model of muscular type arteries, the method mehanografii studied the effect of hydrogen sulfide on the reduction of isolated of vascular smooth muscle. Found that hydrogen sulfide in concentrations 1—50 mmol increases the mechanical stress of smooth muscle in high-K + medium. At higher concentrations (300—1 000 mmol) H2S leads to lower amplitude giperkalievoy contraction in high-K + medium. Reduction of smooth muscle cells caused by phenylephrine inhibited the action of hydrogen sulfide in the whole range of concentrations. The causes of differences in data obtained with the results of studies in other laboratories, and possible mechanisms of action of hydrogen sulfide on the contractile activity of vascular smooth muscle

    Моделювання ступеня тяжкості і варіантів перебігу ротавірусної діареї у дітей

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    Под наблюдением находилось 3607 детей в возрасте от 9 дней до 5 лет с диагнозом «острый гастроэнтерит» и «острый гастроэнтероколит». Диарейный синдром наблюдался в 97,4 % случаев, рвота — в 87,2 %, катаральные явления — в 64,8 %. Заболевания у детей вызываются основными 5 генотипами ротавируса (G1Р8, G2Р4, G3Р8, G4Р8, G9Р8). Клинические манифестации ротавирусной инфекции тесно коррелируют с показателями лейкограммы, со скоростью оседания эритроцитов и выраженностью метаболического ацидоза. Наибольшая продолжительность диареи наблюдалась у пациентов, у которых ротавирусный гастроэнтерит был вызван штаммом с генотипом G1P8 (чаще встречался у детей старше 2 лет (t = 3,4; p < 0,01)). Разработана схема прогнозирования течения ротавирусного гастроэнтерита, включая наличие микстинфекции, для определения тяжести патологического процесса по специально разработанной шкале.We observed 3607 children aged from 9 days to 5 years with a diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis and acute gastroenterocolitis. Diarrheal syndrome was observed in 97.4 % of cases, vomiting — in 87.2 %, catarrhal phenomena — in 64.8 %. Diseases in children are caused by 5 major genotypes of rotavirus (G1R8, G2R4, G3R8, G4R8, G9R8). Clinical manifestations of rotavirus infection are closely correlated with leukogram, with erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the severity of metabolic acidosis. The greatest duration of diarrhea was observed in patients in whom rotavirus gastroenteritis was caused by a strain of genotype G1P8 (more common in children older than 2 years (t = 3.4; p < 0.01)). A scheme has been developed to predict the course of rotavirus gastroenteritis, including the presence of mixed infection, to determine the severity of the pathological process by specially developed scale.Під спостереженням перебувало 3607 дітей віком від 9 днів до 5 років із діагнозом «гострий гастроентерит» і «гострий гастроентероколіт». Діарейний синдром спостерігався в 97,4 % випадків, блювота — у 87,2 %, катаральні явища — в 64,8 %. Захворювання в дітей викликаються основними 5 генотипами ротавірусу (G1Р8, G2Р4, G3Р8, G4Р8, G9Р8). Клінічні маніфестації ротавірусної інфекції тісно корелюють з показниками лейкограми, зі швидкістю осідання еритроцитів і виразністю метаболічного ацидозу. Найбільша тривалість діареї спостерігалася в пацієнтів, у яких ротавірусний гастроентерит був викликаний штамом із генотипом G1P8 (частіше зустрічався в дітей старше від 2 років (t = 3,4; p < 0,01)). Розроблено схему прогнозування перебігу ротавірусного гастроентериту, включаючи наявність мікст-інфекції, для визначення тяжкості патологічного процесу за спеціально розробленою шкалою

    EAACI Position paper on the standardization of nasal allergen challenges

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    Nasal allergen challenge (NAC) is an important tool to diagnose allergic rhinitis. In daily clinical routine, experimentally, or when measuring therapeutic success clinically, nasal allergen challenge is fundamental. It is further one of the key diagnostic tools when initiating specific allergen immunotherapy. So far, national recommendations offered guidance on its execution; however, international divergence left many questions unanswered. These differences in the literature caused EAACI to initiate a task force to answer unmet needs and find a consensus in executing nasal allergen challenge. On the basis of a systematic review containing nasal allergen challenges of the past years, task force members reviewed evidence, discussed open issues, and studied variations of several subjective and objective assessment parameters to propose a standardized way of a nasal allergen challenge procedure in clinical practice. Besides an update on indications, contraindications, and preparations for the test procedure, main recommendations are a bilaterally challenge with standardized allergens, with a spray device offering 0.1 mL per nostril. A systematic catalogue for positivity criteria is given for the variety of established subjective and objective assessment methods as well as a schedule for the challenge procedure. The task force recommends a unified protocol for NAC for daily clinical practice, aiming at eliminating the previous difficulty of comparing NAC results due to unmet needs.status: publishe

    EAACI position paper on the standardization of nasal allergen challenges

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    Nasal allergen challenge (NAC) is an important tool to diagnose allergic rhinitis. In daily clinical routine, experimentally, or when measuring therapeutic success clinically, nasal allergen challenge is fundamental. It is further one of the key diagnostic tools when initiating specific allergen immunotherapy. So far, national recommendations offered guidance on its execution; however, international divergence left many questions unanswered. These differences in the literature caused EAACI to initiate a task force to answer unmet needs and find a consensus in executing nasal allergen challenge. On the basis of a systematic review containing nasal allergen challenges of the past years, task force members reviewed evidence, discussed open issues, and studied variations of several subjective and objective assessment parameters to propose a standardized way of a nasal allergen challenge procedure in clinical practice. Besides an update on indications, contraindications, and preparations for the test procedure, main recommendations are a bilaterally challenge with standardized allergens, with a spray device offering 0.1mL per nostril. A systematic catalogue for positivity criteria is given for the variety of established subjective and objective assessment methods as well as a schedule for the challenge procedure. The task force recommends a unified protocol for NAC for daily clinical practice, aiming at eliminating the previous difficulty of comparing NAC results due to unmet needs

    Abstracts of The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference; Medicine Pressing Questions

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference “MEDICINE PRESSING QUESTIONS”, III Satellite Forum “Public Health and Healthcare Politics” and The III Simulation Training “LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY” organized by NGO “Young Doctors of Azerbaijan” held on May 6-8, 2020, Baku, AZERBAIJAN. This abstract book contains few abstracts in English language and few abstracts in Russian language

    Abstracts of The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference; Medicine Pressing Questions

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference “MEDICINE PRESSING QUESTIONS”, III Satellite Forum “Public Health and Healthcare Politics” and The III Simulation Training “LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY” organized by NGO “Young Doctors of Azerbaijan” held on May 6-8, 2020, Baku, AZERBAIJAN. This abstract book contains few abstracts in English language and few abstracts in Russian language